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R 201631Z SEP 22 MID200080219675U 
ALNAV 063/22 
RMKS/1.  I am pleased to announce the following Line Officers on the Reserve 
Active-Status list for promotion to the permanent grade of Lieutenant 
2.  This message is not authority to deliver appointments.  Authority to 
effect promotion will normally be issued by future NAVADMINs requiring 
NAVPERS 1421/7 preparation and forwarding of document to PERS-806. 
3.  Frocking is not authorized for any officer listed below until specific 
authorization is received per SECNAVINST 1420.2B. 
4.  For proper alphabetical order read from left to right on each line.  The 
numbers following each name to the right indicate the relative seniority 
among selectees within each competitive category.  Note:  An (*) by the name 
indicates the selectee was merit reordered to the top of the promotion list 
in accordance with reference (a).  Members are directed to verify their 
select status via BUPERS Online. 
                           Unrestricted Line 
Akisoglu Ian T               0163  Alman Briana Alling H *      0026 
Alpert Joseph Benjamin *     0033  Anderson Richard Carl        0126 
Anderson Aaron Bradley       0073  Anderson John Daniel         0048 
Asdal Kirsten Anna *         0018  Atwill Andrew Bryant         0234 
Aylward Alexandra M *        0042  Bailey Jared Kyle            0060 
Bailiff James B              0296  Baker Thomas M               0209 
Balandran Alejandro J        0245  Bauer Erica E                0197 
Bayo Joseph Anthony *        0003  Beaudet Steven F             0217 
Bennett Martin Samuel *      0007  Benninger Ian Wylie          0244 
Benson Kyle D                0085  Benton Katie French *        0025 
Berger William E *           0001  Bernier John A               0125 
Bezold Devin Michael         0089  Billmaier Steven John        0190 
Blackley Victoria E          0211  Blanton Michael Joseph       0058 
Boland Evelyn K              0227  Bolchoz John R III           0240 
Bondurant Benjamin S *       0021  Boyd Jennifer Dean           0053 
Boykin William F III         0270  Brady Shane Michael          0097 
Brakora Kelly S              0218  Brecklin Jacqueline D        0170 
Brown Jackson Trevor         0140  Buckley Jason Conor M        0260 
Bueltel Adam Johnathan       0056  Bueno Alvin J                0071 
Bush Ryan Olynthus           0111  Byrd Stephen Ryan            0146 
Byrge Michael A              0271  Cariker Jeb S                0232 
Carothers Michael P          0131  Carpenter Luke F             0198 
Case Jason Robert            0184  Castillo Joerielann L        0223 
Cava Steven Charles          0099  Chaffee Preston A            0149 
Chandler Vincent M           0129  Christie Alexander S         0145 
Chung Austin C               0191  Cicio Corey J                0275 
Cleary Thomas Myles Jr       0201  Coleman Trevor A             0228 
Colmer Devon Joseph          0169  Coltellino Vincent           0283 
Coomey Sean T                0130  Cooper Victoria E            0127 
Cordova Paxie Martin         0077  Costa Glenn Marcus           0104 
Coughlin Dyanna C            0233  Crawford Alicia Leann        0251 
Cristiano Michael V          0180  Danforth Nicholas D          0273 
Darby Robert K               0203  Davis Christopher J          0075 
Davis Shannon N              0206  Davismiklues C M *           0004 
Day Colin Eugene             0252  Delery Oliver S              0100 
Delisio Luke Cawrse *        0011  Devine Peter A               0069 
Diacogiannis J D             0096  Diazperez Gaddis R           0267 
Dibenedetto Gregory S        0098  Dickmann John Q *            0037 
Difranco Gregory A           0108  Diverde Nicolas J *          0029 
Dobbs Clarence R             0091  Dougherty Madeline E         0144 
Douglas Stuart Kubota *      0012  Dowd Thomas James            0176 
Drake Jon Oscar              0266  Drumb Samantha L             0261 
Elam Kyle Aspie              0173  Elenbaas Alison Ann *        0039 
Elwood Trevor Michael *      0013  Farina Thomas John II *      0040 
Feinstein Barry E            0179  Fikel Staci C                0294 
Fini Zachary Paul            0138  Finkle Joseph S              0199 
Fischer Warren Peter         0114  Fitzpatrick Stephen M        0291 
Foley Daniel James           0156  Frossard Michael J           0082 
Galarza Christopher L        0159  Gannatti Timothy S           0116 
Giacalone Anthony B          0282  Gierl Christopher L          0123 
Giles Westin M               0292  Gillooly Rachel E *          0038 
Golub Matthew S              0265  Goodell Landon Eugene        0094 
Gooden Zamar R               0109  Gorinski Laura M *           0019 
Gowell Emily H *             0022  Graeter Paul C               0147 
Grayson Benjamin J           0196  Gripton Earl A *             0041 
Groves Hilleri Nichole       0235  Guffey Alex M                0101 
Gustafson Matthew C          0268  Hansen Roland James          0236 
Harris William A             0051  Harris William Ray           0174 
Harrison Nadine N            0221  Healy Caleb N *              0008 
Heider David Joseph          0087  Heikkila Sarah C             0216 
Henderson Jeremiah A         0193  Hilby Joseph Martin          0136 
Hogan Ryan Edward *          0032  Howard Grace Breland *       0024 
Howell Tyler A               0183  Hughes Michael J             0113 
Hulst Matthew Cory           0168  James Duncan M               0049 
Jarvis Anthony G             0220  Jensen Samuel P              0188 
Jingco Jose L                0074  Johnson Charles S III        0226 
Johnson Jessie M             0120  Johnson Ryan Andrew          0137 
Johnson Wesley Mark          0154  Jolley Rebekah Lynne *       0023 
Judd Jaris B                 0128  Kasper Christina C           0212 
Kaylor Kyle Blake            0297  Kearney Liam Maurice         0250 
Kilpatrick Morgan J          0072  Klenk Walker Lee             0153 
Klimczak Frances D *         0020  Klinge Daniel George         0269 
Knutson Brooks Russell       0162  Koenneker Natasha Bree       0132 
Korol Londyn Jaedra A *      0043  Kotlikoff Phoebe M           0172 
Kowalczyk Samuel A           0285  Krady Ryan J                 0186 
Kress Robert Anthony         0272  Krock Kirsten Mary *         0027 
Krsak Jan R                  0084  Lantz Eric R                 0185 
Lasota Jacob *               0016  Leary Travis Jordan          0115 
Leinmiller Erica Ann *       0017  Lentz Bradley M              0181 
Levi William J               0195  Lewis Brendan Thomas         0253 
Lewis Jeffrey Ryan *         0005  Leyser Joshua Fabius C       0066 
Lipscomb Alexander C         0054  Loughran Rory Denyse         0277 
Luzum Calvin Thomas *        0010  Maholchic Mark Robert        0047 
Mattis Rachel A              0214  Mayer Robert Charles         0263 
Mayes Kyle C                 0070  Mcbride Shannon J            0083 
Mccarthy Patrick T           0068  Mccullough Jordan B          0249 
Mcdonough Ian W *            0006  Mcgetrick Michael R          0192 
Mcshane Barry Peter          0288  Mctighe Kevin Michael        0064 
Mercado Stacey N             0124  Meyer Adam Michael           0063 
Mims Calen Lee               0157  Mitchell Alexander L         0167 
Momb Anthony M               0213  Moorman Benjamin Aaron       0166 
Moreno Christopher W         0118  Morrison Michael E II        0088 
Mosqueda Tina Marie          0281  Murphy Kyle L                0229 
Muscarello Andy August       0086  Musselman Sylvia Maria       0105 
Myers Megan A                0121  Nam Samuel G                 0210 
Nevins Matthew D             0151  Newsom Jason Daniel          0061 
Newvall Anthony C            0067  Nguy Kevin                   0178 
Nichol James P               0065  Noe Mark Aaron               0044 
Obryant Janae M              0239  Olsen Erik B                 0095 
Orians Steven Michael        0112  Orton Jeremy Michael         0207 
Owens Michael Charles        0254  Palmer Landon Mcvey          0046 
Pang Jeffrey Alan            0155  Parenteau Bernard V          0093 
Paul Christian A *           0014  Pavell Jonathan Brice        0284 
Pease Theodore George        0142  Perez Rafael Guillermo       0110 
Phillips Scott W             0057  Pierce Alyson E              0106 
Pittman Keri L               0182  Planeta Jillianne D S        0241 
Poole Jonathan Simes         0171  Possley Evan T               0117 
Reindl Michael Joseph        0246  Reynolds Philip Edward       0189 
Riahi Sam Ali                0274  Roberts Jennifer M           0202 
Rodebaugh Joshua David       0139  Rodriguez Richard J R        0295 
Rogers Grant Allen *         0002  Rollins Edgar Ancil          0280 
Rosa Aaron Louis             0090  Roseano Luca                 0279 
Roseti Kaitlin               0134  Roth Adam Blake              0102 
Roy Logan Matthias           0231  Rush Anthony Philip          0078 
Rydalch Andrew Jeffrey       0175  Sadekian Megan S             0208 
Sanchezmaldonado Sara *      0031  Sellmer Tyler Robben *       0036 
Shea Caroline Patricia       0289  Shen Daniel Tang             0278 
Shields Brendan M            0161  Shine Keely Renee            0224 
Shinnick John Douglas *      0030  Shriver Brent William        0045 
Sickal Cristen Kate          0177  Simon Matthew Palmer         0160 
Sims Jason Mark              0092  Slaughter Nathan P           0205 
Smith Blake P                0079  Smith Christopher H          0256 
Snyder Jason Benjamin        0258  Sparks Ashley L              0225 
Spear Patrick Eugene         0059  Spotts Caroline Anne *       0009 
Swanson Lisa Maree           0222  Swanton Alan Lee             0143 
Swartz Douglas F             0230  Sygulla Ross Alan            0259 
Tahler William Hess *        0015  Takeda Edgar Daniel          0247 
Talisse Christy C            0238  Talisse Charles Levi         0242 
Tierney Gregory Mark         0165  Tohill Jonathan H            0081 
Tomlinson C C                0150  Tran Quang Minh              0286 
Tribble Andrew S             0080  Tsukamoto Christian K        0248 
Tuazon Harry                 0293  Tyler Megan Lynn *           0035 
Vanosdale Sean M             0148  Vassallo Natalie M *         0028 
Vongonten Michael P          0290  Wakim Elee Andrew *          0034 
Walden Joseph T              0135  Waldo Nicholas James         0158 
Walker John Garrett          0141  Wang Andy                    0164 
Webb  Alexandrea K           0187  Weiss Daniel Zachery         0107 
Wentz Gene Michael           0052  West Ernest Bradley          0076 
White Elliot J               0122  Wiggins William Eric         0062 
Wilhelm Andrew A             0050  Willett Kevin M              0204 
Williams  Jonadel Rose       0200  Williams Joshua Steven       0152 
Williams Terrie S            0255  Williford Jermaine P         0055 
Wingate Jordan Joseph        0237  Wondolowski Jamie L          0287 
Wong David Y                 0257  Worcester Allen Chet         0276 
Wu Alice M                   0215  Wynveen Michael Brett        0262 
Yenior David Charles         0133  Yumen Christopher D          0119 
Zapolski Lindsay M           0219  Zeng Eddie Wah               0264 
Zettler Dean Andruss         0194  Zimmermann Colin Peter       0103 
                         Unrestricted Line (FTS) 
Beach Daniel James           0006  Findlay Benjamin James       0010 
Hoyt Trevor T                0004  Kroupa Matthew Michael       0012 
Ledbetter Eliah J *          0001  Mcdonald Stacy Dion          0003 
Michalak David Carl          0002  Perez John                   0011 
Phillips Joshua C            0005  Schwamb Erich Parker         0009 
Thomas Jeremy Derek          0007  Warren John Arch II          0008 
                     Special Duty Officer (Human Resources) 
Benallal Mohamed             0015  Benavides Amanda S           0007 
Bravos Christina Mary        0006  Edoohonba Owenvbiugie        0008 
Fink Kortney D               0003  Greene Alexander G Jr *      0001 
Hart Adrienne Denise         0009  Henderson Chanel J *         0002 
Hendricks Jeffrey F          0011  Mcallister Patrick D         0013 
Morse Bob William II         0010  Roselli Victor Frank         0012 
Slye Robert Joseph           0014  Trudell David James          0004 
Wallace Rascheda Olea        0005 
                  Special Duty Officer (Human Resources) (FTS) 
Agunbiade Victor O           0006  Brown Joshua Allen           0003 
Chilcoat Russell M           0002  Chounramany Tommy L *        0001 
Daly Charles F               0010  Finlin Patrick J             0005 
Founds Carey Marie           0009  Neuer Richard A              0011 
Riley Heather Renee          0008  Sikorski Emily E             0007 
Williams Timothy G           0004 
                         Engineering Duty Officer 
Berning Bud Henry            0008  Bradley Cayle Allen          0010 
Cox Jimmie Ward              0014  Doss Gary Wayne              0012 
Duggleby Andrew Thomas *     0001  Gilbert Steven W Jr          0016 
Lochner Jeffrey Kyle         0005  Mitchell Jason Edward        0006 
Moralescolon Edmanuel        0011  Muldrew Samuel J III *       0002 
Overby Allen Joseph          0003  Pandolfo Jason D             0013 
Praschak Megan Renee         0015  Reid Ricardo Alonso          0009 
Schow Ryan Christopher       0007  Vandenberg Aaron R           0004 
Wanzie Nathaniel Paul        0017 
                Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Engineering) 
Aswani Vishal Arjan *        0001  Buffum Mark Christian        0002 
Chen Poheng                  0005  Gregory John Michael         0006 
Hernandez Jesus M Jr         0003  Holland Michael Kevin        0004 
               Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Maintenance) 
Fleming Erich Hansel         0008  Gonzalez David Jr            0005 
Grice Raeford Allen          0006  Haman Perry Charles          0003 
Hutson William J II          0009  Kelly James Anthony          0007 
Lamey Christopher Adam       0002  Perez Reynaldo C Jr          0004 
Reyes Carlos Rosas *         0001 
          Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Maintenance) (FTS) 
Hernandezmejia David         0002  Thomas Jeremy Richard *      0001 
                    Special Duty Officer (Public Affairs) 
Ayers Dana Lynn              0014  Baswell Bryce E              0006 
Bontrager Eric Eugene        0008  Brown Jill Marie             0012 
Feaster Elizabeth L          0009  Hanson Christopher R         0007 
Hathaway Michael Lee         0003  Mook Robert Edward *         0001 
Nekoui Ashley E              0010  Radzius Darius A             0005 
Tarasi David P               0011  Torressierra Egdanis         0013 
Tross Jason M                0004  Verdon Theron Allen          0002 
               Special Duty Officer (Strategic Sealift Officer) 
Arce Esmeraldy               0003  Baitcher Benjamin I          0008 
Bergmann Brittany P *        0001  Buxton Timothy Neil          0013 
Cameron James Ryan           0012  Donnelly Raymond M           0017 
Driscoll Tyler William       0009  Gracely Aaron Tyler          0004 
Green Samuel Hastings        0015  Jones Natalie Margret        0007 
Josephs Roshenda G           0014  Kaileh Tamara                0005 
Mccrosky Marshell Lynn       0011  Morrow Marie Adrianna        0018 
Mulligan Tara Ashling        0016  Pluhowski Michael John       0010 
Siepert Kate Lynn            0006  Sulzer Ian Michael           0002 
                       Special Duty Officer (Foreign Area) 
Donahue Peter Shane          0003  Holcomb Andrew C             0002 
Hoover Benjamin Reed         0004  Sundstrom Ian Thomas *       0001 
                  Special Duty Officer (Oceanography) 
Andersen Travis Jay          0005  Ferris Justin Claus          0006 
Fine Caitlin Marie           0002  Korotky Katherine H          0003 
Morehead Jeffrey T *         0001  Nicholson Robert M           0004 
Watson Aaron Mackenzie       0007 
                  Special Duty Officer (Cryptologic Warfare) 
Arevalo Mark Joseph          0012  Barhydt Tyler W              0004 
Catarious David M Jr         0005  Davis Rodney Lee             0007 
Elliott Aaron Mark           0003  Garner Robyn Misaye          0002 
Graham Valencio Brian        0011  Green Ecoya Shareece         0008 
Howe David Andrew *          0001  Scales Robert C              0009 
Seteroff Jeremy M            0006  Williams Michael A Jr        0010 
                Special Duty Officer (Information Professional) 
Ball Jerrime Peter           0005  Benberry Nicole Marie        0011 
Bickhaus Brant Thomas        0008  Caringer Rusty Kealii *      0001 
Castro Pedro A               0014  Connelly Patrick C *         0002 
Dawson Christopher K         0007  Inerowicz Maciej E           0010 
Johnson Ralph Edward         0003  Lanik Kevin C                0009 
Lutzer Christiaan E          0004  Nghiem Dat J                 0013 
Reif Domenic J               0012  Sritapan Vincent Nithi       0006 
                   Special Duty Officer (Intelligence) 
Albers Andrew Charles        0064  Amador Robert John           0038 
Andinogonzalez Ernesto *     0007  Araki Yohei                  0008 
Ball Mark Edmund             0060  Barnett Wendy Lee            0057 
Beasley Kevin Allen          0014  Bedkowski Thomas             0023 
Booker Bobbie Jean           0039  Cassidy Terry John           0051 
Chester Michael G            0018  Conway William E III         0021 
Cook William C               0052  Dunlap Dru Warren *          0005 
Dwelly Lukas Colt *          0002  Falvey Sarah Elizabeth       0016 
Filipski Caitlin Dae         0049  Flores Bryan Centino         0017 
Fortney Michael Brian        0047  Gary Thomas Spencer          0012 
Gavins Gregory A II          0025  Gil Jose Antonio *           0004 
Giragosian Lindsey I         0036  Glodava Kevin M              0043 
Green David Benjamin         0045  Guida David Michael *        0003 
Hamro Christopher Lee        0010  Hanley Monika Izandra        0027 
Harrington Jonathan R        0058  Harrington Irwin C           0028 
Hatfield Merilee E           0059  Hewitt Caitlin E K           0009 
Howard William Seth          0015  Huynh Jonathan               0029 
Justiniano Robert            0022  Keller Joseph W IV           0031 
Kelley Maria Del             0055  Kesler Devon Tyler           0033 
Kruse Mary Elizabeth         0061  Layfield Nelson E            0040 
Lewis Marshall S *           0006  Martello Daniel L            0062 
Mcgill Roy Wade III          0037  Murphy Steven John           0044 
Navaei Farnaz M              0056  Okeefe Ethan Curtis          0032 
Patterson Anne Marie         0013  Port Joel Grishaw            0019 
Portelos Evan John           0024  Pryor Timothy James          0063 
Rafailovitc Edward N         0054  Riner Noah Reade M           0026 
Schiek Paul Michael          0020  Scozzafava Domenic III       0035 
Sharp Travis Keith           0041  Shevlin James Eamon          0042 
Song Jin Young               0011  Tate Courtney Dion           0030 
Taylor Joseph James          0053  Thacker Michael L            0034 
Tran Bieu Bu                 0046  Vassighi Kevin Kia           0048 
Viola David C Jr             0050  Wilk Adam J *                0001 
                  Limited Duty Officer (Line) 
Anzidei Robert W III *       0001  Ashley Eric Wayne            0008 
Chapman Henry Grant          0007  Dilbeck Jesse Shaw           0010 
Fazzino Victorio M           0006  Harshman Frank J Jr          0011 
Jordan Howell Stephen        0002  Mcnabb Christina Rose        0005 
Odell Nathan                 0003  Peralta Noel                 0009 
Trimble Michelle Lynn        0004 
5.  Released by the Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy.// 

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