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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

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    • No
    • Have not attended one yet

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When they choose to use a process such as this I think they are looking at it the wrong way. The sailor should be looked at for there performance of that year not the last few. Its not called sailor of the last five years is it? You should be recognizing that Sailor for the performance during that year. There past is irrelevant. Just my viewpoint.

The reason for that the SOY competition looking at 5 yrs of info is because as the SOY moves up in the levels the SOY board is essentially selecting them for chief.


The one mention to me is if you submit a self created letter regardless of the accomplishments, awards, and quals, the MCPOs have to still go factually validate it. Some like it as a initial snap shot of you in the initial stages. Others don't because like I said before, they are going to have to go validate all that anyways so why is this Sailor wasting my time to begin with.

The other, and what I did was submit my transfer EVAL, EOT, and my MDS from NSIPS....all factual data they needed to evaluate and score my record on the spot, short of reviewing my 4 years of EVALS.

Guest Squidly

The reason for that the SOY competition looking at 5 yrs of info is because as the SOY moves up in the levels the SOY board is essentially selecting them for chief.

The same rationale should apply to the CMD boards then since it's about being gifted the next paygrade. That's a whole 'nother can of worms though.


The same rationale should apply to the CMD boards then since it's about being gifted the next paygrade. That's a whole 'nother can of worms though.

I agree 100%

Guest QM1"Wheelz"

God Bless this Forum ? I have learned more from reading all these posts than from any cdb or discussions on the ship. This is my first year up and basically pieced everything together. I made board in March and then found a lapse in my eval continuation report, luckily with help I got that corrected. However I never noticed my qual history field code 36 has never been updated. My last entry was recruiting school in 08. Is this a deal breaker?!? Can they verify quals and my enclosures I submitted with my LTB threw evals? Of course since then I have all the documentation to update my records. I do not know how after 3 reenlistments my ompf has never been touched. I am very doubtful of good news next week because of this huge discrepancy I missed.


God Bless this Forum ? I have learned more from reading all these posts than from any cdb or discussions on the ship. This is my first year up and basically pieced everything together. I made board in March and then found a lapse in my eval continuation report, luckily with help I got that corrected. However I never noticed my qual history field code 36 has never been updated. My last entry was recruiting school in 08. Is this a deal breaker?!? Can they verify quals and my enclosures I submitted with my LTB threw evals? Of course since then I have all the documentation to update my records. I do not know how after 3 reenlistments my ompf has never been touched. I am very doubtful of good news next week because of this huge discrepancy I missed.

QM1, I would take a look at your Member Data Summary in NSIPS. Make sure you expand each field by by clicking "List all" (this will expand the desired category for example Qualifications". When people ask the age old poetic question "To submit a package or, to not submit a package? That is the question" (see what I did there!? lol) I WOULD SAY YES, at a minimum, submit your MDS report which you can run and print. This shows the board you are engaged in maintaining your record and you are attempting to provide current and factual data to present to the board.

****Ensure you do this only after you have cross referenced this listing with FLTMPS, your OMPF, and your "I love me binder". All corrections can be made/added by your friendly PSD.****

Guest Boats_Petey

So I've been told a few times that staying in the same general location for many years can be a detractor. Any one know if this is true?

Guest passionateshorty123

So I've been told a few times that staying in the same general location for many years can be a detractor. Any one know if this is true?

I would say no due to seeing a guy go from an e-1 to e-6 in four years and he was a yn1

God Bless this Forum I have learned more from reading all these posts than from any cdb or discussions on the ship. This is my first year up and basically pieced everything together. I made board in March and then found a lapse in my eval continuation report, luckily with help I got that corrected. However I never noticed my qual history field code 36 has never been updated. My last entry was recruiting school in 08. Is this a deal breaker?!? Can they verify quals and my enclosures I submitted with my LTB threw evals? Of course since then I have all the documentation to update my records. I do not know how after 3 reenlistments my ompf has never been touched. I am very doubtful of good news next week because of this huge discrepancy I missed.


thanks for the compliment


I would say no due to seeing a guy go from an e-1 to e-6 in four years and he was a yn1

Woah woah woah lol...I hope there is a sense of sarcasm there! I would assume the Sailor received a CAP or two, and there lies some potential that the Sailor either had great EVALs and awards which contributed to his PMA for calculations in the final multiple OR this YN1 was a superstar smart guy!

In short Boats, No. I would say though, as long as you are varying you platform/duty stations and adhering to the sea shore rotations you are fine...don't keep rolling DDG's thinkin everything's hunky dory because you are a SME on DDGs and repeatedly gettin super star EP EVALs (I am not accusing you, I am just sayin, I've seen it before).

Guest Boats_Petey

No I had a pretty diverse spin. 1st ship LSD out of little creek. Then port ops, a CVN, staff at TPU then a FFG decom and now in San Diego. Stayed with my sea shore rotation.

Guest FMF 2nd Award

So I've been told a few times that staying in the same general location for many years can be a detractor. Any one know if this is true?

I think your success is not necessarily based on where you go but rather what you do there. In my community, I've known plenty of CPO, SCPO, and MCs that have literally spent their entire careers in Camp Lejeune and just hop back and forth between the different combat elements. At the same time i've met plenty of PO1s who have done the samething or had a pretty diversed career history but end up retiring as a PO1. Would it help you to have a diverse career history, I think so, but I don't believe it would necessarily kill your chances if you stay in a certain geographical area. As long as your level of responsibility increases and you are not stuck in the same position/level of responsibility for your entire time. Also, don't forget that some people have to homeport due to EFMP and other circumstances, so if you maintain a proper sea/shore rotation with some special shore duty assignments, if available, should be just as competitive as anyone else.


So I've been told a few times that staying in the same general location for many years can be a detractor. Any one know if this is true?


It is stated in the precept that multiple tours of duty in the same geographic location shall not be a negative factor, as long as they see progression of increased responsiblity and scope at each new assignment.


EDIT: From the precept directly regarding duty stations.


5. Area Tours. If a candidate's record contains multiple or

consecutive tours in a particular geographic location, it should

not be viewed negatively, provided the eligible has progressed

in billet complexity, professional development, and leadership

responsibility. Likewise, you may positively consider those

candidates who have demonstrated the ability to succeed in

challenging assignments in diverse geographic locations,

particularly overseas.

6. History of Assignments. In evaluating a candidate's history

of assignments, consideration should be given to the fact that

(1) candidates are not always in control of duty assignments;

(2) closed-loop communities can restrict assignment diversity

and; (3) the size of command and number within peer ranking are

not controlled by the candidate.

Guest Dusten

The Navy SOY program looks at 5 years of evals, PRIMS data, awards and other stuff, kind of like the CPO board, but a little different. The yearly rankings looks at 12 months of that information. In my opinion it is not at all inconsistent for someone to be SOY, but not be ranked #1. Yes it sounds counter intuitive, but if someone went to mast or failed a PFA a couple of years ago you might rank them high, but you wouldn't necessarily give them SOY because they will get destroyed at the next level of SOY boards.

My command doesn't always give #1 episode to soy. Last year's soy was #2

Guest Dusten

I did not submit a package this year. I re-enlisted out to 19.5 years in and corrected all the things in my ompf that I could with the re-enlistment. I have submitted PPME/BPME Certificates, Qualification Letters, and PG4's identifying the stuff I was missing from my record previously. I will never know why I don't get picked. But i can sure speculate. Feel like the Fat kid as all my friends make it first.

I didn't either, but simply because nothing was missing from my record

Guest Dusten

BM with CICWO??? I am now impressed!

EDIT: I do not mean that in a bad way. I personally have never seen it!

I know one from shoup

Guest Boats_Petey

Well as the days count down, I find myself slipping into the yearly excitement of what if I do make it. And every year I try to stay calm and prepare for the January exam. It's like watching the incoming storm on the horizon.

Now comes the fate full question... Will the paint hold.

Sorry a short trip down memory lane

Guest QM1"Wheelz"

QM1, I would take a look at your Member Data Summary in NSIPS. Make sure you expand each field by by clicking "List all" (this will expand the desired category for example Qualifications". When people ask the age old poetic question "To submit a package or, to not submit a package? That is the question" (see what I did there!? lol) I WOULD SAY YES, at a minimum, submit your MDS report which you can run and print. This shows the board you are engaged in maintaining your record and you are attempting to provide current and factual data to present to the board.

****Ensure you do this only after you have cross referenced this listing with FLTMPS, your OMPF, and your "I love me binder". All corrections can be made/added by your friendly PSD.****

Thank you for the advice.
Guest AlphaTangoOne

Well, my work week is complete... Gotta love 4 day work weeks post deployment... Just finished up MCI and MPA (you aviation types know exactly what I'm talking about) Time for some cold beer and some much needed time with the family... Next week is going to be stressful... Enjoy your weekend everyone!!! Good luck to all!!

Guest ChestFrockwell

I was told by my DLCPO that each time he was up and didn't submit a LTB he didn't get selected. For both CPO and SCPO the time he submitted a LTB he got selected. He feels it's your way to show the board you care enough to scrub your record.

Was told by a Master Chief that sat the board that he's never known it to make a difference. He was like, "We're going through your stuff anyway. I'm gonna see what all you've done."


Then on the other hand, I had a Senior Chief swear by his five-year summary letter.


I think in the end, the board is made up of people. Plain and simple. Some may view a letter as something of value, others may not. It's what we have done on the deckplates, whether it's mentioned in a letter or your evals, that show the types of leaders we are, and if we're ready for the Anchors.


For all the Chief's in this forum, did any of you have a eval within the last five years that was under the co cum average when you were selected?


Yes, and more than one.  I've been at relatively small commands though, and my first eval at my previous command I was told I was the sacrificial lamb.  I deserved an MP, but because of the short amount of time there, and a desire to get two Sailors in my group an EP instead of 1, my marks were lowered and I got a P.


In other words, write-ups trump marks, BUT they need to cover not only what you did, but what the impact for the command was.


The whole "sawtooth" theory goes out the window when you have been in for 14 1/2yrs with 8 commands and the longest you have been at 1 command is just under 3 yrs. However I have pretty much been at every kind of command I can go to; 2 CG's, APS, Carrier Staff, Shore duty, IA, Instructor, and now a DDG. So I have the career diversity covered. Now I just have to wait and see if what I have done at those commands for and the Sailor's I mentored was enough to get the "S".

Guest NavySquid79

4 Days and a wake-up!

Yeah looking forward to the closure! My nerves are always shot this time of the year! I will be pretty busy though, CDO on sat and fcpoa fund raiser on Sunday, then back to the grind on Monday. The results will be here before we know it!


For all the Chief's in this forum, did any of you have a eval within the last five years that was under the co cum average when you were selected?

One eval was under. First eval at command.
Guest NavySquid79

thank you for all the great feedback regarding the eval trait average against the co cumulative average! It seems to be normal to have an eval or two under for a starting point. I have also heard Master Chiefs talk about the saw tooth pattern when it comes to evals.

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