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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Guest Blondie

Tony what ever happened to RebTab

I vaguely recall him getting selected for some sort of commissioning program - he may be busy with that.

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Guest ordie230

Quick question... I have a 1 of 1 transfer EP . The opening states" ranked # 1 of 100 PO1s" is that a good look or will they not pay any mind to that since its a 1 of 1.

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Guest Blondie

Quick question... I have a 1 of 1 transfer EP . The opening states" ranked # 1 of 100 PO1s" is that a good look or will they not pay any mind to that since its a 1 of 1.

A transfer eval may be 1 of 1 but I have seen many times where the block 43 says something along the lines of  "had he been ranked against his peers, he would have been my #1 of ## PO1s."  That actually looks pretty good IMO.  It's no different than when Sailors in very small peer groups have remarks that say "My #1 of 6 PO1s, but would have been my #1 regardless of the group size."  It's just your chain of command taking the extra effort to point out that they think you are doing very well.

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Guest NukeET1FCFL

I don't have all that either and I was selected this year. You never know when it's your time. Keep your head up. The only thing you control is you.

How do you know that you were selected already?

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How do you know that you were selected already?


Probably FTS or Reservist. Their results were release a couple of weeks back.

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How do you know that you were selected already?

FTS. Our results came out in June. I am waiting for the Active results to start Phase 2.

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Happy Friday everyone and hope you all enjoy your weekend.  I know what ya mean NavMM84; I've had five different chiefs and one senior chief stop by my desk today telling me to be ready and other tid bits of information.  Along with the question "How long have you been in the Navy?"  My answer didn't pass, but I think I found the one they were looking for now =)  I just have to remind myself results are not out and it's not a sure thing so can't think like I made it.  Doesn't hurt to be prepared though I suppose.

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Guest Papitai

Wow....your record sounds a lot like mine from the surface.  LS/2000.  6 NAMS, SW/AW. Last 5 years from most current: MP above avg., EP transfer, MP above avg, P, EP Transfer (#1 of 26 call out), EP #5 of 27.  MOVSM, MTS, Bachelor of Science.  My MPs above average are all unranked but my write-ups are pretty strong.

I'm starting to believe the YG theory also... LS/1998. 1 JCOM, 1 COM, 8 NAMS, MOVSM, SOY, AW/SW... Last  Evals from most current: #1 EP of 24, #1 MP, P, Transfer EP, #3 EP, Non ranked MP. All my evals were above average except the "welcome aboard" P. Sooooooooo, I wonder.... :unsure:

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For giggles I looked up my year group, and if that factors in then I don't see me getting selected as my year group overall is above the line.  Now if it goes by rank the the E6's in my year group are below the line.  I then showed the print out to some of the kids in the shop, and after they said they'd never seen it before held a little training about year groups and the old beast that was PTS.

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Guest Blondie

Anyone want to stand my watch tonight? I'm mentally and physically exhausted.

Just getting off watch myself, sorry!  Try to have a good one.

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Guest AWFChief

Quick question... I have a 1 of 1 transfer EP . The opening states" ranked # 1 of 100 PO1s" is that a good look or will they not pay any mind to that since its a 1 of 1.


I got one of those too.  From what i've been told that is a "soft ranking" and it's better than just a regular 1 of 1.

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Guest Philwishinson

Forum got me thinking about ygs as well. Hope that doesn't hold much weigh as my yg is way overmanned. Rate overall however is only 86%. Guess we'll see Tue, not that'll confirm the yg theory. IMHO, allowing yourself that scapegoat doesn't help you refocus for next year should the "N" show it's ugly head.

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Guest AWFChief

Forum got me thinking about ygs as well. Hope that doesn't hold much weigh as my yg is way overmanned. Rate overall however is only 86%. Guess we'll see Tue, not that'll confirm the yg theory. IMHO, allowing yourself that scapegoat doesn't help you refocus for next year should the "N" show it's ugly head.


TIR or YG should not be a factor in your selection.  Year groups do play a role in the number of quotas though.

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A transfer eval may be 1 of 1 but I have seen many times where the block 43 says something along the lines of  "had he been ranked against his peers, he would have been my #1 of ## PO1s."  That actually looks pretty good IMO.  It's no different than when Sailors in very small peer groups have remarks that say "My #1 of 6 PO1s, but would have been my #1 regardless of the group size."  It's just your chain of command taking the extra effort to point out that they think you are doing very well.

COs who do that want to send a message to selection boards.

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Guest NavyAT

I wonder now about the whole YG thing.  My rate is at 96% right now. I am an AT YG05. There are no E7s in my YG or the YG before me. I dont know if that means i should have a good shot or if it means i dont have a shot at all. Thoughts?


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Forum got me thinking about ygs as well. Hope that doesn't hold much weigh as my yg is way overmanned. Rate overall however is only 86%. Guess we'll see Tue, not that'll confirm the yg theory. IMHO, allowing yourself that scapegoat doesn't help you refocus for next year should the "N" show it's ugly head.

YG has nothing to do with your selection folks. Your record gets you selected; not your YG. This is not Career Waypoint or PTS. If a panel goes through your record and thinks you have the potential to be a Chief, they will select you irrespective of your TIS or YG.

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Guest LCarp3

I'm starting to believe the YG theory also... LS/1998. 1 JCOM, 1 COM, 8 NAMS, MOVSM, SOY, AW/SW... Last  Evals from most current: #1 EP of 24, #1 MP, P, Transfer EP, #3 EP, Non ranked MP. All my evals were above average except the "welcome aboard" P. Sooooooooo, I wonder.... :unsure:

There is certainly some logic to the year group theory.  If you take a look at NPC website under the community managers' tab, you will find concerned rating's enlisted career path.  It notes that the average LSC promotes at 14.4 years.  While my main holdup was an NJP (this being first year it is out of the critical 5 year window), this puts me right in zone.  As of today, I have been in the Navy 14 years, 2 months, and 1 day.

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Guest AWFChief

There is certainly some logic to the year group theory.  If you take a look at NPC website under the community managers' tab, you will find concerned rating's enlisted career path.  It notes that the average LSC promotes at 14.4 years.  While my main holdup was an NJP (this being first year it is out of the critical 5 year window), this puts me right in zone.  As of today, I have been in the Navy 14 years, 2 months, and 1 day.


Like Dogg said, year groups are not factors for selection.  They are used for advancement quotas though.

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Guest LCarp3

YG has nothing to do with your selection folks. Your record gets you selected; not your YG. This is not Career Waypoint or PTS. If a panel goes through your record and thinks you have the potential to be a Chief, they will select you irrespective of your TIS or YG.I

I do not doubt what you say at all.  I've only heard the term "year group" be thrown around the last 2 years or so.  But as I was looking at the LS Career Path.  Just looking at is from own career's perspective, I had to admit that there was some logic to the matter.  I do not believe the YG is a critical factor, but it is interesting and there is some logic behind it.

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I do not doubt what you say at all.  I've only heard the term "year group" be thrown around the last 2 years or so.  But as I was looking at the LS Career Path.  Just looking at is from own career's perspective, I had to admit that there was some logic to the matter.  I do not believe the YG is a critical factor, but it is interesting and there is some logic behind it.

My YG is 105% and I was selected. I am sure like DOGG said it has nothing to do with it. Besides that YG has nothing to do with who is the best to select.

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