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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Guest NukeET1FCFL

This is definitely a different flavor of board than it was last year or any year previous. I think we are missing a lot of the fun that came from speculation of the release date. I may just have missed that over the last 3 weeks though while we were out at sea.

What is everyone's thoughts on being able to know that the results will be out on Tuesday. Me personally I think it's nice to know when to expect them. Less sleeplessness except for Monday night. Fortunately for me I will probably be busy on the boat on Monday evening and not able to be here looking at the show the whole evening.

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Guest LCarp3

So with a few days left before results, how are you spending your weekend?

Today, spent time with the family and took the Harley out for a spin. Church tomorrow with the family and then back at it on Monday but anxiously awaiting for Tuesday. For those that get selected, time is not something that you will great deal of....

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Guest IS1(SW/AW)

I didn't even notice until just now, that is weird. I have 4 day gap in between sheets that both say not selected.

Let me know if you find anything solid regarding that... It totally confused me at first.. Then I realized they were both for last year

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I decided to get sick to pass the time. At least the house is clean, kiddos are happy and dinner for next week is planned. Now for another nap. Seriously can I sleep till Tuesday?

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Guest LCarp3

I'm sitting here on duty tonight tomorrow is my wife's birthday and I just noticed I have the MID on Tues night, also my finqal essay to finish my degree is due tues night.

Good luck on closing out that degree!

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Guest RPC(Sel)FMF/SW

Glad I'm not the only one that is sick. Dealing with ear infection and fever. Hope I feel better by Tuesday no matter how results go.

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This is definitely a different flavor of board than it was last year or any year previous. I think we are missing a lot of the fun that came from speculation of the release date. I may just have missed that over the last 3 weeks though while we were out at sea.

What is everyone's thoughts on being able to know that the results will be out on Tuesday. Me personally I think it's nice to know when to expect them. Less sleeplessness except for Monday night. Fortunately for me I will probably be busy on the boat on Monday evening and not able to be here looking at the show the whole evening.



Speculation of release to triad has taken its place, yeah you might have missed it. Even though there was some credible info (our forum got it first) that it would be next week by the 7th (turned out the 5th ), there were rumors still flying afterword about the 30th and 31st of Jul. Rumors were being reported that "Bigfoot had the results" all the way to "Aliens from outer space were doing the callout"


It was like the republicans and democrats with one party in total denial that it could ever happen next week. Reasons being that it was a crime against humanity or that it could reduce life expectancy - stuff along those lines. Better heads prevailed from the opposite party that stated it would be next week and that "it is what it is" or words to that affect of the current calamity.


At about the same time this week Tricare posted about expanded mental health care options which is posted in the medical benefits forum and of which Tricare, nor the Navy, nor the Pentagon would ever claim is related to a butt load of Sailors waiting for the Navy to release the results.


(Since you said you may have missed it, please note that I kept the above as factual as possible.)  

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Guest cali_gmwife

There was once a post with a link/directions to a powerpoint that talked about advancement opportunities and it was rate specific.  Since I have searched for about 30 minutes looking for that one conversation, does anyone know what that link was... or how to find it. I was trying to explain it to my husband but I am guessing, my "civilian" lingo is not translating it correctly.   :)  Much appreciated and Thanks in advance.

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Today, spent time with the family and took the Harley out for a spin. Church tomorrow with the family and then back at it on Monday but anxiously awaiting for Tuesday. For those that get selected, time is not something that you will great deal of....


Wow sounds a lot like my weekend! 

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Guest theET

You're probably correct, but it's titled JUL14, which is why I raised the question.

I asked a CPO friend of mine, and all he said was "decisions have already been made. Just wait until tuesday and stop worrying about it."


Yeah on the bottom left corner of the slide there is a date, I believe its the 5th.  But the 31% is from last year. Wish I was up for ETC last year.

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Guest Blondie

You're probably correct, but it's titled JUL14, which is why I raised the question.

I asked a CPO friend of mine, and all he said was "decisions have already been made. Just wait until tuesday and stop worrying about it."


July 2014 is the month the slide was put together.  They use whatever data they have from the most recent, *complete* cycle.  This time next year (actually, a lot sooner than that) the TECHAD's slide will start reflecting the current E-7 advancement opportunity.

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Guest FT1SS

July 2014 is the month the slide was put together.  They use whatever data they have from the most recent, *complete* cycle.  This time next year (actually, a lot sooner than that) the TECHAD's slide will start reflecting the current E-7 advancement opportunity.

Those slides get updated monthly. If you were to have access to June's slide it may be more accurate. The June slide for FT's listed E7 advancement opportunities at 24%, and our quotas = 24% (20 out of 83). But it uses the most recent info when published. The July numbers for FT's have already changed too.

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The forum will be back in true form on Tuesday morning. Count on it.

And again next year. :)

Yeah it will be full of I got the S, or I didn't get the S.  Will be interesting to see how people get notified.  Will it be a phone call if off shift, or for you guys on the ship will it be a 1MC call.  Something I was talking to the kids at work about is how some times a selectee will get orders to leave once pinned.  It would be interesting since I'm not even half way through my shore tour, would I get basically needs of the Navy to the first sea going command that needs an AMEC, or would I finish my tour even though we have an AMEC coming in next year.  I guess I'll find out the answer if my name is on the list, if not no need to worry about my orders getting cut short.

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Guest Sputnik14

The new Triad release has definitely helped calm my nerves.  While the simple thrill of results anticipation and rumor mills have driven the adrenaline to new highs (heck, who needs skydiving when you've got the forum!), I have been able to be at peace this weekend knowing that the decisions have been made, they will be released on Tuesday, and I have done my part.  Hopefully the most deserving of each rate without regards to time in service (whether too little or too much in some eyes) will get the nod and the Navy and CPO Mess can move in a more productive direction each year.  I certainly hope that the great Sailors on this forum get the "S" and continue to drive then Navy in that positive direction.  I thank Tony again for all he does to keep this forum going for all of us!! GOOD LUCK!!!

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