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This forum contains news of interest to Enlisted Sailors and their family about the United States Navy in general, scuttlebutt, current events, political, and news that may not fit in other categories but is related to, or may impact Navy personnel. News sources may come from the Navy or from the commercial media. Additionally included is a sub-forum related to official Navy policy.


  1. Navy Policy, Guidelines and Official Statements

    This forum covers BUPERS & NPC news, and Navy ALNAVs & NAVADMINs messages regarding policies, guidelines and other official statements. This might be some good read for career minded Sailors & supervisors who should be aware of these Navy policies.


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    • Navy Medicine in The Age of Sail: Health & Medicine At Sea
    • CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 111532Z MAR 25 MID120001781650U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 051/25 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/FY-26 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY AND NAVY RESERVE COMMAND SENIOR CHIEF SCREENING BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/DOC/CNO/16JUL21// AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1306.2K, COMMAND SENIOR ENLISTED LEADER PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following Active Component (AC) members who have been selected for rating conversion and assignment as a Command Senior Chief (CMDCS) by the Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Screening Board, which convened 4 February 2025. NAME (LAST FIRST MI) RATE PARENT COMMAND Andrews Tacara DNCCS NAVTALACQGRU RICHMOND Bailey Oliver IV HMCS LHD 2 ESSEX Banuelosgonzalez Jorge A LSCS FLEET AIR SIGONELLA DET AIMD Brooks Ackeola O MMCS CVN 69 EISENHOWER Brown Joshua C ATCS HSM 70 Bruzon Alberto NMN NCCS COMNAVSURFLANT COMMON SUPP DIR Burch Eric M ATCS FLTREADCEN SOUTHWEST CPF Burns Kimberly R PSCS COMNAVSPECWARCOM Carter III Jimmie L ATCS SEN ENLISTED ACADEMY NEWPORT RI Castillo Randy I RSCS LPD 28 FORT LAUDERDALE Clark Ray C ASCS CVN 68 NIMITZ Clarke II Leauwandeau M DCCS AFLOATRAGRUMIDPAC PH Cobb Eddie L ATCS VX 9 DET EDWARDS Colvin Michael D RSCS NAVSUPPFAC DIEGO GARCIA Cruz Wilson R CSCS CVN 72 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Dirk Eric C CUCS PWD SAN DIEGO Donadio Michael J HMCS 2D DENTAL COMPANY Dunbar Daniel L OSCS LCS CREW 208 Dy James S LSCS BEACHMASTER UNIT 1 SHORE Ellis Adam W MACS CNIC SECURITY ASSESS AND TRAIN Ellis Charles JR R ABHCS LHD 8 MAKIN ISLAND Elsen Keenan L AMCS HSC 8 Euceda Jennie M LSCS AFLOATRAGRUMIDPAC PH Footdale Matthew J HMCS SUBTRAFAC NOR FLT TEAM TRNG Foote Alison S OSCS LCS CREW 209 Fuller David P MACS COMNAVSPECWARCOM Furman Tyler J MMCS DDG 84 BULKELEY Gibson Amber L LSCS NAVSUP FLT LOG CTR SIGONELLA Givens Travious D MMCS SOUTHWEST REGIONAL MAINT CTR Gomez Elvis J QMCS LCC 19 BLUE RIDGE Gomez Wendy J MACS NAVSTA NORFOLK SECURITY DET Guzman Anthony NMN ASCS LHA 6 AMERICA Hall Troy E MMCS LPD 29 RICHARD M MCCOOL JR Harris Sean L LNCS NAVMED TRNG SUPPORT CMD Hemphill Ashton O ABHCS CVN 73 GEORGE WASHINGTON Herndon Ryan E RSCS LSD 49 HARPERS FERRY Hersey Malinda K ITCS MOBILE TACTICAL OPS CTR ELEVEN Hooper Stuart M DCCS NAVY SERV SUPP ADV TRNG CMD Hope Shamar L CSCS COMFLTACT YOKOSUKA JA Huntt III Thomas J AMCS VX 1 Jeanpierre Jason NMN GSCS COMDESRON 7/MARITIME STF Johnson Jr Randy J ATCS VFA 87 Jones Andrea K OSCS DDG 128 PCD NORFOLK Jones Marcus I OSCS COMPHIBRON 11 Jostes Brian A EOCS NAVCONBRIG DET CHESAPEAKE VA Killian James E STGCS SCSTC DET PACNORWEST EVERETT Klamar Nicholas S HMCS HSC 28 Laureano Ramon L MACS SWFLANT KINGS BAY GA Matlock Robert J LSCS DDG 100 KIDD McDowell Adam C FCACS DDG 97 HALSEY Mcglothin Nicholas L OSCS ASSAULT CRAFT UNIT 2 Meador David E AMCS FLT LOG MLT MSN SQN THREE ZERO Messinger Claudia J MACS SWFLANT KINGS BAY GA Ming Peter D AECS HSC 2 Morrison Michael R STGCS AFLOATRAGRUMIDPAC PH Newburry Rusty D GSCS DDG 120 CARL M LEVIN Oswald Matthew T STGCS CVN 74 JOHN C STENNIS Pierre-lys Christalyn L MMCS COMNAVSURFGRU SOUTHWEST SEA Prewitt Jaret H MNCS NMCPAC EAST ASIA DIVISION Rainaldi Kevin J ADCS VFA 143 Ramirez Javier M LSCS LPD 26 JOHN P MURTHA Rathbun Jerami A DCCS LHD 2 ESSEX Reese Davion D GMCS MSRON TWO Reyna Jesse NMN STGCS DDG 63 STETHEM Rojasalvarez Victor M MMCS CVN 77 GEORGE H W BUSH Rourick Anthony M LSCS CVN 68 NIMITZ Ruff Christopher J CSCS NAVAL BEACH UNIT SEVEN Scott Jr Anthony G CSCS NAVCONBRIG CHARLESTON SC Sheard Milton IV NMN CSCS LHD 7 IWO JIMA Streeter Preston D MACS LHD 1 WASP Thomas Larry M MACS COMFLTACT OKINAWA SECURITY Torres Palani M AWOCS VP 5 Tyson Timothy R CSCS ESB3 GOLDMILCREW Velazquez Johnny R STGCS STU SCSTC SAN DIEGO CA Walter Jonathon T MACS COMNAVREG JAPAN Washington Jarrod C ADCS VP 9 Williams Jason T ABECS CVN 68 NIMITZ Winter Charles T NCCS COMNAVSPECWAR GROUP FOUR Workman Paul R MTCS CNAF WEST TRAINING TEAMS SHORE Wright Recardo M EMCS MCM MAINTENANCE DET BAHRAIN Zara Ian O HMCS 1ST MAW IWAKUNI 2. AC Senior Chief Petty Officers (SCPO) converting into CMDCS rating will be converted upon release of this screening message and are immediately no longer eligible for promotion in their source rating. SCPOs shall verify rating conversion via their Enlisted Service Record (ESR) on NSIPS. If rating conversion has not reflected within 10 days of results release, members are advised to contact the AC CSEL Enlisted Community Manager (ECM). SCPOs will be required to contact the AC CSEL detailer to negotiate for orders and to request a quota for the Command Master Chief/Chief of the Boat (CMC/COB) Course. Once a CMDCS is in receipt of orders, they must obligate the required length of service within 30 days. Failure to OBLISERVE within the prescribed 30 days, will result in immediate cancellation of orders. CMDCSs will not be awarded the 8CSC NEC, nor wear the CMDCS identification badge, until they have successfully completed the CMC/COB course. 3. Congratulations to the following Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR)/Selected Reserve (SELRES) members who have been selected for rating conversion and assignment as a Command Senior Chief. NAME (LAST FIRST MI) RATE PARENT COMMAND TAR/SELRES Burks Felton L LSCS LPD 24 ARLINGTON TAR Cataldo Christopher M LSCS COMNAVSURFPAC TAR Debrie Bryan A AOCS HM 15 TAR Dunn Devandreon S ITSC COMNAVRESFORCOM NORVA TAR Rodriguez Silvester HMCS H&S CO 4TH MED BN TAR Summy Zachary M ATCS FRCR MW DET FORT WORTH TAR Moscon Desiree A HMCS HQ MARINE FORCES RESERVE TAR Hanley Christine M ISCS MOB ACC WIESBADEN GER SELRES Parra Dionicio G GMCS MSRON ONE SBC DELTA SELRES Timm Patrick T ITNCS SENIOR ENLISTED ACADEMY SELRES 4. TAR/SELRES SCPOs converting into CMDCS rating will be converted upon release of this screening message and are immediately no longer eligible for promotion in their source rating. SCPOs shall verify rating conversion via their ESR on NSIPS. If rating conversion has not reflected within 10 days of results release, members are advised to contact the TAR/SELRES CSEL ECM. SCPOs will be required to contact their respective TAR or SELRES CSEL Detailer to negotiate orders and a CMC class quota. Once a CMDCS is in receipt of orders, they must obligate the required length of service within 30 days. Failure to OBLISERVE within the prescribed 30 days, will result in immediate cancellation of orders. CMDCSs will not be awarded the 8CSC NEC, nor wear the CMDCS identification badge, until they have successfully completed the CMC/COB course. 5. Selectees should contact their respective POC: AC CSEL Detailer POC is CMDCM Amanda Davis, Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM) PERS-40FF at 901-874-4560, DSN 882-4560, email amanda.l.davis62.mil@us.navy.mil. AC CSEL ECM POC is ISCM David Stanton, NAVPERSCOM PERS-32 at 901-874-2880, DSN 882-2880, email david.m.stanton2.mil@us.navy.mil. TAR CSEL Detailer POC is CMDCM Morgan R. Jones, NAVPERSCOM PERS-4012 at 901-874-3257, DSN 882- 3257, email morgan.r.jones.mil@us.navy.mil. SELRES CSEL Detailer POC is PSCS Rashida Jackson, Navy Reserve Forces Command COMNAVRESFORCOM) N121 at 948-223-6108, email rashida.t.jackson.mil@us.navy.mil. TAR/SELRES CSEL ECM POC is PSCM Nikita Maher, NAVPERSCOM PERS-35 at 901-874-2918, DSN 882-2918, email nikita.n.maher.mil@us.navy.mil. 6. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//
    • CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 111504Z MAR 25 MID120001781580U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 050/25 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/FY-26 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY AND NAVY RESERVE COMMAND MASTER CHIEF SCREENING BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/DOC/CNO/16JUL21// AMPN/REF A IS OPNAVINST 1306.2K, COMMAND SENIOR ENLISTED LEADER PROGRAM.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following Active Component (AC) members who have been selected for rating conversion and assignment as a Command Master Chief (CMDCM) by the Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Selection Board, which convened 4 February 2025: NAME (LAST FIRST MI) RATE PARENT COMMAND Altamirano Christian P DCCM CVN 72 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Anzaldo Geraldo NMN OSC CVN 78 GERALD R FORD Arnstein Adam C AVCM VP 40 Arredondo Jr Christopher E HMCM NAVAL LDRSHIP & ETHICS CMD SD Buckley Dexter C ETVCM PCU SSN 797 IOWA Buss Jordan A SOCM SEAL TEAM 10 Campbell Henri D FCCM SR ENLISTED ACADEMY NEWPORT RI Clarke Joshua J MMACM SSN 761 SPRINGFIELD Cook Frank S FTCM NAVY DATA COMMAND YOKOSUKA DeGannes Nyron E CBCM NAV MOB CONST BATTLION ELEVEN Dopson IV Clair V ETVCM SSN 762 COLUMBUS Dorsey Braylon M CBCM NAV CONST REG 30 Durand Jack NMN MMACM SSN 725 HELENA Fortner Anthony G EMNCM NPTU CHARLESTON BOS Gaillard Jonathan T AVCM LHD 4 BOXER Gorham Ashley N ISCM CIWT CORRY STA PENSACOLA FL Green Jacob A CSSCM SSN 767 HAMPTON Gregory Brooks R MACM CVN 77 GEORGE H W BUSH Hallahan Justin M CBCM NAVFAC EURAFCENT Hogan Daniel T SOCM NAVSPECWARGRU TWO DET GERMANY Hollingsworth Aquinor ITCM CVN 77 GEORGE H W BUSH Jacome Ray A FTCM SSN 752 PASADENA Knopp Jack H SOCM SPECIAL RECON TEAM TWO Kyser Christopher D ITRCM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN Leggins Damon M DCCM CVN 68 NIMITZ Magbag Alexander RSCM CVN 73 GEORGE BUSH Manyo Russell A SBCM DEVGRU Martel George A SOCM SEAL TEAM 10 McCann Sean E SOCM SEAL TEAM 18 Morphis Lucas R SOCM SEAL TEAM 7 Moulthrop Christoper D STSCM SSBN 735 PENNSYLVANIA GOLD Olin Christopher W ETVCM SSBN 739 NEBRASKA BLUE Pascal James NMN RSCM COMNAVSURFLANT Potter John D DCCM CVN 73 GEORGE WASHINGTON Purdum Christopher A STSCM UUVGRU ONE DET VENTURA Queenlacombe Frank C CBCM NAV MOB CONST BATT 3 Raines Stephan H STSCM SSBN 732 ALASKA GOLD Ramirez Roberto NMN EODCM EXPL ORD DISPL MOB UNIT 11 Richey Erik R MMNCM MTS 701 CHARLESTON SC Rivers Terrence J AVCM VFA 22 Rosario Mark D MMACM SSBN 740 RHODE ISLAND GOLD Savoy Shaven L ABCM LHD 8 MAKIN ISLAND Shaffer Daniel A AWRCM RTC GREAT LAKES Shelly Mark E ETVCM SSN 776 HAWAII Shelton Robert A ITRCM SSN 756 SCRANTON Sherman Daniel J CBCM UCT 1 SHORDU COMP Smith Christopher J TMCM SSBN 743 LOUISIANA BLUE CREW Stephens Derrick D CBCM NAVY MOBILE CONST BATT 1 Struble Gerald M TMCM SSGN 728 FLORIDA BLUE Talbot Sean T MMNCM MAINT TRNG GROUP DET YOKOSUKA Turner Chelsea L HMCM EXPED MED FAC 150 KILO Urso Justin P TMCM SSN 758 ASHEVILLE Volack Vincent G ITNCM SSBN 741 MAINE GOLD Wandell Robert S EODCM CEODD DET GREAT LAKES IL Wolfe II Paul D SOCM COMNAVSPECWAR GROUP ONE SEA Yaung David NMN CSCM LHD KEARSARGE 2. AC Master Chief Petty Officers (MCPOs) selected by the CMDCM selection board shall make contact with the AC CSEL Detailer to negotiate for orders and to request a quota for the Command Master Chief/Chief of the Boat (CMC/COB) Course. Once a CMDCM is in receipt of orders, they must obligate the required length of service within 30 days. Failure to OBLISERVE within the prescribed 30 days, will result in immediate cancellation of orders. MCPOs selected by the CMDCM screen board will have their rating changed to CMDCM after the 8CMC Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) is awarded following completion of the CMC/COB course. MCPOs shall make contact with the AC CSEL ECM upon graduation from CMC/COB Course to change their rating. 3. Congratulations to the following Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR)/Selected Reserve (SELRES) members who have been selected for rating conversion and assignment as a Command Master Chief. NAME (LAST FIRST MI) RATE PARENT COMMAND TAR/SELRES Carson Fernando L AFCM FRCR MW DET MCGUIRE TAR Cheek Christopher C HMCM MESG ONE TAR Brannen Johnny E HTCM MSRON FIVE SELRES Keatts Jamie J MACM NAVBASE KITSAP SEC DET SELRES Shadwick Joseph A BMCM MSC PAC RPN SELRES Sheriff Jason M CBCM NAVY CARGO HANDLING BN 11 SELRES 4. TAR/SELRES MCPOs selected by the CMDCM screen board shall make contact with their respective TAR or SELRES CSEL Detailer for a Command Master Chief/Chief of the Boat (CMC/COB) Course quota and to negotiate orders. Once a CMDCM is in receipt of orders, they must obligate the required length of service within 30 days. Failure to OBLISERVE within the prescribed 30 days, will result in immediate cancellation of orders. A MCPO selected by the CMDCM screen board will have their rating changed to CMDCM after the 8CMC NEC is awarded following completion of the CMC/COB Course. MCPOs shall make contact with the TAR/SELRES CSEL ECM upon graduation from CMC/COB Course. 5. Selectees should contact their respective POC: AC CSEL Detailer POC is CMDCM Amanda Davis, Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM) PERS-40FF at 901-874-4560, DSN 882-4560, email amanda.l.davis62.mil@us.navy.mil. AC CSEL ECM POC is ISCM David Stanton, NAVPERSCOM PERS-32 at 901-874-2880, DSN 882-2880, email david.m.stanton2.mil@us.navy.mil. TAR CSEL Detailer POC is CMDCM Morgan R. Jones, NAVPERSCOM PERS-4012 at 901-874-3257, DSN 882- 3257, email morgan.r.jones.mil@us.navy.mil. SELRES CSEL Detailer POC is PSCS Rashida Jackson, Navy Reserve Forces Command (COMNAVRESFORCOM) N121 at 948-223-6108, email rashida.t.jackson.mil@us.navy.mil. TAR/SELRES CSEL ECM POC is PSCM Nikita Maher, NAVPERSCOM PERS-35 at 901-874-2918, DSN 882-2918, email nikita.n.maher.mil@us.navy.mil. 6. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//
    • CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 111405Z MAR 25 MID120001781344U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 049/25 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/FY-26 NAVY RESERVE COMMAND MASTER CHIEF PETTY OFFICER ADVANCEMENT SELECTION BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/DOC/BUPERS/2NOV07// AMPN/REF A IS BUPERSINST 1430.16G, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following personnel who have been selected for advancement to Command Master Chief Petty Officer (CMDCM) by the FY-26 Navy Reserve Command Master Chief Advancement Selection Board. Strong competition between qualified professionals is one of the strengths of our Navy and your selection speaks highly of your abilities. 2. This NAVADMIN is not authorization for advancement. Specific dates of advancement will be published by Commanding Officer, Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center Pensacola, FL. Personnel listed below may be frocked IAW ref (a) if qualified. 3. Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS On- Line. The selection list is in alphabetical order by rate within competitive category. Read each line from left to right, name, and numerical order of advancement. Categories of advancement are Selected Reserve (SELRES) and Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR). SELRES CMDCM - Command Master Chief Oconnell Will 001 TAR CMDCM - Command Master Chief Bradford Issa 005 Go Dennis Iba 002 Harris Gregor 004 Heavens Chery 001 Hurst Adrian 008 Malone Alisci 007 Maxile Damon 003 Soto Monica L 006 4. Released By Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//
    • CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 111356Z MAR 25 MID120001781312U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 048/25 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAR// SUBJ/FY-26 ACTIVE-DUTY NAVY COMMAND MASTER CHIEF PETTY OFFICER ADVANCEMENT SELECTION BOARD RESULTS// REF/A/DOC/BUPERS/2NOV07// AMPN/REF A IS BUPERSINST 1430.16G, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following personnel who have been selected for advancement to Command Master Chief Petty Officer (CMDCM) by the Fiscal Year 2026 Active-Duty Navy Command Master Chief Advancement Selection Board. Strong competition between qualified professionals is one of the strengths of our Navy and your selection speaks highly of your abilities. 2. This NAVADMIN is not authorization for advancement. Specific dates of advancement will be published by Commanding Officer, Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center Pensacola, FL. Personnel listed below may be frocked IAW ref (a) if qualified. 3. Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS On- Line. The selection list is in alphabetical order by rate within competitive category. Read each line from left to right, name, and numerical order of advancement. CMDCM - Command Master Chief Abalos Erik S 019 Albanese Nico 007 Ampier Ariel 033 Angel Andre C 021 Bader Clinton 049 Beugler Aaron 032 Boerner Theod 060 Booker Larry 011 Cannon Joshua 082 Carpenter Sam 034 Chisholm Davi 003 Chua Carlito 025 Clark Brodie 078 Coakley Paule 067 Cox Shaun Nic 044 Crichton Nath 065 Davis Justin 055 Dejesus Deser 079 Delgado Franc 006 Dickson Aric 058 Duffy Patrick 043 Dukes Savanna 047 Dukette Phili 069 Dunk Robert J 027 Feliciano Dom 045 Ferretti Anth 022 Ford Marshall 028 Fragoso Eduar 051 Frost James F 031 Fuentes Paris 075 Fuson Billy L 073 Galang Adrian 066 Genica Jonath 059 Gloria David 037 Gregg Ayanna 023 Harrison Wend 062 Herbert Dougl 020 Hoffman Justi 010 Honaker Saman 029 Hough Zachary 016 House Mark Eu 001 Hyppolite Ber 026 Jackson April 005 Jacques Kenso 041 Johnson Steph 068 Jones Rodney 081 Kemp Christop 076 Lampasona Con 064 Lamson John A 080 Linares Enman 008 Lindvold Kend 052 Little Joseph 036 Loftin Kyle T 012 Mccullough An 050 Mcpheron Neal 035 Mcvann Dane G 046 Mejia Maritza 024 Mingo Norman 002 Morales Andre 038 Morin Ramon 004 Munoz Javier 077 Ocampo Dander 017 Ogilvie Jared 014 Ortiz Angel L 030 Pickens Derri 061 Puello Zahul 013 Quenga Joshua 074 Ridlon Briana 071 Roberts Jesse 040 Ronquillo Ali 053 Sampson Chels 057 Saulnier Ilan 039 Shelton Darre 070 Steinbrenner 083 Tornay Christ 042 Villar Esmeli 056 Waddell Lowel 063 Walker Adam C 054 Walker James 009 Watson Joshua 048 Wells Keith T 072 Woodall Daqua 015 4. Released By Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//
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