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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

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    • No
    • Have not attended one yet

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Guest sub_doc743

as positive as i try to be this wait time kills me! I am usually a patient person, but waiting makes you go back look 40 times at your record, hit refresh on the forum, your ears fully open around chiefs, and it is hard to concentrate on your job.


I know what your saying.  This is my 4th time up and I have alot more riding on this one cause i'm up for orders in a few months.  I do believe my wife is more anxious about it than I am though.  Looking at applying for detailer position that I have to be a HMC for and the area is where we would like to go to.  Plus this could be my twilight tour so alot of things riding on it. 

Guest Vietlai

Here in Tampa, we are holding the pinning ceremony on Wednesday, Sept 16th.

Make it the 5th of Aug for results to match the 6 weeks.   I'm just hoping my "assumption" of they wouldn't do 6 1/2 weeks or 7 weeks of induction is correct.  I'd love to see results earlier, but I'd hate to tack on an extra week of "instruction".

Guest we do it with freqs

Here in Tampa, we are holding the pinning ceremony on Wednesday, Sept 16th.



Hey look at that, another Tampa member!

Guest BamaSailor

yup it is.

Thought so, this your old protégé from the bush, HT2 to CTR1 Howell

Guest Dusten

I was just looking through my evals for one last time and realized my frocked E-6 eval was terrible. I was like 3.4 trait avg but the CO summary was 3.83 I hope that does not kill my hopes and dreams.



Just out of curiousity I tried to look through my evals to see how I faired and I can't find them all at home.  Some got shuffled when I bought my house. I found some, and pulled some from memory



2010 was a #1 ranked MP, I had been on board 10 months.(I don't have this eval with me to compare trait averages)


2011 was the year I went to DRB and XO and my case was dropped.  I also went limdu right after the legal proceedings due to a back injury.  I transferred in Oct and received a 3.71(no average due to 1 of 1 transfer) promotable because the command felt regardless of the outcome of NJP that is the eval I deserved for my actions.   What really bothered me this year was I runner up for SSOY, and was told I was the #2 EP.  When I was debriefed by the CMC he told me "You should put on anchors next year with your record, but I don't feel your ready and this eval should set you back 3 or 4 years"  In the end he was force retired after an assault case.  


2012 When transferring from limdu I received 4.43(no co average, 1 of 1 transfer) EP with the wording "would be an EP if ranked against his peers" I also received a periodic from my gaining command, it was an MP after 4 months on board, but also don't have this on hand.  I am at home and can't look at my BOL


2013 I received a 4.71 against a 3.81 CO average and was SSOY and #1 EP


2014 I received a 4.71 against a 3.91 average(different co) and was #1 EP again.


Im hoping the 2012-2014 evals can overcome the 2011 eval.  IF not, I will wait another year.



Guest Chief Guns

had a funny conversation with my YN1 this am. He eavesdropped on the Chiefs meeting Wednesday. Apparently if I make it they aren't sure how to pt me as I am the CFL and do long distance running for fun! HAHAAHAHA.  


Come on everybody get happy. We are in the home stretch. Regardless of what happens the sun will rise in the am!

Don't worry. We will come with other ways............:) Good luck to you. 


Hey look at that, another Tampa member!

Where are you assigned?

Guest we do it with freqs

Where are you assigned?



Guest AviationEverything82

  I finally decided to join up on here and see if I could get some insight from some of you fellow 1st's and chiefs. So I'm the 1 man recruiting station in Soldotna Alaska and my eval last year I took an NOB because I had only been in my station 3 months. My transfer eval was 1 of 1 EP 4.86 with strong leadership write up for running night check maint cont safe for flight and full systems QAR. My Last regular eval I was #4 EP of 36 4.71 co average was 3.98 good leadership write up. was high MP year before that 4.29 co average was 4.01, first E-6 eval before that was 3.46 P co average was 4.03. Safe for flight, full system QAR, FCPOA pres,command mwr,command hazmat, command sponsor,command safety, NWC BEPME and PPME. Any ways no one can really tell me what that NOB is going to look like to the board. Good, bad, neutral. This is my 3rd real look and im pulling my hair out hoping for that S. But that NOB scares me. Any thoughts

Guest eaWILSON

Oh!!!!! I should of known from that name bama!!! Roll tide!!! Good luck to you bro!!

Guest AO-UNO

  I finally decided to join up on here and see if I could get some insight from some of you fellow 1st's and chiefs. So I'm the 1 man recruiting station in Soldotna Alaska and my eval last year I took an NOB because I had only been in my station 3 months. My transfer eval was 1 of 1 EP 4.86 with strong leadership write up for running night check maint cont safe for flight and full systems QAR. My Last regular eval I was #4 EP of 36 4.71 co average was 3.98 good leadership write up. was high MP year before that 4.29 co average was 4.01, first E-6 eval before that was 3.46 P co average was 4.03. Safe for flight, full system QAR, FCPOA pres,command mwr,command hazmat, command sponsor,command safety, NWC BEPME and PPME. Any ways no one can really tell me what that NOB is going to look like to the board. Good, bad, neutral. This is my 3rd real look and im pulling my hair out hoping for that S. But that NOB scares me. Any thoughts

Whats your rate?

Guest BamaSailor

Oh!!!!! I should of known from that name bama!!! Roll tide!!! Good luck to you bro!!

Haha thanks boss! This is my first time up and early. Got my fingers crossed for ya!


Just out of curiousity I tried to look through my evals to see how I faired and I can't find them all at home.  Some got shuffled when I bought my house. I found some, and pulled some from memory



2010 was a #1 ranked MP, I had been on board 10 months.(I don't have this eval with me to compare trait averages)


2011 was the year I went to DRB and XO and my case was dropped.  I also went limdu right after the legal proceedings due to a back injury.  I transferred in Oct and received a 3.71(no average due to 1 of 1 transfer) promotable because the command felt regardless of the outcome of NJP that is the eval I deserved for my actions.   What really bothered me this year was I runner up for SSOY, and was told I was the #2 EP.  When I was debriefed by the CMC he told me "You should put on anchors next year with your record, but I don't feel your ready and this eval should set you back 3 or 4 years"  In the end he was force retired after an assault case.  


2012 When transferring from limdu I received 4.43(no co average, 1 of 1 transfer) EP with the wording "would be an EP if ranked against his peers" I also received a periodic from my gaining command, it was an MP after 4 months on board, but also don't have this on hand.  I am at home and can't look at my BOL


2013 I received a 4.71 against a 3.81 CO average and was SSOY and #1 EP


2014 I received a 4.71 against a 3.91 average(different co) and was #1 EP again.


Im hoping the 2012-2014 evals can overcome the 2011 eval.  IF not, I will wait another year.



You need an I love me binder!  Keep all your important stuff in it.  Evals, Awards, Schools, Quals, etc...


  I finally decided to join up on here and see if I could get some insight from some of you fellow 1st's and chiefs. So I'm the 1 man recruiting station in Soldotna Alaska and my eval last year I took an NOB because I had only been in my station 3 months. My transfer eval was 1 of 1 EP 4.86 with strong leadership write up for running night check maint cont safe for flight and full systems QAR. My Last regular eval I was #4 EP of 36 4.71 co average was 3.98 good leadership write up. was high MP year before that 4.29 co average was 4.01, first E-6 eval before that was 3.46 P co average was 4.03. Safe for flight, full system QAR, FCPOA pres,command mwr,command hazmat, command sponsor,command safety, NWC BEPME and PPME. Any ways no one can really tell me what that NOB is going to look like to the board. Good, bad, neutral. This is my 3rd real look and im pulling my hair out hoping for that S. But that NOB scares me. Any thoughts

NOB's are neutral.  Don't worry about it.

Guest Dusten

You need an I love me binder! Keep all your important stuff in it. Evals, Awards, Schools, Quals, etc...

I have a box of that stuff. But I recently bought a house and haven't really unpacked everything. I just transferred a few months ago.


I have a box of that stuff. But I recently bought a house and haven't really unpacked everything. I just transferred a few months ago.

You issue is kind of tough to work out. You got a transfer P after a legal issue.  AKA the kiss of death.  But you came back as #1 EP... So you could still have a good chance.  I think it is unethical that commands hurt Sailor's on their evals after legal issues are dropped or dismissed.  It is like double jeopardy.  It carries the same weight as a conviction on NJP and is sometimes worse.  I knew a Sailor that was being treated very badly and requested mast because of it.  Next thing he knew he was being read his rights and immediately went to legal.  Legal got involved and called the command and stated that it was reprisal and that if it didn't stop, a grievance would be filed.  The charges were dropped and the Sailor went to see the Skipper and the upper chain told him that they agreed with him and that it would be squashed.  All was good until Nov 15th, when the Sailor got a 3.0 P.  The Sailor at that point was so tired that he didn't want to fight it.  He didn't write a statement and just let it go.  He won't be making Chief... Was the Sailor a pain in the butt?  Yeah... but he didn't do anything that was Mast worthy.  He was excellent at his job and worked hard regardless of the issues, but it just goes to show that the command has the power of the pen.  You can't do anything about it.  In fact when he was looking at the reprisal case, Legal informed him that he would most surely be busted if an investigation were to happen because EVERYONE is investigated in a reprisal case and even though his issues were minor, he would have still had the hammer of the law come down on him.  All in all, it was a sad situation.  His immediate COC treated him unethically and when he went for help, his career was destroyed.  Not saying you were innocent or anything like that, I don't know the details... but if it was dropped at XOI, it should have been dropped completely.  

Guest OleSK1(SS)

Hello all. Lurked a bit last year and felt the disappointment of cut quotas. I've been trying to keep up with the forum this cycle. Currently on leave for my bachelor party and wedding (Sunday). Hopefully I get some food news on my honeymoon. Good luck all.

Guest Dusten

You issue is kind of tough to work out. You got a transfer P after a legal issue.  AKA the kiss of death.  But you came back as #1 EP... So you could still have a good chance.  I think it is unethical that commands hurt Sailor's on their evals after legal issues are dropped or dismissed.  It is like double jeopardy.  It carries the same weight as a conviction on NJP and is sometimes worse.  I knew a Sailor that was being treated very badly and requested mast because of it.  Next thing he knew he was being read his rights and immediately went to legal.  Legal got involved and called the command and stated that it was reprisal and that if it didn't stop, a grievance would be filed.  The charges were dropped and the Sailor went to see the Skipper and the upper chain told him that they agreed with him and that it would be squashed.  All was good until Nov 15th, when the Sailor got a 3.0 P.  The Sailor at that point was so tired that he didn't want to fight it.  He didn't write a statement and just let it go.  He won't be making Chief... Was the Sailor a pain in the butt?  Yeah... but he didn't do anything that was Mast worthy.  He was excellent at his job and worked hard regardless of the issues, but it just goes to show that the command has the power of the pen.  You can't do anything about it.  In fact when he was looking at the reprisal case, Legal informed him that he would most surely be busted if an investigation were to happen because EVERYONE is investigated in a reprisal case and even though his issues were minor, he would have still had the hammer of the law come down on him.  All in all, it was a sad situation.  His immediate COC treated him unethically and when he went for help, his career was destroyed.  Not saying you were innocent or anything like that, I don't know the details... but if it was dropped at XOI, it should have been dropped completely.  



The basics of the story were this.  I was LPO of a division, ship was in drydock.  I had a sailor TAD to the corrosion team.  He felt his working hours should match the divisions vice the CCAT.  He told his LPO we were leaving early.  His LPO turned that into CA division doesn't have enough work and should have more people on CCAT.  This started a huge fight between my LCPO and the engineering LCPO.  I shot this sailor, an 11 year E5 a text message.  "Smith(fake name) you need to keep your mouth shut about the division.  What goes on in CA stays in CA.  Open your mouth again and I'll kill you"  


Now, I am known for my temper, and this was one of my lowest moments.  He filed a CMEO complaint and I was put on report.  I admit 100% that I was wrong.  The DRB was interesting.  Half the mess felt it was being blown out of proportion, half the mess wanted me to be an E5.  


The real kill shot for my career was that the eval doesn't match the write up.


As I stated, 3.71 P  


knowledge 5, quality of work 5, cmeo 3, military bearing 2, job accomplishment 5, leadership 3, teamwork 3.  


The write up 

STG1(SW) is a top performing first class petty officer who consistently sets himself apart from his peers, resulting in his selction as Senior Sailor of the Quarter, 4th QTR FY11.


Unparrelled iniative: During SHOUPS deployment he earned his CICWO and SUWC qualifications and is well on his way to earning his OOD UW qualification.


Morale Builder: As MWR PResident he contributed to over 100 hours of personal time coordinating 102 events for the MWR program to include 50 tours, two ship picnics, a captains cup and the 2011 Tiger Cruise.


(this is where it gets good)

Capable Manager: Under his guidance 18 sailors qualified 200 watch stations allowing SHOUP to flex her watchbill over a 7 month deployment.  Additionally as a mentor he guided 5 junior sailors in their personal and professional development.  PEtty Officer XXXX has shown great motivation dedication and determination.


STG1 is on the right track.



I honestly think this eval will  keep me from ever making chief.

Guest AWS14%

Pinning should be the 15th back it up 6 weeks to the 4th of August. I doubt they'd start it a week early or tell us and then give us some days off before starting. Good luck all, and get to memorizing those cadences. The short rows are coming up.

Guest AWS14%

Right so phase II should start on the 3rd and the triad would be notified on the 30th. That's my hope.

Guest itdominance

Just out of curiousity I tried to look through my evals to see how I faired and I can't find them all at home.  Some got shuffled when I bought my house. I found some, and pulled some from memory



2010 was a #1 ranked MP, I had been on board 10 months.(I don't have this eval with me to compare trait averages)


2011 was the year I went to DRB and XO and my case was dropped.  I also went limdu right after the legal proceedings due to a back injury.  I transferred in Oct and received a 3.71(no average due to 1 of 1 transfer) promotable because the command felt regardless of the outcome of NJP that is the eval I deserved for my actions.   What really bothered me this year was I runner up for SSOY, and was told I was the #2 EP.  When I was debriefed by the CMC he told me "You should put on anchors next year with your record, but I don't feel your ready and this eval should set you back 3 or 4 years"  In the end he was force retired after an assault case.  


2012 When transferring from limdu I received 4.43(no co average, 1 of 1 transfer) EP with the wording "would be an EP if ranked against his peers" I also received a periodic from my gaining command, it was an MP after 4 months on board, but also don't have this on hand.  I am at home and can't look at my BOL


2013 I received a 4.71 against a 3.81 CO average and was SSOY and #1 EP


2014 I received a 4.71 against a 3.91 average(different co) and was #1 EP again.


Im hoping the 2012-2014 evals can overcome the 2011 eval.  IF not, I will wait another year.



I am in a similar situation. Got a p transfer eval in july 2010 after my mast was overturned. Hopefully it doesn't come back to end my career as an e6 which I have been stuck at for 12 years. This is my 10th time up and am hoping that eval dropped off finally! I did submit a statement to my record that is attached and tried to have the eval canx'd with the bcrn to no avail.


Good luck!

Guest Dusten

I am in a similar situation. Got a p transfer eval in july 2010 after my mast was overturned. Hopefully it doesn't come back to end my career as an e6 which I have been stuck at for 12 years. This is my 10th time up and am hoping that eval dropped off finally! I did submit a statement to my record that is attached and tried to have the eval canx'd with the bcrn to no avail.


Good luck!

Good luck to you too.


This is my 6th look, but only my third time making board.  I made board in 11 before the bad eval, I made board last year and this year.  I am at 16 years though and slowly giving up hope.

Guest Dusten

I am not at work and won't be until tuesday, so I can't say.  I really need to buy a stupid cac reader for my house.

Guest CursedSwabbie

checked min this afternoon! nothing unusual!

Guest Rescue



yes I can it went down for about an hour but it is back up now with no changes

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