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DaddyGuns last won the day on November 21 2022

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  1. If you’re past the growth portion and in that EP range then moving forward you have to show what you’ll see in the precepts and LADR a lot “SUSTAINED SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE”. The board will look at your PSR and they can see your transfers, how long you’ve been on board present command, changes in reporting Senior, and they will take all of that in account. Going from that “welcome aboard” P to an EP shows that’s growth that they wanna see establishing yourself in the command. Now you just need the write up to match. Biggest thing I always failed to remember is that you’re not just fighting everyone in your command, you’re fighting all the other first classes in your rate that will potentially be board eligible. Make sure your evals reflect the LADR and focus on those quals and considerations for E7.
  2. People are really eager to get paid…. Well if you look at the instruction (highly recommend this since you picked up and people will be asking us this moving forward) they will advance no less than 3% of people every month with the remaining people being advanced in the 12th month. So that your seniority number (4) and divide it by the quota (20) and you get .2, multiple that by 100 and you’ll see you’re in the 20th percentile. Which would put you in the 7th pay increment. However the navy can’t advance half a Sailor so most likely 1 Sailor will be advanced per month putting you in the 4th pay increment leaving you paid in the Decemberish time frame. Your profile sheet will update during the mid month to show when you will get paid as well so check back in December and you can even check in with your local B/S PSC/YNC and they can break this down even further for you if needed.
  3. No one else? Ready to hear from my brothers n sisters.
  4. S S BABY!!!! *in my Vanilla Ice voice**
  5. You sound like one of the sad panda FCPO’s you were talking about and results haven’t even dropped yet. The very least you could do is show some faith in your own self sheesh.
  6. When it says E7 Eligible does this count every single test taker, or SBE member?
  7. So I learned the other day that you can see detailed exam statistics on MNA. I looked at how many people took the exam, multiplied that by .6 to get a rough estimate of who made board, then took the quota and divided it by the number found above to get a rough guesstimate of advancement percentage. I wish they would just just us the percentage though, it’d be so much easier.
  8. Just saw these! Thanks for pushing it out to everyone, I sure wish they went back to using percentages so we knew how to tailor our expectations haha
  9. Absolutely agree, I’ve reached out to random LDO’s in response to my desire to go LDO so I’ll treat Chief the same!
  10. I’ve heard mixed reactions on this. I’ve had khaki’s tell me to reach out to previous board members in global, I’ve heard some khakis say to not do that as well. I only know a couple people who have reached out but apparently they haven’t had very pleasant responses.
  11. Last couple of year AD results have been released 10-15 days after board adjourned. Is there any chance AD results will start sooner if CNP call happens and results are certified ahead of schedule or is September 6th the absolute date??
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