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Details for the September 2018 E4-E6 advancement exam are captured in the Cycle 240 NAVADMIN. Be sure you know what dates are being used to calculate your Performance Mark Average.


September 2018 E4-E6 Advancement Cycle Announced

PENSACOLA, Fla. (NNS) -- The September 2018 Navy-wide enlisted advancement examinations (Cycle 240) testing dates for active duty, full time support, and canvasser recruiter Sailors who are advancement eligible to the paygrades of E4-E6 have been announced in Naval Administrative Message (NAVADMIN) 110/18, released May 2.

Each Navy examination consists of 25 professional military knowledge and 150 job-specific rating technical questions. The Navy-wide examination dates are September 6 (E6), September 13 (E5), and September 20 (E4). Examination results are anticipated to be released to command Triads in November, prior to posting on the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) website.

During Advancement Examination Readiness Reviews held at NETPDC, visiting E7-E9 fleet subject matter experts (SMEs) in each enlisted rating ensure all examination questions can be linked to current references and publications. As rating SMEs select questions for the examination, an examination bibliography is developed for that specific cycle's exam, based on the source references for the questions on the exam. The Navy Advancement Center (NAC) updates bibliography information as fleet instructions and manuals change, and it is recommended that candidates check their bibliography a few times prior to the exam administration date.

"The bibliographies should be a core focus of each Sailor's exam preparation process," said Master Chief Electronics Technician, Nuclear Power (SS) James Berhalter, command master chief of the Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center (NETPDC). "Keeping in mind that each cycle's exams are unique, I would recommend Sailors use only the official Navy bibliography sources for exam preparation."

To download the bibliographies and an exam-specific topic list for the upcoming cycle, go to the Navy Advancement Center's My Navy Portal bibliography page: https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/navy-advancement-center/bibliographies or the Navy Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL) website: http://www.cool.navy.mil/usn, under the Find & Select Related Credentials, Enlisted tab.

Specific information on exam eligibility and requirements are detailed in NAVADMIN 110/18 and BUPERSINST 1430.16F. To support exam administration, the NEAS website also enables Education Services Officers to verify and correct the list of eligible candidates for their command, delete and forward examinations when necessary, and confirm examination ordering information. The NEAS Web address is: https://prod-neas.ncdc.navy.mil/.

Prior to release of profile sheets, Triad notification of E4-E6 exam results will be provided via Bureau of Naval Personnel Online to authorized command representatives. Individual Sailors will be able to view/download their profile sheets at: https://prod-neas.ncdc.navy.mil/NEASRpts/Individual.aspx.

For more information about the Navy Advancement Center and NEAS, visit https://www.facebook.com/Navy-Advancement-Center-213190711299/.

Additional information on the Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center can be found via: https://www.netc.navy.mil/netc/netpdc/Default.htm


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