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PENSACOLA, Fla. (NNS) -- From the pool of approximately 33,000 first class petty officers who took the chief's test, 19,170 Sailors are now selection-board eligible for the fiscal year 2017 active duty and full time support Chief Petty Officer Selection Boards, officials announced March 11. 

Sailors who took the cycle 230 E7 exam can find out if they made the board by checking their profile sheets via the Navy Advancement Center (NAC) portal on Navy Knowledge Online (NKO). Reserve component answer sheets for cycle 098 are currently being processed by NAC and those selection board eligibility results should be out in early April.

"The process to identify which Sailors are selection board eligible starts with the Final Multiple Score (FMS), which consists of only two factors for chief candidates -- eval performance mark average and exam standard score," said Master Chief Electronics Technician Nuclear Power (SS) James Berhalter, command master chief for the Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center. "Once the FMS is calculated for each candidate, the Advancement Center rank orders Sailors in each rating."

The FMS performance factor is calculated using the Sailor's advancement recommendations within the time period specified for that cycle. The FMS exam standard score is a numerical representation of rating knowledge compared to peers taking the same exam. Only the advancement candidates that fall in the top 60 percent of each rating, plus selection board waivers, are considered by the chief selection board.

There are 461 selection board waivers for cycle 230, which include candidates who serve in a Congressionally-designated combat zone.

According to Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Force Master Chief (SW/AW) Tuck Williams, making board is a significant accomplishment, but there are additional steps to the process to earn those anchors.

"These board-eligible Sailors now have an opportunity to ensure their Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) is correct and up to date with their latest evaluations, awards and other appropriate information," said Williams. "The selection board reviews this information so it benefits the Sailor for it to be correct." 

Sailors can review their OMPF online by selecting the "OMPF - My Record" link under the BUPERS Online (BOL) Application Menu Log available at www.bol.navy.mil. 

The selection board will also review each candidate's personnel summary record (PSR) parts I, II and III. Sailors can view their PSR by logging into BOL using the link above. 

Sailors may provide new information to the board that is not currently in the OMPF. Instructions on how to submit a letter to the board can be found on www.npc.navy.mil under boards/active duty enlisted/general information.

Letters to the board must be received at NPC by April 25 for the Reserve component board and May 31 for the active-component board. Specific details, including mailing addresses for letters to the board, timelines and additional information can be found in NAVADMIN 014/16 and under the selection board tab available at www.npc.navy.mil. 

The FTS and Reserve component Selection Boards are scheduled to convene May 16 and the active-component selection board is scheduled to convene June 20. 

The active-component Chief Petty Officer Board is the largest selection board conducted in the Navy and typically lasts four weeks. After the selection board reviews the records of all eligible candidates and selects the best and fully-qualified Sailors based on the precept, the results are forwarded to the Chief of Naval Personnel for final approval. 

For more information on the Navy Advancement Center and the Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center, visit: https://www.netc.navy.mil/netc/netpdtc/Default.htm

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