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R 161600Z FEB 23 MID600052773878U 
NAVADMIN 040/23 
RMKS/1.  Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions to 
the ranks indicated in this message.  This NAVADMIN is the authority for 
effecting permanent officer promotions on the dates indicated.  Columns read 
name and designator. 
                       PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN 
                   SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 30 NOVEMBER 2022 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 OCTOBER 2021 
 Osier Charles J Jr       2100 
                         DOR/EFF DATE 01 APRIL 2022 
 Patterson Luke James     1310 
                       PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN 
                  LINE 23 JUNE 2022      STAFF 01 AUGUST 2022 
                           DOR/EFF DATE 01 MARCH 2023 
 Broadwater Brian C       1320         Coan George P III        2300 
 Comeau Robert Eugene     2300         Cox Matthew B            1110 
 Donley Gary Robert Jr    1830         Gardner David Murphy     1320 
 Gould Charles Frank Jr   2100         Hallock Samuel Hershey   1440 
 Kirkland Hamish P        1310         Landaker Edwin John      2100 
 Lowe Michele N           1710         Martins Daniel M         1310 
 Pawlenko Matthew         1800         Reiher Daniel Alexander  1110 
 Risley Dena Berry        3100         Roldanwhitaker Angela M  2200 
 Tolhurst Matthew Clee    5100 
              LINE 01 AUGUST 2022      STAFF 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 
                         DOR/EFF DATE 01 MARCH 2023 
 Alvarado Whitney Morgan  1110         Ammendola Michael A      1830 
 Ballard Joseph Thomas    1710         Bickel William George    1110 
 Bunn Brendan B           5100         Butterfield Brett Alan   1310 
 Coombs Adam Carroll      3100         Cummings Sabrina Lynn    1800 
 Davenport Bryan J        4100         Deboer Derek Lee         2100 
 Devera Ryan Raymund P    1650         Dierks Andrew Joseph     1320 
 Gainer Shanna Marie      3100         Gillette Stefan Edwin    1820 
 Gilligan Joseph Timothy  1320         Hefley Justin Beryl      2900 
 Inman John David         1310         Kearney Sean Patrick     1320 
 Kopp Richard Anthony Jr  1310         Maki Peter Charles       1830 
 Maliakel Paul G          2100         Martin Scott Jacob       1310 
 Masten Fredrick W Jr     6490         Maxfield Brian David     1120 
 Mulloy Benjamin Marc     1310         Nemeroff Keith David     2300 
 Partridge Adam Grant     2500         Phillips Jeremy C        1810 
 Poole Erica Lynn         2300         Raspet Kevin Andrew      1510 
 Rios Phillip Alexander   1110         Rouse Matthew Adam       2200 
 Seligman Ryan Schoen     1310         Smith Jennifer Lauren    2100 
 Summersoslebo Damian G   1440         Trembath Jayson Wong     1310 
 Walsh John C             2100         Warren Michael A         5100 
                  SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 30 NOVEMBER 2022 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 DECEMBER 2021 
 Collins Lashaundra S     1710 
                  SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE 15 DECEMBER 2022 
                       DOR/EFF DATE 01 SEPTEMBER 2022 
 Pringle Tapeka Chana     5100 
             LINE 29 SEPTEMBER 2022      STAFF 29 SEPTEMBER 2022 
                       DOR/EFF DATE 01 SEPTEMBER 2022 
 Wright David Jahmal      1110 
                         DOR/EFF DATE 01 MARCH 2023 
 Alvarez Carlos Andres    2300         Bates Darlene Elizabeth  1520 
 Benkendorfer Jarrett A   1830         Bibb Connor David        1310 
 Carpenter Benjamin John  1440         Chen Matthew Juing Hwa   2100 
 Chun Caitlin Nguyen Thi  2900         Dill Daniel Duane        2300 
 Dobransky Aaron James    1310         Dorsey Steven Marcus     1820 
 Downey Alexandra Marie   2200         Drummer Lynnetria D      2900 
 Flynn Colin Alexander    1310         Forbes Shawn Patrick     6480 
 Freeman Lee Timothy      1310         Gordon Nathan Alexander  1310 
 Gricepatil Zachary J     2100         Griffioen Anne Marie     2100 
 Hanna Andrew             1710         Harvey Paul Michael      1320 
 Hennings William C       5100         Herold Eric William      1320 
 Hewitt Travis Joaquin    1310         Hillman Jenna Lynn       1320 
 Holt Westley Kyle        1310         Hovey Lauren Erica       3100 
 Hughes Jerry Joan        2300         Hussey Shaunn Patrick    2100 
 Jackson Kristopher Rene  1310         Keedy Cl IV              1310 
 Kerley Timothy P         1800         Macswan Bryan Ian        1130 
 Mahoney Colin David      1320         Maria Amauri             1110 
 Mayhugh Benjamin Thomas  4100         Mcdonald Caleb Wayne     6310 
 Mcdonald Paul Matthew    6200         Miller Martin Fletcher   5100 
 Moller Erik Keith        1320         Morgan Richard Garrett   2300 
 Nieto Steven Anthony     1310         Pardillo Michael Alan    1310 
 Price John Dylan         1320         Rallya William Edward    2100 
 Rolletta Vincent M       1310         Roth Michael John        2100 
 Rutherford Timothy S     2300         Schwietz John Matthew    2500 
 Serra Jonathan Blake     1110         Shockley Wayne L Jr      1310 
 Sims George Randolph Jr  1310         Smith Kobie Russell      2300 
 Strickland Brandon L     3100         Stuppard Maurice V       1830 
 Teall Ronald Eugene Jr   6180         Thorner Lindsey Ann      2100 
 Toy Peter Devlin         1310         West David James         1440 
 Wimer Paul Anthony       1320         Windhorst Nathan Lee     1320 
 Wiseman Chelsea Ruth     1110         Womack Joshua Steven     2900 
 Wooden Matthieu Stephen  1820         Xia Xin                  3100 
 Yerkes Nicholas Todd     1310         Zhang Minghe             2200 
 Zychlewicz Colin A       1310 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 OCTOBER 2020 
 Dolat Brian P            1320 
                          DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2021 
 Bayles Foster Curtis     1110 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 NOVEMBER 2021 
 Foster Christopher Mark  1110 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 FEBRUARY 2022 
 Erickson Kaitlin Marie   1320 
                          DOR/EFF DATE 01 MAY 2022 
 Baskin Sherman A II      2900 
                          DOR/EFF DATE 01 JUNE 2022 
 Condon Shane Patrick     1110         Mcgriff Dexter           1110 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 OCTOBER 2022 
 Aasen Brett Russell      6320         Anderson Samuel Clayton  3100 
 Baker Robert Scott       1120         Barrowclough Max Bennet  1310 
 Beyer Alexander Paul     1310         Biccum Joseph Delbert    6530 
 Bienvenu Kirk D Jr       1800         Bishop Christopher N     5100 
 Black Thomas John        1130         Bloodworth Ethan Josh    6200 
 Brial Carson Charles H   1310         Bundgard Seth Arno       1310 
 Bundros Joseph William   1120         Burdios Marcusallen C    6510 
 Burger Hayden Evan       1210         Burns Matthew B          2500 
 Casperson Jacklyn Marie  1210         Cavazos Brittany J       1810 
 Chabarek Lauren E        2300         Chao Eric Young          1170 
 Chur Kai                 4100         Cilento Andrew Michael   1310 
 Clark Tyler Mackenzie    1310         Cockrell Breland D       1310 
 Corbiere Thomas Neil     6330         Cosgrove Andrew James    2300 
 Cousins Durante Austin   6310         Cox Elijah Jamel         6120 
 Crockett Adam Richard    1310         Crossley Raaid Abdullah  6200 
 Czepinski Brayan Igor    1310         Davidson Jamie Lee       1310 
 Dellaero Christopher B   1200         Delmont Andrew C         1170 
 Demaree Ashton David     1210         Digiorgi Dominic D       1120 
 Dragonette Kevin Joseph  1120         Draper Derek Andrew      1220 
 Driscoll George F        1830         Duchow Wyatt James       1310 
 Esteban Henry Mayo       5100         Faas Michael Daniel      6180 
 Faust Dillon Samuel      1320         Feicht Michael Peter M   3100 
 Fite Maxwell Avery       1210         Flannigan Bo James       5100 
 France Ryan Matthew      1170         Frazier Matthew James    1120 
 Frelund Margaret T R     4100         French Matthew Ryan      1120 
 Fultz Benjamin Daniel    6280         Gabby Paul Steven        2900 
 Garzon Amber N           1110         Gauck Gayle Sharon       6530 
 Grace Ethan Daniel       5100         Gray Joshua David        1130 
 Grayson Dylon Andrew     1820         Grzesiak Alexander John  1310 
 Hall Charles William     4100         Hark Matthew Ethan       1210 
 Hart William Isaiah      6130         Hastings Ramsey L        1210 
 Haynes Eli Emmanuel J    5100         Heintz Noah James        1120 
 Henson Scott Michael     1320         Hose Krista Marie        1320 
 Hunt Austin Sage         1220         Ingram Kolby Scott       1390 
 Issa Mohammad N          1650         Johnson David Hollis Jr  1220 
 Junewicz Christian John  1130         Kay Steven Charles       1820 
 Kelvington Brady Lee     1130         Kesluk Sean Evan         1830 
 King George Thomas       1310         King Robert Warren       1310 
 Kitogo Warren Francis    3100         Knight Katie Scarlet     1310 
 Laino Daniel Ulises      1210         Lawrence Terrence Aaron  1310 
 Liu Yina                 6410         Luce Sebastian Richard   1210 
 Marioni Julio Adrian     2900         Martin Parker Lawrence   1310 
 Massey Hannah Leigh      1210         Mastroluca Anthony D     1310 
 Maxwell Dylan Joseph     2900         Mayo Rebekah Elaine      2900 
 Mears Christopher T      1130         Meikle Shane Alexander   1390 
 Mickelson Briana R       3100         Miele Robert Anthony     1130 
 Morgan James Joseph      1810         Morhouse Mara M          4100 
 Morison Daniel George    1310         Munari Stephan A         1210 
 Navarro Jonathan F       1320         Nieves Edwin Esteban     1820 
 Nowlin Aaron Narvel      1820         Obando Victor Manuel     5100 
 Oconnor Alex James       6200         Oliveira Steven          6490 
 Osovski Luke Thomas      1320         Overbo Katherine Joy     1210 
 Padilla Sarena Danielle  1800         Parra Taylor Alexander   1310 
 Patel Riken Kamala       3100         Peaster William Grafton  1220 
 Peekstok Carey Allen     6480         Pefley David Allan       6200 
 Perez Miguel Angel       1110         Pineda Marco Andres      1200 
 Piscopo Michael Thomas   1120         Pitre Isaiah K           1820 
 Popelka Cody James       1170         Quarles Kiana Nicole     3100 
 Racicot Mary Katherine   1810         Reilly Brett Joseph      1120 
 Richardson James Dakota  1830         Riley Gabrielle O        2900 
 Rines Jesse Randall      1220         Roehrbein Cordjohn Hall  1820 
 Rogers Jack William B    1810         Romanowski Kristen J     1210 
 Ruck Stuart Martin       1170         Saddler Neil Timothy     1210 
 Sale Victoria Sage       1310         Sanchez Michael Anthony  1130 
 Sanders Joshua Dennis    6530         Santos Albert Cruz       6510 
 Sherry Zachary Grant     1120         Sieben John Edward       1110 
 Simpson Bobby A Jr       6410         Siprelle Samuel Leedale  1310 
 Siwy Ryan Stephen        5100         Smith Joseph Craig       6200 
 Stillwater Robin C       4100         Sun Victor Lee           1810 
 Swanson Eric Halsey      3100         Sweeney Richard C        1830 
 Sylvia Kamin Stephen     1210         Tadlock Andrew Hilding   1830 
 Thibault Nicholas John   2300         Thomas Emily Jean        2300 
 Turk Kyle Matthew        3100         Vasko Derek Michael      6490 
 Victory John R           1310         Vntrans Sheila Sandoval  2900 
 Waelde Christopher Carl  1120         Wahl Luke Arthur         1310 
 Wallace Charles William  1210         Weiskircher Jeremiah M   6200 
 Weldin William Charles   1130         West Katrina Maeghan     2900 
 Wiltshire Leah M         2900         Wood Kari Leann          6490 
 Young Joseph Spencer     1210         Zander Kenneth Raymond   1220 
 Zaremba Daniel James     1170 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 NOVEMBER 2022 
 Adams Ryan Michael       6330         Adamu Najib              2300 
 Alcala Alan Alexis       1110         Aldrimk Brian            5100 
 Anderson Bryan Robert    1110         Arundel Clayton Garrett  1460 
 Basso Darin Andrew       5100         Bellavia Kimberly Ann    6180 
 Benavidez Eric Steven    5100         Bergeron Bailey Paul     1110 
 Bezecny Caitlin          1110         Bland Robert Wyatt       2500 
 Blocker Justin Wayne     1810         Bortnick Alec Timothy    1110 
 Bosserman Timothy Evan   1320         Brandner Daniel James    1110 
 Brattole Rebecca Marie   1320         Bristow Brandon Dean     1320 
 Cantley Chase B L        1110         Castillo Johnnathan A    6510 
 Castrogarcia Juan C      1310         Charles Gerardo          1310 
 Cheema Manal Waqar       2500         Chicoine Amanda Lynn     2300 
 Clark Jacob Matthew      1830         Collins Jennifer Louise  1120 
 Comport Justin Adrian    1110         Craig Haylee Breeann     1320 
 Delacruz Jean Pierre     6180         Delgado Zackary Paul     1320 
 Deliz Emily Nicole       2500         Dickert Sasha Britni     6200 
 Dieterle Matthew Wayne   1110         Ebert Daniel Ryan        1110 
 Falatko Nicholas Luke    1120         Farman Zachary Kai       5100 
 Fogt Kymber Lee Inez     1110         Foltz Aaron Kincaid      2500 
 Forbes Delorean Lloyd    2500         Ford Alex Joseph         1310 
 Freitas Elson Lana Jr    1110         Friday Garrett Thomas    1170 
 Garcia Tyler Lee         1830         Garland Zachary Thomas   1110 
 Godfrey Karcher John     1120         Gomez Arnoldo III        6260 
 Gordon Sterling Chase    1110         Grays Darius Orlando     3100 
 Hackett Ryan Michael     1170         Hammarskjold Ryan P      1120 
 Hernandez Matthew T      1310         Hernandezandino Daniel   2300 
 Hersey Elizabeth Anne    2500         Hill Edward Jerome Jr    6360 
 Houston Joanna Marie     2300         Huey Kyle Wade           6320 
 Huff Emmanuel Elihue     3100         Hunter Joshua Michael    6490 
 Jacobs Alec Micah        2500         Jeon Paul                1110 
 Johnson Brian Kenneth    2500         Johnson Brian William    6200 
 Kalapinski Gary J Jr     6200         Kim Aileen Hyeyoung      2500 
 Kowalczyk Allison H      2500         Lahrs Amber Michelle     1830 
 Lake Sam Barrett         1210         Laprade Kaitlyn Oriana   2500 
 Lara Peyton Matthew      1110         Lawhorne Dustin Oneil    1830 
 Lee Kendall Dlois        2900         Legate Landon Scott      3100 
 Levine Adam Steven       6490         Lindsay Spencer William  2500 
 Ly Hung Minh             1310         Maggard Steven Su Bok    1310 
 Martin Mitchell T        1110         Martzall Ryan Andrew     2300 
 Melin Nathan Bradley     1320         Molina Thomaskriztoffe   6510 
 Mullaney Ross Simon      6260         Nicholls Jourdan C Jr    1120 
 Ocbazgi Agazit Negash    1830         Ohagan Kensy Renee       2500 
 Patterson Gary Lee       1120         Patterson Kyle Andrew    1810 
 Pekari Derya Angelina    1320         Penas Manuel A           6360 
 Portell Cody James       1110         Randle Lois Lynn         1810 
 Reichenbach Trevor S     6200         Reynolds Darick Alan     3100 
 Richter Dennison Tyler   1120         Rodriguezsarabia Mariela 5100 
 Rogers Benjamin Joseph   2500         Rufener Cody Thomas      6110 
 Rushin Riley Adam        2500         Sauter Devin Nicholas    1310 
 Sawatzky Stephen M       1810         Schmidt Logan C          1210 
 Schultz Kyle Stephen     1110         Scott George Thomas      6490 
 Siu Thomas Leonard       2500         Sload Zachery Michael    5100 
 Smith William S III      6490         Steck Lauren Nicole      3100 
 Szafranski Mark          1120         Teel Melissa May         2500 
 Thomas Morgan Oliver     1830         Thompson Nicole Joyce    1310 
 Thompson Spencer A       1110         Thornton Benetta L       6490 
 Tierney Bryan            1120         Turner Lane Hudson       1170 
 Walker Andrew Harper     1110         Wallis Kaitlin Sigrid    1110 
 Walston Warren Thomas    6130         Watkins Brandon C        1310 
 Watson Alexander Y       5100         Weaver James Abraham     2500 
 Weber James Werner       6120         Wheeler Kenneth Harry    5100 
 Wilkey Sarah Jane        1320         Williams Gregory Scott   6110 
 Worley Grant Pierce      1110 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 DECEMBER 2022 
 Aguilar Domenic John     1320         Andenoro Kathryn Elise   1320 
 Anderson Carson Riley    1310         Anderson Erin Keller     1110 
 Angelino Adam Robert     1390         Attewell Destiny A       2300 
 Backofen Steven Matthew  1800         Baker Brett Michael      1310 
 Baumberger Gary Blake    1110         Beahan Bradley Michael   1310 
 Bell Hunter William      1310         Berecin Joseph Michael   1320 
 Bernstein Putra Arjuna   1520         Blais Sean Patrick       1110 
 Borgognone Salvatore V   1110         Braden Ellen Yvette      5100 
 Brandt Adam G            1110         Brick Kevin Robert       1390 
 Brown Casey Eric         1390         Brown Hunter Leon        5100 
 Burling Michael Lewis    2900         Butler Zachary Taylor    1390 
 Byrne Mary Katherine     2500         Byrns Truett Grant III   4100 
 Caldwell Daniel Patrick  1120         Cami Anthony Joseph      3100 
 Carrico Mason Philip     1170         Chapman Bradley David    1830 
 Chin Ryan Kenneth        1120         Cobb Mason Lee           2900 
 Coffer Andrew Tyler      6320         Cohen Ari Benjamin John  1310 
 Cole Caroline Elizabeth  2500         Collins Michael John     1520 
 Cotton Markus Calvin     1320         Cottrell Brandon Keith   1310 
 Crandall Andrew James    1110         Craynor Elliott William  1110 
 Crothers Robert Heath    1310         Curry Joshua Colten      1320 
 Cusack Kevin Mitchell    1310         Dantay Joseph Maru       1310 
 Davidson Jeremy Sean     6810         Davis Lex Matthew        1120 
 Dejesus Antonio Javier   2900         Depaola Brian Richard    1310 
 Dizon Angelica Lusung    1110         Dugan James Heath        1320 
 Duncan Jacob John        1310         Dunn Blake Dale          2900 
 Dyer Jacqueline E        1110         Echeverria Luis A        1110 
 Enderson Nicholas Mark   1110         Evans Colin Daniel       6200 
 Fabian Grant Stuart      1810         Farmer Joshua T          6490 
 Ferrara Ian James        1310         Fitzgerald Rachel Ann    2900 
 Fontaine Blake Curtis    1110         Frojd Michael Phillip    1110 
 Fulmer Amber Lynn        6490         Gallinghouse Davis Adam  1320 
 Gioia Nicholas Paul      1110         Glaser David Joseph      1110 
 Gregory Marty Wayne      3100         Grima John Daniel        3100 
 Gross John Frank         1320         Grubbs Michael David Jr  1110 
 Gutierrez Gabriel James  6120         Gutierrez Sterling M     2500 
 Hansen Trevor Kade       1110         Harbuziuk David A        6430 
 Hardie Jonathan C        1110         Harris John Randolph     1320 
 Hart Grayson William M   1830         Haugen Taiki James       3100 
 Hawkinson Bradley C      1310         Heyer Dylan Owen         6490 
 Hill Rodney Oneal Jr     1320         Hilmer Keegan Russell    1310 
 Hinds Aswan Martin       1320         Hofstrand Neil Martin    1830 
 Hudson Lonnel Decordiva  1310         Ianno Sean William       1200 
 Ireland Jerry Michael    4100         Jackson Brandon J        5100 
 Jackson Jeremy Lee       6200         Jacob Rachel Elizabeth   2500 
 Jagielski Zachary J      2500         Jarman Jonathan Kenneth  6120 
 Jones Tristan Tyler      1320         Kilduff Benjamin Joseph  1320 
 Knapp Sunshine D         2900         Korpics Nicholas John    3100 
 Kreuser Thomas James     1310         Kueffouakanouo William   6510 
 Leach John Mark          1160         Lees Alexander Sterling  1120 
 Legman Arik Alexander    1310         Lewis Allen David        1120 
 Macleod Kelsey Deborah   2500         Macpartland Lina Paola   2300 
 Marquis Sarah Beth       1320         Mastela Austin Michael   3100 
 Mccague Erik Alexander   1310         Mceachern Cierra Danai   2500 
 Mcmurrer Jack Granger    1110         Medenbach Alexander D    1310 
 Medrano Carlos III       1320         Miles Ericka Zabrina     1520 
 Miller Edward J III      1810         Miller Matthew Robert    6180 
 Moon Theresa Louise      3100         Morgan Luke Michael      1310 
 Mullen Joel Alexander    1320         Muren Alexander Richard  1310 
 Naylor Jacob Daniel      1310         Nick Daniel Patrick      5100 
 Novak Mitchell Thomas    1310         Obrien Jeffrey Arthur    1110 
 Olynch Christopher John  1520         Ososkie Timothy Paul     2500 
 Palmer Joshua David      4100         Parker Austin George     1830 
 Pauldon Tarence Fenton   6510         Pinchart Kevin Yuusuke   1320 
 Polly Krista             1830         Pope Katie Lynn          1110 
 Poplaski Joshua Adam     6200         Powell Carinna Leigh     1110 
 Proto John Robert        1110         Pursel Vanessa Marie     2300 
 Rahmani Asaiah Joel A    1820         Ramos Dylan James        1810 
 Raymundo Joanne Marie    1810         Rennert David Philip     1170 
 Rettew David Hughes      6490         Ricart Kate Isabel       2500 
 Richardson Thomas F      1310         Rodriguez Eleazer Caleb  6310 
 Ross Jeremy Alan         1320         Saetern Thailina M       1310 
 Salazar Karina Jane      2500         Sanders Shane Owen       1310 
 Sarandinaki Ariel Rose   2500         Schuler Anthony Dillon   6200 
 Seniff Kyle Jackson      1310         Serna Valerie            1200 
 Sexton Jessica Tiffany   1820         Shiner Christopher J     1110 
 Simon Joshua David       1310         Simpson Stephanie S      6200 
 Solomon Byron Joseph     1310         Stallcup Robert Joseph   1310 
 Starnes William Mason    1120         Stephens Calvin D        6130 
 Stephens Jennifer L      2900         Stewart Zuri Tremaine    1310 
 Swiatek Steven Scott II  5100         Taft John William        1110 
 Taylor Forrest Cole      1310         Taylor Nicholas David    1310 
 Thompson Greyson Michael 1310         Topliffe Samuel Joseph   3100 
 Valladares Andrew Fidel  3100         Webb Jerry Lee           1520 
 Weber Hayden J           5100         Wedemeyer Sara Ruth      1310 
 Welcome Leon Andray      1520         Wheeler Seth Charles     1310 
 Whisenant Brooke Ashley  1310         Wong Cameron Adrian      1120 
 Woodman Colin Michael    1320         Workman Nicholas Loren   1310 
 Yergensen Chance Star    6200 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 JANUARY 2023 
 Alexander Christian R    1310         Arriaga Natalie H        2900 
 Arteaga Celeste          2900         Avsec Rachel Nicole      2300 
 Balcanoff Dalton R       1310         Barravecchia Haley M     2300 
 Barry Ryan G             1310         Batelli Nicholas F       3100 
 Baughman Kailee M        2900         Bazemore Andrew W        1800 
 Beach Ashton Rene        1830         Beaman Kyle F            1310 
 Bechtel David M          1170         Beckwith Dustin Wayne    3100 
 Blackburn Zackary R      1110         Blanco Matthew           1310 
 Boets Petrus J II        1800         Boisse Douglas R         1310 
 Bowes Corey Scott        1310         Brennan Eric M           1310 
 Bridgett Haley Jackson   2300         Bruttomesso Thomas M     5100 
 Burgos Kathleen E        2900         Burke Dallas Cole        1310 
 Burns Gareth Robert      1310         Canty Joshua J           1130 
 Cardenas Anthony Bryan   1110         Cather Breighanna Lea    2900 
 Chau Vu Hoang            2900         Chavez Elena             1110 
 Chavez Jorge L Jr        2900         Chiodo Dylan M           1320 
 Cho Jin                  1110         Clark Kayla Marie        1830 
 Clutts Robert F          1310         Codding Zachary Adam     2900 
 Cohen Mitch D            1110         Collins Benjamin D       1310 
 Cooper Eric T            1310         Cotter Jason Paul        1310 
 Cotton Elaine Mabry      2300         Crescini Nicholas A      1310 
 Crouch Megan M           1310         Cuaycong Precious C      1110 
 Curbelo Juan Miguel      1110         Davis Hunter L           1110 
 Davis Jessica Colleen    1110         Deaton Tanner Lane       2900 
 Dennison Michael J       1310         Dickinson Kalani M       1310 
 Dietrich Alyssa Ann      2900         Doan Valerie Phuong      1110 
 Docimo Marissa Danielle  2900         Donnelly Thomas M        1110 
 Dowdey Allison S         2300         Doyle Kurt S             1810 
 Drennan Michael J        1110         Dykeman Zachary Kyle     1110 
 Eib Alexander J          1310         Ekdahl Kurt Tangonan     1310 
 Elefano Eurice Desiree   2900         Eleiott Alexander C      5100 
 Eng Alyssa               1110         Estrada Victoria A       1160 
 Evans Grant E            1310         Faltemier Jacob P        1120 
 Fara Gregory T           1120         Farney Patrick S         1130 
 Fitzwater Jason L        1310         Fornelius Markus L       1110 
 Furr Aaron Gene          2900         Gallagher Malorie F      2900 
 Gamalinda Donna K        2900         Garces Jeunesse Duma     2900 
 Garofalo Dominic C       1310         Gault Phillip Adrian     1160 
 Gesel Timothy D          1120         Gilbert Derrick Michael  1110 
 Godde Justin Scott       1310         Gormley Gage P           1110 
 Goss Nathan B            1310         Green Gigiola Tahiri     3100 
 Green Noah Richard       2900         Grenzow Ryan John        1310 
 Guillen David Antonio    1310         Guthrie Brent W          1310 
 Haley William C III      1310         Harris Spencerjames S    1110 
 Hartling Michael K       1110         Haynes Brett A           1110 
 Hebenstreit Samuel B     1310         Hemen James Kwame        1110 
 Hennessey Patrick T      1110         Henry Angel May          2900 
 Hering Kyle James        1320         Hespen Hunter Steven     1110 
 Heydt Alexander E        1310         Heydt Royce C            1320 
 Hidalgo Christiane C     1820         Hill Marshal B           1110 
 Holloway Nicholas P      1310         Horvath Alexander Paul   1310 
 Houk Joseph W            1310         Hull Todd Steven         1830 
 Hungerford Grant P       2900         Irwin Ryan David         1830 
 Jara Natalie             1310         Jenkins Olivia K         1170 
 Jenkins Robert A Jr      1120         Jiles Jeremy Dante       1110 
 Jimenez Gerardo          1160         Jones Jeffrey Bruce      1820 
 Jozsa Lyndsay D          1820         Kameshige Alexander T    1170 
 Kammann Daniel William   1320         Kanne Madeline R         1110 
 Karver Aaron R           1120         Keating Eion G           1310 
 Keer David C             1130         Knowlton Andrew T        1120 
 Koch Jason S             1120         Kramer Caleb B           1120 
 Kraus Joshua Thomas      1110         Krumrei Benjamin R       1310 
 Kruse John Peter         1310         Kunzie Nathan T          1110 
 Lambeth Justin C         1310         Langhauser Amanda C      1120 
 Laughman Abby Deondra    2900         Lawrence Gabrielle P     1520 
 Leatherman Aaron Ezekiel 1820         Lee Crispinus            1110 
 Lee Joshua Israel        1120         Legaspi Luke Patrick     1310 
 Leon Logan Kahleb        2300         Lewis Joy D              2300 
 Li Xuan                  2300         Li Zheng                 3100 
 Lippert Nicholas D       1650         Lochmann Jacob C         1220 
 Loomis Samuel Kenneth    1820         Magee Ross Andrew        3100 
 Maldonado Joseph A       1320         Martin Julie M           1120 
 Marvic Bernard Matthew   3100         Mccabe Jacqueline Ann    1320 
 Mccormick Jacob Wiley    1110         Mccreary Pearson R       1310 
 Mcdaniel John Cameron    1520         Mcdonald Steven Andrew   1130 
 Mcellis Garrett J        1310         Mcgregor Daniel Sean     1310 
 Mcnichols William M      1310         Meads Stephanie C        2300 
 Medrano David A          1110         Meekins Andrew Thomas    1320 
 Mendiola Jewel M         1300         Moeller Michael Scott    2900 
 Mogaji Oluwakemi R       2300         Mon Brandon Alexander    1310 
 Moran Zachary W          1310         Morin Patrick C          1310 
 Morris Stephen Donald    1110         Murphy Dorothy Teele     1120 
 Nerad Jacob C            1190         Nguyen Daniel M          1820 
 Nicholas Carla Rondine   2900         Nieves Karla Patricia    2900 
 Norman Tamarcus T        1810         Norwood Carl V           1110 
 Oh Minu                  1110         Oxios Maurice            1120 
 Paoletta Jason Michael   2300         Pauley Christina Seung   1110 
 Peri Krishna V           1120         Perry Taylor N           2900 
 Petticrew Racquel Nicole 2900         Picker Grant H           1320 
 Pierre Vladimir Gaspard  2900         Poe Kelsey D             1110 
 Posey Paul A             1810         Powell James Dustin      2900 
 Powers Tyler J           1390         Quezadapetersen Juan P   2900 
 Quinn Christopher R      1170         Ramirez Taylor Lynn      1120 
 Ramos Bryan L            1110         Rangelmejia Carlos       2900 
 Rapp Brendan E           1310         Reavis Anthony J         1310 
 Reddish Kayla C IV       1110         Resha Robert T Jr        1110 
 Rich Dylan John          2300         Roberts Nicholas S       1170 
 Rodriguez David A        1310         Rogers Savannah Blake    2900 
 Rostad Taylor John R     1110         Ruebush Devin Cole       1320 
 Rush Karleigh May        2300         Russell Nicholas D       1110 
 Rwatambuga Furaha A      2300         Sandell Rachel Lynne     2900 
 Santiago Vincent Craig   1110         Schaner Sylvester S      1310 
 Sebok Matthew D          1320         Seniura Matthew Paul     1110 
 Sitafine Pepetinovao M   2900         Smith Parker Gregory     1310 
 Stachura Matthew T       1310         Stauffer Lucas C         3100 
 Stavroff Amanda E        1110         Stenglein Nicholas J     1830 
 Steward Breann Marie     2900         Stouffer Ryan Cody       1310 
 Sullivan Andrew Patrick  1830         Tabisz Andrzej Rafal     1310 
 Tarasewicz Maxwell R     1310         Tarbrake Daniel F        1120 
 Tarekegn Dagmawit Y      2900         Teeter Forrest Utley     1310 
 Thai Jennifer            3100         Torres Daniel            1310 
 Townsend Matthew A       1310         Ventura Joseph John      2900 
 Villafuerte Alex R       1120         Vornholt Jacob L         3100 
 Waite Angelica A         1110         Walton Kyle H            1120 
 Watson Colin Walter      1170         Wayne Elisabeth Nina     1320 
 Whalen William R         1460         Williams Ashetanie N     2900 
 Williams John Caleb      1310         Winch Sara Jane          2900 
 Winslow William C        1830         Wisbauer Brian M         1110 
 Woestman Konrad W        1120         Wray Nathan F            1310 
 Wright Christopher L     1310         Yap Lionel Bryan Chua    2900 
 Young Brandon E          1130         Young Joseph A           1310 
 Zeilenga Brian C         2900 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 FEBRUARY 2023 
 Abdelhalim Hassan Omer   2500         Adams William G          1310 
 Alstad Leah Oberhauser   1830         Anderson Derrick Jewel   1220 
 Arevalos Devon Luis      6410         Argo Joshua Robert       6200 
 Ash Marnika Ann          6510         Ayers Christopher Allan  6130 
 Bassani Courtney         2500         Batchelor Jonathan M II  1390 
 Beeson Kyle N            1110         Berry Jacob Wayne        1810 
 Bloom James Mitchell     1310         Bogard Travis James      1300 
 Bonagura Michael L       1810         Booth James G            1310 
 Bradfute Ecce Hunter     1390         Britt Eric Neeley        6330 
 Brown Kirt Gerard Jr     1810         Browning Nicholas P      1310 
 Browning Paul James      1310         Brumfield Christian A    1310 
 Carff Drew Walter        1320         Carlton Brandon Joseph   1310 
 Charlton Timothy C       1210         Colley Gavin Edward L    1170 
 Cook Alan                1110         Corner Rebecca Claire L  5100 
 Crisostomo Marvin B      1320         Cunningham Elliott C     6360 
 Davis Zachary Reed       1830         Day Christopher William  2500 
 Dillon Myles Gunnar      1840         Docimo Dominic James     2900 
 Dominguez Antonio III    6360         Dougherty Ryan Joseph    1320 
 Draim Evan Robert        2500         Edwards Brian Thomas     1210 
 Elander Kyle Robert      1300         Estrella Jonathan Lee    6510 
 Evans Kathleen Amelia    1320         Everett Justin Colbert   1800 
 Fuller Olivia Michele    1300         Gaddy William Delaney    6120 
 Gaston Eric William      1840         Goff Rudy Paul           1110 
 Gonsalves Kawika Kainoa  1310         Grant Kandyce Marie      6330 
 Headgepath Billy Joe Jr  6480         Hiller Justin Todd       1320 
 Holland Samuel Tabban    1310         Holt Jason Dennis        1310 
 Hwang Nahoon             1120         Hyde Joshua Alexander    1310 
 Jackowitz Elijah Paul    1110         Jackson Jesta May        1320 
 Jermyn Jake Mcneal       1220         Jimenezbrana Kenneth D   1310 
 Johansen Syver C         1810         Johnson Alexander N      2900 
 Jones Robert Tyler       1830         Jordan David Corey       2500 
 Karabin Nicholas D       1110         Kennedy Patrick Robert   2900 
 King Jonathan William    1840         Koseck Ellen Lina        2300 
 Kriesmer Katherine M     1310         Kriesmer Zachary Arthur  1320 
 Kristensen Karl Thomas   1950         Kuhns Dylan John         1320 
 Laeder Michael E Jr      6490         Larus Grayson William    5100 
 Layne Alexander Ryan     1320         Lecount Jacob Scott      6490 
 Letson Dana Christine    1320         Lewis Cassidy M          1160 
 Lott Larenzo Matthew     2300         Love Kelly Diane         2900 
 Lupratt Yang             3100         Magnuson Kyle Andrew     1810 
 Malonepatterson C R      1160         Mcgowan Connor R Jr      1130 
 Melanson Dylan Edward    1210         Mengis Stephanie Faye    1210 
 Meyers Samuel W III      6200         Miller Zachary A B       2900 
 Moon Mitchell Alan       1210         Moore Jeffrey Douglas    5100 
 Moran Glen Alex          3100         Nguyen Tommy Tri         6130 
 Nichols Daniel William   1310         Noahr Christopher B      6200 
 Ochoa Mario Arturo       1320         Orlowski David Joseph    6200 
 Osterbur Matthew James   6390         Pauletti Michael Robert  1220 
 Paxson Matthew Richard   1310         Plant John Carmichael    1820 
 Pretzer Rachel Michelle  1120         Priddle Emily Danielle   1320 
 Prusiecki Michael A      1310         Purdy Frederick Daniel   1210 
 Quinonesmartinez Henry   1110         Rappe Marc Christopher   5100 
 Rigby Daniel Quin        1310         Robinson Nicholas Gates  1110 
 Robison Ryan Carl        1110         Rodriguez Yeltsin E      1110 
 Roningen Henry Noel      1310         Ruleau Dustin Michael    1110 
 Schatz Samson J          2500         Schreiner Riley James    1210 
 Shrout Matthew William   1310         Shulstad Lorin M         1110 
 Sieja Nicholas E         1120         Sitarski David Andrew    1320 
 Smith Rebecca Stott      2900         Sos Lukess Kzero         1310 
 Stalder Mason G          2500         Stark Amanda Nicole      1840 
 Stawarz Nathaniel Scott  6200         Stebor Andrew David      1820 
 Steuer Philip Carl       6480         Suarez Carlos Abiel      3100 
 Thompson Patrick S       1110         Thompson Thealia Ann     2300 
 Trujillo Matthew James   1110         Vass David Matthew Jr    6490 
 Wall Margaret Catherine  1310         Ward Whitney             3100 
 White Tyler Wesley       6260         Wiesinger Annika A       1310 
 Willis Christopher S     1110         Wilson Ashley Marie      6490 
 Wirt Hannah Elizabeth    2500         Wolfman Gabrielle Lyn    1110 
 Young Sean Michael       6260         Zamora Edgardo De Castro 1820 
 Zaw Koko                 3100 
                         DOR/EFF DATE 01 MARCH 2023 
 Abbott Sean Thomas       1310         Ahart Seth Miles         1310 
 Anderson Stephen James   1830         Andrews Katherine E      2900 
 Arceneaux Jason V        1830         Archambo Jarrod T        1310 
 Ardelan John Geoffrey    1110         Bagent Ian Michael       1310 
 Baggarly Ian Stewart     3100         Bain George Austin       1320 
 Banez Edmar Gem Locsin   1800         Banko Aaron Christopher  1320 
 Battle Jonathan Joel     6230         Beahm Kevin Rowe         3100 
 Bennett Cody Austin      1310         Berba John Lambino       3100 
 Berghuis Brian Alberto   1320         Bingham Robert Lee       1820 
 Boe Aaron William        1110         Boren Daren Travis       3100 
 Breitsprecher Brandon K  1310         Brooks John Lewis        1310 
 Brown Ayris Dazia        1110         Brown Colin Taylor       1310 
 Bryn Griffin Livingston  1310         Buckley David Edmund     1110 
 Buice Stephanie Nichole  2900         Burgett Rhys James M     1160 
 Butler Frank James       6120         Caddle John Joseph V     1200 
 Carey Phillip Thomas     1310         Carr Landon Clifford     1130 
 Carrillo Clynce M        1170         Castro Christian Garcia  1320 
 Chapman Jordan Lee       6360         Childs Jermaine Cornell  6230 
 Cliffman Kyler Lee       1110         Coffman Brian Keith      6330 
 Colvin Scott David       1820         Cooksy Hayden Anderson   1310 
 Courtney Connor Ryan     1810         Cox Cameron Clifton      3100 
 Cranford Christian Len   1830         Crean Seth Patrick       1310 
 Cremeans Edward James    6120         Cuellar Russell Kyle     1310 
 Cupello Marcella M       5100         Curtin Collin J          1320 
 Davis Jason Michael      1320         Davis Matthew Richard    1110 
 Dawson Alexander R       1110         Edwards Timothy Brian    1320 
 Emily George Michael     1310         Ferraro Nathan Joseph    1130 
 Feustel Ari Maxim        1310         Fitch Erin Elizabeth     1820 
 Fourhman Joshua Martin   1320         Garcia Carlos Hernan     1820 
 Garris Maxwell Paul      1320         Garza David Louis        1110 
 Gee Kendra Dawn          1810         Given Tatiana Elizabeth  1110 
 Graham Ariel Star        1110         Grahamandrews Mateo A    1320 
 Granzotto Marc David     1110         Grippin David Alan       1110 
 Gruber Joseph Jeffrey    1110         Gutzmann Parker Randall  1120 
 Harper Michael M         1110         Helms Austin Daniel      1110 
 Hemphill Tyler Dwane     1120         Henry Nate Austin        1810 
 Hertel Brendan Robert    1320         Hilyard Zebulon S        1130 
 Himes Jesse Logan        1110         Hinson Jeremy Blake      3100 
 Hoedtke Julian Collin    3100         Horan Sean Patrick       1130 
 Howe Jason Joseph        1320         Howell Jeremiah Allison  1820 
 Huezo Grace Sonia        1160         Iannone Anthony Joseph   3100 
 Jackson Katarzyna E      2900         Jeambey Ross Nicholas    1830 
 Jurbala David R Jr       1320         Keefer Collin Jeffrey    1110 
 Kelly Hilliard W III     6410         Krystynak Victoria E     1110 
 Lanase Ismaila A         6130         Lang John David Jr       6290 
 Largent Nathaniel A      1310         Lawson Caleb Hunter      1310 
 Lutzow Eric David        1170         Lyons Trevor B           6490 
 Magee Thomas Robert      6320         Mahan Thomas Peyton      1310 
 Mart Michael Paul        1320         Matalicia Chesahlyn Uy   3100 
 Mather Mark Davis        1110         Mathers Thomas Tucker    1130 
 Matthai Jake Mclemore    1130         Mayers Lani Therese      1810 
 Mays Stacey Renee        6180         Mazzella Matthew Mario   1120 
 Mccarthy Christopher     6110         Mclain Jacob Sawyer      1830 
 Melendez Arturo III      1110         Meyer David Nicholas     6530 
 Miller Drew Mccallum     1110         Miller Jackson B         1810 
 Moore Donald Lewis       1110         Moore Sean M             1320 
 Moore Victoria Faith     1830         Morehead Stuart Allen    1310 
 Morte Derek Quentin      1390         Murkowski Victor Roman   1110 
 Niebel Jennifer Mosier   1830         Obletz Nicholas Levi     1130 
 Obrien Charles John      1520         Odell Mark Troy          1110 
 Perts Jareth Charles     6810         Petrone Alec Justin      1830 
 Phillips Colin James     1320         Pitney Connor Hugh       1320 
 Pitts Joseph Hanlon      1310         Redding Elijah Theodore  3100 
 Register Sammanuel T     6360         Richmond Derek Gregory   1390 
 Ricks Troy Cameron       1810         Rife Brenden Thomas      6310 
 Rivas Vladimir           3100         Rivera Ria Irene         2900 
 Rosa Jordan James        1830         Ross Abraham             1320 
 Rudner Max Adam          1320         Ryan Timothy Wallace     6530 
 Sanders Cleston Drew     1810         Sandlin Alisa Marie      3100 
 Savage Michael R         6200         Scarbrough Cheyenne M    6200 
 Schilk Halley Jeanine    1320         Seifert Gregory Albert   1130 
 Serrano Michael Jared    1160         Shannon Michael Patrick  1110 
 Sharp Cody Odell         1320         Shaughnessy Matthew L    1110 
 Smith Joshua Thomas      1320         Stokes Robert Mcintyre   1310 
 Sweeney Nicholas C       1320         Taylor Seth Alexander    1390 
 Tisdel Isaac Otto        1110         Tunmire Leanne Michelle  1830 
 Turner Bret Thomas       1110         Upchurch Joshua Isiah    1320 
 Valdez Jose Angel        1820         Valdez Tyler Martin      1110 
 Verdile Michael Angelo   1310         Villedieu Matthew Ryan   1390 
 Vinella Brian M          6260         Vogel Thomas John        1320 
 Voorhies Brooke Nicole   1110         Waldron Nathanael        1310 
 Walker Kimberly Andrean  1110         Walker Patricia A        1110 
 Walsh Lucas Holton C     1130         Ward Branden Mcmichael   1110 
 Wells Nathan Keith       1110         Williams Cornetha T      6130 
 Wilson Elijah Powell     1810         Wilson Jordan Alexander  1310 
 Wivell James Joseph      6330         Wong Jeffrey B           1110 
 Wright Matthew Raymond   6820         Wu Dean Schwinn          1110 
 Yale William Albert      1110         Zier Jake Cornell        1110 
                         DOR/EFF DATE 01 MARCH 2023 
 Arroyo Hector Michael    7311         King Kellie Lenn Jr      7131 
                        DOR/EFF DATE 01 OCTOBER 2021 
 Holland Jeffrey Lenn     7151 
                         DOR/EFF DATE 01 MARCH 2023 
 Aponteramos Luis Angel   7361         Botting James Carl       7361 
 Carson Brian Omar        7821         Flores Cristina          7411 
 Guadian Miguel Jr        7331         Mcquiggan Joseph M       7181 
 Miller Russell T Jr      7181         Milliner Jamey Kenta     7181 
 Person Gregory H Jr      7281         Russo Frank Paul IV      7171 
 Tango Georgearis Bolano  7821         Walter Matthew Neil      7181 
 Wampler David Lee Jr     7491 
                         DOR/EFF DATE 01 MARCH 2023 
 Abbott Ryan Michael      7111         Burford Edward A III     7331 
 Carcana Jose D           7821         Fiack Daniel Paul        7151 
 Hodge Tabitha Lynn       7131         Ipina Francisco G Jr     7121 
 Israel Rashad Ammi       7131         Jones Rusiane Latrice    7831 
 Kopy Kristopher Michael  7321         Le Jonathan Kenny        7181 
 Martinezpena Yendry      7311         Mattos Keala H           7331 
 Mcmillian Laquieta S     7831         Pappillion James E       7171 
 Perezprado Karina E      7111         Rice Daniel Christopher  7151 
 Rohloff Marc Jacob       7311         Salazar Lorena Katiuska  7411 
 Smith Scott Ross         7331         Timmons Shareeda J       7821 
 Trickler Sarah Morgan    7801         Wallace Cornel Doyen     7131 
2.  If a selected officer does not decline promotion in writing prior to the 
projected date of rank (noted above in paragraph 1), that officer is 
considered to have accepted the promotion on the date indicated.  An officer 
who chooses to decline promotion must submit the declination in writing to 
COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) within thirty (30) days of the release of this 
3.  The commanding officer (CO), the Secretary of the Navy, or his designee, 
has the authority to delay projected promotions.  Upon the exercise of a 
delay, the officer shall be notified in writing before the effective date of 
the promotion and not be tendered the promoting appointment.  The delay 
authority will immediately forward the notification of delay with supporting 
documentation to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-83), copy to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 
4.  COs are reminded of their responsibility to ensure the officers they are 
promoting are mentally, physically, morally and professionally qualified in 
accordance with section 624 of title 10, U.S. Code.  Per reference (a), 
officers are ineligible for promotion if they have failed the most recent 
Physical Fitness Assessment.  COs shall verify the promoting officer's 
information in the Physical Readiness Information Management System to 
compliance with reference (a) as modified by reference (b) and delay the 
officers promotion in accordance with paragraph 3 of this NAVADMIN, if 
5.  Prepare a Delivery of Permanent Appointment (NAVPERS form 1421/7) 
(Rev 10-13).  Use this NAVADMIN as reference (a).  Use section 624 of title 
10, U.S. Code as reference (b) for permanent lieutenants and above.  Use 
section 578 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b) for chief warrant 
officers.  Mail the completed form to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806) or email via 
MyNavy Career Center at askmncc.fct@navy.mil. 
6.  Officers should review references (c) and (d) for minimum 
time-in-grade (TIG)/service-in-grade (SIG) requirements for purposes of 
voluntary retirement.  (NOTE:  TIG/SIG requirements for active-duty LCDR 
voluntary retirements changed with National Defense Authorization Act 2021; 
Update to reference (c) is pending.)  Training and administration of Reserve 
officers and those officers temporarily on active-duty anticipating release 
from active-duty under reference (e) may accept promotion without incurring 
any additional active-duty obligation. 
7.  New photographs are required for all officers within three months after 
acceptance of promotion.  See reference (f) for specific requirements. 
8.  Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// 

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