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R 091538Z DEC 21 MID600051300930U 
NAVADMIN 280/21 
RMKS/1.  Overview.  This NAVADMIN announces implementation of Detailing 
Marketplace Assignment Policy (DMAP) Phase I for four enlisted ratings on 1 
March 2022.  Future DMAP Phases, encompassing additional enlisted ratings, 
will be announced in subsequent NAVADMINs.  In order to reduce gaps at sea 
and address Sailors desires for more options and flexibility, DMAP will 
expand Sailor options beyond the sea shore flow enlisted career paths 
promulgated in reference (a) and most recently updated in reference 
(b).  Under DMAP, Sailors in most ratings will continue to follow a 
traditional sea shore rotation, but in many cases will have new incentives to 
remain at sea.  Sailors in sea-intensive ratings will be offered increased 
monetary incentives and new non-monetary incentives to serve a 3-year follow-
on journeyman (E-5) sea duty tour immediately after an initial 4-year 
apprentice (E-4 and below) sea duty tour (DMAP 4+3).  Included in this, DMAP 
will provide early advancement opportunities for many E-4 Sailors who possess 
the requisite proficiency and experience.  This DMAP 4+3 sea tour option can 
be served at the same or different commands, to best maximize value to 
Sailors and the Fleet.  DMAP Phase I will commence 1 March 2022 and includes 
all Active Component Sailors in the following four sea-intensive ratings: 
          ABF(A102)          GSM(B122) 
          ABH(A103)          CS(B650) 
Note:  Sailors on sea duty in these Phase I ratings with projected rotation 
dates (PRD) on or before 1 March 2023 may opt-out of DMAP for their upcoming 
assignment process and enter the legacy sea shore flow marketplace.  In order 
to opt-out, the Sailors detailer must receive an Electronic Personnel Action 
Request (NAVPERS 1306/7) from the Sailor, via their command, no later than 1 
March 2022. 
2.  Driving factors.  For the last 50 years, the Navy has maintained a five 
year maximum time on sea duty.  However, this limit causes gaps in our sea-
intensive ratings, primarily at the apprentice and journeyman levels.  These 
policy induced gaps have the negative impact of amplifying the already 
arduous nature of sea duty.  Under-manning at sea impacts the implementation 
of circadian rhythm watch bills, affects the number of in port duty sections, 
contributes to degraded materiel readiness, limits time to train and reduces 
opportunities for leave and liberty.  DMAP will improve Fleet manning by 
eliminating the maximum sea duty tour length constraint and redistributing 
Sailors, at the apprentice to journeyman flow point (i.e., E-4 to E-5), to 
where they are needed most.  This will require increased vigilance by 
commands and shipmates to ensure the health and welfare of our Sailors remain 
a top priority.  In addition to improved manning, Sailor resiliency remains a 
force multiplier and should not be neglected. 
3.  Incentives.  Sailors in any of the four DMAP Phase I ratings listed above 
can take advantage of the following incentives by applying for and being 
assigned to a follow-on 3-year journeyman (E-5) sea tour upon completion of 
an initial 4-year apprentice (E-4 and below) sea tour. 
    a.  Advance-to-Position (A2P).  E-4 Sailors who have served a minimum of 
three years on sea duty as an apprentice (E-4 and below) and are eligible for 
advancement to E-5 (i.e., E-4s who have passed the most recent Navy-wide 
advancement exam but have not advanced (PNAed) to E-5) can apply for E-5 sea 
duty in MyNavy Assignment (MNA).  If selected, Sailors will permanently 
advance to E-5 upon reporting to the E-5 position, which will occur after 
approximately four years in their initial apprentice sea duty 
assignment.  Sailors must obligate to sufficient service through extension or 
reenlistment to complete the full 3-year journeyman (E-5) sea tour and 
associated training pipeline.  Any Sailor with a soft end of active obligated 
service (SEAOS) date that already matches or exceeds the duration of the 3-
year journeyman (E-5) tour is not required to incur additional service. 
    b.  Detailing Marketplace Incentive Pay (DMIP).  Sailors who execute the 
DMAP 4+3 sea duty option will earn a monthly incentive pay for the entire 3-
year journeyman (E-5) sea tour.  DMIP rates will vary depending on location 
and type of sea duty.  Initial DMIP rates will range between 200 dollars and 
800 dollars per month. That means a Sailor who is earning the average DMIP 
rate of 500 dollars per month would receive 18,000 dollars in additional 
incentive pay over the 3-year journeyman (E-5) sea tour.  That is on top of 
the 21,300 dollars in career sea pay (CSP) and sea pay premium (SPP) for 
Sailors assigned to ships company for their 3-year journeyman (E-5) sea 
tour.  In total, a Sailor who executes the DMAP 4+3 sea tour option could 
earn an extra 39,300 dollars (or more) in DMIP, CSP and SPP. 
    c.  Command Advance-to-Position (CA2P).  Similar to A2P, CA2P allows 
commanding officers to retain their top performing E-4 Sailors who are 
eligible for advancement to E-5 PNAed by permanently advancing them to E-5 to 
fill a vacant, or projected to become vacant, E-5 position within their 
command before entering MNA. Sailors will advance to E-5 upon filling the E-5 
position and must obligate to sufficient service through extension or 
reenlistment to complete a minimum of seven years at the command (a 3-year 
journeyman (E-5) sea tour following a 4-year apprentice (E-4 and below) sea 
tour) in addition to any associated training required to transition from 
apprentice to journeyman.  In cases where CA2P results in advancement to E-5 
prior to the 4-year point, Sailors will receive DMIP throughout the last 
three years of their journeyman (E-5) tour.  Any Sailor with a SEAOS date 
that already matches or exceeds the duration of the 3-year journeyman (E-5) 
tour is not required to incur additional service.  Effective 1 March 
2022, CA2P replaces the Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) for E-4 
advancement to E-5 in the four DMAP Phase I ratings and will only be 
available to afloat commands.  CA2P provides Sailors additional opportunity 
to remain in the same geographic location. 
    d.  Continuous Sea Duty Credit (CSDC).  All DMAP Sailors earn CSDC while 
serving on sea duty.  CSDC will be earned at the rate of one credit per month 
served on sea duty (i.e., Type 2, 3 or 4 unit). Sailors with the most CSDC 
get priority consideration in the assignment selection 
process.  Specifically, CSDC will be used in the assignment process to assign 
highly sought after positions (e.g., positions that allow Sailors to remain 
in the same geographic location) to the qualified Sailor with the most 
CSDC.  While CSDC does not guarantee an assignment in a geographic location, 
it gives Sailors who complete back-to-back sea tours top priority for shore 
duty assignments of their choice over Sailors who serve less time on 
continuous sea duty.  The CSDC counter resets to zero upon assignment to 
shore duty. 
4.  Full Policy Statement.  The following applies to Sailors in the four DMAP 
Phase I ratings who are currently on their first sea tour or in initial 
training prior to their first sea tour: 
    a.  Naval Education and Training Command (as the MyNavy HR Force 
Development Lead) will assign Sailors to their first apprentice (E-4 and 
below) tour upon completion of their initial training (no change from the 
current process). 
    b.  The PRD for each Sailors apprentice (E-4 and below) sea tour will be 
set to coincide with the Sailors SEAOS date. 
        (1) Apprentice Sailors assigned for an overseas assignment will have 
their PRD set in line with Department of Defense (DoD) requirements. 
        (2) Apprentice Sailors assigned to shore duty for their first 
assignment will have their PRD set to a 24-month tour. 
    c.  E-5 Sailors.  Sailors who have already advanced to E-5 and have 
completed three years on initial sea duty (i.e., type 2, 3 or 4) may enter 
MNA (see para 4.f below) to apply for a journeyman (E-5) assignment which 
would begin after approximately four years on initial sea duty. 
        (1) The E-5 assignment will be three years and can be on sea or shore 
        (2) SEAOS date must match or exceed the duration of the full follow-
on 3-year tour.  This may be accomplished through reenlistment or extension 
as appropriate. 
        (3) Sailors who are assigned to a follow-on 3-year sea duty 
assignment will be paid DMIP for the full three years from the date of 
        (4) Sailors who continue on sea duty will also continue to accrue 
CSDC which will give them priority for their follow-on shore duty assignment. 
        (5) Sailors who do not select an E-5 sea or shore duty assignment 
after three MNA cycles will remain at their current command and reenter MNA 
12 months prior to their PRD. 
    d.  E-5 eligible Sailors.  Sailors who have passed the most recent E-5 
exam, are eligible for advancement to E-5 (not advanced) and have served 
three years on initial sea duty may enter MNA (see para 4.f below) to apply 
for a 3-year journeyman (E-5) sea duty assignment under the A2P program or 
apprentice (E-4) shore duty assignment if not already selected for 
CA2P.  This 3-year follow-on tour would begin after approximately 4 years on 
initial sea duty. 
        (1) If selected for A2P or CA2P, the Sailor will permanently advance 
to E-5 upon filling the position. 
        (2) SEAOS date must match or exceed the duration of the full 3-year 
tour.  This may be accomplished through reenlistment or extension as 
        (3) Sailors who are assigned to a follow-on 3-year sea duty 
assignment will be paid DMIP for the full three years from the date of 
arrival.  In cases where CA2P results in advancement to E-5 prior to the  
4-year point, Sailors will receive DMIP throughout the last three years of 
their journeyman (E-5) tour. 
        (4) Sailors who continue on sea duty will also continue to accrue 
CSDC which will give them priority over equally qualified Sailors with less 
CSDC for their follow-on shore duty assignment. 
        (5) Sailors who do not select an assignment after three MNA cycles 
will remain at their current command and reenter MNA 12 months prior to their 
    e.  E-4 and below Sailors.  Sailors who are not eligible to advance to  
E-5 will continue in their current assignment until their PRD/end of active 
obligated service. 
        (1) Twelve months prior to their PRD, Sailors who reenlist may enter 
MNA and apply for a new sea duty assignment at their current paygrade. 
        (2) Sailors who advance to E-5 after the normal DMAP MNA window, but 
prior to their PRD may enter MNA (see para 4.f below) upon advancement to 
apply for a 3-year journeyman (E-5) sea or shore duty assignment in line with 
para 4.c. above. 
        (3) Sailors who become eligible to advance to E-5 by passing the most 
recent E-5 exam after the normal DMAP MNA window, but prior to their PRD may 
enter MNA (see para 4.f below) to apply for a 3-year journeyman (E-5) sea 
duty assignment and advance via A2P or apprentice (E-4) shore duty assignment 
if not already selected for CA2P in line with para 4.d. above. 
    f.  Individual commands will be required to submit a NAVPERS 1306/7 to 
identify Sailors eligible to enter the DMAP MNA marketplace prior to their 
normal order negotiation window.  Upon receipt, PRDs will be adjusted to 
allow the Sailor to negotiate for orders over a normal 12-month cycle.  This 
is a critical enabler of the DMAP process requiring consistent command 
engagement to ensure every eligible Sailor has the opportunity to make 
informed career decisions. 
    g.  Subsequent sea and shore duty assignments will be executed within 
MNA.  Sailors will enter MNA to apply for a new assignment 12 months prior to 
their PRD.  PRDs will be set based on tour lengths promulgated in reference 
    h.  DMAP success is predicated on the Navy committing to Sailors who 
commit to the Navy.  When a Sailor accepts a DMAP 4+3 sea tour, it is 
understood that they will do so for very specific personal and professional 
reasons that will frequently result in a very specific set of acceptable 
location, platform and even leadership team choices.  As such, DMAP 4+3 tours 
will be some of the highest priority assignments in our Navy. 
5.  Supplemental Information.  Additional information along with the most 
recent sea and shore duty tour lengths for each rating can be found on MyNavy 
Portal at https://my.navy.mil/.
6.  Exceptions.  Exceptions to policy such as unaccompanied overseas tours, 
limited duty, pregnancy, humanitarian tour assignments, spouse colocation, 
mil-to-mil and others will continue per the cognizant Military Personnel 
Manual or Distribution Guidance Memorandum.  Nuclear trained enlisted 
personnel should continue to refer to references (c) and (d) for career path 
7.  Summary.  DMAP intends to improve Fleet manning by rewarding Sailors in 
sea-intensive ratings who stay Navy and stay on sea duty longer than the 
current five year maximum.  Under DMAP, Sailors can earn additional monetary 
incentives, non-monetary incentives and opportunities to advance to E-5 in 
return for serving a DMAP 4+3 sea tour.  DMAP Phase I represents the first 
step toward a truly dynamic, Sailor focused Detailing Marketplace that will 
improve Fleet readiness and enrich Sailors careers.  Lessons learned from 
DMAP Phase I will inform subsequent phases and the expansion of Detailing 
Marketplace incentive options to Sailors in additional ratings. 
8.  Points of Contact 
    a.  For specific rate/rating/Navy Enlisted Classification questions and 
concerns, Sailors should contact their respective community manager or 
    b.  For general career information, including questions about DMIP, A2P 
or CA2P, contact MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) contact center at 833-330-MNCC 
(6622) or askmncc(at)navy.mil. 
    c.  For Detailing Marketplace Assignment Policy (DMAP) questions contact 
Mr. Craig Schauppner, OPNAV N13M2X, 571-236-7897 or via e-mail at 
9.  This message will remain in effect until superseded or canceled. 
10.  Released by Vice Admiral John B. Nowell, Jr, N1.// 


Navy Announces the New Detailing Marketplace Assignment Policy
09 December 2021
From MC1 Mark D. Faram, Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs.

The Navy will offer a wide range of incentives to Sailors as an enticement to stay at sea in critical operational billets. The key in this change is a new Detailing Marketplace Assignment Policy (DMAP), which will replace the existing Sea Shore Flow policy. Announced in NAVADMIN 280/21 on Dec. 9, the policy officially kicks off March 1, 2022.

For Sailors in the most sea intensive ratings, opportunities include a new incentive pay, advancements, and future shore duty priority in exchange for spending more time on sea duty. Those in ratings that are not in the first phase of DMAP will still see non-monetary incentives, such as new credits for staying at sea.

“In order to reduce gaps at sea and address Sailors’ desires for more options and flexibility, DMAP will expand Sailor options beyond the Sea Shore Flow Enlisted Career Paths,” wrote Vice Adm. John. B. Nowell, Jr. chief of naval personnel in the message.

“DMAP intends to improve Fleet manning by rewarding Sailors in sea-intensive ratings who stay Navy and stay on sea duty longer than the current five-year maximum.”

For most of the last 50-years, the Navy has held the line on sea tour lengths, allowing no more than five years at a stretch, in even the most sea-intensive ratings. The reality is those tours needed to be longer, even closer to seven years in many ratings, for proper at-sea manning.

The result has been gapped billets and undermanned crews as Sailors are rotated ashore, adding to the arduous nature of sea duty by asking more of fewer Sailors. 

This under manning hinders the service’s ability to implement quality of life improvements such as circadian rhythm watch bills and more in-port duty sections that would increase opportunities for leave and liberty and improve Fleet readiness.

Phase 1 starts March 1 with four ratings: Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels), Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Aircraft (Handling), Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Mechanical) and Culinary Specialist.

The remaining 12 sea-intensive ratings will be gradually phased in to DMAP along with the rest of the enlisted ratings as the policy matures.

These changes are the result of a multi-year effort consisting of focus groups and surveys with Sailors from around the fleet. Based on Sailor feedback, career options and incentives for Sailors in sea-intensive ratings will expand both during and after completing four years on their first sea tour as an Apprentice (E4 and below). At this point, incentives will be offered to serve a follow-on, three-year sea tour at the Journeyman (E5) level. This is called the DMAP 4+3 Sea Tour Option.

After completing the initial four years, the incentives kick in to reward Sailors who commit to the Navy for the follow-on three year sea tour. Here’s a look at the incentives on the table.

Advance-to-Position (A2P) gives E4 Sailors eligible for E5 the chance to apply for an E5 sea duty assignment in the detailing market place, and if selected, be permanently advanced to that paygrade once in the job. Sailors must have passed their most recent Navy Wide Advancement Exam but have not yet been selected for advancement. They must also extend or reenlist to meet the three-year tour length.

Command Advance-to-Position (CA2P) allows Commanding Officers to retain top-performing, advancement-eligible E4 Sailors who have not yet entered the detailing marketplace by permanently advancing them to E5 to fill a vacant, or projected to become vacant, E5 billet at their current command. 

These Sailors advance to E5 upon filling the E5 position at their current command. Similar to A2P, Sailors must have enough obligate service to complete a total of seven years at their command, including any training pipelines. If necessary, they must extend or reenlist to fill the billet. This is a great option for Sailors looking for geolocation stability.

Starting March 1, 2022, CA2P replaces MAP for the four Phase I ratings at the E4 to E5 advancement point and will only be available at afloat commands.

Detailing Marketplace Incentive Pay (DMIP) is an extra monthly payment for Sailors who take the 4+3 sea duty option, which they will receive for the entire three-year Journeyman sea tour. Initial DMIP rates will be between $200 and $800 per month, depending on location and type of sea duty. 

All sailors on sea duty will now earn what’s called Continuous Sea Duty Credits (CSDC). A Sailor starts accruing credits when reporting to sea duty and the counter is reset each time a Sailor reports to shore duty. These credits come into play when negotiating shore duty orders. Those with the most credits will get priority consideration in the assignment process giving them an edge when competing for highly sought-after positions. When two equally qualified sailors are competing for a position, these sea duty credits will serve as the tiebreaker.

“DMAP Phase I represents the first step towards a truly dynamic, Sailor-focused Detailing Marketplace that will improve Fleet readiness and enrich Sailors’ careers,” Nowell wrote. 

“Lessons learned from DMAP Phase I will inform subsequent phases and the expansion of Detailing Marketplace incentive options to Sailors in additional ratings.”

More details, including points of contact, are available in the NAVADMIN.

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