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Trump's Navy secretary debacle is about more than Modly's mistakes or Crozier's composure

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In a stunning series of events, a coronavirus health crisis among the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt was transformed into a leadership and public relations disaster for the Trump administration and the United States Navy. In roughly seven days, Capt. Brett Crozier, commander of the Roosevelt, was relieved of his command by acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly after sounding the alarm about the virus raging through his sailors; he was subsequently given a hero’s sendoff (captured on video). Next Modly traveled to Guam and delivered a profanity-laced speech to the Roosevelt’s crew (also captured on tape). After a massive backlash, Modly apologized and then resigned. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-s-navy-secretary-debacle-about-more-modly-s-mistakes-ncna1180806

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