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R 081549Z FEB 19





RMKS/1.  This NAVADMIN updates reference (a) and announces new policy and 
guidance for the calendar year (CY) 2019 Meritorious Advancement Program 
(MAP) for active, full-time support and Canvasser Recruiter Sailors.

2.  In support of Sailor 2025, the MAP is intended to empower commanding 
officers (CO) and their command triads to identify and advance the most 
talented, experienced and proficient Sailors within their commands based on 
first-hand demonstrated performance and ability.

3.  Given the continued success of MAP through fiscal year (FY) 2018, we will 
take a substantial step forward in CY19 to expand the ability of the command 
triad to directly reward more top performing talent.  The updated MAP changes 
were made in partnership with Navy leadership and the MAP strategic working 
group, comprised of senior enlisted leaders across the Fleet.  The strategic 
working group applied the lessons learned from FY18 and Sailor feedback to 
ensure command triads have as much latitude and flexibility as possible.

4.  New changes for the CY19 MAP include:
    a.  Aligning MAP seasons with the Navy-wide advancement exam
(NWAE) cycles.  We are moving to a two-season framework in which the MAP 
seasons overlap the NWAE and make clear the intent of MAP to select and 
reward the right Sailors with MAP quotas.  This change will require command 
triads to select their most-qualified Sailors for MAP, without regard to the 
NWAE results, and does not relieve Sailors from the need to prepare and study 
for the technical rating information tested by the NWAE.  MAP season one will 
begin 1 March 2019 and end 30 April 2019.  MAP season two will begin 1 
September 2019 and end 31 October 2019.
    b.  Increasing MAP Quotas.  MAP will account for approximately
20 percent of all E-4 through E-6 advancements during CY19, with roughly 10 
percent of quotas allocated in season one.  With the increased focus on 
recognition of the highest performing Sailors, commands are encouraged to 
exercise their best judgment and return quotas as appropriate.  These quotas 
should not be given away.  No command should feel compelled to utilize all 
their quotas and no Sailor should be advanced before the command feels they 
have the expertise, experience, maturity, leadership and judgement required 
at the next higher paygrade.  Returned quotas will not impact allocation of 
the future year quotas for the command.  MAP quota execution will be assessed 
at the conclusion of season one to determine the best way to proceed with 
season two.
    c.  Eliminating the Redistribution Season.  Approximately 95 percent of 
all quotas were allocated within the regular MAP season.
Therefore, redistribution of the small number of unused quotas created an 
administrative burden for commands.  As such, unused MAP quotas will not be 
redistributed to budget submitting offices (BSO) following the regular MAP 
seasons.  All unused season one quotas will be returned to Enlisted Force 
Shaping Plans and Policies Branch (OPNAV N132) no later than (NLT) 1 May 
2019.  Returned quotas will then be factored into the 2019 Spring Cycle 243 
    d.  The initiatives outlined in reference (a) from the FY18 MAP season 
including submission of multiple meritorious certification letters (MCL), 
using E-4 quotas to advance any E-1 through E-3 Sailor to the next higher 
paygrade on a one-for-one basis, meritoriously advancing Sailors who are in 
frocked status and maintaining a controlled rating process will continue in 
CY19 MAP season one.

5.  Community Health.  The enlisted community managers are laser- focused on 
community health and are watching to ensure we do not take inadvertent risk 
in rating inventory or requisite experience.
Additionally, MAP has controls in place to ensure we maintain a balanced and 
healthy advancement opportunity by rating.
Specifically, ratings assessed to have the potential to be in an
*overmanned* status will be placed on a *controlled rating list.*
    a.  A request for a controlled rate quota must be submitted from the CO, 
via the chain of command, to their BSO/echelon II command NLT 25 February 
2019.  Adjudication and notification of the controlled rate request will 
occur NLT 25 March 2019.
    b.  The following rates, by component, are controlled for CY19 MAP season 
one (i.e., BSO/echelon II command approval required to be MAP advanced into 
the rates listed):
        (1) Active component:  AWO1, CTI1, RP1, SH1, YNS1, AWF2 and AWV2.
        (2) Full-time support:  AME1, AS1, AT1, AZ1, CS1, ET1, IT1, NCR1, 
AS2, EM2 and CS2.

6.  MAP Quotas.  MAP quotas are allocated to both individual commands and 
BSO/echelon II commands.
    a.  Command MAP quotas are calculated based on the eligible E-3 through 
E-5 billets authorized (BA) at the command level, to include any subordinate 
unit identification codes (UIC).  At a minimum, a command with at least 12 E-
3 through E-5 BA will receive one MAP quota at the paygrade with the most 
billets (e.g., a command with 4 E-3 billets and 8 E-4 billets will receive 1 
E-5 quota).  All Sailors assigned to subordinate UICs are eligible for MAP 
quotas assigned to the parent command.
    b.  The BA associated with commands that do not generate MAP quotas are 
aggregated and then allocated to the BSO/echelon II command for distribution 
to any commands within that BSO/echelon II command, including their 
headquarters command.
    c.  All commands are authorized to request quotas from their BSO/echelon 
II command, via their immediate superior in command (ISIC) and type commander 
(TYCOM), whether or not command quotas are authorized.  BSO/echelon II 
commands and TYCOMs may issue specific guidance on due dates or how 
subordinate commands must request a quota.  Each BSO/echelon II command is 
the approval authority for exceptions to policy (ETP) for their subordinate 
    d.  The number of MAP quotas by UIC will be posted on 15 February 2019 
and can be found on MyNavy Portal at
advancement-resources-and-links, then select the *Websites* tab in the blue 

7.  MAP Eligibility.  MAP is open to all active, full-time support and 
Canvasser Recruiter Sailors who meet advancement eligibility requirements.
    a.  The effective date of advancement is based on the date of the MAP MCL 
but no earlier than 1 March 2019.  The time-in-rate (TIR) for E-4 through E-6 
MAP Sailors will be 1 January 2019.  The TIR for E-2 and E-3 Sailors advanced 
between the 1st and the 16th of the month will be the 1st day of the month in 
which advanced.  The TIR for E-2 and E-3 Sailors advanced between the 17th 
and end of the month will be the 1st day of the following month.  Commands 
are encouraged to begin their MAP selection process and submit their MCL as 
early as possible to ensure Sailors are advanced and paid expeditiously.
    b.  Sailors can only be meritoriously advanced one paygrade.
Sailors can only be meritoriously advanced once during CY19 MAP seasons 
(i.e., a Sailor meritoriously advanced in season one cannot be meritoriously 
advanced in season two).  Sailors in a frocked status are not eligible for 
advancement to the next higher paygrade until effectively advanced (i.e., a 
frocked E-5 cannot be meritoriously advanced to E-6).  However, COs are 
authorized and encouraged to MAP frocked Sailors who were selected for 
advancement from the Fall 2018 Cycle 240 NWAE provided they have not reached 
their effective pay date (i.e., a frocked E-5 can be meritoriously advanced 
to E-5.  Refer to the profile sheet of the member for effective pay date).  
Sailors must have the following TIR in paygrades E-1 through E-5 for MAP 
advancement eligibility:

        (1) E-6:  1 January 2018
        (2) E-6 (Nuclear-Trained Sailors):  1 January 2017
        (3) E-5 and below:  No TIR requirement

    c.  COs may select an E-6 MAP candidate with no TIR through BSO/echelon 
II command endorsement.  The command must attach the approved BSO/echelon II 
command endorsement letter with the MCL.
    d.  Sailors must be permanently assigned to the MAP authorized command or 
performing temporary additional duty for greater than 30 days during CY19 MAP 
season one.  Commands must receive notification from Enlisted Career 
Administration/Enlisted Boards (PERS-8031) that their MCL has been validated, 
in line with subparagraph 7a, prior to the detachment date of the member.  
Projected rotation date change requests are recommended if a Sailor will 
transfer prior to receiving validation.
    e.  Professional Apprenticeship Career Track (PACT) Sailors remain 
eligible for MAP advancement, provided the Sailor has an approved quota for 
rating designation (i.e., approved quota in Career Waypoints) via the NWAE or 
rating entry designation.  MAP advancement is not authorized for PACT Sailors 
with designation approval for A-school required ratings.
    f.  Director, Military Personnel Plans and Policy (OPNAV N13) is the 
determining authority for MAP eligibility ETPs.  Any MAP eligibility ETP 
request will be submitted to OPNAV N13 via the chain of command and copy to 
PERS-8031.  ETPs for nuclear trained Sailors will be routed to OPNAV N13 via 
Nuclear Program Manager (OPNAV N133).

8.  MAP Validation.  Commands will forward their completed MCL (copy to ISIC 
and TYCOM) to PERS-8031 listing the Sailor(s) who have been selected for 
meritorious advancement.
    a.  PERS-8031 will review the record(s) of the selected Sailor(s) and 
validate the MCL.  If there are no discrepancies, PERS-8031 will inform the 
command that their MAP selectee(s) are valid.  Commands are not authorized to 
notify Sailor(s) of MAP selection until receipt of the PERS-8031 validation 
of the MCL.
    b.  If discrepancies are discovered, PERS-8031 will invalidate the MCL 
and notify the command (copy to ISIC and TYCOM) of the reason(s) for 
invalidation.  Commands may correct discrepancies and resubmit or identify 
new MAP candidates.
    c.  If the social security number of the member is included on the MCL, 
then an encrypted e-mail is required for submission of the MCL (signed and 
scanned attachment) to PERS-8031 at advancements- active(at)navy.mil.  The 
email subject line must include the MAP UIC.  Do not mail in the MCL if it 
has already been e-mailed.  An e- mail response validating the MCL will be 
received within five business days of submission.
    d.  If operational commitments preclude a command from submitting their 
MCL prior to the deadline, the command must forward the MCL with 
justification to their ISIC/chain of command for endorsement and further 
processing through PERS-8031.

9.  Quota Substitution.  Commands are not authorized to substitute paygrades 
for E-5 and E-6 MAP quotas (e.g., utilize an E-6 MAP quota to advance an E-3 
Sailor to E-4 or vice versa).  MAP quotas are formulated based upon specific 
authorized billets.  Substitution of quotas may cause over-execution of 
advancements at certain paygrades.  The only allowance of quota substitution 
is E-4 MAP quotas may be used to advance Sailors to E-2 and E-3 paygrades.
Commands should note that use of E-4 quotas for paygrade E-2 and E-3 
advancements will not result in a higher number of available quotas (i.e., 
one E-4 quota may be used for one E-2 advancement or one E-3 advancement).

10.  Subordinate UICs.  COs are authorized to utilize MAP quotas at their 
subordinate UICs.  MAP quotas are distributed by command UICs and must be 
used to advance a Sailor permanently assigned, or temporary additional duty 
for greater than 30 days, to that UIC or subordinate UIC.

11.  Navy Recruiting Districts (NRD) are authorized to use one active 
component/full-time support MAP quota per NRD for reserve Sailors filling 
Canvasser Recruiter billets.  Additionally, Navy Recruiting Command 
established the Recruiter of the Quarter (ROQ) MAP which authorizes 
utilization of 12 MAP quotas throughout the year in conjunction with the ROQ 
program.  ROQ MAP eligibility requirements differ from all other Sailor of 
the Quarter or advancement programs.

12.  MAP Website.  Example forms and frequently asked questions can be 
downloaded via MyNavy Portal at
advancement-resources-and-links, then select the *Websites* tab in the blue 
banner.  The list of points of contact for each BSO/echelon II command and 
list of parent and subordinate UICs can also be found on this website.

13.  Point of contact is MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) at (833) 330-
6622 or via email at askmncc(at)navy.mil

14.  This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, 
whichever comes first.

15.  Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.//


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