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Navy Publishes FY-23 CPO Board Details and Timelines

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Navy personnel officials announced timelines, eligibility details and guidance for the Fiscal Year 2023 active-duty and Reserve Chief Petty Officer Selection Boards. These details and much more were released in NAVADMIN 072/22 on March 18.

Putting on the anchors of a Chief Petty Officer and joining the Mess is a pivotal moment in any Sailor’s life. Navy personnel officials recommended reading the message in its entirety to ensure each board evaluates all eligible Sailors.

The Reserve Component (RC) Board, which considers those in the Selected Reserve (SELRES), mobilized Individual Ready Reserve and Canvasser Recruiter Sailors (Cycle 110) convenes June 6 and adjourns June 24. The Active Duty (AC) Board which also considers those from the Training and Administration of the Reserves (TAR) (Cycle 254) convenes July 5 and adjourns July 29. Key dates before that are: Feb. 28: Individual augmentation evaluations used for time-in-rate (TIR) waivers must have an ending date by this date and must be available to the board.

May 6: RC candidates changing ratings must be in their new ratings before this date to be considered in that rating by the board. May 23: Letter to the board (LTB) deadline for the RC E-7 selection board.

The Active Component (AC) (Cycle 254) board convenes July 5 and adjourns July 29. Key dates before convening are: Feb. 28: Individual augmentation evaluations used for TIR waivers must have an ending date by this date and must be available to the board. June 5: AC board candidates changing ratings must be in their new ratings before this date to be considered in that rating by the board. June 20: AC E-7 selection LTB deadline.

For both boards, the TIR date must be on or before Jan. 1, 2020, and the terminal eligibility date used to compute TIR is Jan. 1, 2023. If an early promotion waiver is granted, the evaluation used in giving the waiver must be available to the board. Highyear tenure (HYT) waivers must be approved before the board convening date. More details on HYT are in the NAVADMIN.

Many ratings require security clearances to be in effect to be selected to chief. Currently, those ratings are AC, AE, AG, AO, AT, AWF, AWO, AWR, AWS, AWV, AZ, CTI, CTM, CTN, CTR, CTT, EOD, ET, FC, FCA, GM, HT, IC, IS, IT, LN, MA, MC, MN, ND, OS, QM, SB, SO, STG and YN, as well as all nuclear and submarine ratings.

Letters to the Board must come from the individual candidates. Each letter and enclosure must contain the candidate’s full name and 10-digit DoD identification number.

The preferred method for submitting LTB is electronic. This service is available through the ESSBD option at BUPERS Online or the MyNavy Portal at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/advancement-and-promotion.

Those unable to submit their letters electronically can still mail them in; however, they must be received by the board’s due date. Procedures for mailing board packages are in the NAVADMIN.

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