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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Guest ET1again

His department has a CPO 365 meeting at 1000 on Tuesday morning...looks like they will get the news in a group . It will be after 11 or later before he'll get to call me, I'm horribly impatient so it will be a rough morning lol.

Seems like a crappy way to do it to me...great if you make it, but you want to be sitting there with a N while some of your peers get the good news. I'd rather find out about the N on my own and not in a group.

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Guest ET1again

Question what are you guys talking about when you say year group

Manning levels are all based on year group, your year group is simply the FY you joined.

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5th time's a charm?   :)

I'm another 5th timer, as far as being eligible to test.  Only 4th time board eligible, missed board my 2nd time up it was the first time I took the test since I was automatic SBE on my first go round.

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Guest itdominance

I was going to "like" this but that's probably not appropriate. Hopefully, you'll get the "S" on Tuesday. I thought I have, but you've definitely paid your dues.

you could have liked it. I had made rank so fast in my career and it all just halted. It was my fault as I am good technician and that's all I focused on for so long. In 2011 at a NCTS I finally decided to play and got on board with command collaterals and started on finishing college. Now just finished my Bachelor's, start on my Masters August 18th. Plus 20 years is coming up soon (November 2016). I know my wife is ready for the military life to end and go to CIVLANT. I will disappointed once again but will rejoice in the selection of others. I have never been to say so and so didn't deserve it if selected for any promotion or award.

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Guest H_S_C

Long time lurker (been reading for the last month or so,) just created an account this past week.


This is the first year my husband has been up for chief (he's a nuke ET, submarines) and he's pretty hopeful.  We tried to make the most out of his "weekend," even through the nasty weather we've had here-- hopefully it'll be his last weekend at home with us until September! Good luck to everyone!

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5th time. You?

It's my second time up. I'm nervous and trying to down play it. My command was convinced I would make it last year. I really don't want to feel that disappointed feeling again.
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Yeah it will be full of I got the S, or I didn't get the S. Will be interesting to see how people get notified. Will it be a phone call if off shift, or for you guys on the ship will it be a 1MC call. Something I was talking to the kids at work about is how some times a selectee will get orders to leave once pinned. It would be interesting since I'm not even half way through my shore tour, would I get basically needs of the Navy to the first sea going command that needs an AMEC, or would I finish my tour even though we have an AMEC coming in next year. I guess I'll find out the answer if my name is on the list, if not no need to worry about my orders getting cut short.

I'm on a ship and I talked to my CMC. He said they will contact those who made it and let them know face to face. He told everyone to swing by his office on Tuesday morning. Since we are in SD, I expect everyone to be at his office around 0600. I have duty the night before and will just be rolling out of my rack at that time.


Does anyone know if the individual's BOL will reflect the results the day of or if that is updated with the public release?

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Does anyone know if the individual's BOL will reflect the results the day of or if that is updated with the public release?


As best I know BOL is 24 hrs later to allow CO,XO,CMC those 24hrs to perform their functions. 

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What is the point of going on leave when they still going to call me in tomorrow to drive to the ship and close out sked.

Are you the only one that can close it out? No way that sounds right.
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Guest CM1_SKI

thanks for the link. I had forgotten about the ECM page. I am in the 95 YG technically but got out for a year and am hoping that plays in my favor.

I am 95 as well. I too hope this plays into my favor. Good luck to you. Hope to see you make it.

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Guest CM1_SKI

Again for the orders issue, u can kind of gauge off of the ecm section we were just discussing. At1 is manned 112.5% at sea and only 96 shore, hence no back to back sea for me. Atc is 90 at sea and only 80 on shore, so i have the feeling if i do pick up i will be stuck with shore orders again.

CMC is 74% for sea and 95% for shore so it looks more like sea if I make it. I'm on shore right now and want to stay in San Diego though. Been here just at a year from whidbey island and just bought a house in November and my son loves his school.

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