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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Guest Mom2sks

Haven't posted before. This is my third year reading this forum. I keep my husband updated with the information being exchanged. Love this place, helps pass the time while we wait. Good luck to all!

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Guest amcreed

It's always been my advice if your PRD is that close to the eval cycle, you should extend to get ranked against your peers. Looks much better going into the board as opposed to a transfer eval.

Yeah, I was wanting to do that too.  I transfer in Sept to RTC.  I already broke out here at this command.  Two year orders went from a 3 month P to #11 out of 104.  I would have been a strong candidate for SSOY, but RTC pulls you when they pull you.  I don't think a transfer EP after I already broke out here is going to be the make or break, especially if I get something like "If ranked today would be my #1 out of XXX."

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Guest amcreed

CNP leaves Millington today at 1600.. Just a little "gee wiz" information for ya'll.

Where is he leaving to and when is he expected back?

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Guest SC031401

I didn't get a ranked eval as a first until almost two years after donning that extra chevron.  After I made first from the Fall 09 exam,  I was up for orders the following year and agreed to orders to go to Japan without thinking about my first eval as a first. I realized a few days later  I would transfer a month before evals and called my detailer and he said sorry he couldn't change it.  Not sure how the board looked at that transfer 1 of 1 EP eval because it was two weeks before the regular eval closing period i'm hoping it didn't hurt my chances.  My competitive evals have been MP, #7EP, #2EP.

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Thanks all for the great advice so far.


My only input on this would be this: If you already are a top 2 or 3 EP on your prior eval and you are up for transfer, the board will see the trend and staying to get ranked is just filling a spot someone is waiting for you to move out of. I pulled a #5 last year, this year hopefully 1 or 2, and the next year when I transfer in September I will do so gladly leaving a vacancy for my fellow hungry peers. Just a thought from my perspective, not that anyone of you are wrong.


Yeah some new hard charging firsts that I mentored this year and I was already ranked #2 last year.  From what I hear I'd be #1 or 2 this year again, so on fence.

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Guest charlesb

So is it safe to presume that the call out is happening before he departs?

I think so.  Whatever else he was doing in Millington, I'm positive the callout would have been on his agenda.


Just pure speculation on my part: could we see a Monday/Tuesday release?



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Guest Doc-Bigmac

With all that i have been reading on here...  My previous guess was triad on the 31st and public on the first.  The earliest I could see the release would be on Tuesday.  Being in the Navy for 16 years (as of this coming Saturday) I have never seen a release on a Monday or Friday.  Even before they went away from notifying the triad.  Now that they are notifying them first again, i don't see that changing.  So IMO, I see the triad release  on Tues-Thur and the public the following day. 

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Guest amcreed

With all that i have been reading on here...  My previous guess was triad on the 31st and public on the first.  The earliest I could see the release would be on Tuesday.  Being in the Navy for 16 years (as of this coming Saturday) I have never seen a release on a Monday or Friday.  Even before they went away from notifying the triad.  Now that they are notifying them first again, i don't see that changing.  So IMO, I see the triad release  on Tues-Thur and the public the following day. 


Since 2000 there have been results released on a Friday 5 times and once on a Monday.  That's roughly 43 percent of the time coming out on those days and 57% for a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday release.  I do agree with you though....I am think Thursday this year!


(The year in front is FY)

2001 04AUG2000 TUESDAY NAVADMIN 198/00 1100 EST

2002 03AUG2001 FRIDAY NAVADMIN 197/01 1200 EST

2003 02AUG2002 FRIDAY NAVADMIN 238/02 1200 EST

2004 06AUG2003 WEDNESDAY NAVADMIN 218/03 1300 EST

2005 28JUL2004 WEDNESDAY NAVADMIN 173/04 1100 EST

2006 28JUL2005 THURSDAY NAVADMIN 183/05 1100 EST

2007 04AUG2006 FRIDAY NAVADMIN 221/06 1500 EST

2008 08AUG2007 WEDNESDAY NAVADMIN 196/07 1300 EST

2009 01AUG2008 FRIDAY NAVADMIN 213/08 1500 EST

2010 31JUL2009 FRIDAY NAVADMIN 230/09 1500 EST

2011 11AUG2010 WEDNESDAY NAVADMIN 269/10 1300 EST

2012 01AUG2011 MONDAY NAVADMIN 233/11 1300 EST

2013 31JUL2012 TUESDAY NAVADMIN 232/12 1300 EST

2014 31JUL2013 WEDNESDAY NAVADMIN 193/13 1500EST

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Guest Doc-Bigmac

Thank you amcreed, i retract my previous statement  and change to....  I don't remeber there being Monday or Friday releases.  Sorry for that.

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Guest Sputnik14

Just for those that are curious about historical release dates:

FY-2009, NAVADMIN 213/08 — 08/01/08 — Friday

FY-2010, NAVADMIN 230/09 — 07/31/09 — Friday

FY-2011, NAVADMIN 269/10 — 08/11/10 — Wednesday

FY-2012, NAVADMIN 233/11 — 08/01/11 — Monday

FY-2013, NAVADMIN 232/12 — 07/31/12 — Tuesday

FY-2014, NAVADMIN 193/13 — 08/01/13 — Thursday

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Guest amcreed

Thank you amcreed, i retract my previous statement  and change to....  I don't remeber there being Monday or Friday releases.  Sorry for that.

You're welcome and no worries.  I honestly don't remember the day of the week those things come out.  When you wrote it, I thought it sounded about right, but went and double checked. 

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Guest Doc-Bigmac

You're welcome and no worries.  I honestly don't remember the day of the week those things come out.  When you wrote it, I thought it sounded about right, but went and double checked. 


It's all good.  I guess I was mostly refering to the PO3-PO1 results, because i can't remember those ever coming out on a Monday or Friday.  I could be wrong though.  As for the CPO results...  this is my 3rd year eligible, and the last two years were not on Monday or Friday, and before that i never noticed one way or the other.

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Guest amcreed

It's all good.  I guess I was mostly refering to the PO3-PO1 results, because i can't remember those ever coming out on a Monday or Friday.  I could be wrong though.  As for the CPO results...  this is my 3rd year eligible, and the last two years were not on Monday or Friday, and before that i never noticed one way or the other.

3rd try for me too.  The "N" never really gets any easier.

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Guest Msduval2u

3rd try for me too.  The "N" never really gets any easier.

they say 3rd times a charm...this is also my 3rd time up...Here's to seeing the "S" this year... :big-dancing-banana-smiley-emoti

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Guest NavyAT

I just wish they would be out already. Either was "S" or "N", I can stop stressing about it and get a good night of sleep.

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Guest NGUAC1

3rd try for me too.  The "N" never really gets any easier.

It sure doesnt!!!  In fact, I think that it hurts more each time for me that I get passed over!

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Guest amcreed

me as well, hoepfully this is the year for all of us.

Fingers crossed!  There always seems to be a lot of "S" posts on here which is a good thing!

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Guest NavyAT

This is my 1st year on here. It seems like there is a lot of hard chargers on here. 

I cant hope too much bc this is my 1st time up, but i would like to be that guy that went to an out of rate billet and broke out as an E5 and then RCAP to E6 and turned around and broke out again, then coming to the fleet to turnaround and get the "S" the first time up.  Sounds like a good story to tell but i dont know if i am that lucky!

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