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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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So get this, I know we're all waiting for 0900 tomorrow right? Well our CMC told us today that the CO has a meeting during that time and he won't put out the results until its over, around 1200 or 1300. SMH!

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So get this, I know we're all waiting for 0900 tomorrow right? Well our CMC told us today that the CO has a meeting during that time and he won't put out the results until its over, around 1200 or 1300. SMH!


Now he's just playing with your emotions.

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As for the final counting as an official PRT. Don't count on that. They did not count ours. (That's a lot of count's)


Another line item from CPO365:  "An official PFA will be conducted IAW OPNAV 6110.1J at the completion of Phase 2 to provide the Commanding Officer with necessary frocking information. Commands will perform the PFA in the Navy Physical Training Uniform (PTU)."


If it's official, it should count in PRIMS, should it not?

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Duty today suppose to be underway but let's say this ship needs work. Fuel pier then back to a unknown pier. And possible Thursday underway. Trying to figure a way to hide

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Guest amcreed

Our departmental LCPO is going to get the list from the CMC and put it out that way.  He gets to put out the good and the bad news....

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So get this, I know we're all waiting for 0900 tomorrow right? Well our CMC told us today that the CO has a meeting during that time and he won't put out the results until its over, around 1200 or 1300. SMH!

Seriously!  Everyone is counting down to the release time FOR the triad, but there's no telling how quickly it will get disseminated.

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UGGH! This waiting stuff is for the birds! I have no clue how they are putting this out tomorrow but the Mess has a meeting every week at 0900 Tuesdays...wonder if they are going to drag us all in there to let us know whats up?! Good luck everyone!

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The computer at work has me logged in when I come to the forum, and my computer at home, my phone as well from when I was having technical difficulties with my wifi at home...  As for the notification I'll see if I have any emails tonight when I get to work.  Probably CO giving phone calls like he did for some of the kids that made rank while on the last det I was on when E4-E6 results came out.

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Hubby has been a FCPO since Sept 2003. He's '96 year group technically he has one more shot after this, but by then he'll already need to be sending out his résumé. Pretty sure this is it for us, he will stay in for the extra time so he can retire as a chief if he makes it this time. But he won't if he were to make it next year, he doesn't want to take the quota from someone else at that point...we will see.

 just my .02 and that's a noble gesture but he is NOT taking a quota, he is claiming what he earned. I have known more than one who came in off terminal leave because they were selected. I am not saying I personally would return for it (although I just might have), and hopefully he gets it this year so that won't be a factor...but it is NOT "taking" it from someone else. :)

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Guest Sardog007

So, good luck to everyone tomorrow! I hope to see a lot of "S" post's on this site in the morning!


I'm going through a little situation now were I have to force convert, (at nearly 16 YOS), I know, I think it's crazy too. The official message hasn't come out yet , but I know it's coming soon, (within a week). I'm also board eligible this year.


Does anyone know if this would take my eligibiliy away or if I could have been on the list and then they see that I have to force convert and scratch my name off of it? Is this possible? Or does the list come out, and then they tell me I can't advance? Any one know of this happening? I know the list of selectee's goes to BUPERS to verify some requirements, like PFA stuff, clearanece stuff, etc., but I'm not 100% on if someone who has to force convert in the middle of a selection boaard. ugh!


Any Thoughts?

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Guest Msduval2u

Has anyone known anyone to go through Phase II after having a baby and still being in the "6 month waiver" window? This is my situation, just had a baby 3 months ago via c-section..... anyway, there is no real quidance on this.

Same rule still applies. You have 6 months after to "get in standards". You can participate but, they can't force you or deny what is rightfully yours if selected

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Guest Godhelpusall

Good day all and good luck to all of us tomorrow morning.

I have a quick question: Is being LPO on the squadron that deploys counted as LPO at Sea?

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Guest Msduval2u

I am not trying to get out of it, it is just that my command is trying to come up with some "plan" for me for the cycle, if I am selected. I feel like a "special case". I told them I want to go through what everyone else will be going through, but they are telling me  - no.

Well look at it this way, if you do the PFA and you fail, what happens? I spoke to a lot of women who had c-sections who say that the one part they have an issue with are the sit ups...practice your sit ups and if you are able to do the required amount, I say try and go for it...

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Guest Blondie

Good day all and good luck to all of us tomorrow morning.

I have a quick question: Is being LPO on the squadron that deploys counted as LPO at Sea?

I can't say for certain, but my understanding is "LPO at sea" means that you are an LPO while actually *deployed*, not just an LPO on sea duty.  Again, I don't know for sure.

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Guest Godhelpusall

I can't say for certain, but my understanding is "LPO at sea" means that you are an LPO while actually *deployed*, not just an LPO on sea duty.  Again, I don't know for sure.

That's what I thought. Thank you for your reply. Good luck to you!!

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