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R 281453Z APR 16






RMKS/1.  Congratulations to the following personnel who have been selected 
for advancement to master chief petty officer by the FY-17 Active-Duty Navy 
E9 Selection Board.  Strong competition between qualified professionals is 
one of the strengths of our Navy and your selection speaks highly of your 

2.  This NAVADMIN is not authorization for advancement.  Specific dates of 
advancement will be published by Naval Education and Training Professional 
Development Technology Center Pensacola, FL.  Personnel listed below may be 
frocked per reference (a) if qualified.

3.  Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS online.  
The selection list is in alphabetical order by rate within competitive 
category.  Read each line from left to right, name, and numerical order of 

            ABCM  - Master Chief Aviation Boatswains Mate
      Alexander Ant     006         Apacible Glen     008
      Farrell Andre     004         Hazelton Davi     002
      Hendon Jessic     003         Libed Terry M     001
      Lough Richard     012         Miller Keith      010
      Ontiveros Cas     011         Ramos Raul Ru     009
      Thomas Allan      005         Villahermosa      007
            ACCM  - Master Chief Air Traffic Controller
      Poulin Jeffer     002         Soto Jesse        001
      Switzer Chris     003
            AFCM  - Master Chief Aircraft Maintenanceman
      Barrera Ruben     019         Blakley Justi     001
      Boucher Teri      022         Crumpton Keit     005
      Dang Quang Va     020         Ferrell Jason     026
      Giugliano Lui     016         Grissom L C J     009
      Gutierrez Ben     018         Holtgrew Robe     013
      Johnson Stanl     004         Kurtz Kyle Ge     012
      Lewis Darnell     017         Little Jeron      003
      Mckinney Stac     008         Moore Christo     010
      Mraz Sean Tho     025         Parks Jeremy      024
      Perkins Aaron     007         Poblete Dan G     014
      Rocks Adam Wa     021         Small Ryan Da     002
      Stahly Travis     015         Swilley Demet     011
      Torres Gener      006         Vandorn Luz A     027
      Wicker Gwendo     023
            AGCM  - Master Chief Aerographers Mate
      Green James L     001         Kelly Patrici     002
            AOCM  - Master Chief Aviation Ordnanceman
      Allen Joshua      001         Bartness Adam     003
      Conroy Michae     002         Gill Steven J     005
      Gregory Rober     007         Johnson Tyron     004
      Maxie Patrick     006         Wiggins Linwa     008
            ASCM  - Master Chief Aviation Support Equipment
      Randall Olive     001         Sandiford Pau     002
            AVCM  - Master Chief Avionics Maintenance Technician
      Adams John Mi     018         Bentz David A     002
      Clay Andrew P     030         Denson Kenyon     033
      Donaldson Bra     005         Evans Michael     017
      Figueroa Bern     032         Ford Ray Lang     028
      Garcia Damian     011         Haugabook Ale     021
      Kirby Richard     006         Kummer Mark A     004
      Martin Ross A     015         Mayer John Br     007
      Pfoser Edward     014         Ragin Frank       003
      Reffett Jason     026         Rexroth Willi     024
      Richardson An     031         Ross Shawn Go     008
      Runyon Brian      029         Sapp Jonathan     001
      Silva Ramiro      019         Statler Mike      016
      Stephens Thom     025         Thompson Chic     022
      Tilden Russel     023         Untalan Berna     010
      Varney Christ     013         Walsh Jonatha     020
      Wicker Jeffre     012         Williams Char     009
      Williams Lama     027
            AWCM  - Master Chief Naval Aircrewmen
      Day Gerald Ja     005         Erkenbrack Gl     001
      Haney Shane T     002         Smith Andrew      003
      Vanburen Jaso     004
            AZCM  - Master Chief Aviation Maintenance
      Merriman Cynt     002         Nuanez Shon R     003
      Ramirez Adolf     001         Webster Frede     004
            BMCM  - Master Chief Boatswains Mate
      Poe Jiamon El     001         Velasquez Ros     002
            CMDCM - Command Master Chief
      Aderhold Step     025         Auman Ronnie      012
      Bailey Sean M     024         Baker Larae W     049
      Ballard Kenya     009         Barber Robert     050
      Bolton Richar     006         Bonine Randal     016
      Brown Kenyatt     030         Busscher Geof     056
      Clarke Dwight     046         Cole Craig Ro     008
      Crowe Justin      028         Curry Richard     005
      Davis Bryan E     057         Diaz Ruben  J     013
      Eakley Charle     002         Edney Jason S     042
      Embree Jeremy     039         Farrar Christ     019
      Faulkner Bran     055         Feroni Kim Al     035
      Forward Jason     007         George Ervin      003
      Gray Miles An     048         Gray Ryan Jus     043
      Hardin Timoth     031         Hastings Mich     054
      Hernandez Jos     014         Jackson Richa     015
      Jenkins Lucas     011         Jones Carey W     027
      Kuers Dustin      023         Levinton Bret     051
      Luckett Demar     047         Mace Thomas H     038
      Marauta Isaia     044         Mcdermott Mor     040
      Miller Celina     058         Mueller Jared     004
      Ndiaye Kassel     037         Nelms Cajan L     001
      Plower Glenn      017         Pulvino Damie     020
      Purley Mauric     018         Purvis John O     052
      Rappa Angelo      029         Reynolds Jose     021
      Robinson Davi     026         Sealey Leon N     045
      Shafer Jacob      010         Stockton Robe     041
      Stolt Robert      022         Strader Maria     033
      Sullivan Mich     036         Turner Tychic     059
      Valdovinos Fr     032         West Jeffrey      034
      Wilkerson Kei     053
            CSCM  - Master Chief Culinary Specialist Submarine
      Vanduzer King     001         Yeboah Simeon     002
            CSCM  - Master Chief Culinary Specialist
      Cherry Holly      008         Christie Garf     002
      Clift Randall     004         Daniels Demps     007
      Davenport Der     005         Gomeyac Lucie     001
      Lobos Orlando     006         Strickland Wi     003
            CTICM - Master Chief Cryptologic Technician Interpretive
      Campion Denis     002         Durbin Benjam     005
      Harms Elizabe     004         Martin Branda     003
      Strebin Leah      001
            CTMCM - Master Chief Cryptologic Technician Maintenance
      Brown John Ch     001         Rose Steven J     002
            CTNCM - Master Chief Cryptologic Technician Networks
      Corpus Eric K     002         Pugh Philip R     003
      Tonglet Micha     001
            CTRCM - Master Chief Cryptologic Technician Collection
      Alefaio Puni      007         Biello James      006
      Meek Richard      002         Meeker Dawn B     003
      Morris Brian      004         Morris Thadde     005
      Titus Eric Ha     001
            CTTCM - Master Chief Cryptologic Technician Technical
      Clayton Shawn     003         Gilreath A St     002
      Goertz Michae     006         Lavers Alyssa     005
      Priest Scott      001         Salmons Harol     004
            CUCM  - Master Chief Constructionman
      Hathaway Mich     005         Irving Willia     002
      Johnson Allen     003         Mckinney Theo     004
      Smith John La     001
            DCCM  - Master Chief Damage Controlman
      Ratliff Rober     001
            EMCM  - Master Chief Electricians Mate Nuclear
      Bale John Mic     005         Brooke Stephe     001
      Coffey Aaron      004         Dawes Johnny      002
      Sheldon Jonat     003
            EMCM  - Master Chief Electricians Mate Nuclear (Surface)
      Jones Nathan      001         Rainbow Chris     002
      Smoyer Nathan     003
            EMCM  - Master Chief Electricians Mate
      Blalock Willi     002         Daubon Robert     001
      Piol Ernesto      004         Sanders Earl      003
            ENCM  - Master Chief Engineman
      Crummett Dani     002         Hall Christop     008
      Henley Willie     004         Lamarque Bren     003
      Magana Juan A     009         Mayerhofer Mi     001
      Medina Christ     005         Simons Benjam     006
      Turner Bruce      010         Zantow Robert     007
            EODCM - Master Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal
      Anderson Ryan     009         Baumher Timot     005
      Broderson Mat     006         Gardiner Chri     004
      Ibanez Philip     002         Knudsen Micha     007
      Marley Bert A     010         Matney Thomas     011
      Mayo Justin P     008         Stansberry Al     001
      Wertz Stuart      003
            EQCM  - Master Chief Equipmentman
      Courchesne Ch     001         Melbourne Mar     002
            ETCM  - Master Chief Electronics Technician Submarine
                    (Non-Nuclear Comm)
      Murphy Kevan      002         Wills Geoffre     001
            ETCM  - Master Chief Electronics Technician Submarine
      Amerman Rober     003         Burns Robert      001
      Flemmons Brad     005         Prichard Greg     002
      Ryman Justin      004
            ETCM  - Master Chief Electronics Technician Surface
      Burton Anthon     004         Chandler Char     002
      Deangelo Vinc     003         Ledda Jeremia     005
      Travis David      001
            ETCM  - Master Chief Electronics Technician Surface
      Barnes Elizab     003         Bryant Michae     001
      Campbell Marv     005         Damron Mark A     008
      Dowe William      007         Lee Debra Lyn     004
      Sizemore Jame     006         Williams Stev     002
            FCCM  - Master Chief Fire Controlman Non-Aegis
      Barry Matthew     002         Benavidez Mic     005
      Cheeseman Wil     001         Mathews John      006
      Silveira Jose     007         Smith Michael     004
      Streufert Jac     008         Young Keith B     003
            FCCM  - Master Chief Fire Controlman Aegis
      Allen Christo     004         Campisi Shayn     008
      Dale Joseph W     007         Dickson Micha     005
      Dominguez Vin     001         Fowler Dale D     010
      Miller Chad E     003         Riojas Lucas      009
      Rosa Anthony      006         Skupnik Jonat     002
            FTCM  - Master Chief Fire Control Technician
      Heering Richa     003         Leonard Troy      001
      Lyons Anthony     002
            GMCM  - Master Chief Gunners Mate
      Bell Jaye Jer     001         Smith Jeremy      002
            GSCM  - Master Chief Gas Turbine System Technician
      Beck Brandon      005         Cook John Edw     003
      Lusung Juliso     002         Martinez Clau     001
      Reed Paribia      004
            HMCM  - Master Chief Hospital Corpsman
      Branch Lorenz     021         Burnett Andy      001
      Cantorna Jerr     027         Case Matthew      003
      Coates John R     018         Coleman Kathr     011
      Custodio Denn     020         Flowers Rober     012
      Fulinara Reyn     013         Graham Christ     019
      Gutierrez Mic     006         Hargrove Merc     024
      Hart Steven L     009         Haskins Darne     010
      Isom Jaymie A     014         Jackson Roona     016
      Lacson Allan      005         Lindbeck Bran     007
      Lloyd Gentry      015         Lucky Ronald      002
      Murphy Troy W     008         Pritchett Jef     025
      Sherrill Moni     023         Stanfield Dav     017
      Thibodeaux Ja     022         Torres Peter      004
      Webb Dusty Al     026
            HTCM  - Master Chief Hull Maintenance Technician
      Hovey Christo     004         Oaks Matthew      001
      Pacileo Thoma     003         Richardson Mi     002
            ICCM  - Master Chief Interior Communications Electrician
      Licon Mario       002         Paul Joseph M     001
            ISCM  - Master Chief Intelligence Specialist
      Gutierrez Bra     004         Lohrke Kevin      003
      Murphy James      001         Thompson Keny     002
            ITCM  - Master Chief Information Systems Technician
      Balich Nichol     010         Benton Joseph     006
      Cade David Wa     008         Cannon Karen      013
      Farrie Demetr     012         Gehan Robert      004
      Hall Kathryn      015         Harris Craig      007
      Mayes Quincy      001         Mcclellan Lin     016
      Mccray Sherid     009         Rhodes Landel     005
      Sandeen David     003         Schultz Steve     002
      Sermeno Gabri     018         Steiner Mathe     011
      Sutton Raymon     017         Tilley Willia     014
            LNCM  - Master Chief Legalman
      Larkins Brook     001
            LSCM  - Master Chief Logistics Specialist Submarine
      Johnson Macki     001
            LSCM  - Master Chief Logistics Specialist
      Cabarcasguerr     007         Carruthers An     011
      Deitrick Chad     016         Edwards Miche     013
      Grasty Shawn      002         Gutierrez Car     008
      Gutierrez Jua     006         Hampton Jerem     015
      Lewis Gersham     012         Markum Willia     010
      Mccray Tonya      009         Perritt Natha     014
      Peterson Jame     004         Stockdale Mat     001
      Tran Hai Huy      005         Venegas Gary      003
            MACM  - Master Chief Master At Arms
      Brenek Lesha      008         Cardoza Glori     002
      Clark William     011         Copeland Kela     010
      Fullilove Aur     001         Goodfellow Mi     006
      Hancock Eric      007         Jones Reginal     003
      Mosley Jerry      004         Smith William     005
      Soto Maria El     009
            MCCM  - Master Chief Mass Communications Specialist
      Lewis Michael     001
            MMCM  - Master Chief Machinists Mate Submarine (Non
            -Nuclear Weps)
      Graning John      001
            MMCM  - Master Chief Machinists Mate Nuclear (Submarine)
      Clough Jason      005         Dallmann Larr     007
      Heinchon Scot     001         Johnson Charl     006
      Mcmurtray Mic     003         Parsons Ryan      008
      Smith Joseph      002         Stein Aaron M     004
            MMCM  - Master Chief Machinists Mate Nuclear (Surface)
      Barnard Evan      005         Bruin Dennis      004
      Cash Anthony      003         Chavez Javier     001
      Motter Eric S     002
            MMCM  - Master Chief Machinists Mate (Other)
      Bevels Joseph     008         Bloodworth Sh     003
      Chenault Pric     001         Daniel Alexan     010
      Davilazapata      005         Fisher Ryan V     011
      Hairston Deme     015         Hidalgo Monar     007
      Johnson Erik      006         Lynch David J     013
      Miller O J        012         Quinn Bobby R     004
      Rose Levere M     002         Sinner Gabrie     014
      Westmoreland      009
            MNCM  - Master Chief Mineman
      Dorbandt Samu     001
            MTCM  - Master Chief Missile Technician
      Daigle Jeremy     002         Koss Robert J     003
      Penko Mark He     001
            MUCM  - Master Chief Musician Special Band
      Neff Matthew      001         Raifsnider Ch     002
            NCCM  - Master Chief Navy Counselor (Recruiter)
      Brown Jermain     003         Carpio Jose R     006
      Crawford Stev     002         Dyer Tony Dew     005
      Perazaportill     001         Pugh Valerie      004
      Rushing Felin     007
            NCCM  - Master Chief Navy Counselor (Counselor)
      Embrey Wan Ke     007         Geers Chad Ra     006
      Hutcherson Sh     001         Jackson Aaron     004
      Robinson Vent     005         Salvania Benj     003
      Wood Stephani     002
            NDCM  - Master Chief Navy Diver
      Ciardiello Ru     001         Harlander Gab     004
      Pierick Antho     002         Wittman Will      003
            OSCM  - Master Chief Operations Specialist
      Dieudonne Edd     004         Hackley Micha     005
      Kidd Joseph W     001         Mitchell Trem     003
      Quinones Raul     002
            PRCM  - Master Chief Aircrew Survival Equipmentman
      Turner Joshua     001
            PSCM  - Master Chief Personnel Specialist
      Allen Rondric     002         Howell Thomas     004
      Perez Gabriel     001         Smith Robbie      003
            QMCM  - Master Chief Quartermaster
      Fasulo Stepha     002         Hatcher Patri     001
      Lashley Matth     003         Lugo Carlos J     004
            RPCM  - Master Chief Religious Program Specialist
      Araiza Lisset     001         Roach Antoine     002
            SBCM  - Master Chief Special Warfare Boat Operator
      Collins Matth     001
            SHCM  - Master Chief Ships Serviceman
      Birdine Kelvi     001         Brown Warren      002
      Thomas Mauric     003         Umali Ronald      004
            SOCM  - Master Chief Special Warfare Operator
      Brunst Michae     003         Dowling Sean      011
      Drum Stephen      002         Gibbens Willi     006
      Gillette Adam     008         Gragert Brent     017
      Hansen David      012         Hill Jason Pa     007
      Nankivel Boe      015         Reeves Kennet     016
      Romsland Dere     004         Routhier Shaw     010
      Sterrett Jose     014         Vazquez Juan      009
      Wallace Andre     005         West Patrick      001
      Ybarra Marcos     013
            STGCM - Master Chief Sonar Technician Surface
      Hall Evan Bla     001
            STSCM - Master Chief Sonar Technician Submarine
      Asleson Kevin     004         Hammann Stacy     005
      Ivanisko Timo     003         Langley Rodne     001
      Walters Paul      002
            UCCM  - Master Chief Utilitiesman
      Beck John Chr     001
            YNCM  - Master Chief Yeoman Submarine Qualified
      Randall Bryan     001
            YNCM  - Master Chief Yeoman
      Mccall Romani     002         Padilla Louis     001

4.  Released by Vice Admiral W. F. Moran, N1.//


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