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Cycle 253 - TAR and SELRES E-8 and E-9 Quotas

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3 hours ago, Confucius said:

Based on quotas from here some rates are off. I don't know who's right but I hope you are; better numbers.  https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Boards/ReserveEnlisted/FY23Reserve/FY23 SelRes cy253 E89 QUOTAS.pdf?ver=VQ7D5HAPpWrw8ZiTtW10yg%3d%3d

By gosh I think you're right but I'm just the messenger. 😎 The one's I posted  on 3/22/22 are from MYNavyHR as well. There are usually 2 versions floating around where one includes the opportunity (opp) %. The copy you have has a date of 3/4/22 on it. When did you get it? There could have been an update since then. Thanks for pointing that out. I like to see the "behind the scenes" happenings. :ph34r:

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