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Guest HawkISback
3 hours ago, Dogg said:

Let me clear this ssp cloud. SSP is determined in your PSR; not the evaluation write up. If you make it in the tank, the panel will look at your averages as compared to your peers or summary group and the reporting senior cumulative average. You are considered a sustained superior performer if your averages are at or above summary group averages and reporting senior cumulative average most of the time. You will not be selected if you are constantly below these averages regardless of how your eval  is written. The reporting seniors use their averages  to send a clear message to selection boards. In some cases, your average may be lower because the reporting senior wants to reset the average, but this must be mentioned in the evaluation to avoid confusion. A lot of members only care about the EP block especially on 1/1 or transfer eval. If you received an EP but your average is lower than the cumulative average, that's not good at all. That is clear message to the boards that you are not there yet. The bottom line is, SSP does not mean how many quals or degrees you have; rather, it's just how you fall in traffic in terms of averages. I hope this helps clarify this myth.

Disclosure: I have not sat a selection board, but a mentor of mine who has sat numerous boards explained this to when I was applying for LDO.

That's really interesting.  Thanks for the insight. 

10 hours ago, BOATSNUGGYD said:

FTS BM right here

Good luck Boats. BM is one of the hottest ratings right now across the boards.

3 hours ago, METOC said:

Hello everyone,

Long time lurker - first time poster. I was hoping to get some feedback re: my PMA vs. summary group. Bottom line: As of now, I only have one eval (most recent) that is above the CO's average. However, the majority of my E6 evals, I was in a highly selective and arduous special duty assignment. In block 28, it does annotate that members of the command are "extensively pre-screened and among the top performers in the Navy" on these evals. However, as a frocked/junior E6, the command was not willing to allow me to break out as I was not even eligible for CPO at the time. IMO, my block 43s have read well as I have always tried to progress IAW the CPO precept. I've completed my AA, JPME, PPME, USMAP, sustained COMREL, standing member of numerous IW and EXW boards, numerous personal awards including a JCOM, & three combat deployments. My last year of the assignment, I was the div LPO but that was annotated on my goodbye EP (1/1) eval. In the last two years (which I've been CPO-eligible), I received a check-in P but was shortly thereafter promoted to detachment LPO, became the regional CPO365 coordinator and FCPOA President, as well as been SOQ twice in the last 18 months. I finally broke out as the #1 MP this year (12/55). I say all this, not to blast out my brag sheet, but give some idea of where I'm at professionally despite a majority of below sum group avg. E6 evals. In this case, my PSR really makes me nervous -- because looking at that w/o any context, I read as a below-average Sailor. I've talked to several CPOs who have given me answers across the spectrum with no real consensus. However, since there seems to be a ton of experience in this forum, I was hoping that an old salt in the group could provide some advice/guidance as to how the CPO board may look at a Sailor under these circumstances. Thank you in advance.

METOC, it all depends on the competition. If you read my post, I said it is good to be at or above summary group and reporting senior cumulative average MOST of the time; not necessarily all the time. The ultimate factor is the ability to show upward movement in your averages. A "P" eval with an above average tells the board that you are in the game, but just got stuck in timing. Anytime a reporting senior places you at or above his/her average, they are telling the selection board that you are qualified for advancement. The reason I wrote this is because a lot of time, some members wonder why they are not selected even though they have numerous EPs especially 1/1s and transfer EPs. Since you are not competing with any one on a 1/1 or transfer eval, the board will look at where you fall in reporting senior's cumulative average. There's a saying that Evals  are written sometimes to please members, but the averages are written to the selection board.It's always a good idea to know your reporting senior' average and what it takes to be at or above. When you check on board or any time you have a new CO, ask them. If you are wondering why a lot of members get selected without a single EP, it's because their averages tell the whole story. I can use myself as an example. When I made Chief, my evals were E5: MP, MP, EP(transfer), E6: MP (frocking ), MP, EP. All my averages were at or above.

Guest HawkISback
5 hours ago, METOC said:

Hello everyone,

Long time lurker - first time poster. I was hoping to get some feedback re: my PMA vs. summary group. Bottom line: As of now, I only have one eval (most recent) that is above the CO's average. However, the majority of my E6 evals, I was in a highly selective and arduous special duty assignment. In block 28, it does annotate that members of the command are "extensively pre-screened and among the top performers in the Navy" on these evals. However, as a frocked/junior E6, the command was not willing to allow me to break out as I was not even eligible for CPO at the time. IMO, my block 43s have read well as I have always tried to progress IAW the CPO precept. I've completed my AA, JPME, PPME, USMAP, sustained COMREL, standing member of numerous IW and EXW boards, numerous personal awards including a JCOM, & three combat deployments. My last year of the assignment, I was the div LPO but that was annotated on my goodbye EP (1/1) eval. In the last two years (which I've been CPO-eligible), I received a check-in P but was shortly thereafter promoted to detachment LPO, became the regional CPO365 coordinator and FCPOA President, as well as been SOQ twice in the last 18 months. I finally broke out as the #1 MP this year (12/55). I say all this, not to blast out my brag sheet, but give some idea of where I'm at professionally despite a majority of below sum group avg. E6 evals. In this case, my PSR really makes me nervous -- because looking at that w/o any context, I read as a below-average Sailor. I've talked to several CPOs who have given me answers across the spectrum with no real consensus. However, since there seems to be a ton of experience in this forum, I was hoping that an old salt in the group could provide some advice/guidance as to how the CPO board may look at a Sailor under these circumstances. Thank you in advance.

I was an augmentee I believe to this duty. Anywhooo, the USN oftentimes looks at expeditionary navy like we are shirking.  I literally had CENTCOM's CMC say if she was sitting the board she would wonder what I was hiding from, this was while I was on my 2 of three IAs.  At the time this made me extremely angry, it just makes me sad.  I am not a careerist mindset, I would go back to Afghanistan tomorrow if I could. If this is a career killer, perhaps I'm not in the right field. My current command has given me a lot of opportunities to hold positions responsibility.    It would appear that the psr makes sense, the board does look at it, I wasn't sure how until dogg said yesterday.   But in either case good luck. 

Guest HawkISback
1 hour ago, Dogg said:

METOC, it all depends on the competition. If you read my post, I said it is good to be at or above summary group and reporting senior cumulative average MOST of the time; not necessarily all the time. The ultimate factor is the ability to show upward movement in your averages. A "P" eval with an above average tells the board that you are in the game, but just got stuck in timing. Anytime a reporting senior places you at or above his/her average, they are telling the selection board that you are qualified for advancement. The reason I wrote this is because a lot of time, some members wonder why they are not selected even though they have numerous EPs especially 1/1s and transfer EPs. Since you are not competing with any one on a 1/1 or transfer eval, the board will look at where you fall in reporting senior's cumulative average. There's a saying that Evals  are written sometimes to please members, but the averages are written to the selection board.It's always a good idea to know your reporting senior' average and what it takes to be at or above. When you check on board or any time you have a new CO, ask them. If you are wondering why a lot of members get selected without a single EP, it's because their averages tell the whole story. I can use myself as an example. When I made Chief, my evals were E5: MP, MP, EP(transfer), E6: MP (frocking ), MP, EP. All my averages were at or above.

During an all hands call with VADM Burke he alluded to the fact about the major changes to the evaluations coming in the next year.  He also does not sound like a fan of the selection board process.  

Guest OS1(SW/EXW)
26 minutes ago, HawkISback said:

During an all hands call with VADM Burke he alluded to the fact about the major changes to the evaluations coming in the next year.  He also does not sound like a fan of the selection board process.  

After being up 4 times, I am not much of a fan either.


The area where the board falls short, I believe, is that you never know WHY you weren't selected. Was it a gap in your evals? Were you missing PPME, MTS, college, etc? The board changes what it focuses on each year or two it seems, and it's hard to check ALL the boxes for what they are looking for. 


I was told a gap in our evals gets your package tossed pretty much right out of the gate as well as poor Admin housekeeping.


It would be nice to know why one isn't picked up, so you can correct the error. If you have some admin error that you missed, as well as the 20 Khaki that look at your package, your error will be there year after year and you will sit right where you are.

Guest Chief Guns
1 hour ago, Dogg said:

METOC, it all depends on the competition. If you read my post, I said it is good to be at or above summary group and reporting senior cumulative average MOST of the time; not necessarily all the time. The ultimate factor is the ability to show upward movement in your averages. A "P" eval with an above average tells the board that you are in the game, but just got stuck in timing. Anytime a reporting senior places you at or above his/her average, they are telling the selection board that you are qualified for advancement. The reason I wrote this is because a lot of time, some members wonder why they are not selected even though they have numerous EPs especially 1/1s and transfer EPs. Since you are not competing with any one on a 1/1 or transfer eval, the board will look at where you fall in reporting senior's cumulative average. There's a saying that Evals  are written sometimes to please members, but the averages are written to the selection board.It's always a good idea to know your reporting senior' average and what it takes to be at or above. When you check on board or any time you have a new CO, ask them. If you are wondering why a lot of members get selected without a single EP, it's because their averages tell the whole story. I can use myself as an example. When I made Chief, my evals were E5: MP, MP, EP(transfer), E6: MP (frocking ), MP, EP. All my averages were at or above.

Correct. I was a FCPO for 7 years before i made Chief. I never had EP periodic eval. Two transfer EPs. All my periodic's was MP's including a welcome aboard MP. But all of them except for one had a breakout. But if you read my write ups especially the opening and closing statements, you would see why i was selected. And don't underestimate block 41. As a FCPO you want to see CPO and LCPO AT SEA in those blocks. That's huge. 

53 minutes ago, Chief Guns said:

Correct. I was a FCPO for 7 years before i made Chief. I never had EP periodic eval. Two transfer EPs. All my periodic's was MP's including a welcome aboard MP. But all of them except for one had a breakout. But if you read my write ups especially the opening and closing statements, you would see why i was selected. And don't underestimate block 41. As a FCPO you want to see CPO and LCPO AT SEA in those blocks. That's huge. 

Absolutely, block 41 is just as important. Logically, the write up should match the averages. A CO could lose credibility if they give you a powerful write up but put you below his/her average. A reporting senior that doesn't manage the average well could destroy unintentionally the career of some members. Your average could be 4.29, but still lower than cumulative average, while someone with 3.86 is well above. This could be one of the reasons why a change in the evaluation method is being considered and I agree. 

Guest DeepSea_IDC
9 hours ago, OS1(SW/EXW) said:

After being up 4 times, I am not much of a fan either.


The area where the board falls short, I believe, is that you never know WHY you weren't selected. Was it a gap in your evals? Were you missing PPME, MTS, college, etc? The board changes what it focuses on each year or two it seems, and it's hard to check ALL the boxes for what they are looking for. 


I was told a gap in our evals gets your package tossed pretty much right out of the gate as well as poor Admin housekeeping.


It would be nice to know why one isn't picked up, so you can correct the error. If you have some admin error that you missed, as well as the 20 Khaki that look at your package, your error will be there year after year and you will sit right where you are.

While there is somewhat of a "formula" for advancement, we're not looking for the sailor who will 'check the boxes' to get there and drop their pack once promoted. That's the WHY. 

The board wants to see what you do, how well you do it and if you're taking care of the sailors you are charged with while doing it. All this because it is what you would be doing anyway, not because it is the key to a promotion. If everyone is told, "this year, volunteerism was the key," then the November eval cycle will be stacked with MOVSMs and any REAL distinguishing keys will be invalidated.

Nobody will care more about your career and career record than you. If you're unable to find an administrative error in your own record(especially if it goes unseen for several years), how can it be expected for you to find it in the next OS1/BM1/FC1's record who looks to you for mentorship?

Not a personal criticism, just a repeative concern that I wanted to address.

Guest Chief Guns

As i read a lot of the comments, one thing that i keep seeing is the "check in the box". FCPO's focusing on SSP/PPME/JPME/USMAPS etc. Yes those things are important no doubt, but make no mistake about it, the most important factor to becoming a Chief is TAKING CARE OF YOUR SAILORS! You don't make Chief because of your accomplishments and qual's etc, you will become a Chief because of your Sailors accomplishments. Your Sailors will get you to Chief, not what you do. If leading, guiding, mentoring, and training your Sailors is not your number one priority, than you need to re-adjust quickly. Cause you won't become a Chief without them. When your Sailors succeed, you succeed as a LPO. When your Sailors fail, you fail. I am sure you all heard that a Chiefs anchors carry weight. It's because we carry the weight of every Sailor that ever worked for us, every Sailor that busted their ***** for us, every Sailor that went above and beyond for us. They are the reason we became Chiefs. My anchors belong to my Sailors just as much as they belong to me. So take a hard look at your eval's. If your eval's are talking about YOU, that's a good indication as to why you are still a FCPO. Your eval's should speak to everything your Sailors accomplished. Stop checking boxes and lead Sailors. Cause that's what Chiefs do. And don't just lead your division Sailors, you lead ALL Sailors. I tell people all the time i have two kids at home and 322,000 at work. Every Sailor is my Sailor! Good luck and i will keep all of you in my prayers. I hope you all receive that coveted "S" next month.

Guest SeaBeeDoc
On ‎7‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 9:09 PM, NavyChic said:


I agree, but my command wants  FCPO evals in three weeks.

PhD program, that's very impressive. Good luck to you, as I can imagine how strenuous the program could be.

I'm currently taking one class, towards my Masters Degree. I'm also planning to take one class next semester. Hopefully, if I do pick up I can balance going through season and school work. 

Sounds like we may be in the same command lol , I am working on mine too!

Guest osiris0107
14 hours ago, HawkISback said:

During an all hands call with VADM Burke he alluded to the fact about the major changes to the evaluations coming in the next year.  He also does not sound like a fan of the selection board process.  

How are they going to change the eval system? Also, what did he say he didn't like about the selection board process?

Guest HawkISback
23 minutes ago, osiris0107 said:

How are they going to change the eval system? Also, what did he say he didn't like about the selection board process?

Allegedly the biggest changes will be you will compete with people within your reporting period, and no written input. Also they are debating more than one time a year evaluation.  And yes he did not speak highly of the process, not sure if he didn't put faith in the senior enlisted or just the process itself. 

On 7/1/2017 at 5:15 PM, NavyChic said:

When your on duty working on your eval because your command, likes for the FCPO to turn in evals four months early haha even non-board eligible.

For all board eligible, have you all started working on what will hopefully be a close out eval? 

I wanted to make sure that you know I wasn't saying that as a dig on you, personally : ) The command seems presumptuous and it's ridiculous to make everyone do it even though they aren't board eligible. 

Good luck on your masters! I only continued with PhD because I had money left on my Post 9/11-- would be stupid for it go to waste.


I did everything I could to encrypt my LTB, but it would never send from my home computer. I sent it from UPS on the last day, and now I am wondering if they even saw it come in.

Guest HawkISback
5 minutes ago, sailormoon said:

I did everything I could to encrypt my LTB, but it would never send from my home computer. I sent it from UPS on the last day, and now I am wondering if they even saw it come in.

Did you download the DoD certificate to your computer, OWA would probably still work without it, but not to encrypt. I think as long as its postmarked by deadline but not sure.  

Guest PSjg78
On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 5:09 PM, Dogg said:

Good luck to all awaiting results. It's been a while but I am back. Thanks Tony for keeping my account. Where are my FTS PSs?

FTS PS :-)

5 minutes ago, HawkISback said:

Did you download the DoD certificate to your computer, OWA would probably still work without it, but not to encrypt. I think as long as its postmarked by deadline but not sure.  

I did. I did everything I could. OWA is garbage for my computer, and probably just garbage all around, but I was in no proximity to a NOSC to be able to run in and send it.

Guest PSjg78

Welp no notices or messages about release of FTS this week... sooo looks like CNO still has them... hahah.. maybe he is on leave :-) .. hope ya'll had a nice and relaxing 4th.. I know I did!

Guest navyordie123

Chief Guns, you couldn't have said it any better than what you did. You were absolutely right.people seem to focus on what they have done and don't focus on who helped them get there. Good luck to all and I hope with the quotas being as good as they are that we get to see a lot of people get the "S" this year. 

Guest HawkISback

I understand the genuine concern for your people, you have to take care of your Sailors.  However, I've found out that you can talk all day to them, however if they don't see you doing self improving items they could look at you being a hypocrite. Also doing all these things impowers me to talk to them from a position of knowledge.  

Guest TRON828

Hope all had a good 4th.. we are all relaxed and rested and ready for those results!!! ;) ....

Guest navyordie123
3 hours ago, HawkISback said:

I understand the genuine concern for your people, you have to take care of your Sailors.  However, I've found out that you can talk all day to them, however if they don't see you doing self improving items they could look at you being a hypocrite. Also doing all these things impowers me to talk to them from a position of knowledge.  

Never said it was a bad thing to talk to them about it or show them what you are doing. Chief Guns was bringing up the point that all is seen on here is self accomplishments and not what people have done for their sailors to make them better or lead them down the right path.

Guest HawkISback

No worries on this end.  

9 minutes ago, METOC said:

I completely agree with Chief Guns as well as your point. IMO, I think alot of these "checkmark" quantifications is coming from what we, as PO1s read in the precepts/convening orders. It's also what is drilled into our heads many times when we have CDBs: "Did you get your USMAP done? What about taking some college? You need to knock out these PME courses". However, I do believe that the vast majority of the good FCPOs out there know that it's not about you as a performer any longer; it's about those you train and mentor to take over for you.

Yea when I have a record/eval review they don't highlight that I have a lot of cause and effect for my sailors I.e. RC-AC conversions, awards, and quals it's always you don't have your degree or movsm it's going to be tough. 

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