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By Cmdr. Erik Wells, Sea Warrior Program (PMW 240) Public Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Navy launched an “eLeave” self-service tool capability within MyNavy Portal (MNP) Jan. 17, which allows CONUS-based Sailors to manage their ordinary leave using MNP.

“Allowing Sailors to easily manage their ordinary leave through MyNavy Portal’s eLeave self-service tool is the latest example of transforming how we deliver human resources – personnel, pay and training – services to Sailors,” said Vice Adm. Robert Burke, chief of naval personnel (CNP).

The new MNP eLeave feature does not replace the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) leave function, but provides Sailors another option to manage their ordinary leave.  All other forms of leave must still be completed in NSIPS.  Future updates of the eLeave self-service tool will incorporate OCONUS Sailors and provide additional leave options.

“When it comes to managing their careers, Sailors are asking for more control and more simplicity,” said David Driegert, program manager for the Navy’s Sea Warrior Program (PMW 240). “The eLeave self-service tool does this by letting CONUS based Sailors route their ordinary leave through their chain of command, request an extension or cancel their leave through an interactive dashboard.”

Sailors will also be able to check-in and check-out of leave, and view their leave balance.

“We are keeping our promise to Sailors to continuously deliver more options within MyNavy Portal that are interactive and user-friendly,” said Burke. “When fully developed, MyNavy Portal will be the single point of entry for Sailors to manage their career using accurate data from a single, reliable source within an intuitive, self-service environment.”

For more information about MyNavy Portal, Navy’s Manpower, Personnel, Training & Education (MPT&E) Transformation and Sailor 2025 initiatives, visit the CNP website at https://www.navy.mil/cnp/index.asp

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