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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Thanks everyone. It didn't work in Internet Explorer but in Google Chrome it worked like a charm. 

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Surprisingly shocking we are on the cusps of page 120.  Wow!  I know patience is not a virtue that is afforded to everyone on this forum, but hopefully coming here has calmed the nerves, even if temporarily.  I guess for me, between being smack dab in the middle of a PCS and going through AWS school, I have plenty to keep me busy and my mind occupied.  Funny though, I walked into the NEX today and they actually have a new CPO select shirt (gold) along with the traditional white one.  Thought that was interesting.  I've predicted all along 31Jul (TRIAD), so anything prior to then is a blessing.  Coincidentally, my birthday is next week (29 Jul).  Wouldn't that be a nice surprise!

What's your yr group?  Kinda hit on the point earlier that no one after 02' had made it.

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0400-noon? When did they start doing that? I was hoping to be on 16-mid when I'm there for track 2 this fall.

It was 0400-1200 when I went thru in 12',  but it was more like 0500-1000 most days lol.  I spent a lot of time in the small gym there.

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Guest Mentalbender78

Momentum has died on the forum. Not feeling too optimistic at this point. Think I'm one eval away. Trying to think about how I compare to my peers, but it is frustrating.

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Guest Submarine Radioman

I had a talk with our MACS and he told me that a friend of his works at Millington or something like that and he said that the results were delayed and won't be out until the week of the 4th.


I don't know what to believe anymore.


It's pretty frustrating, I have a leave chit that's being held hostage pending results. My wife made plans and spent $800 back in March to rent some beach cottage in Maryland during the week of 11 August and my brother graduates bootcamp on the 15th, so I was planning on flying from Baltimore on the 14th. If I make it, I probably won't be able to spend the week in Maryland, but probably could convince my leadership to allow me to attend his graduation if I did some charge book type stuff in Great Lakes...but I'd have to fly from Providence or Hartford instead. If I don't make it, I could still go on my trip and attend my brothers bootcamp graduation. In either scenario, I'm buying plane tickets within a weekish of my trip and it's going to skyrocket the prices.



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You never know man. I'm like 99% sure I'm not making it because missing a few big things qual wise, but at the same time I've got great evals. I've talked with chiefs that have not had the same quals I'm missing, so I guess anything is possible. I just refuse to get my hopes up despite being excited for results, and hope they see that I'd be a good pick.

So gotta vent a little

As i read all these PO1s posting all there great records (and they are) for the last 121 pages haha i can't help but be glad that i am not from the "Blue Side" (ships) Navy. It is such a different world when it comes to promotion and Unit competition. Being an 8427 and with the Marines i couldn't even tell you when the last "Qualification" i worried about getting (2002?) or watch standing/DC/3M. Mainly because i did my first 3 yrs on a DD and got my SW and didn't look back. Over here making Chief is far more about who you actually lead and at what level you lead, how well you do your job! What did you do in country while deployed ect.

What i mean to express is it seem like some Chiefs in some rates put a lot of wt and stress on what "Qual" you got signed off, or who spent the most amount of hours on NKO doing lessons. Less on performance and leadership. Am i way of base???  As to all the 365 stuff 3rd time up and have yet to ever see a "PQS" at any of the 2 commands since it started, or sit thru a 'class'. What 118 (estimate) years of making Chiefs and all the sudden the only way to make a good leader in Chief is to do some book reports and mandatory weekly meetings?? Just saying

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Guest LastChanceNC1

So gotta vent a little

As i read all these PO1s posting all there great records (and they are) for the last 121 pages haha i can't help but be glad that i am not from the "Blue Side" (ships) Navy. It is such a different world when it comes to promotion and Unit competition. Being an 8427 and with the Marines i couldn't even tell you when the last "Qualification" i worried about getting (2002?) or watch standing/DC/3M. Mainly because i did my first 3 yrs on a DD and got my SW and didn't look back. Over here making Chief is far more about who you actually lead and at what level you lead, how well you do your job! What did you do in country while deployed ect.

What i mean to express is it seem like some Chiefs in some rates put a lot of wt and stress on what "Qual" you got signed off, or who spent the most amount of hours on NKO doing lessons. Less on performance and leadership. Am i way of base??? As to all the 365 stuff 3rd time up and have yet to ever see a "PQS" at any of the 2 commands since it started, or sit thru a 'class'. What 118 (estimate) years of making Chiefs and all the sudden the only way to make a good leader in Chief is to do some book reports and mandatory weekly meetings?? Just saying

I believe leadership still plays a huge part in selection. Quals/Courses are a mere byproduct of your desire to continue to grow and mature and educate yourself as a leader so that you can then teach and train your personnel effectively.
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So gotta vent a little

As i read all these PO1s posting all there great records (and they are) for the last 121 pages haha i can't help but be glad that i am not from the "Blue Side" (ships) Navy. It is such a different world when it comes to promotion and Unit competition. Being an 8427 and with the Marines i couldn't even tell you when the last "Qualification" i worried about getting (2002?) or watch standing/DC/3M. Mainly because i did my first 3 yrs on a DD and got my SW and didn't look back. Over here making Chief is far more about who you actually lead and at what level you lead, how well you do your job! What did you do in country while deployed ect.

What i mean to express is it seem like some Chiefs in some rates put a lot of wt and stress on what "Qual" you got signed off, or who spent the most amount of hours on NKO doing lessons. Less on performance and leadership. Am i way of base???  As to all the 365 stuff 3rd time up and have yet to ever see a "PQS" at any of the 2 commands since it started, or sit thru a 'class'. What 118 (estimate) years of making Chiefs and all the sudden the only way to make a good leader in Chief is to do some book reports and mandatory weekly meetings?? Just saying


It's all about the situation you're in. I'm on an LCS. I'm the Combat System LPO for a department of 15 people, which includes 3 officers and 3 Chiefs. I essentially "lead" 9 people. All but one of whom are senior first classes who are squared away and need little to no direction. Underway, we don't even have quarters because half of us are on watch in combat and the other half are splitting 12 hour shifts. What I'm getting at is I don't have the opportunity to put up huge leadership numbers like some others do. 

So I compensate by getting advanced qualifications or seeking command collateral duties which put me in a leadership position, like assistant 3MC, ATTWO, and Chief Master at Arms.  Chiefs are expected to be institutional and TECHNICAL experts. That's from the MCPON himself. Advanced qualifications and watch standing show that you are comfortable and trusted in that position. 


It's a different reality for us in the blue Navy. That's all. Neither blue or green is better or worse than the other, just different. A huge amount of the qualifications and positions mentioned in these pages have a ton of command trust and inherent leadership built in to them, but if you're not familiar with what they do then you wouldn't recognize that.

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Please do not do that again.


He simply stated that there was word that it was delayed. You can have an admin delay, you can have a toilet back up, you can have a puppy break its bark bone, that does not mean there was a compromise. The last time some one did an innocent post like that by several posts down a member had it that my forum had compromised the release or some ridiculous statement like that and people were demanding that I do something.



Again, please do not do that again.

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Guest Broadside77

Well who REALLY knows when the results are out. The only people that have an idea is the MCPON and senior leaders at NPC. They obviously aren't reckless to leak the info as they would have never made it to where they are. I doubt even the board members WHO sat the board know the exact date.

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So gotta vent a little

As i read all these PO1s posting all there great records (and they are) for the last 121 pages haha i can't help but be glad that i am not from the "Blue Side" (ships) Navy. It is such a different world when it comes to promotion and Unit competition. Being an 8427 and with the Marines i couldn't even tell you when the last "Qualification" i worried about getting (2002?) or watch standing/DC/3M. Mainly because i did my first 3 yrs on a DD and got my SW and didn't look back. Over here making Chief is far more about who you actually lead and at what level you lead, how well you do your job! What did you do in country while deployed ect.

What i mean to express is it seem like some Chiefs in some rates put a lot of wt and stress on what "Qual" you got signed off, or who spent the most amount of hours on NKO doing lessons. Less on performance and leadership. Am i way of base???  As to all the 365 stuff 3rd time up and have yet to ever see a "PQS" at any of the 2 commands since it started, or sit thru a 'class'. What 118 (estimate) years of making Chiefs and all the sudden the only way to make a good leader in Chief is to do some book reports and mandatory weekly meetings?? Just saying

Being qualified shows initiative and commitment. If you have quals, you are more likely to encourage your followers to get theirs. Remember, your selection still depends on your potential to lead at the next level irrespective of what you have done. When those Master Chiefs review your record, they are trying to see how you will fit in his or her Mess. Initiative is always a big plus.

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Being qualified shows initiative and commitment. If you have quals, you are more likely to encourage your followers to get theirs. Remember, your selection still depends on your potential to lead at the next level irrespective of what you have done. When those Master Chiefs review your record, they are trying to see how you will fit in his or her Mess. Initiative is always a big plus.

I think there must be a big difference in the "Mess" from Ship to Field. Now if you are taking about Warfare/UPC/CFL/ATFP then i completely agree with you. Just would hate to see a shift in selection that made ppl be more concerned in all the NKO GMT completion and being concerned with what PQS's do you have compared to the next guy. Rather then proficiency at your job and leadership ability and position. And of course if its a PQS that is required to advance your own rate then it is what it is. Was just trying to state with all the classes and requirements (365 ect). I hate to see that we are trying to "teach" leaders rather then grow them and recognize them based more on performance then class time. Maybe i am way off base or just had different experiences in the NSW and MARSOC where that kind of stuff has never been our focus. Either way BEST of luck to all on getting the "S" this season!

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Guest clods_hubby

I think there must be a big difference in the "Mess" from Ship to Field. Now if you are taking about Warfare/UPC/CFL/ATFP then i completely agree with you. Just would hate to see a shift in selection that made ppl be more concerned in all the NKO GMT completion and being concerned with what PQS's do you have compared to the next guy. Rather then proficiency at your job and leadership ability and position. And of course if its a PQS that is required to advance your own rate then it is what it is. Was just trying to state with all the classes and requirements (365 ect). I hate to see that we are trying to "teach" leaders rather then grow them and recognize them based more on performance then class time. Maybe i am way off base or just had different experiences in the NSW and MARSOC where that kind of stuff has never been our focus. Either way BEST of luck to all on getting the "S" this season!

if there is a difference i might luck out..... if you look at all the HMCM's on the the membership... they favor...FMF.. only 2 SW's.... the rest FMF....HMMM. lets see if they select a few of us Sea going HM's....good luck to all.

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Guest clods_hubby

if there is a difference i might luck out..... if you look at all the HMCM's on the the membership... they favor...FMF.. only 2 SW's.... the rest FMF....HMMM. lets see if they select a few of us Sea going HM's....good luck to all.

My apologies i made a mistake took another look..... 6 out of the 7 are FMF....

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Good morning all,


I believe that some folks will get their feeling hurt when the results don't come out this week. I stand firm with next week thursday to the triads.  I went from feeling like I have a shot to uhmmm my stomach hurts because I could have done more....who needs sleep right?!?! :unsure:  :wacko:  :blink:

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Guest Blondie

When I say I'm missing quals I don't mean that I'm missing 9mm operator or something like that. I'm talking a major watch station that I'm honestly expected to have. It equates to a SEAL not being a team leader or troop chief, and then expecting to be advanced. The difference b/w a SEAL team and a ship is mostly that all of our positions are rather well defined by a paper trail....

You will find little in the Navy (in fact, the entire military) that is not well defined by a paper trail.  Whether they make it a big deal or just quietly handle it behind the scenes is what makes the difference.

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Guest Blondie

Just would hate to see a shift in selection that made ppl be more concerned in all the NKO GMT completion and being concerned with what PQS's do you have compared to the next guy. Rather then proficiency at your job and leadership ability and position.

I have heard this a lot over the years.  In fact, I have encountered multiple terminal greenside HM3s who didn't get their FMF - and were proud of it!  They thought that because they were the best (or, at least, considered themselves the best) at whatever tasks they were responsible for, they didn't have to get their warfare device.  They weren't going to be "part of the system" that causes, in their eyes, all of the problem's with today's Navy.  Of course the great irony here is that they really were not the best by any definition of the word.  I was not sad to see them go.

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Guest AEGFC87

Good morning all! I'm ready for another day of speculation and rumors! Hopefully the MCPON will shed a little light on this for us later!

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As much as I hope we will gain some insight from MCPON, I have a feeling it is not going to offer much more than what is in his guidelines.  :(  However, I will remain optimistic!  ^_^

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Good Morning All, Stay focused and be positive .....we don't know what day the results will be out but what we do know for sure it's going to be out soon!

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Guest itdominance

Good Morning All, Stay focused and be positive .....we don't know what day the results will be out but what we do know for sure it's going to be out soon!

Exactly. I am thinking 8 more days and we will know.

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Guest Submarine Radioman

Good morning all, had duty watching the restricted people last night...listening to their stories on why they're in restriction was a good distraction, lol.


Hoping for good news from the MCPON this afternoon is what is going to get me through my day. Hooyah!!

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Guest itdominance

Good morning all, had duty watching the restricted people last night...listening to their stories on why they're in restriction was a good distraction, lol.


Hoping for good news from the MCPON this afternoon is what is going to get me through my day. Hooyah!!

I did that in TPU Great Lakes back in late 2000. I got out after 4 years and came back in. That was my duty while awaiting orders. Good Times!

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Good morning all and thanks for all the words of encouragement.  They actually picked me up and helped to motivate me for the day.  I'll be sure to take that motivation to CPO365 training I'm leading today. 


Why? You could have just gotten some from DRMO lol.

Don't forget about RAMM =)  I spent a weekend helping a guy organize his RAMM warehouse and it was free parts when ever I needed after that.  Alot of memories and alot of other good info posted last night.  Just can't comment on them all, but like to say you can take pride in what you do and be good at it.  But if it's not documented in your Eval or record then in the board's eyes it never happened.  You can have the respect of your command and peers, but it's up to you and your leadership to ensure your accomplishments are properly reflected.  It's sad to say, but when it comes to advancement on the boards the "truth" is the "perception" based off what they get from your records.  Don't lose hope though, take pride in the fact you're recognized at your command and work with your leadership to ensure you get recognized at the board as well.  End Rant =)

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