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R 101404Z AUG 21 MID600050860896U 
ALNAV 056/21 
RMKS/1.  To our Sailors, Marines, civilian employees, and their families and 
loved ones: 
Today, together, we again embrace the most sacred duty  defending our nation 
and working to build a world more defined by peace than conflict. 
I join you as someone who loves the Navy who spent 26 years in uniform and 
another 17 striving to make sure you had the capabilities you needed to 
fulfill your mission effectively and safely.  Serving you as your 78th 
Secretary of the Navy is a high honor.  It also carries grave 
responsibilities to which I will dedicate all my skill and devotion. 
You should also know I have a bias for action. 
Our Navy and our nation face critical challenges on multiple fronts. 
Like Secretary Austin, I view our most pressing challenges as the four Cs - 
China, Culture, Climate, and Covid, and we need the resources and 
capabilities to address each now. China is determined to reduce our military 
superiority.  We will not let this happen.  We will deter China's aggression, 
protect our national security, and preserve the peace.  Our determination, 
our skill, and our courage will demonstrate our strength and conviction. 
Culture comes down to one goal.  Every Sailor and Marine of all races, 
genders, religions, and ethnicities must treat one another with dignity and 
respect.  This is not just about doing the right thing.  It is about ensuring 
our Navy and Marine Corps will be the most talented, most combat ready, most 
committed force possible. 
Climate change exacerbates every challenge we face, from naval installations 
to frequent deployments.  It is also a global struggle for resources that 
demands ingenuity and innovation.  It demands solutions that mitigate climate 
damage while ensuring our operational success and competitive edge. 
Lastly, we must combat Covid.  This means we must continue to vaccinate our 
naval forces with expedience.  If we are not vaccinated, we are neither 
deployable nor combat ready.  Immediately, the Navy and Marine Corps will 
make every effort to vaccinate and care for our force and defeat the scourge 
Covid has inflicted on our troops. 
Both our nation's security and your success as Sailors and Marines require 
your enthusiastic, unwavering commitment.  We will succeed or fail 
together.  Accordingly, with a leadership ethos forged as a Destroyer 
Captain, I will strive to be direct and transparent with you about what we 
need to accomplish together. 
Please know your safety and welfare will always be paramount to me, and I 
will work tirelessly with you to meet the challenges that lie ahead. 
To do this, we must possess the resources needed to expand our 
capabilities.  I will make that my top priority.  I am committed to ensuring 
you have the tools and training you need to succeed.  Just as I am committed 
to confronting our maintenance backlog, managing our operational 
requirements, and building our Navy of the future. 
When I began my Navy career over 40 years ago, as a midshipman at the U.S. 
Naval Academy, I looked up to then Secretary of the Navy Edward 
Hidalgo.  Like me, he was an immigrant to this nation and, like me, his 
experience taught him why the world needs a strong U.S. Navy.  Most of all, I 
understood that while I served our nation, he also served me. 
The same is true today.  I am your Secretary of the Navy focused on your and 
our collective promise to our Constitution and nation. 
We will succeed together.  It has never been more important that we do. 
Finally, a personal note.  My wife Betty and I well understand the sacrifices 
your loved ones make and how crucial they are to our success.  We are both 
honored to be back once again working shoulder-to-shoulder with you.  We look 
forward to getting out to the fleet and meeting you all soon. 
Full Speed Ahead. 
2.  Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// 

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