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Career Development Board (CDB) (2015 Poll)  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Have CDBs been useful to you while going up for Chief?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Have not attended one yet

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Guest Dusten

It is definitely not a standardized Navy-wide milestone, but rather my personal observation that we're nearing the end of the jeopardy theme song.

The fact that you weren't told to get your PARFQ done isn't any sort of indicator. Don't fret shippy it's not doom and gloom.

My current command has said nothing. Def command specific

Guest we do it with freqs

we had base wide CPO365 yesterday. Most of the Chief's were predicting the 5th for release. They all seem to say the same thing. Something about results not coming out on Fridays any more to avoid drunken celebration that have occurred in the past....or something to that effect. It's not policy but that's what a few said.

Guest junkbonkin

Hello everyone this is my first post, this is my so it is my first year up for Chief, I have been in for about 7 years. I have heard a couple people say that only about 10% of people selected for chief can be under 12 years. Is this a true statement or just rumors people are spreading. Thank you.

Guest Tincan_OS

are posts being deleted? I could have sworn we were at 64 pages on this forum like an hour ago...

Guest Tincan_OS

so is everyone done with their Phase One? Any procrastinators?

Guest Dusten

so is everyone done with their Phase One? Any procrastinators?

I attended zero cpo365 this year. My past command held two sessions between October and my transfer in January. My current command hasn't had a single session since I reported


I am not done with my phase 1, but I also transferred in March and  had to start over. But I will be getting it done soon...

Guest we do it with freqs

Hello everyone this is my first post, this is my so it is my first year up for Chief, I have been in for about 7 years. I have heard a couple people say that only about 10% of people selected for chief can be under 12 years. Is this a true statement or just rumors people are spreading. Thank you.



1202. EARLY SELECTEE QUOTA. Department of Defense (DOD) has

established the Total Active Federal Military Service (TAFMS)

requirement which is to be met prior to a member’s advancement

to a given paygrade. TAFMS requirements are as follows:

E7 – 11 years

E8 – 16 years

E9 – 19 years

DOD has made provisions for early advancements. An “early”

candidate is one who does not meet the TAFMS minimum service

requirements. No more than 10 percent of the total number of

Sailors in the E7/8/9 paygrades may have less than the

prescribed TAFMS. The number of “early” selectee quotas

available to the selection board is limited to a percentage of

the total selectee quota. CNO (N13) monitors this and informs

the board of what percentage can be early selectees. The

percentage is an overall board figure, not a quota by rate.

Guest Tincan_OS

I attended zero cpo365 this year. My past command held two sessions between October and my transfer in January. My current command hasn't had a single session since I reported


My SEL told me to go through the book and answer all the questions, then he would review with me and sign off on the line items.... im the only SBE first at my command so this could get interesting....

Guest Dusten

My SEL told me to go through the book and answer all the questions, then he would review with me and sign off on the line items.... im the only SBE first at my command so this could get interesting....

Ya, my house from last year was done, and I never printed a new one. I was more concerned this last year with transferring, buying my new house, and my father's death.


Well then its a good thing I am at 14 1/2yrs, won't have to worry about the early candidate rule. However I don't think that just because you "haven't been in long enough" should count against you. If you are quaified and deemed ready for promotion, they should not hold your lower time in the Navy against you, just to promote someone who may have been in longer but not as qualified.


are posts being deleted? I could have sworn we were at 64 pages on this forum like an hour ago...


Yes, but don't worry, be happy.  :5252:  On a sidebar, there will be a small software security update. So if you experience some interruptions, that's what it's about...


In the college education and Navy training, I've posted the "Navy Senior Enlisted Academy Changes Course" (Path to master chief includes advanced leadership at U.S. Naval War College)


Just in case you want a head start...  :)


FY11 results were released late because of the Millington flood.


Just got done looking through last years thread and if things go the same we should expect 5 Aug around 0800 EST.


Here's what I found message release wise



FY     DATE                  DAY          MESSAGE                      TIME



2001  04AUG2000         TUE            NAVADMIN 198/00       1100 EDT

2002  03AUG2001          FRI             NAVADMIN 197/01       1200 EDT

2003  02AUG2002          FRI             NAVADMIN 238/02       1200 EDT

2004  06AUG2003         WED           NAVADMIN 218/03       1300 EDT

2005  28JUL2004          WED           NAVADMIN 173/04       1100 EDT

2006  28JUL2005          THU            NAVADMIN 183/05       1100 EDT

2007  04AUG2006         FRI             NAVADMIN 221/06       1500 EDT

2008  08AUG2007        WED           NAVADMIN 196/07       1300 EDT

2009 01AUG2008          FRI             NAVADMIN 213/08       1500 EDT

2010 31JUL2009           FRI             NAVADMIN 230/09       1500 EDT

2011 11AUG2010         WED           NAVADMIN 269/10       1300 EDT

2012 01AUG2011         MON           NAVADMIN 233/11       1300 EDT

2013 31JUL2012           TUE            NAVADMIN 232/12       1300 EDT

2014 31JUL2013           WED           NAVADMIN 193/13       1500 EDT

 Reposting just to keep this fresh. Thanks to the OP.


So recent history shows that the 28th is the probably the earliest day for release, so it might be 11 more days of "wait and see"..


The trend analysis since 2011 makes a Friday release unlikely, but not impossible. Last year, the triad was informed a day before the NAVADMIN was publicly released. The dates above appear to reflect the day the messages were publicly released. Last year, at my command, the CMC was informing people if they had made it or not after 10:00 they day prior to public release.


Well if not today, then Monday is just as good, see no reason it should be dragged out for another 2 weeks...


So recent history shows that the 28th is the probably the earliest day for release, so it might be 11 more days of "wait and see"..

Concur with the 28th likely being the earliest day for command release.


I'd be less than honest if I said that I wasn't sick to my stomach. For me it wouldn't be so bad if it was just me that I had to worry about, but it isn't, I have to worry about how my wife will react if I don't pick up. She has a lot of faith and belief in me and the last thing that I would want to do is let her down. Along with my father. He is prior service (Army) and he did almost 30 years and retired as a 1sgt. I don't want to let them down and have them think of me as a failure. I would be crushed the junior Sailors that work for me because they believe in me as well and I spend the most time with them(all at work, I don't want any of those rumors flying around about me), they look up to me as funny as it sounds and they take the advice that I give them, and it works, but if I were to get the "N" it would damage my credibility with those guys and that is the last thing that I want. I tell myself that I am not going to worry about it one way or another every year that I have been up for Chief, but I get to a point where I do worry about it because it is kind of a big deal. It is hard putting so much into it making sure your guys are taken care of, and that the job gets done. It gets harder every time picking yourself up and facing the world that has placed faith in you. I don't know if I can be like some guys that have been up for it multiple times and not achieved their end goal and keep moving. I know essentially that I would have to, but it is sooooooo hard to do it because it hurts that much, and it is even amplified more when I have to face my wife, my Chief, and my dad. Good luck to all of you.

Anchors don't define you as a Chief.  You define you.  If your guys take advice from you and look up to you now, then they will do it no matter what happens in the next few weeks. Don't get too wrapped up in the "expectations". Do your best, take care of your guys, and good things will come.  Your success is not measured by what rank you reach, it is measured by how you impact the young men and women who look up to you. If you are truly successful in your career, no matter your retirement paygrade, there will be men and women all over the world who remember the person you were.


You are not defined by how you get knocked down; but by how you get back up.


With that said, I wish you the best of luck. :usa: 

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Maybe its just me, but it feels like the closer we get to the end of the month nad the results coming out, the slower the days are passing by...

Guest Dusten

Maybe its just me, but it feels like the closer we get to the end of the month nad the results coming out, the slower the days are passing by...

Get busy then. It's only 10 am and uve washed my dogs, cleaned my house and made my kids breakfast. Going out for lunch later. Days off during the week while my wife's at week are weird


I am busy, its 8:40p.m.  where I am, and even when I am busy times seems like it is slowing down.

Guest AEGFC87

I'll be in the yards getting ready for and going through light off, so at least I'll be busy while I wait. Hopefully it makes this go more quickly!

Guest FC1(SW/MTS)

I will be underway probably on watch when the results come out.  Still waiting for my orders to be released.

Guest Dusten

I will be underway and probably on watch when the results come out.

If they come it end of July I'll be asleep. That's my mid string. If the come out first week of August I'll be at work on my training string
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