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New Method of Releasing Advancement Results  

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A new method has been implement with the ongoing release of the Senior Chief results. This consist of releasing the results to commanding officers via Bupers Online (BOL) first, with a subsequent release to the public 24 hours later.


I would like to hear your input, if any, about this new method; the good, the bad or the ugly; don't be shy.  :)


I like it. If and when I make Chief, I think its gonna be pretty cool to find out from my LCPO or CMC instead of social media


There should be a smoother method to contact Sailors. Use the Dept LCPOs and conduct a recall, saving SOQ/SOY/superstars for the triad to notify directly.

Guest Blondie

It seems like the process  of having the triad notify selectees is a good idea, but only if they actually follow through.  There was a lot of talk on the SCPO topic yesterday of folks having to track their leadership down to get them to check, nobody in the command being notified, etc.


I was all for this old "new" way (yes I said old "new" way) of releasing the results but now it seems as if some commands are releasing them as soon as they get them and some are playing these idiotic games.  There were people waiting past 1400 yesterday to see if they made it or not. That's ridiculous.  The list will be out before some triads release them.


I was all for this old "new" way (yes I said old "new" way) of releasing the results but now it seems as if some commands are releasing them as soon as they get them and some are playing these idiotic games.  There were people waiting past 1400 yesterday to see if they made it or not. That's ridiculous.  The list will be out before some triads release them.


Exactly, and it may backfire for those "control freaks" as they revert back to the other method. 


I see another situation where the person is at a joint command and no one is authorized BOL login at that command! Are there other situations that have put a negative kink in this new method?

Guest amcreed

It sounds great on paper to give the command Triad the ability to tell Sailors they were selected for advancement, but it isn't being executed well.  I'm at a command of about 1000 people.  When they did the advanced notification of the E-4 through E-6 advancements, the CMC put the selections out to the DLCPO and DEPT heads.  Some put it out immediately to their Sailors, while others waited.  PO INDOC was going on and I walked into a room of Sailors were some of them knew they did or didn't make it, while others had no idea.  Sailors at Joint commands are hung out to dry and I personally, prefer to find out that I didn't make it on my own.  We are in the information age.  These junior Sailors are used to having any and all information at the tips of their fingers.  Why take that ability away from them?  Just so the command leadership gets to know who advanced before the individual?  So,all and all, I'm not for it.


I think another big factor is the location of the triad when results are released. I know when the E-4/5/6 results were coming, our CO was off the ship and we they were held until he came back onboard so he could announce the results. All while other boats across the pier from us already had notification.


Really, it should have fallen on the XO to announce it. That's what the chain of command is for...  :)



I think we need to give this time though before we get the angry mob of potential selectees pushing back at Big Navy


well, I have my pitchfork ready just in case, just pm me...  :D



I think Big Navy will get this process worked out though


and I'm sure the right people read these threads...  :ph34r:


I like bringing back the old school method. I still remember the joy I had when the CO called my name on the 1MC when I made 3rd class and the entire mess deck had to cheer for all the selectees. My only suggestion would be for BOL to be prepared when results are about to be released and be more reliable. This will help Sailors in commands without navy leadership to be able to view their status as soon as results are released.

Guest Senior Chief Boats

I believe the results should be released to the triad and individuals together on the same day via BOL.

Guest NukeET1FCFL

All in all, I agree. I remember when I heard my CO announce the names the cycle I made 1st Class. He started reading off the non-select list first, that was incredibly awkward, you heard him on the 1MC and then there was an audible pause/sigh followed by the skipper stating "I apologize to all of the personnel I just read off, those were non-selects", he then read off the list of selects and of the 4 personnel in my division that took the first class test 3 of us advanced with the other one being one of 5 total in the Navy that didn't advance that cycle.


That is definitely something I would not want to happen to anyone and I felt very bad for my CO that day. 


I do like the idea of the "Triad" being notified when the results will be coming out. Especially with regards to E4 through E6 advancement results. I think the biggest thing the Navy could do to alleviate the amount of lost time as personnel are anxiously awaiting results is to provide a set date that results will be posted/published to Commands.  This will save Millions of Man-Hours/NMCI Bandwidth in wasted time/money by personnel looking for the resuts in the days/weeks preceding result release. I know for me as a CPO Board Eligible for several years I have spent many hours "during my off time of course" looking up any and all sources of possible advancement information release. This site being the saving grace of sanity in that we can at least discuss our thoughts and feeling on the anticipation.


My thoughts,



Guest amcreed

It's official.  NPC FORCE WEEKLY 16-20 JUNE states "In the future, we intend to authorize advance notification for all CO/XO/CMCs (24 hours prior to public release) for Selection Board Results via BOL."  That means Chief results are going to be done the same way as Senior Chief results this year and from here on out until they change it again.

Guest NvyG8tr

My vote is to continue to have the Triad provide the promotion information to the Sailors rather than them finding out via Social Media. They need to work out the bugs and ensure that they do their due diligence for all the Sailors the ones that made it and those that did not... This is where the COC can truly reach out to the Sailors, it’s going to take some work but it’s worth it, at least it has been to me…

                I have to say that finding out from the CO, XO or even CMC is the best way that I have learned about getting promoted. When I found out that I was selected for Chief I was on watch in Radio and I was told that the XO wanted to talk to me… At that point I was not even thinking that the results were out or even that I would make it. I was thinking that the XO wanted to talk to me about something that I did or something happened to one of my Sailors. What he wanted to tell me made me so happy because I found out first and that was the best way to find out… We kind of had an unwritten rule at that command it was that if you made Chief the CO or XO would contact you to congratulate you first and if you received the call from the CMC then it was a call of condolence and strong words of encouragement to continue working hard and leading Sailors around you.

                This year I’m on deployment and read that they were going back to the old way of notify the Sailors of advancement, that the COC Triad were going to have the results first I was pretty stoked because if I found out I wanted to be the one to tell my wife rather than her find out through some form of Social Media or something else, (which really made the difference since I'm deployed). Well I got the call from the CO and he asked how I was doing and that he was going to make my day a lot better and informed me that the results were out, “Congratulations Senior Chief”.

                I then sent a message to my wife to let her know and she was able to Facetime with me to share a plethora of built up emotions and some tears. The feeling was priceless; I just wish that my family could have been with me when the CO frocked me…

Guest ewith1999

There are positives and negatives to both ways of announcing selection.  It was great to hear that the results were out and find out myself online, but I think it shows great support from my leadership to hear about selection from them instead.  That said, I hope that is the case and I hear it from my leadership asap and that I don't hear "hasn't your leadership contacted you yet?"   

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm surprised the reservists aren't fighting mad on this thread


This process has great intentions however for the reserve side of the house it has been a nightmare to say the least. There are countless sailors still awaiting word from their respective Triad at this current hour. With this being the case these sailors are possibly going to find out selection from a public release which is the process this current one was supposed to replace. The Navy needs to deep dive into this issue with the reserves so we don't have sailors left in the dark.

Guest GaEM1

I believe having the command notify the Sailor is a great idea, but I believe there are flaws in the system when it comes to the reserve Sailor, which I am one.  The CO may be on the road in his civilian job or working an off shift that allows him to see the numbers at midnight (although I would take that call at 1205 am any day).


I believe giving the CO authority due to circumstances or by choice to allow the CPO Mess to handle the calls would be best for the Sailor.  This may already be true but since I do not know all the stipulations of the change I can not say.


Hopefully we will all know sometime today and will not go through the weekend not knowing.

Guest AME1

I have to agree that it's nice for the Navy to give some power back to the commands.  I was on det in San Diego when the E4-E6 results came out, and the CO called the people on det to let them know.  This Airman that made 3rd was stoked about making it, and was a little blown away that the CO called her to let her know.  On ther hand I'd rather find out on my own the result of the CPO board, but if I eventually get selected before I retire it wouldn't be so bad to get notified by the CO.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest itdominance

Triad doesn't bother me. When I made second the first time we were out at sea I was Radio WSUP on a DDG as a third. I pulled the printout of the list (NAVMACS 2) and saw all the selectees. That was old school.

Guest LCarp3

Hello all, I am new to this forum and l enjoy the chance to get everyone's perspective. In my opinion, the triad is great, but the Sailor should have the ability to see if they were advanced or not without having to hear from the triad. I feel that way largely because of some of the scenarios that have been mentioned here. Personally, it doesn't matter to me how I get the news, so long it is in a timely fashion. The waiting period between test and results is long enough as it is...especially for PO1s up for Chief. Does anyone know if the results are on BOL upon release to the triad? I would imagine not...

Guest itdominance

FTR Here is my triad:




SEL or civilian admin rep




gotta love small commands.

  • 9 months later...
Guest FMFman

I have just recently taken a position that allows me to have the Triad results, and it has given me the great honor of notifying my Sailors of their success and of course the heartache of when they do not.


This concept was in place years ago when I came up through the ranks and due to social media the Navy thought it was wise to just send the results out to the individual when they were ready.


This caused much heartache with leadership in general not to mention the Triad.


Being a leader is not easy and it is what separates the good Sailors from the everyday Sailor.  So when you have mentored a junior Sailor through their career and you have the ability to notify them that their tireless work has paid off in the form of a promotion it creates great pride to say that is my Sailor.  On the other aspect if they do not get selected, it allows you to form some plan prior to talking to them. What did we miss, what do they need to work on, how do we make them a better candidate for the next timeframe.


So with all of my rambling, I say Yes! I am in favor of this new/old system.

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