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R 181541Z APR 24 MID600117369381U 
ALNAV 032/24 
RMKS/1.  I am pleased to announce the following Line Officers on the 
Active-Duty list for permanent promotion to the grade of Captain. 
2.  This message is not authority to deliver appointments. Authority to 
effect promotion will normally be issued by future NAVADMINs requiring 
NAVPERS 1421/7 preparation and forwarding of document to PERS-806. 
3.  Frocking is not authorized for any officer listed below until specific 
authorization is received per SECNAVINST 1420.2B. 
4.  For proper alphabetical order read from left to right on each line.  The 
numbers following each name to the right indicate the relative seniority 
among selectees within each competitive category. 
Note:  An (*) by the name indicates the selectee was merit reordered to the 
top of the promotion list in accordance with reference (a). 
Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online. 
                       Unrestricted Line 
Agor Allen Michael           0231  Ahle Melanie K               0212 
Ahmanson Jason Alexand       0047  Allen Ronald J               0041 
Anderson Bjorn Arthur        0064  Anderson Mark K              0182 
Andreu Hiram                 0145  Anthony Brian Sheldon *      0017 
Astroth Kurt C               0213  Barksdale Corey Deon *       0039 
Barry Edward J               0173  Battles Timothy K            0082 
Baugh Jonathan R             0208  Behm Kevin John              0174 
Bell Samuel David            0104  Bencini William M            0209 
Blind Patrick Edward         0092  Boyd Marshall Thomas         0240 
Bresnahan Scott Andrew *     0019  Brewer Timothy Shane         0132 
Briggs Robert J              0101  Brogren Joseph Daniel        0042 
Brown Jeffrey Keen Jr *      0025  Brown Michael J              0113 
Browning Thomas John         0141  Bruner Stephen Geoffre       0262 
Bummara Justin M             0103  Bungay Brian C               0202 
Burgon Joseph Christop       0177  Burke David Bradley *        0012 
Campbell Calvin Michael Jr   0124  Campbell Joseph Lee          0085 
Carlson Alan Jay             0125  Catterall David J            0083 
Causee Christopher           0110  Charapich James Michae       0256 
Charlebois Timothy C         0077  Christiansen Bryan J         0056 
Cobb Justin M                0058  Cochran Mark Dennis Jr *     0009 
Col Stephen Martin           0139  Conger Trevor J              0201 
Cordonnier James Ross        0112  Cornett Peter E              0253 
Creighan Jeffrey Josep       0144  Dalrymple Michael S          0180 
Delaneuville Jason           0099  Dennis Shane R               0118 
Dennis Shaun E               0150  Diaz Jamie J                 0122 
Diefenderfer James Rol *     0008  Domina Andrew Lee            0137 
Donnelly Megan Mulhern       0107  Donovan Michael P            0060 
Doran Thomas Jason           0094  Dore Kevin M                 0249 
Dorsey Jonathan David        0193  Durnin Patrick Michael *     0034 
Dykstra Steven A             0169  Eckhoff Justin P *           0013 
Edmonson Robert L III *      0018  Ehrhardt Brian James         0183 
Eisenmenger Seth R           0120  Eshenour Henry Paul          0224 
Fancher Brad A               0130  Farwell Jeremiah W           0072 
Felloney Blaine Spence *     0001  Ferrari Jacob Daniel         0245 
Findlay Jeffry S             0156  Fletcher Neil Bryan          0175 
Fontenot Joseph Austin       0147  Ford Larry R Jr              0135 
Fox Timothy Anderson         0242  Fulks James E                0074 
Garrett John Key *           0004  Garza Francisco X            0168 
Gillaspie Mark E             0043  Gillis Robert J Jr           0219 
Graham Michael Christo       0179  Gray Brendan Terrance        0055 
Green Christopher James *    0021  Greenfield Cullen M          0151 
Greenlees Andrew J           0214  Gunderson Leif Edward        0251 
Gunta Joseph                 0198  Hagan Kevin Richard *        0007 
Hagerty James Campbell       0067  Hansen Kristen Marie *       0006 
Harkins John D               0215  Hart Bryan Patrick           0095 
Hays Matthew G               0108  Heaton Neal Douglas          0097 
Hendricks Benjamin Bri       0191  Hettling Frederick G         0121 
Heyworth Lawrence IV *       0035  Higginbotham Samuel          0167 
Higgins Brian Raymond        0052  Hines Marc W                 0237 
Hinkle Gregory A             0079  Hockaday Devon M             0049 
Hoffman Nicholas G           0188  Holland Christopher Dw       0222 
Hopp James F                 0194  Houston Garett Taylor        0258 
Howey William John III       0225  Ingle Kenneth Chad           0243 
Ireland Robert D *           0038  Ivanac Douglas J             0053 
Jacobson Katie *             0026  Jeanpierre Jason Gerar       0131 
Jimenez Richard Jr           0086  Johnson Brandon Lee          0048 
Jones Brett Lewis            0176  Jones Russell William        0229 
Jones Scott a                0187  Kahnke Vincent A *           0010 
Keefe John William *         0037  Keen Christopher Josep       0260 
Kennerly Wesley Glenn        0235  Kephart Marcus Andrew *      0024 
Kessler Michael Willia       0217  Kiser Michael S              0073 
Knox Jason Dennis            0100  Kolwicz Thomas George Jr *   0002 
Kos Michael J                0223  Kraemer Kevin Adam           0070 
Krites Phillip Robert        0115  Laroux Kristen Nicole *      0027 
Larwood Charles Alfred III   0186  Leveque Gregory Eddy         0062 
Lilleberg Michael Alan       0203  Lilyquist Ian James          0044 
Lodmell Lacy Nolan           0148  Lougee Corry Ward            0255 
Luebkert Michael Roebu       0238  Lunsford Nicholas J          0210 
Macgillis Steven Alexa       0075  Madonia Eric Joseph          0106 
Mahoney Paul J               0218  Margalus Jeffrey D           0232 
Marin Hector                 0172  Marks Michael Robert         0091 
Martinez Joel P              0234  Mashuda Thomas J             0065 
Mastriani John Keenan        0098  Matthews Adam Mark           0192 
Mccandless Thomas D IV       0119  Mcdaniel Jameel              0207 
Mcdaniel Kyle Owens          0159  Mcgettigan Joseph Lawr       0105 
Mcguire Michael Sean         0136  Mcmahon Michael Thomas *     0022 
Medina Gillian L             0126  Meise John William           0102 
Miller Travis Wayne          0239  Millis Corey L               0057 
Minihan Colleen Margar       0084  Moore Colleen E              0154 
Navinskey Shawn Matthe       0252  Nehrke Benjamin E            0190 
Neilson Michael Robert       0045  Nichols David A *            0016 
Nyheim Erik A                0197  Ocanas Kristel A             0205 
Oconnell Tod Finbarr         0149  Otero Carlos Antonio         0069 
Ott Justin Robert            0066  Page Greg A *                0030 
Parente Steven C             0184  Pelt Isaac M                 0206 
Phillips Jonathan Paul *     0031  Polnaszek Christopher        0221 
Polo Anthony J               0153  Porter Dylan G               0054 
Powell Matthew Barrett       0142  Powers James Richard Jr      0089 
Poynton Edmund Joseph        0247  Pratt Matthew George         0226 
Prescott Richard J           0157  Prince Robert A              0059 
Quimby Jon Burke *           0020  Raineault Douglas Emri       0076 
Reeves Eric T                0046  Rhodes Quinn J               0050 
Robb Douglas Andrew *        0036  Roberts Erik S               0164 
Robertson Jeremy Danie       0254  Rogers Timothy E *           0029 
Rollings Sumner James Jr     0088  Roseti Adrienne Leigh        0246 
Schaeffer Kevin Matthe       0178  Schermerhorn Jonathan        0160 
Schoultz Bradley Vince *     0015  Schriver Gordon Michae *     0023 
Seamount Joshua D            0152  Seeger Marcus H              0068 
Seeley Brett R *             0014  Seguine christopher Mi       0063 
Shell Jason Daniel           0257  Sheridan Phillip John        0081 
Silver Michael Stephen *     0005  Slootmaker Leslie Ann *      0011 
Smith John C                 0170  Smith Kellie J               0158 
Smith Michael Ryan           0146  Smith Nicklaus Giovann       0071 
Snyder Joseph W              0233  Spivey Charles Clayton III   0117 
Steffens Michael T           0087  Stengel Michael              0259 
Stimis Robert Grant          0051  Stoner Kristina Melend       0220 
Stranges Anthony Georg       0189  Stutzman Aaron Michael       0140 
Taft Courtney Parker         0040  Tate Keith J                 0227 
Train Samuel K               0261  Tran Tin T                   0096 
Turmel Christopher Phi       0080  Turner Eric Darren           0129 
Turner Joseph S              0196  Turner Keith T               0200 
Valerio Stephen M            0123  Vanzeyl Jenna Kristin        0111 
Vincent Andrew J             0181  Virgets Daniel Jack          0244 
Vogelgesang David Ryan       0204  Voss Matthew Philip          0165 
Vrbas Jacob N                0155  Walker James A               0248 
Walsh Timothy Parnell        0143  Waltman Charles Edward II    0199 
Wandell Travis E             0185  Washburn Hunter Davis *      0033 
Weers Gerald V               0166  Welgan Michael J             0134 
Welsch James Vincent III *   0028  White Alfonza Octtavai       0171 
Whitehouse Christopher       0109  Whitmore Robert W            0093 
Whorley Brett A              0090  Wicks Henry J                0163 
Wiltshire David L            0195  Winn Eric                    0128 
Wolf Joshua Patrick          0061  Wolfe Bryan Thomas           0116 
Wood Travis Leonard          0228  Woods Branden Keith          0127 
Yates Adam Darrel            0162  Zaker Adam Immanuel          0138 
Zielechowski Steven          0216 
             Special Duty Officer (Human Resources) 
Becker Gina Marie Dipi       0011  Dafoe Robert John            0002 
Hentz Patrice R *            0001  Hogan Shaina Marie           0013 
Huffman Leslie A             0005  Liberato Robert Vincen       0006 
Mcleod KAitlin Michell       0008  Mendez Endia T               0007 
Nelson Daniel Aaron          0004  Popson Lacey Michele         0003 
Sankesritland Karen J        0012  Shepherd Kristin M           0009 
Zack Anne Lauren             0010 
               Permanent Military Professor (PMP) 
Earp Brian Christopher       0002  Gibbs Jonathan Sutton        0004 
Matthews Jennifer Leig       0003  Redmer Chad Arlington        0001 
                  Engineering Duty Officer 
Anderson Travis John         0007  Bailey Troy D                0010 
Blanchard Robert Darre       0009  Connelly Jonathan Step       0021 
England Carolyn Jean         0016  Hemminger Daniel Lee         0012 
Kobold Kyle Douglas          0013  Miller Crystal Ann           0014 
Millhouse Scott C            0017  Monaghan Brandon Robie       0019 
Moreno Oscar R               0003  Norgaard Peter Lee           0015 
Privette Andrew J *          0002  Rochelle James W             0006 
Sneed Brian David            0005  Stence Paul Leonard Jr       0004 
Tirey David Kenneth          0020  White Kevin A *              0001 
Wilkins James Rudyard IV     0011  Williams Evan Brongwyn       0018 
Woody Jeremy Ryan            0008 
          Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Engineering) 
Arnold Albert Edward IV      0011  Debons Jeremy A *            0001 
Fredrick Brian Christo       0007  Hurst David Tyler            0010 
Letwinsky Justin Micha       0009  Magda Jedediah Jon           0002 
Pettitt Jason Matthew        0004  Putre Christopher W          0013 
Smith Marlin Roberts III     0005  Steele Charles E II          0006 
Summerlin Mark Thomas        0012  Villalba Ernesto Rafae       0008 
Wiesen Justin R              0003 
           Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Maintenance) 
Freas Michael Allen          0006  Hawkins Brian John *         0001 
Judd Wilfred Henry III       0005  Martinson Jason Todd         0007 
Mauldin Jared Michael        0004  Timog Jericho Baldevar       0002 
Walker Nicholas T            0003 
                Special Duty Officer (Public Affairs) 
Falvo Anthony Joseph IV      0003  Garas Alana Fotchuk          0002 
Sims Hayley Caroline *       0001 
                Special Duty Officer (Foreign Area) 
Allan Matthew P              0005  Alvarado Diego F             0008 
Gobert Curtis Joseph Jr      0007  Guard Ryan F *               0001 
Lipscomb Jennifer Coll       0009  Rangel Erik                  0002 
Shrader Donald Lee           0003  Storer Robert Joseph         0006 
Wilhelm Jared Meyer          0010  Wong Christina J             0004 
               Special Duty Officer (Oceanography) 
Cushanick Matthew Step       0003  Gon Casey John               0002 
Perle Colleen M *            0001  Portell Jeffrey Robert       0004 
            Special Duty Officer (Cryptologic Warfare) 
Bae Kitan                    0004  Barrett kevin Ross           0006 
Becker Jason Jeriah          0002  Cataloglu Eren D             0012 
Cole Nicholas Andrew         0007  Dalton Matthew Gregory *     0001 
Gorney Julia Marie           0011  Humphrey Adam T              0008 
Johnson Christopher Da       0009  Salter Brian Michael         0005 
Schaefer Michael C           0010  Spalding David T             0003 
           Special Duty Officer (Information Professional) 
Alston Jonathan R            0012  Cagle Anthony Cheyenne       0007 
Gall Aaron J                 0004  Hicks Cory S                 0001 
Jackson Clifton Edward III   0003  Ordonez Michael M            0009 
Pesquera Carlos R            0005  Reid Elaine Dmitra           0006 
Rucker Andrew Thomas         0011  Thomas Anthony Octate        0008 
Tighe Jonathan Devon         0010 
                Special Duty Officer (Intelligence) 
Conroy Justin Karl           0011  Copeland John Charles        0005 
Curtas Stephen Doyle         0014  Dumas Christopher Anth       0013 
Easton Lyndon D              0002  Feezor Nathan Allen          0004 
Honebein Daniel James        0010  Jones Charles Keane          0003 
Maclin Melissa Alexand       0007  Melbourne Siegfried Wo       0001 
Menard Phillip Pierre VII    0015  Perez Roberto Rafael         0006 
Shabazz Obie I               0009  Thomann Emmanuel Miles       0012 
                Special Duty Officer (Maritime Space) 
Rightsell Nathaniel Da *     0001 
                Limited Duty Officer (Surface) 
Borsman Adam Garrett         0003  Catubig Edwin Rusiana        0004 
Chegini Reza Attila *        0001  May Christopher Andrew       0005 
Mccallister Ronald W         0002  Richardson Dennis Leve       0006 
              Limited Duty Officer (Nuclear/Submarine) 
Harry Zachary Denelliu        0004  Krug David J                0002 
Kupyar Bryan Joseph           0003  Price Gregory Benneth *     0001 
                Limited Duty Officer (AVIATION) 
Feldhues Michael John        0004  James Forrest Burnell III    0005 
Scott Travis Levard *        0001 
               Limited Duty Officer (General Line) 
Borrego Frank T              0002  Breckenridge Christoph *     0001 
Jones Terrence Undra         0004  Tiner Gregory Lamoyn         0003 
5.  Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// 

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