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From Naval Education and Training Command Public Affairs
PENSACOLA, Fla. (NNS) -- The Final Multiple Score (FMS) Calculator app is ready for download after undergoing a redesign that complements the MyNavy Portal FMS Calculator. The app, which calculates projected FMS for E-3 through E-6 Sailors who are eligible for advancement to paygrades E-4 through E-7, hit the app stores Sept. 5.

“It’s a simple, single-screen display that enables users to populate FMS elements with data representing individual accomplishments and other required data that helps Sailors determine their advancement potential,” said Master Chief Electronics Technician (Nuclear) Greg Prichard, command master chief, Navy Advancement Center.

The app features dropdown menus that allow users to change inputs to explore “what if” scenarios. For example, if Sailors believe they may complete an associate or bachelor’s degree prior to the next advancement cycle, they can enter the data to determine if the addition of the degree will place their score above the minimum cut score from the previous exam cycle.

This release includes the latest FMS minimum cut scores for the spring 2019 advancement cycles. The release also includes changes in the FMS formulas and implementation of NAVADMIN 312/18, as well as the Reporting Senior’s Cumulative Average (RSCA) Performance Mark Average (PMA) policy. The RSCA PMA calculation will be included in the automated Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) application starting with the Fall 2019 cycles (Cycles 105 and 244). Active and Reserve candidates competing for advancement to chief petty officer will not use RSCA PMA until the 2020 advancement cycles.

Two other changes of note include Individual Augmentee (IA) points and Pass Not Advanced (PNA) points.

Based on current operational requirements, the awarding of IA points for E-4 through E-6 candidates will no longer be factored into the FMS.

To reward superior rating knowledge, PNA points for E-4 through E-6 candidates will continue to be added when the FMS is computed. However, in an effort to allow first- time test takers an opportunity to compete on a more equal level, PNA points will continue to be awarded for the top 25 percent of eligible candidates, but PNA points will only accumulate for the three previous advancement cycles. Current PNA points from previous cycles will be retained.

“The goal is provide greater weight to performance measures and reward talented Sailors who show sustained superior performance,” said Prichard. “This aligns with MyNavy Human Resources’ strategy to improve the way Sailors manage their careers.”

The Navy’s Sea Warrior Program (PMW 240) produced the app and Tracen Technologies Inc., a company that specializes in integrated mobile and web solutions, developed the software.

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