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Guest AHLTA_Warrior


I am very new to this forum as far as posting goes, however I’ve found myself lurking in these forums for a few years either to get some gouge for CPO boards or MSC-IPP boards.


I am relatively close to achieving either (or both) of those milestones, and I wanted to start a dialogue with people who have gone through the process or have been selected for MSC-IPP (specifically PA).


Let me apologize in advance for being long winded. 



I am an IDC with 13 years in. Just completed my first tour as an IDC with 3rd Mar Div (did two deployments, some independent pay) and I am on my second tour at BHC Iwakuni, Japan. I had decided to go IDC for the PA route back in 2011, I was already an HM1 with a little college done. Originally I was going to try to shoot for the stars and do it without being an IDC, so some of the classes (A&P I/II, micro biology and biology I/II) were completed before attending IDC School. So I guess I have some extra classes in that regard. 


I took a brief hiatus and decided to shoot for the eMDP2 program instead of PA while I was stationed at 3d Marines, so I enrolled in George Washington University for their BS in Clinical Health Sciences… only to find out I was ineligible due to time in service being over 10 years… The good news is that I am nearly done with my degree now and I will be graduating in July of this year. The degree however does not cover any of the required courses (aside from over covering English and social science and adding some science courses), so essentially I kind of wasted my time away from going to PA school.

I have a few things that I am worried about and evals are one of them. I found it impossible to break out in division. I had 3 P’s in a row.


Strong write ups, but as an IDC I was planted in patient care and deployed constantly, making my bullets very weak compared to the quad zeros who were placed in the LPO position regardless of TIR or prowess in leadership. But I digress. Below is a snapshot of what I am going into. Another smaller worry that I have is that I might seem a little unfocused to the board with all these unnecessary classes and that having a Bachelor’s already might raise eyebrows.


Courses completed:

Taken at UMUC: (straight A’s)

Anatomy Physiology 1 and 2  8 credits.

Biology 1 and 2  8 cr

Microbiology  4 cr

Public speaking/ American History 6 cr (social sciences) 

English 101, Standard Grammar (English 203) 6 cr

Psychology 101 3 cr

George Washington University: (took 60 credit hours focused on health sciences, clinical practicums, heavy on social sciences as well, I won’t list all the courses for brevity) Straight A’s

Courses included: Pathology   3 cr, Bioethics  3 cr, Humanitarian relief operations 3cr, Healthcare management/ healthcare in the developing world, 2 classes, 6 cr total

**I still need Chemistry courses, algebra and my SAT. I will be hounding the forums to find the best colleges to complete Chem and Algebra in the near future.**


My past 5 evals go EP/P/P/P/EP. I will have a bachelors in health science in July, GPA is 3.996. I am 33 years old. No NJPs, Excellent or higher on all of my PRTs. Definitely no disciplinary or adverse information in my record whatsoever.


By my calculations, I will likely have to wait till FY19 to apply. I am maxed at TA already this year, and I will be paying out of pocket for Algebra pretty soon. I have not yet reached out for recommendation letters, and that is an area where I need coaching or better ideas.


With all of that information (sorry it was a lot) what are my chances of selection? I am fishing for advice as to what I can do to strengthen my package if anything. I am open to criticism; I would rather identify negative information now rather than learn the hard way in the future. If you see a weakness, or if you have pertinent questions that I am not answering please help me out. I am trying to improve so I have a strong package. This is all I want and I won’t stop until I get it! 


Thank you in advance for your help! Looking forward to contributing to this forum.


  • 4 weeks later...
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Guest Diver Dan

Hey Ahlta,

I can't really speak as to what the board will think of your varied educational directions or eval trouble, but I wouldn't sweat it too much. You've got some awesome classes under your belt and your GPA speak highly of your study ethic, and I'm sure your experiences in your write-ups make up for the poor rankings.


You have plenty of time to get the rest of your ducks in a row. For now, I'd focus on finishing up those last couple classes and working on your application (to include the personal statements, letters of recommendation, etc.) The Eval thing might be hit of miss, but as long as everything else is top notch I'm sure it's not a deal breaker. As far as colleges, make sure those classes are face-to-face and that the school is accredited. If you have any questions about school, email Ms. Kemp. She's the coordinator for the MSC-IPP program and could let you know if your planned college is good or not.


Also, this thread will probably be dead from here on out. The people you want to get together with are probably over on the FY 18 thread here:


I got picked up for the PA option so I'm going to get busy here pretty soon, but feel free to message me if you have any questions. I'm no expert by any means, but I'm about to be surrounded by a bunch of HM's that may have some better insight for you than I have. I plan of checking into these forms from time to time. Good luck!


Guest ankonam2002

It looks like the Navadmin will come out early this year

Guest Mills15

Looks like it came out today!


On 5/19/2016 at 9:08 PM, Diver Dan said:


Also, this thread will probably be dead from here on out. The people you want to get together with are probably over on the FY 18 thread here:

Okay, fixed it @Diver Dan thanks for the heads up... busy as heck. :)

Guest AlohaDoc
On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 11:19 AM, AHLTA_Warrior said:


I am very new to this forum as far as posting goes, however I’ve found myself lurking in these forums for a few years either to get some gouge for CPO boards or MSC-IPP boards.


I am relatively close to achieving either (or both) of those milestones, and I wanted to start a dialogue with people who have gone through the process or have been selected for MSC-IPP (specifically PA).


Let me apologize in advance for being long winded. 



I am an IDC with 13 years in. Just completed my first tour as an IDC with 3rd Mar Div (did two deployments, some independent pay) and I am on my second tour at BHC Iwakuni, Japan. I had decided to go IDC for the PA route back in 2011, I was already an HM1 with a little college done. Originally I was going to try to shoot for the stars and do it without being an IDC, so some of the classes (A&P I/II, micro biology and biology I/II) were completed before attending IDC School. So I guess I have some extra classes in that regard. 


I took a brief hiatus and decided to shoot for the eMDP2 program instead of PA while I was stationed at 3d Marines, so I enrolled in George Washington University for their BS in Clinical Health Sciences… only to find out I was ineligible due to time in service being over 10 years… The good news is that I am nearly done with my degree now and I will be graduating in July of this year. The degree however does not cover any of the required courses (aside from over covering English and social science and adding some science courses), so essentially I kind of wasted my time away from going to PA school.

I have a few things that I am worried about and evals are one of them. I found it impossible to break out in division. I had 3 P’s in a row.


Strong write ups, but as an IDC I was planted in patient care and deployed constantly, making my bullets very weak compared to the quad zeros who were placed in the LPO position regardless of TIR or prowess in leadership. But I digress. Below is a snapshot of what I am going into. Another smaller worry that I have is that I might seem a little unfocused to the board with all these unnecessary classes and that having a Bachelor’s already might raise eyebrows.


Courses completed:

Taken at UMUC: (straight A’s)

Anatomy Physiology 1 and 2  8 credits.

Biology 1 and 2  8 cr

Microbiology  4 cr

Public speaking/ American History 6 cr (social sciences) 

English 101, Standard Grammar (English 203) 6 cr

Psychology 101 3 cr

George Washington University: (took 60 credit hours focused on health sciences, clinical practicums, heavy on social sciences as well, I won’t list all the courses for brevity) Straight A’s

Courses included: Pathology   3 cr, Bioethics  3 cr, Humanitarian relief operations 3cr, Healthcare management/ healthcare in the developing world, 2 classes, 6 cr total

**I still need Chemistry courses, algebra and my SAT. I will be hounding the forums to find the best colleges to complete Chem and Algebra in the near future.**


My past 5 evals go EP/P/P/P/EP. I will have a bachelors in health science in July, GPA is 3.996. I am 33 years old. No NJPs, Excellent or higher on all of my PRTs. Definitely no disciplinary or adverse information in my record whatsoever.


By my calculations, I will likely have to wait till FY19 to apply. I am maxed at TA already this year, and I will be paying out of pocket for Algebra pretty soon. I have not yet reached out for recommendation letters, and that is an area where I need coaching or better ideas.


With all of that information (sorry it was a lot) what are my chances of selection? I am fishing for advice as to what I can do to strengthen my package if anything. I am open to criticism; I would rather identify negative information now rather than learn the hard way in the future. If you see a weakness, or if you have pertinent questions that I am not answering please help me out. I am trying to improve so I have a strong package. This is all I want and I won’t stop until I get it! 


Thank you in advance for your help! Looking forward to contributing to this forum.



I wouldn't sweat the evals too much or even the coursework you have completed so far. That is what will set you apart from other applicants. Not everyone is willing to go above and beyond the standard(completing a degree even though it isn't required for the PA option), which would work in your favor. I also completed my BS through GWU and I was selected this year and I don't feel like my evals made me seem invincible ( I don't have all EPs). Speaking to you as a Chief, having a P eval alone is not what is going to hurt you; it's mostly the write-up and what you have (or haven't) done outside your normal job. From first-hand experience, being an IDC is busy and it is often difficult to find time for community service, school, etc. and the board will see that (many of the board members are prior enlisted and some are former IDCs). So, if your write-up is good and you have done more than just your job, then I wouldn't worry about it. I do however recommend that if PA is really what you want to do, then you need to focus on the prerequisite coursework first. That was one of my mistakes, which is why it took me a while to meet the eligibility requirements. Also, focus on that SAT! The math almost killed me. I didn't get the score I wanted the first time, so I had to spend a lot of time studying (more time away from my family in addition to being on sea duty). Start early! If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.

Guest Diver Dan
On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 2:17 PM, AlohaDoc said:

 Also, focus on that SAT! The math almost killed me.

This! Haha.

Like AlohaDoc, I really took a bunch of time studying for it before I took it. I used a "Master the SAT" study guide I found on NKO, which worked great because it had practice tests and a subject-by-subject breakdown that helped me in my weak areas.

Guest Islanddoc

Is anyone having difficulty with the new IPAP application for the PA program?It seems like you have to submit your package both electronically and hard copy mailed in to Maryland. 

Guest Doc_Fish1379


I just recently found this forum while looking for information on the MSC-IPP program.  I was hoping to get some information on putting in a package and thoughts on what I could do to have a better chance.  Just a bit of background on me.  Currently with 2D MARDIV. I just applied for IDC school and am awaiting confirmation from that.  I plan on starting a package once I have had a few years in as an IDC.  My one concern is that all of my classes that I have taken have been online.  My GPA is average right now so I am working to improve that.  I have switched schools multiple times because I did not know what I wanted to major in.  From my understanding is that the science classes that are required have to be done in a classroom setting correct?  If not, what are some schools that I should look in to in order to complete those.  Thanks for all of the help.

  • 1 month later...
Guest BoxKicker


I had a question for those who are already working in the HCA career field. What is a typical career path for a HCA? Possible duty stations? Overseas tours?

I am very interested in applying for the program but don't really know much about what life could look like upon being commissioned.
I am an LS, 12 years in the navy, BS in Business, and I would like to specialize in logistics. I've tried to reach out to HCA's locally and talk to them but had little success in identifying who the right people to talk to are, so any help will be very appreciated.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Supa_Smooth

I don't think their are many people on this forum that are already in the community, however I just applied for MSC IPP HCA for the firs time this year.  I am pretty far outside the MSC community and found it difficult to find information for a while as well.  What I found worked for me was going to a local MTF or Medical Clinic and asked if I could talk to their health care administrator.  I asked around and a few people didn't even know if they had one.  Eventually one of the other officers knew what I was talking about and they directed me to the one they had on site.  I sat down with her and tried to soak up as much information as possible, but what jumpstarted my whole package was when she referred me to the closest hospital.  Their are many HCAs in each Naval Hospital, and the one I went to had a MSC internship program.  I basically went a couple times a week or whatever time I was able to devote to learning about the Medical Service Corps.  Eventually I believe they took great care of me and I was able to submit when they told me was a good package. 

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sub_doc743

I have a question for you guys.  I'm looking at applying to the MSC IPP PA program and I'm going to be pushing the age requirement.  I just need two classes that I'll be finishing this spring and summer.  Assuming that I'll have everything done, I don't know if I will hit the age requirement.  The instruction says that I have to be commissioned prior to age 42, but is this the completion of OCS at the end or at the time of selection for the program?  Everything I can find says appointment/commissioning.  So is the acceptance letter the appointment date or is it the OCS completion date? 

I'll be turning 37 this year in October and more than likely I'll be applying under the FY19 program which will put me at 39 by the time I apply.  Does anyone have any words of wisdom?  Thanks in advance!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ankonam2002

Does anyone has any information about the next step of the process after submitting the application?

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest AHLTA_Warrior

I really appreciate the advice guys. 

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Astrini

The board meets today!  Good luck all!


Guest falcon229

I'm applying to this years HCA direct accession board. I'm anxious for this board to convene. I'm checking to see if anyone that has applied to any past HCA boards could give any insight on what the board looks for? Is it GPA, experience, interviews, LOR's, etc? Or is it the entire packet/person? Also, I've been told from my recruiter that there are 17 slots this FY. Has anyone heard the same? 

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ankonam2002

What's going on? Any rumor in town about the results?

Guest BlueDiamondSailor8425

Hey All,

Anyone applying for the PA option this year? Quotas look pretty legit.

Guest Islanddoc


On 12/6/2016 at 11:27 AM, BlueDiamondSailor8425 said:

Hey All,

Anyone applying for the PA option this year? Quotas look pretty legit.

I am applying for the PA option as well. Did you apply ?

Guest BlueDiamondSailor8425
On 12/10/2016 at 2:51 PM, Islanddoc said:


I am applying for the PA option as well. Did you apply ?

Yep. Met all requirements this year and submitted. Think my package is good to go, the only part that I was a little shaky on was the Memorandum of Understanding. Just turned to my first week of IDC training and busted out the old Correspondence Manual.

Guest Islanddoc
4 hours ago, BlueDiamondSailor8425 said:

Yep. Met all requirements this year and submitted. Think my package is good to go, the only part that I was a little shaky on was the Memorandum of Understanding. Just turned to my first week of IDC training and busted out the old Correspondence Manual.

Good luck to you!

Guest BlueDiamondSailor8425
56 minutes ago, Islanddoc said:

Good luck to you!

Good luck to you as well! Trying not to get too caught up in the wait game, but my optimistic prediction is Dec 22.

Guest Islanddoc
6 hours ago, BlueDiamondSailor8425 said:

Yep. Met all requirements this year and submitted. Think my package is good to go, the only part that I was a little shaky on was the Memorandum of Understanding. Just turned to my first week of IDC training and busted out the old Correspondence Manual.

Good luck to you! More than likely January.

Guest ruby416
On 7/28/2016 at 3:20 AM, BoxKicker said:


I had a question for those who are already working in the HCA career field. What is a typical career path for a HCA? Possible duty stations? Overseas tours?

I am very interested in applying for the program but don't really know much about what life could look like upon being commissioned.
I am an LS, 12 years in the navy, BS in Business, and I would like to specialize in logistics. I've tried to reach out to HCA's locally and talk to them but had little success in identifying who the right people to talk to are, so any help will be very appreciated.

I was prior LS got picked up last year but for the direct commission program

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