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R 111441Z JUL 18





RMKS/1.  Congratulations to the following personnel who have been selected 
for advancement to chief petty officer by the FY-19 Navy Reserve E7 Selection 
Board.  Strong competition between qualified professionals is one of the 
strengths of our Navy and your selection speaks highly of your abilities.

2.  This NAVADMIN is not authorization for advancement.  Specific dates of 
advancement will be published by Commanding Officer, Naval Education and 
Training Professional Development Center Pensacola, FL.  Personnel listed 
below may be frocked IAW reference (a) if qualified.

3.  Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS On-Line.  
The selection list is in alphabetical order by rate within competitive 
category.  Read each line from left to right, name, and numerical order of 
advancement.  Categories of advancement are Selected Reservist and Full Time 
                        Selected Reservist
         ABFC - Chief Aviation Boatswains Mate Fuel Handling
      Carrillo Mart     002         Cleveland Sam     001
       ABHC - Chief Aviation Boatswains Mate Aircraft Handling
      Hurtado Olimp     003         Marin Rudy L      001
      Wilkinson Phi     002
                ADC - Chief Aviation Machinists Mate
      Arellano Edga     001         Colangeli Ter     002
      Sebastiao Ste     003
                AEC - Chief Aviation Electricians Mate
      Casas Alvaro      003         Morgan Kathry     001
      Robinson Thom     005         Tourtelot Rob     004
      Warren Wayne      002
                    AGC - Chief Aerographers Mate
      Christman Cor     001         Golden Timoth     004
      Jenkins Thoma     005         Jones Michell     006
      Lucarelli Ant     003         Patrick Cryst     002
              AMC - Chief Aviation Structural Mechanic
      Alba Caitlin      006         Eaton Timothy     004
      Garrido Herna     001         Odwyer Riley      003
      Solsvig Jason     002         Tubbs Daniel      005
             ATC - Chief Aviation Electronics Technician
      Laberteaux Ja     002         Peck Andrew       003
      Robleslopez G     001
              AWSC - Chief Naval Aircrewmen Helicopter
      Blauert Russe     002         Mcintyre Garr     001
      Navin Sean M      003
         AZC - Chief Aviation Maintenance Administrationman
      Laird Katheri     001         Strohm Nichol     002
                   BMC - Chief Boatswains Mate
      Baquera Gusta     005         Bernal Arvin      012
      Bianchini Gre     022         Brown Annalis     020
      Carson Carson     002         Follett Danie     015
      Gavazzi Jonat     019         Gonsalves Eon     021
      John Anthony      013         Jonas Brian       007
      Jones Kelvin      004         Kelly William     014
      Lakewarren An     011         Marx Sarah A      008
      Osorio Hector     001         Parrott Adam      017
      Peterson Spen     006         Phan Peter V      016
      Rosario Alber     009         Rudolph Wendy     003
      Taylor Jason      018         Trimble Rober     010
                         BUC - Chief Builder
      Emry Mckenna      015         Gage Matthew      012
      Hill Dean T       003         Jones Lynette     007
      Kern Michael      014         Lawrence Crai     010
      Meisner Rober     002         Naranjo Jeffr     005
      Parrent Angel     008         Pettigrew Ran     011
      Roth John W       009         Stowers Chad      004
      Swinton Chris     001         Wickersham El     013
      Yaccarino Dan     006
                CEC - Chief Construction Electrician
      Heller Christ     001
                  CMC - Chief Construction Mechanic
      Bettig Matthe     003         Harrison Fran     007
      Hodge William     004         Johnson Brand     002
      Morse James V     006         White Brad W      001
      Zaragoza John     005
                   CSC - Chief Culinary Specialist
      Lao Nathaniel     001
            CTNC - Chief Cryptologic Technician Networks
      Mills Joel E      001
           CTRC - Chief Cryptologic Technician Collection
      Lucius Joseph     003         Mckensey Maci     002
      Pedri Eric S      001
           CTTC - Chief Cryptologic Technician Technical
      Coday Christo     003         Keiser Rachae     007
      Mitchell Ashl     001         Oberhauser Mi     002
      Rash Sasha E      006         Reep Nikol M      004
      Sehorn Jaxi R     005
                    DCC - Chief Damage Controlman
      Ford Gordon A     001         Smith Michael     002
                    EAC - Chief Engineering Aid
      Haynes Kevin      001         Shier Andrew      002
                    EMC - Chief Electricians Mate
      Bannarbie Tyr     001
                        ENC - Chief Engineman
      Calero Eduard     002         Harper Jarad      003
      Matheny Justi     001
                    EOC - Chief Equipment Operator
      Ash John A        010         Bonagofsky Ma     015
      Frazer Adam S     002         Gamble Andrew     001
      Harris Christ     013         Henderson Fra     004
      Koboski Aric      009         Madsen David      018
      Mccarthy Bria     012         Monreal Brian     016
      Phillips Pris     011         Ritter Steven     014
      Rohleder Luke     005         Russell Rodne     003
      Schmidt Karl      007         Sherman Ronal     008
      Snyder Larry      017         Wright Keith      006
   ETRC - Chief Electronics Technician, Submarine, Communications
      Arce Joshua J     005         Bryant Samuel     003
      Carter John O     001         Doran Dylan M     004
      Young Dylan C     002
     ETVC - Chief Electronics Technician, Submarine, Navigation
      Curiel John C     002         Eliason Matth     001
      Standish Denn     003
                     FCC - Chief Fire Controlman
      Burgdorf Eric     003         Cumba Andrew      005
      Pritchett Chr     002         Proper Jennif     004
      Rodriguezberr     001
                     GMC - Chief Gunners Mate
      Abbit Jad O       004         Barker Austin     012
      Estrada Erik      011         Fariss Jason      005
      Gannaway Just     003         Henriquezcast     008
      Kunes Jason J     007         Losoya Leonar     013
      Martinez Bran     009         Mcclellan Boy     001
      Silsbee Georg     006         Smith Amber L     010
      Spikes Lagari     002         Ward Brett R      014
                    HMC - Chief Hospital Corpsman
      Ahiable Ernes     040         Alvarado Emil     004
      Bancroft Dani     038         Batchelor Jer     023
      Blake Kevin A     035         Brush Carl E      013
      Dasilva March     031         Delapuente Al     042
      Dominguez Ale     039         Fleury Leslie     002
      Garcia Yaneth     012         Glas David J      017
      Graves Martin     018         Hamilton Jame     005
      Hearley Henry     037         Hillegeist Ca     048
      Hoby Chauntae     009         Jimenez Eliza     041
      King Lando        033         Landmannherd      015
      Langler Mallo     024         Leach Bradley     028
      Lundberg Andr     003         Maldonado Jed     034
      Martin Anthon     044         Mcqueen Rober     043
      Menkhaus Core     016         Mollett Zacha     030
      Money Jeremy      014         Negron Jose M     011
      Neudorff Clau     019         Petrik Gerald     045
      Quisumbing Do     029         Ramon Armando     007
      Ray Johanna D     047         Reed Stephani     026
      Ronchetto Jen     025         Rush Donna L      022
      Saunders Chad     020         Sepulveda Dan     046
      Smith Anthony     032         Sutherland Ke     008
      Vivio Angelo      027         Wade Jeffry S     010
      Wehry Anthony     006         Wilson Genevr     021
      Wu Yik Na         036         Yount Scott A     001
              HTC - Chief Hull Maintenance Technician
      Mahardy Colin     005         Pavlow Nichol     002
      Rinehart Jame     003         Worobey Paul      001
      Wright Robert     006
                ISC - Chief Intelligence Specialist
      Aasted Jon F      018         Abernathy Cul     042
      Allen Joshua      027         Aseltine Jona     010
      Bateman Travi     024         Breazeal John     033
      Burton Andrew     031         Campbell Nath     003
      Candon Joshua     037         Dougherty Lis     007
      Fenner Steven     002         Gill Daniel J     032
      Graziano Jose     039         Hernandez Eli     028
      Hernandez Joh     012         Imrich Eugene     019
      Jeffreys Jami     005         Jilek Daniel      016
      Jones Kurtis      022         Kerrigan Aust     034
      Khansari Trin     040         Lewman Shawn      026
      Malik Melissa     015         Martin Gerard     029
      Mazurek Jeffr     013         Morotti Micke     036
      Moser Gregory     011         Navarra Chris     017
      Paterno Jerem     004         Pierce John N     009
      Price Brandon     025         Racca Chad H      030
      Shaneyfelt Ry     038         Sigel Daniel      006
      Smith Jocque      001         Stachour Fran     008
      Sumida David      021         Vazquez Micha     035
      Vincent Josep     014         Waldrip Delil     041
      Wells Anastas     020         Wright Kolt T     023
             ITC - Chief Information Systems Technician
      Anglin Robert     015         Bahls Carl E      029
      Brantley Sher     022         Broussard Har     027
      Castaneda Jor     006         Cotrill Jeffr     018
      Dumesnil Step     019         Fernandez Mau     002
      Hadley Valeri     025         Haq Zeshan U      003
      Keel Brandon      008         Leclair Kira      028
      Letterer Mich     001         Love Alexande     016
      Mayton Philli     011         Medina Tony       012
      Methena Trevo     010         Moorebey Rash     007
      Oclit Rhayned     023         Parlett Amber     024
      Patrick Heidi     017         Price Ivan R      026
      Sherman Steph     021         Teson Joseph      013
      Tipton Ross P     004         Tison Brandon     009
      Tolefree Kevi     020         Varbel Erin L     005
      Varda Suzanne     014
                    LNC - Chief Legalman
      Hunter Cynthi     001
                  LSC - Chief Logistics Specialist
      Atkins Willie     013         Burke David A     017
      Daubenmeyer J     014         Fitzsimmons M     018
      Gillis Glen A     001         Glave Tyrone      002
      Haimanchandra     019         Lott Anna Lou     023
      Massey Michae     007         Mcalister Dav     016
      Melillo Willi     009         Miller John E     005
      Rogers Moses      011         Romano Michel     015
      Sebastian Lui     021         Siebenschuh C     022
      Smith Kevin M     020         Stearman Kevi     008
      Taylor Michae     024         To Andrew Col     010
      Trollope Mich     012         Um Jae Walker     025
      Wagner Dale L     003         Ward Cara Eli     026
      Weems Shane T     006         Zamora Melody     004
                     MAC - Chief Master At Arms
      Aitchison Joh     002         Alban Ramiro      014
      Alsadi Lathe      017         Barton Ian J      019
      Beaudreault J     018         Cuin Antonio      001
      Davila Omar       016         Dent Kevin M      008
      Ferero Megan      006         Groenveld Joh     007
      Johnsonfarrel     023         Jones Eric Ta     020
      Kirkpatrick D     012         Loe John Clay     022
      Mallare Micha     003         Martin Ernest     009
      Richter Willi     005         Scott Daniel      010
      Snock Donald      004         Townsend Apri     013
      Walker Antoni     021         Watson Lawren     011
      West John M       015
             MCC - Chief Mass Communications Specialist
      Childs Jacque     003         Danals Gina K     002
                  MMC - Chief Machinists Mate
      Alvarado Ryan     004         Carthew Lucas     002
      Glica Thomas      003         Hirano Owen R     001
                      MNC - Chief Mineman
      Frederick Sam     001         Trinidad Alex     002
                  OSC - Chief Operations Specialist
      Abad Joselito     006         Armendariz An     008
      Bakerruiz Amb     007         Barrett Thoma     003
      Bolin Cassand     011         Capelle Ryan      009
      Geiger Jere A     010         Harrison Patr     002
      Kreisler Jenn     005         Salazar Marti     013
      Sherwood Chad     001         Vollmuth Andr     012
      Wise Jennifer     004
              PRC - Chief Aircrew Survival Equipmentman
      Jacome Diego      001
                  PSC - Chief Personnel Specialist
      Coates Keon F     001         Davis Eddie W     003
      Lanter Angela     002
                     QMC - Chief Quartermaster
      Ancheta Travi     001         Anderson Patr     005
      Derienzo Chri     006         Evans Joshua      003
      Loos Melissa      004         Smith Janice      002
              RPC - Chief Religious Program Specialist
      Clevenger Chr     001
                SOC - Chief Special Warfare Operator
      Caskey Guy E      008         Decenzo Antho     011
      Fletcher John     010         Foley David M     003
      Gregory James     006         Griffiths Ste     007
      Pawling Willi     004         Sparks Clint      002
      Spencer Samue     009         Yocum Chris A     005
      Zook Kristian     001
               STGC - Chief Sonar Technician Surface
      Mcneill Cryst     001
               STSC - Chief Sonar Technician Submarine
      Nix Thomas Le     001
                    SWC - Chief Steelworker
      Bellomo Josep     005         Dobson Joel E     002
      Dyer John P       001         Franks Jimmy      004
      Rudluff Robb      003         Womack Nathan     006
                   UTC   - Chief Utilitiesman
      Luiz Eric E       001
                      YNC - Chief Yeoman
      Becote Felici     009         Beglau Gregg      019
      Blum Angela M     006         Butler Emanua     008
      Byrnes Joshua     004         Chitester Jam     007
      Collins Elena     005         Danz Nicholas     016
      Deshongwillia     002         Druin Derek J     018
      Feasel Thomas     012         Flores John D     011
      Foley Keith S     024         Francia Jamai     026
      Hamilton Kurt     029         Holthaus Jenn     010
      Mckibben Timo     001         Miller Adrian     020
      Mills Jeffrey     003         Nash Pamela D     017
      Nogle Erica T     013         Norris Robert     023
      Panton Amberi     014         Quezada Irene     027
      Rollins Laura     021         Ross Antonio      025
      Singleton Ald     015         Virgodavis Me     022
      Werner Bryson     028
                      Full Time Support
                ADC - Chief Aviation Machinists Mate
      Bills Damion      008         Burns Christo     009
      Craver Donald     002         Franco Carlos     001
      Hollingsworth     005         Kreuger Thoma     007
      Levert Adam C     006         Spivey Kevin      003
      Stewart Brand     004
               AEC - Chief Aviation Electricians Mate
      Aguila Giesis     004         Burkett Micha     001
      Crawford Davi     005         Gagne Nichola     003
      Gulliford Kev     007         Lawson Melind     002
      Ross Tina C       006
              AMC - Chief Aviation Structural Mechanic
      Chappell Eric     002         Clary Jason       003
      Davis Michael     007         Denton Jeffre     005
      Doster Brando     001         Gerwitz Nicho     009
      Gray William      010         Lunsford Anth     008
      Plaud Aaron J     012         Rodriguez Jai     006
      Thompson Will     004         Tofil John J      013
      Videtich Nich     011
    AMEC - Chief Aviation Structural Mechanic (Safety Equipment)
      Hunter Brando     001
                  AOC - Chief Aviation Ordnanceman
      Day Christoph     002         Debrie Bryan      003
      Ireland Chris     004         Maine Barry K     001
      Mullins Scott     005         Spangler Trac     006
          ASC - Chief Aviation Support Equipment Technician
      Laliberte Tim     001
             ATC - Chief Aviation Electronics Technician
      Caddell Karen     002         Hurst Adrian      004
      Ortega Christ     003         Velez Jaime L     001
              AWFC - Chief Naval Aircrewmen Mechanical
      Brown Dennis      008         Burgess Jonat     003
      Carrothers Ku     012         Ferguson Jaso     001
      Gonzalez Luis     010         Green Nolan C     013
      Lawson Shawn      004         Metcalf Justi     005
      Persichitte J     011         Sturm John J      009
      Stutzman Jaso     007         Uy Mark Antho     002
      Woodliff Dani     006
         AZC - Chief Aviation Maintenance Administrationman
      Harris Shaund     004         Jones Jared L     005
      Mercy Andrew      002         Skinner Andre     003
      Steele Colby      006         Wesley Stepha     001
                   BMC - Chief Boatswains Mate
      Burnham Justi     006         Champion Quin     002
      Hardin Lee A      004         Ozuna Joaquin     003
      Palaciosdesan     005         Sarkor James      008
      Swanson Takei     001         Turpin Travis     007
                  CSC - Chief Culinary Specialist
      Ash Leonard M     003         Boortz Jeremy     004
      Laidley Devi      002         Oniha Idahois     001
                  DCC - Chief Damage Controlman
      Benson Heath      002         Brooks Andrew     005
      Cheesbrough S     006         Conner Willia     004
      Lonesomeetnyr     001         Virden David      007
      Wells Seth Da     003
                  EMC - Chief Electricians Mate
      Arellano Serg     003         Dillard Herbe     001
      Nguyen Tho H      004         Riofriocabrer     005
      Stuchinski Ni     002
                  ETC - Chief Electronic Technician
      Dinwiddie Tod     001         Duke Chidubem     003
      Durham Troy J     005         Feldt Matthew     006
      Price Christo     004         Ruland Peter      002
                   HMC - Chief Hospital Corpsman
      Acostasolano      035         Adams Robert      002
      Ash Terence F     027         Booton Jonath     015
      Caston John L     012         Coulston Mich     030
      Darden Vaness     020         Donndelinger      016
      Estep Dustin      008         Fonseca Ana M     004
      Griffin Bryan     019         Javelo Arnold     007
      Jenkins Cedri     033         Jones Lindsey     009
      Joseph Charla     024         Kassa Kokou D     014
      Lee Jacob A       023         Loeza Jason M     005
      Long Jacob D      032         Matthews Mari     006
      Mcintyre Ylea     031         Moore Michael     010
      Oubre Lindy C     021         Prokopec Jerr     017
      Rivas James A     029         Rivas Mark S      003
      Saenz Jose D      025         Seekins Jacob     022
      Spieker Jered     013         Thompson Cass     026
      Ulshoeffer Tr     011         Vigil Desiree     018
      Weaver Denver     034         Wilson Sabrin     028
      Young Michael     001
             ITC - Chief Information Systems Technician
      Boutxaynho Li     007         Gonzales Este     009
      Hahn Aaron G      011         Hill Nicole L     001
      Johnston Will     010         Lawson Joshua     003
      Lewis Melody      004         Neef Christop     005
      Padilla Genes     006         Phipps Vaness     008
      Williams Dust     002
                LSC - Chief Logistics Specialist
      Alumbaugh Daw     014         Battle Kimber     010
      Davis Kathryn     018         Diaz Melissa      006
      Flowers Adam      009         Herbert Jaret     003
      Leacock Alvin     008         Lee Shacaina      007
      Loika Timothy     001         Mccound Alber     012
      Nguyen Tham H     005         Parnell Edna      017
      Pingeton Raqu     016         Previti Danie     011
      Richardson Ag     002         Schwenk Micha     004
      Simon Amy M       015         Stone James R     013
              NCCC - Chief Navy Counselor (Counselor)
      Ferraris Alla     003         Golden Tanya      001
      Mendoza Erik      004         Paschal Louis     006
      Tyler Roslyn      002         Unniyampath A     005
              NCRC - Chief Navy Counselor (Recruiter)
      Abernathy Chr     010         Amazan Yudelk     016
      Baker Marshal     004         Curry Anthony     021
      Dora Stephani     014         Farrales Chad     017
      Greene Marqui     019         Grompone Jose     002
      Juvinall Adam     013         Kinder Michae     024
      Kortright Eri     007         Laguna Kristi     018
      Larkinreynold     006         Lewis Jericus     008
      Lytle Dillard     023         Mackel Daniel     020
      Morris James      005         Nelson Jason      015
      Reyes Khen J      003         Sopiak Kather     022
      Sunday Billy      011         Varelamartine     001
      Vega Raymond      009
              PRC - Chief Aircrew Survival Equipmentman
      Gordon Brando     002         Wasserman Sha     001
                 PSC - Chief Personnel Specialist
      Alonzo Righte     027         Arcefuentes S     040
      Baisden Damie     021         Battle Jasper     019
      Bazhenow Heat     018         Boeve Edward      032
      Bowe Lacey N      010         Byers Benny J     037
      Connell Darve     003         Cruzen Maria      009
      Davis Jason N     017         Dejesus Brian     011
      Delatorre Tri     007         Dorvil Lenee      002
      Duncan Charle     015         Evans Thoran      038
      Ferguson Ange     006         Guillory Alfr     035
      Harris Elbony     024         Hatcher Jessi     020
      Henry Brian D     031         Jenks Renaldo     016
      Lacy Chaunda      039         Lee Michelle      001
      Meck Heather      014         Mercy Megan M     028
      Miranda Natha     036         Mundy Darrell     029
      Peele Ebony C     005         Ramirez Melly     033
      Rook Rebecca      012         Segura Homero     026
      Snowden Jovan     013         Terrell Rico      034
      Tetreault Wen     025         Tyna Patricia     022
      Vaughn Steven     023         Walker Alexia     008
      Washington Iv     004         Williams Tomi     030
                      YNC - Chief Yeoman
      Belt Joseph B     019         Cargin Devela     017
      Cawthon Audre     006         Chavez Cary Y     028
      Clay Danielle     020         Contreras Abe     013
      Day Stephen S     012         Dayton Jaclyn     018
      Diaz Jose A       026         Earp Kassiana     025
      Flores Joe A      003         Harden Antoni     008
      Hicks Alfred      014         Hubbard Sunya     004
      Jordan Joshua     021         Mason Marisa      015
      Mcneely Amand     009         Moncrief Anna     002
      Moore Jimmie      022         Murphy Najla      029
      Saiz Erica N      001         Scott Ronisha     027
      Simpson Carl      016         Sizemore Larr     005
      Smith Devotio     010         Smith Ryan M      007
      Thompson Jere     024         Walston Renal     011
      Wright Loveje     023

4.  Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.//


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