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R 161426Z APR 20 MID110000587035U









RMKS/1.  Congratulations to the following personnel who have been selected 
for advancement to senior and master chief petty officer by the FY-21 Navy 
Reserve E8 and E9 selection boards.  Strong competition between qualified 
professionals is one of the strengths of our Navy and your selection speaks 
highly of your abilities.

2.  This NAVADMIN is not authorization for advancement.  Specific dates of 
advancement will be published by Commanding Officer, Naval Education and 
Training Professional Development Center Pensacola, FL.  Personnel listed 
below may be frocked in accordance with reference (a) if qualified.

3.  Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS Online.  
The selection list is in alphabetical order by rate within competitive 
category.  Read each line from left to right, name and numerical order of 
advancement.  Categories of advancement are selected reservist and full time 
                  Selected Reservist Master Chief
            ABCM - Master Chief Aviation Boatswains Mate
Morales Jessi     001
             AFCM - Master Chief Aircraft Maintenanceman
Hansen Matthe     001         Wickline Phil     002
                AGCM - Master Chief Aerographers Mate
Cappellino Ri     001
         AVCM - Master Chief Avionics Maintenance Technician
Jameson Dougl     001         Kornelius Bri     002
                 AWCM - Master Chief Naval Aircrewman
Martelle Ange     001
                 BMCM - Master Chief Boatswains Mate
Johnson Micha     001         Meade Frankli     002
                    CMDCM - Command Master Chief
Baney Sean Co     001         Kohm Benjamin     003
Macleod Dunca     002
              CSCM - Master Chief Culinary Specialist
Baird Dexter      001
      CTICM - Master Chief Cryptologic Technician Interpretive
Voyles Jarom      001
        CTTCM - Master Chief Cryptologic Technician Technical
Newbill Harol     001
                 CUCM - Master Chief Constructionman
Hamilton Dani     002         Marino Jason      001
               EMCM - Master Chief Electricians Mate
Wyngaarden Da     001
                    ENCM - Master Chief Engineman
Pona Samuel D     001         Quinones Walt     002
                  EQCM - Master Chief Equipmentman
Brown Kevin       002         Seaman Daniel     001
                FCCM - Master Chief Fire Controlman
Gammill Micha     001
                 GMCM - Master Chief Gunners Mate
Miles Daniel      002         Rohde William     001
               HMCM - Master Chief Hospital Corpsman
Axsom Gerald      002         Greene Jonath     001
          HTCM - Master Chief Hull Maintenance Technician
Shopoff Chris     001
             ISCM - Master Chief Intelligence Specialist
Bocek Jonatha     003         Ford Jason Er     001
Moore Raymond     002
         ITCM - Master Chief Information Systems Technician
Cornejo Gabri     003         Gerdel Vernon     002
Jenkins Betsy     001
              LSCM - Master Chief Logistics Specialist
Acquilano Dan     001         Akins James M     002
Liss Timothy      003         Talley Carlos     004
                 MACM - Master Chief Master At Arms
Cussen David      005         Dyke Steven J     001
Keatts Jamie      002         Tortorice Day     004
Tyson Tanya M     003
        MCCM - Master Chief Mass Communications Specialist
Lovelady Will     001
             OSCM - Master Chief Operations Specialist
Gunsel Keith      001         Wagner Nichol     002
              PSCM - Master Chief Personnel Specialist
Bartreau Mary     001
                 QMCM  - Master Chief Quartermaster
Warden David      001
         SBCM - Master Chief Special Warfare Boat Operator
Everitt Andre     001
      SOCM - Master Chief Special Warfare Operator
Pereira Mario     001
      STSCM - Master Chief Sonar Technician Submarine
Bryant Emary      001
      UCCM - Master Chief Utilitiesman
Fink Christop     003         Williams Timo     002
Zasloff Ronal     001
                   Selected Reservist Senior Chief
   ABHCS - Senior Chief Aviation Boatswains Mate Aircraft Handling
Nance Zachary     003         Razi Ali Reza     001
Tinsley Willi     002
             ACCS - Senior Chief Air Traffic Controller
Edwards Felis     001
           ADCS - Senior Chief Aviation Machinists Mate
Bandrich Hira     001
           AECS - Senior Chief Aviation Electricians Mate
Davis Joshua      001         Herrmann Jere     002
          AMCS - Senior Chief Aviation Structural Mechanic
Putz John Law     002         Reinig Robert     001
        ATCS - Senior Chief Aviation Electronics Technician
Seifert Josep     001
           AWFCS - Senior Chief Naval Aircrewmen Mechanical
Berthiaume Ro     001         Cook Benjamin     002
Hayes Robert      003         Morgan Peter      004
           AWOCS - Senior Chief Naval Aircrewmen Operator
Berg Jonathan     001         Chavira Cesar     002
Perry Christo     003
                 BMCS - Senior Chief Boatswains Mate
Benbow Robert     006         Cardenas Mari     017
Curtis Ryan J     020         Dahlke Kyle W     018
Dalhouse Lisa     007         Desta Samson      015
Gaither Hanna     014         Green Joshua      011
Horst Jeremy      009         Hosmer Wayne      012
Junkins Cliff     003         Layne John La     004
Lebron Juvent     005         Reneau Shaun      002
Rink Thomas J     010         Smith James L     016
Tatum Scott A     019         Wagner Adam D     013
Wessling Vale     001         Whyte Justin      008
            CECS - Senior Chief Construction Electrician
Ceccoli John      003         Humble Kevin      002
Nowak Edmund      001
              CMCS - Senior Chief Construction Mechanic
Garcia Christ     002         Lambert Kevin     001
Sabik John Ch     003
               CSCS - Senior Chief Culinary Specialist
Collado Orinz     002         Rangeltinoco      001
Saari Randy L     003
      CTICS - Senior Chief Cryptologic Technician Interpretive
Gustafson Tra     001
        CTTCS - Senior Chief Cryptologic Technician Technical
Butler Travis     002         Moran Brendan     001
                CUCS - Senior Chief Constructionman
Labrada Ferna     002         Muniz Christo     005
Robinson Holl     006         Salmon Thomas     003
Sigler Amber      004         Tandy John Cl     001
               DCCS - Senior Chief Damage Controlman
Mcmaster Dani     001
               EMCS - Senior Chief Electricians Mate
Antrim Alexan     001         Penaflor Mich     002
Zaworski Josh     003
                    ENCS - Senior Chief Engineman
Bundy Dennis      004         Goughenour An     005
Harris Kristo     007         Lovell Brando     008
Reist Jesse L     006         Rowe Lance Cl     003
Sanchez Migue     001         Whiteker Zach     002
               EOCS - Senior Chief Equipment Operator
Bistrek Tolan     003         Gorman Jeremy     008
Hagg Arthur A     001         Hebb Michael      006
Jagodzinski A     005         Littlefield W     002
Tackabury Jay     007         Wilbur Jeffre     004
     EODCS - Senior Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician
Miller Zachar     001
             ETCS - Senior Chief Electronic Technician
Dudek John St     001         Weuste Chad A     004
Witherington      003         Woods Latica      002
                FCCS - Senior Chief Fire Controlman
Morris Garet      001
                 GMCS - Senior Chief Gunners Mate
Codling Jerem     001         Parra Dionici     004
Schad Jennife     002         Schexnayder K     003
               HMCS - Senior Chief Hospital Corpsman
Avitia Alionz     018         Burke Kaitlin     012
Erickson Roge     017         Francisco Sam     005
Gadberry Cary     015         Gunn Daniel D     006
Howard Marcha     009         Johnson Amy L     004
Linville Char     003         Mantanona Jen     011
Mazmanian Nic     010         Miles Molly S     002
Miller Sean D     016         Moore Sarah M     008
Norris Megan      007         Simmscolon Ja     013
Spencer Cyren     001         Verest Michae     014
           HTCS - Senior Chief Hull Maintenance Technician
Balsman Justi     002         Birkey David      001
Emge Ryan Ell     003
            ISCS - Senior Chief Intelligence Specialist
Alder Mary Ka     008         Bertsch Ian M     007
Clabo Ronald      002         Covey Jamie M     003
Hobbs Michell     001         Howland Travi     006
Mills Kevin D     004         Ross Michael      005
         ITCS - Senior Chief Information Systems Technician
Acosta Gabrie     006         Aliceacabrera     012
Baird Terence     005         Cox Cory Kenn     011
Griffin Charl     008         Heckman Tyler     009
Holland Betha     010         Mckay Andrew      013
Medina Brigha     001         Selvaratnam R     004
Taylor James      007         Williams Timo     002
Wolford Derek     003
              LSCS - Senior Chief Logistics Specialist
Alfing Joshua     014         Delarosa Geor     012
Ebert Shawnda     002         Hasse Andrew      009
Losier Joseph     004         Marko Tia Noe     013
Moore Travis      008         Robinson Roac     010
Stuckey Veron     006         Tobin Nicolas     011
Wilson Alfred     007         Wolthuis Stev     003
Wooten John T     001         York Brian Th     005
                 MACS - Senior Chief Master At Arms
Baraz Daniel      001         Bishop Mark A     002
Bryant Joshua     016         Coats Jerald      004
Coleman James     006         Ebersole Bret     010
Ellis Nichola     014         Elston Christ     013
Frenette Alle     005         Hamon Jeremia     009
Hratko Thomas     007         Kembel Scott      003
Peterson Mega     011         Skeberis Luis     012
Velez Michael     008         Workman Jonat     015
        MCCS - Senior Chief Mass Communications Specialist
Klein Meagan      003         Oday Michael      002
Wyman Wendy C     001
                MMCS - Senior Chief Machinists Mate
Adams Jason S     001
                    MNCS - Senior Chief Mineman
Creadick Just     001
                   NDCS - Senior Chief Navy Diver
Kirby Ryan Ed     001         Shafer James      002
              OSCS - Senior Chief Operations Specialist
Bijarro Georg     002         Carroll Linds     003
Cervantes Yad     006         Lerch Nathan      004
Roseman Eric      005         Stangler Sall     007
Vanover Benja     001
         PRCS - Senior Chief Aircrew Survival Equipmentman
Johnson Rober     001         Watt Justin S     002
              PSCS - Senior Chief Personnel Specialist
Hoopes Deanna     001
                 QMCS - Senior Chief Quartermaster
Asato Hiroshi     002         Duenas Daniel     001
          SBCS - Senior Chief Special Warfare Boat Operator
Rawls Austin      002         Sarantos Pete     001
            SOCS - Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator
Bly Derrick S     001
                   UTCS - Senior Chief Utilitiesman
Bloomberg Ric     003         Moore Anthony     002
Perez Leano B     001         Risner Brando     004
                     YNCS - Senior Chief Yeoman
Hartung Erich     002         Krick Jeremia     004
Perry Jennife     001         Wade Taimesha     003
                   Full Time Support Master Chief
               AOCM - Master Chief Aviation Ordnanceman
Sevigny Danie     001
      ASCM - Master Chief Aviation Support Equipment Technician
Gonzalez Adri     001
           AWFCM - Master Chief Naval Aircrewman Mechanical
Clark David W     001         Herring Paul      002
                    CMDCM - Command Master Chief
Butler Justin     003         Crossland Don     002
Ridder Ernest     001
                DCCM - Master Chief Damage Controlman
Marquis Russe     001
                EMCM - Master Chief Electricians Mate
Gildelatorrer     001
              ETCM - Master Chief Electronic Technician
Baumert Richa     001
                HMCM - Master Chief Hospital Corpsman
Abdulsalam Ti     001         Payton Damari     002
Taylor Blair      003
         ITCM - Master Chief Information Systems Technician
Harrison Char     001
              LSCM - Master Chief Logistics Specialist
Aiken Sacoyia     003         Demumbra Sofi     001
Nicholson Ser     002
           NCCM - Master Chief Navy Counselor (Recruiter)
Allen Bert Wa     001         King Casey Ra     002
              PSCM - Master Chief Personnel Specialist
Adams Clyde N     001         Maher Nikita      002
Mckenzie Kurt     004         Serrano Micha     003
                      YNCM - Master Chief Yeoman
Axson Dana Ma     004         Bray Kimberly     005
Brennick Matt     002         Lang Michelle     001
Summerbell Eb     003
                   Full Time Support Senior Chief
             ADCS - Senior Chief Aviation Machinists Mate
Cooper Bryant     002         Roy Scott Ray     003
Tarkowski Bra     001         Vamos Jesse D     004
              AOCS - Senior Chief Aviation Ordnanceman
Evans Tyrone      001
         ATCS - Senior Chief Aviation Electronics Technician
Hilst James W     001
          AWFCS - Senior Chief Naval Aircrewmen Mechanical
Dodd Jason Al     001         Gregory Raymo     002
Leiser Lawren     005         Mccoy Michael     003
Ragan Joe Smi     004
     AZCS - Senior Chief Aviation Maintenance Administrationman
Bryant Jocely     001
                DCCS - Senior Chief Damage Controlman
Stigall Charl     001         Thippanya Ano     002
                EMCS - Senior Chief Electricians Mate
Dean Matthew      001         Timm Joseph L     002
              ETCS - Senior Chief Electronic Technician
Carroll Roger     001
                HMCS - Senior Chief Hospital Corpsman
Cheek Christo     005         Jameson Calis     003
Leija Armando     007         Mcmillan Thom     006
Twitty Shella     001         Villareal Mar     002
Welch Nicole      004
         ITCS - Senior Chief Information Systems Technician
Brunson Jenny     001         Randall Dane      002
              LSCS - Senior Chief Logistics Specialist
Freeman Samue     006         Henry Anthony     005
Hightower Jeh     004         Mclawrence Po     002
Schiltz Erik      001         Shue Roger Da     003
           NCCS - Senior Chief Navy Counselor (Recruiter)
Armijo Marlen     002         Moreno Sidney     001
           NCCS - Senior Chief Navy Counselor (Counselor)
Rivas Melody      001
         PRCS - Senior Chief Aircrew Survival Equipmentman
Dees Michael      001
              PSCS - Senior Chief Personnel Specialist
Bergeronconwa     003         Crites Aracel     001
Housden Eric      002
                      YNCS - Senior Chief Yeoman
Boyd Raymond      001         Dobar Rebecca     004
Fiorucci Ange     006         Lemons Mark E     003
Livingston Na     002         Newton Marie      005

4.  Released By Vice Admiral John B. Nowell Jr, N1.//

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