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Guest steverunner

Non-Selectee, been eligible 4 years in a row now. All I can say is there are some hard charging CM1's out there to get beaten out, well, at least 8 of them based on quotas (Plus the CM1 who was meritoriously advanced as the SOY for the Reserves... BZ). Can't wait to see the list....


FY2013 and FY2014 SOY at the NOSC

2.5 years as Det AOIC

Warfare qual and 9502 NEC

Excellent High's on PFA, security clearance good, no negative marks or actions.

EP evals, sustained superior performer

EP as an IA during 11 month mob (Also had AOIC, LPO, 3MA, Work Center Sup titles) within board eval review time-frame

BS degree, and 8 of 10 classes finished towards my MBA with a Human Resources emphasis.

Volunteer service w/ various groups (No MOVS medal, I guess that's a negative)

Civilian job responsibility (supervise 300 employees) and elected as the company VP of it's Armed Forces Network.


All I can do is press on, work on a Volunteer medal, maybe get some additional 3M quals. Next cycle I'll be done with my MBA. I could have scored higher on my test, too, so I will work on that too.  10 more years before HYT, so I can't be too negative... I'll just celebrate the CM's who made it, I am sure I know many of them!

Guest PS1(AW) MLM

Non-Selectee, been eligible 4 years in a row now. All I can say is there are some hard charging CM1's out there to get beaten out, well, at least 8 of them based on quotas (Plus the CM1 who was meritoriously advanced as the SOY for the Reserves... BZ). Can't wait to see the list....


FY2013 and FY2014 SOY at the NOSC

2.5 years as Det AOIC

Warfare qual and 9502 NEC

Excellent High's on PFA, security clearance good, no negative marks or actions.

EP evals, sustained superior performer

EP as an IA during 11 month mob (Also had AOIC, LPO, 3MA, Work Center Sup titles) within board eval review time-frame

BS degree, and 8 of 10 classes finished towards my MBA with a Human Resources emphasis.

Volunteer service w/ various groups (No MOVS medal, I guess that's a negative)

Civilian job responsibility (supervise 300 employees) and elected as the company VP of it's Armed Forces Network.


All I can do is press on, work on a Volunteer medal, maybe get some additional 3M quals. Next cycle I'll be done with my MBA. I could have scored higher on my test, too, so I will work on that too.  10 more years before HYT, so I can't be too negative... I'll just celebrate the CM's who made it, I am sure I know many of them!

And make sure everything is in your record that the board reviews.  Check the board membership list for this board and make contact with one or more of them.  Ask them to review your record and give you guidance.

Guest EngineeringCorpsman

Not surprising, but I didn't get selected.  Time to focus on going CEC Officer.  However, and this is important, for those of you who are going to school and find yourself in need of help with math, physics, chemistry, or other stuff like that, send me a message and I will give you my email.  I am always, ALWAYS, willing to help a fellow Sailor with their academics, so don't be shy.  The 'Engineering' in my handle isn't there just for poops and giggles; I am a dual major in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics with a minor in Aerospace Engineering so, suffice to say, I have taken more math classes than should be legally allowed  :)  


Again, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you need help!

Guest SKLS1

What I would like, is for someone to review my record and give it to me straight. Not that it isn't your time, or when its your time you will get it. or the most common one I hear, is that I thought you were ready, I just can't call it. Some feedback. Some real feedback. It's hard to improve when you don't really know what to improve on...


Ok, that was my second rant of the day. That is out of character. :(

Guest 1crazyseabee85

On the other hand, someone asked for some help (on this forum), a Chief obliged, and told him "You have a gap in your record that needs fixing ASAP." An extra set of eyes never hurt and having a Chief look at it is like two extra sets...  ;)

That is always great when Chief step up to help and your right Tony having Chiefs look at your package will never hurt, what I said is that because there is no absolute as to what they are looking for in the board(as far as any one knows for sure) The variance of opinions from all kinds of E-7 and above still will not guaranty that you will make chief. Like I said my record cant have anything else that they haven't already been looking for other than presidential duty or rescuing an admirals wife or daughter. a board member cant contact you and say this is what you missed this year and that is what truly sucks about this process. It really is a crap shoot.

Guest SandcrabCTT

Yes the board is slightly different every year.  There isn't one thing that will get you over the line and timing always plays a part.  The way I looked at it was that I need to do everything possible.  I read the precept over and over and looked at every line to see what I could do to accomplish what it was asking for.  Somethings are impossible, for example I would not be able to get expeditionary experience while assigned to Surgemain.  The precept for the most part is purposefully vague.  But read it and reread it to figure out what you can do to accomplish the things they want and make sure it appears in your record and/or eval.


Finally it isn't a game of lets line up our quals and personal accomplishments and see who has more.  Leadership is the most important thing.  I had leadership on my evals going back to the dawn of time, but the year I was picked up my eval had almost nothing to do with what I did directly.  It was that the unit reenlist percentage was this, the advancement percentage was that and this many guys/girls were selected for SOY/JSOY/BJOY.  The less the eval is about you the better it is.

Chief I hope this isn't a silly question but I read your comments above and in particular when you said read, read, re-read the precept are you talking about reviewing past precepts like the one that was just completed or are you talking about the upcoming precept that will be for next year's board FY17?  Thanks again and I hope this isn't a ridiculous question...


Chief I hope this isn't a silly question but I read your comments above and in particular when you said read, read, re-read the precept are you talking about reviewing past precepts like the one that was just completed or are you talking about the upcoming precept that will be for next year's board FY17?  Thanks again and I hope this isn't a ridiculous question...


The precept is a little like stearing a boat any actions you make take time to actually happen.  You have to go off of the old guidance from the past precepts and hope that nothing changed that will hurt you.  If you look at the past three years precepts you can get a reasonable idea of what the next one might look like.


They don't change much, but an example of slight changes that can hurt or help you.  One year they were looking for rate related college degrees, my degrees aren't rated related, the next year they were looking for advanced (graduate) degrees but weren't specific about it being rate related.  So you know they are going to be looking for college degrees, but not if it needs to be rate related or advanced.


Things that are on the precept every year you can expect to see on next year's.  Something that just appeared on last years may or may not be on next year's.  It's a bit of guess work, but you can't wait to see next year's because that gets released when the board convenes.

Guest SandcrabCTT

The precept is a little like stearing a boat any actions you make take time to actually happen.  You have to go off of the old guidance from the past precepts and hope that nothing changed that will hurt you.  If you look at the past three years precepts you can get a reasonable idea of what the next one might look like.


They don't change much, but an example of slight changes that can hurt or help you.  One year they were looking for rate related college degrees, my degrees aren't rated related, the next year they were looking for advanced (graduate) degrees but weren't specific about it being rate related.  So you know they are going to be looking for college degrees, but not if it needs to be rate related or advanced.


Things that are on the precept every year you can expect to see on next year's.  Something that just appeared on last years may or may not be on next year's.  It's a bit of guess work, but you can't wait to see next year's because that gets released when the board convenes.

Roger that Chief, thanks this is good!

Guest seabeewife516

Seabee husband got the big "N" today.    :(   Congrats to the ones that made SEL!!    My question is, my CM's digital file is missing some documentation so each year we send those papers documents into the Millington address. A couple of years ago he had a COC that screwed up on some evals and never got those submitted properly into his digital record.    Could that be his issue as to why he is not getting selected??    We have had several Chiefs, 1 Master Chief and a LTJG look at his file and they have all told him it is spot on if he includes those missing paper docs when he submits his package to the board.   My opinion is,  since his whole navy record is not digital for them to see,  they throw his name out of the running.  I have wondered about this the last couple of years.   


Any feedback would be great!!






Seabee husband got the big "N" today.    :(   Congrats to the ones that made SEL!!    My question is, my CM's digital file is missing some documentation so each year we send those papers documents into the Millington address. A couple of years ago he had a COC that screwed up on some evals and never got those submitted properly into his digital record.    Could that be his issue as to why he is not getting selected??    We have had several Chiefs, 1 Master Chief and a LTJG look at his file and they have all told him it is spot on if he includes those missing paper docs when he submits his package to the board.   My opinion is,  since his whole navy record is not digital for them to see,  they throw his name out of the running.  I have wondered about this the last couple of years.   


Any feedback would be great!!






If he includes them in the letter to the board he shouldn't be getting disqualified.  But if these evals are ancient history the board is going to be wondering why it hasn't been fixed yet.  So it could be playing a part in why he didn't get selected, but it might not have mattered.  The other guys may have been more qualified no way to say for sure.


Hands down, the best advice ever given to me (and proven successfull as I applied this advice and was selected for CPO first time I was eligible (after PRT failure fell off) and first time up for SCPO.

You can take advice and recommendations from just about any CPO, the problem with that is that unless they have sat a board they truly don't know.

Only seek advice from those who have sat boards, they are the ones who will shoot straight, "this isn't your year and here is what you need to be doing" ect. They are the ones who will tell you "you've met every wicket" OR "this is a select EVAL".

Now I understand this may be easier for PO1's on AD but reach out through your networks, look at the board members (applicable to your rating). Ask for their mentorship and guidance. When it's time to submit your EVAL is not the time to hear the words above, you should be hearing this through the year.

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started the FY17 SELRES CPO Board and threw in applicable posts. Get started early folks. Fix your records, study and ask the questions now...   BBb)

Guest SandcrabCTT

started the FY17 SELRES CPO Board and threw in applicable posts. Get started early folks. Fix your records, study and ask the questions now...   BBb)

Thanks Tony for starting this thread! I am already starting my preparation... :-)


Thanks Tony for starting this thread! I am already starting my preparation... :-)


Glad to hear you're starting early!!


Its a crap shoot. Being a prior PS my record is 100% correct and up to date. I was prior regnav and due to PTS I was converted to FTS. Yet a more junior (just hit 11 yrs) "groomed" person whom has no warfare pin, never deployed, never IA'd, got selected. The person has no idea what a ship looks like or any sea duty experience. It's BS. The selection process is about who you know, or better yet who knows you. When the last CPO results were announced one of the Chiefs even said "I told you I'd get you selected." Boards members don't like the "squeaky wheel". PTS was a death sentence for a lot of good Sailors who were on the right track.

Guest SandcrabCTT

Glad to hear you're starting early!!

Yes... I sent an email to the selectee who got the only quota for my rate this year, trying to understand how he put his data together also trying to ask for some other guidance and gouge. I'm just waiting for a response, I know he has already started the process. It might be a little bit before he gets back to me.

Its a crap shoot. Being a prior PS my record is 100% correct and up to date. I was prior regnav and due to PTS I was converted to FTS. Yet a more junior (just hit 11 yrs) "groomed" person whom has no warfare pin, never deployed, never IA'd, got selected. The person has no idea what a ship looks like or any sea duty experience. It's BS. The selection process is about who you know, or better yet who knows you. When the last CPO results were announced one of the Chiefs even said "I told you I'd get you selected." Boards members don't like the "squeaky wheel". PTS was a death sentence for a lot of good Sailors who were on the right track.


I highly doubt that Chief has enough influence to get someone selected through graft.  Though he could have had indirect influence through awards and evals.  I imagine that was more what he was getting at than some form of undue influence.  If the chief had that much power he'd probably be a Master Chief.


Whether it's a board or eval rankings or SOY there are always going to be situations where it doesn't make sense looking from the outside who got selected.  One thing I took away from talking to people that sat the board is that the board is designed to select the best documented qualified Sailors, which aren't necessarily the best qualified Sailors.  So even if your record is 100% complete and isn't missing anything this other guy probably has better written evals.

Guest seabee42

I have the same feeling about one of the guys I know that was selected. I was pretty pissed, the guy couldn't even spell "sailor." But alas, it is what it is.

This past drill weekend I had some Master Chiefs and Senior Chiefs review my record, which was a mixed bag. Not all the Chiefs were familiar with Seabee stuff, so we (a CUCM and myself) had to keep explaining things and I don't think they understood. I have a good feeling about it though, just going to keep doing what I'm doing, paying attention to the precepts, and hope it's enough to stand out even without friends on the board.

Not sure if this applies or not but I know that some Seabees have a hard time mixing verbiage or acronyms that only Seabees know. When I write or train people on evals that is one thing I stress. Is a fleet Sailor going to know what that is?

Just my two cents...


Not sure if this applies or not but I know that some Seabees have a hard time mixing verbiage or acronyms that only Seabees know. When I write or train people on evals that is one thing I stress. Is a fleet Sailor going to know what that is?

Just my two cents...


I don't know how much it applies to the CPO Board because there will be Seabee Master Chiefs there to explain things.  However, it certainly applies to SOY boards.  I sat one where a Seabee was nominated and it was all acronyms that meant nothing to me.  I didn't know if they guy was doing the minimum or was the greatest Seabee since LCDR Donovan.  The less questions someone has to ask about an eval or a nomination the better as a general rule.

Guest seabee42

I don't know how much it applies to the CPO Board because there will be Seabee Master Chiefs there to explain things. However, it certainly applies to SOY boards. I sat one where a Seabee was nominated and it was all acronyms that meant nothing to me. I didn't know if they guy was doing the minimum or was the greatest Seabee since LCDR Donovan. The less questions someone has to ask about an eval or a nomination the better as a general rule.

Exactly, definitely crucial for SOY Boards. My thought process is the less questions, assumptions or explaining is better. You don't want your package to be the one reviewed at zero hour and stuff get looked at or not explained for whatever reason. We are all human.

I think it's critical that small or unique commands that may have terms they use within their community needs to be tailered to the big Navy. An example may be team leader. What does that entail, what is a team leaders responsibility. But we all know what a work center supervisor is and what an LPO. Would those titles do more justice to that Sailor?


I've got a good question... Ok I've only been FTS since late 2011.

There's been a lot of talk about IAs and that it's almost become a requirement for advancement to E7 (at least for my rate). Well I was deployed twice on once each on two different platforms when I was REGNAV, shouldn't that be considered just as good?


I have posted the "Past Active Duty Selection Board Results" in the Chief's category of this forum (the topic is pinned). If someone can gather the SelRes results I can post and pin that as well. It's best if they are both in the same format. 


I've got a good question... Ok I've only been FTS since late 2011.

There's been a lot of talk about IAs and that it's almost become a requirement for advancement to E7 (at least for my rate). Well I was deployed twice on once each on two different platforms when I was REGNAV, shouldn't that be considered just as good?


I'm in the same sitation.  I honestly don't have a solid answer for you, but my feeling is no.  This is my opinion and it probably varies from person to person.  1 most active deployments are different then reserve mobs.  You don't see many mobs on a ship for example.  2 there is a distinct difference between leaving your life behind when you are a reservist vs active duty.  3 deployments are with your ship or squadron and mobs are often individual assignments to commands you were not attached to.  Though there are certainly units such as Seabees that mob as units.


Now it won't look like you hid and I won't think it will be held against you.  I made chief without a mob for example, but the impression I get is that a mob is held in higher regard.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest SeaBeeDoc

 I will admit not being selected was a tough pill to swallow, that is why I stayed off line for awhile.  To be honest the toughest was being the only FTS  here at this command.  No one was tracking the results  including my own Chief, the TRIAD was not even here the day the results were release .  I had to get one of my Senior Chiefs and tell him so he could find out. Ultimately , I ended up waiting until the list went public.  When I found out I was not selected only added insult to injury.  My Chief's mess then acted all bummed that I did not make it. When I had my CDB a few days later my Master Chief and Senior Chief were apologetic and promise that that would not happen again. I told them both that it was upsetting to me because I was the only FTS here and the same website  where the Active Component gets  there information is where the FTS and Reserve community gets there infromation.  I felt that my leadership dropped the ball in my case.  I still have two more shots so I will move on and do what I can to get the nodd next time, and it turns out not to be  then I will have left knowing I was a great deck plate leader with no regrets!

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