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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Guest LCarp3

Question: What is sustained superior performance? Pretty subjective, right. IMO, SSP is a combination of things but mainly trending upward in duties and responsibilities and not remaining stagnant. For example, being laterally promoted from a Program Manager or a W/C Sup to LPO. In addition, performing at a high level while in top positions and helping junior Sailors accomplish their goals.

What is SSP to you all?

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Question: What is sustained superior performance? Pretty subjective, right. IMO, SSP is a combination of things but mainly trending upward in duties and responsibilities and not remaining stagnant. For example, being laterally promoted from a Program Manager or a W/C Sup to LPO. In addition, performing at a high level while in top positions and helping junior Sailors accomplish their goals.

What is SSP to you all?

Your definition IMHO is spot on! Upward movement, not stagnant. Helping Sailors...

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Guest AEGFC87

Maybe I missed something, and maybe I'm completely off base here, but is there any logical reason that they would hold results until next week? It seems to me that if they know when they're going to be released, that they've already been signed, but they're just holding them because they can. I have a buddy who is waiting for results to buy his ticket to Japan for his transfer, but he goes on transfer leave tomorrow, so he's getting screwed and jerked around in this deal, and I'll be give a week and a half to get an ORDMOD or get my orders cancelled so that I can stay for phase 2. It just doesn't seem to make sense to me why they would hold onto them like that.

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Question: What is sustained superior performance? Pretty subjective, right. IMO, SSP is a combination of things but mainly trending upward in duties and responsibilities and not remaining stagnant. For example, being laterally promoted from a Program Manager or a W/C Sup to LPO. In addition, performing at a high level while in top positions and helping junior Sailors accomplish their goals.

What is SSP to you all?

In terms of selection board, SSP is consistently being at or above the reporting seniors average on your evals. In the tank, that's what breaks you from the pack. It's easier for a briefer to convince others to vote for your record if you are consistently at or above. First eval with a below average is understandable, but you must not stay there. I hope that helps.

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Guest MM1(SS)Nuke

Well put Sir...

When is you Commission month?

I commission Oct. 01, and then I am heading from the West Coast, which is all I know, to Norfolk.  I get to stay Subs, but I go from a 726 to a 688 that is going into conversion, so I will be tied to the pier for at least 3 years.  I am very excited, but very nervous at the same time.  I put in my package this year just to get my first rejection so that I could apply again next year, and they picked me up at the top of the pack.  You never know what the board is looking for.  That goes for CPO and Officer boards.  They put out the precepts, but they usually read pretty vague.  Just do your best and good things will happen.  For those that complain about people getting picked up and then converting or getting out, all I can say is that they earned their quota and can do with it what they please.  If you want to stop the trend, outperform them and get the quota yourself.  The boards are a fair process and those that earn their spot probably already have bigger plans in mind.  With that said, I agree with some of the other posts on here that have recommended a guaranteed tour by a chief.  If you get picked up officer you have to commit to a certain amount of time, and even after you advance within the officer ranks, you owe them time for you promotion.  I do not think that this would be a bad add into the CPO board.  If you want to become an Officer fine, but if you want to take a Chief billet you owe us at least 3 more years.  Just my thoughts.  Good luck to everyone, and have an enjoyable weekend.

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I commission Oct. 01, and then I am heading from the West Coast, which is all I know, to Norfolk.  I get to stay Subs, but I go from a 726 to a 688 that is going into conversion, so I will be tied to the pier for at least 3 years.  I am very excited, but very nervous at the same time.  I put in my package this year just to get my first rejection so that I could apply again next year, and they picked me up at the top of the pack.  You never know what the board is looking for.  That goes for CPO and Officer boards.  They put out the precepts, but they usually read pretty vague.  Just do your best and good things will happen.  For those that complain about people getting picked up and then converting or getting out, all I can say is that they earned their quota and can do with it what they please.  If you want to stop the trend, outperform them and get the quota yourself.  The boards are a fair process and those that earn their spot probably already have bigger plans in mind.  With that said, I agree with some of the other posts on here that have recommended a guaranteed tour by a chief.  If you get picked up officer you have to commit to a certain amount of time, and even after you advance within the officer ranks, you owe them time for you promotion.  I do not think that this would be a bad add into the CPO board.  If you want to become an Officer fine, but if you want to take a Chief billet you owe us at least 3 more years.  Just my thoughts.  Good luck to everyone, and have an enjoyable weekend.

Nice post, Sir, looking forward to many more!

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Guest MM1(SS)Nuke

Nice post, Sir, looking forward to many more!

Not Sir yet, let's not get carried away.  I still have to stay out of trouble for the next 61 days or so.  MM1 will do just fine.

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Okay - Question time...

  I decided to help distract my husband all weekend with silly fun things after the kids go to bed...  but I don't want to push him to hard and keep asking him if he is ok...  so help me out....




things you don't want to hear from people this weekend... and go...

So not where I thought this topic was going, lol. But I can't wait to read to see the responses I've been away from the board all day bc my friend flew in for the day.

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Guest MM1(SS)Nuke

I remember when you made it ... i got the N ... but AOCS finally picked it up!!!  Tony, where is that mustang at he's usually trolling around this time.  AND you are an asset to the LDO CWO forum now so you can NEVER LEAVE HAHAHA HAHAHA

Sorry for your N, but keep pushing.  Like I said, you never know what the boards are looking for.  Most people take multiple tries to get the S.  Just don't get discouraged.  I was watching for results, but never anticipated anything.  There are a lot of names from that forum that I have not seen this cycle.  Some are still around, but I think for the most part they are gone.  As far as you last point, I hope that I can be an asset.  I have no intention of going anywhere, and if anyone has any questions, obviously the CPO board didn't go well for me, but I may know something about the LDO one.  Hit me up with any questions you may have.  I would be honored to help someone else reach their dream.  Sorry Tony.  I know this is not exactly CPO related, but I was just responding to another post.  Again, good luck to all, and no matter what the outcome, Keep Leading!

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Guest bigredsnoopy


I am not sure, but I believe selection has a very big thing to do with your year group. They select based off of the needed year group on your community managers page. If you miss the year thy select your group, it usually swings back around very late in your career, when a shortfall in that year group or vacancy is noticed. This is just a hypothesis and by no means is the truth, but how else can you justify people making rank 10-12 year groups and 18-20 majority Seabees. BTW your record sounds amazing bro.


FINALLY!!! There is another believer out there. I have longed believed that your YG has a lot to do with advancement especially if you are over manned. For my rate and YG (LS/99) we are way over manned and even with Saliorization, 1 COM, 10 NAM's, MOVSM, SOY etc. etc. I have still not been able to get the mystical "S". I have brought up at CDBs about the YG and have been looked at like I am looney tunes.


So I completely agree that it has a lot to do with YG.

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I commission Oct. 01, and then I am heading from the West Coast, which is all I know, to Norfolk. I get to stay Subs, but I go from a 726 to a 688 that is going into conversion, so I will be tied to the pier for at least 3 years. I am very excited, but very nervous at the same time. I put in my package this year just to get my first rejection so that I could apply again next year, and they picked me up at the top of the pack. You never know what the board is looking for. That goes for CPO and Officer boards. They put out the precepts, but they usually read pretty vague. Just do your best and good things will happen. For those that complain about people getting picked up and then converting or getting out, all I can say is that they earned their quota and can do with it what they please. If you want to stop the trend, outperform them and get the quota yourself. The boards are a fair process and those that earn their spot probably already have bigger plans in mind. With that said, I agree with some of the other posts on here that have recommended a guaranteed tour by a chief. If you get picked up officer you have to commit to a certain amount of time, and even after you advance within the officer ranks, you owe them time for you promotion. I do not think that this would be a bad add into the CPO board. If you want to become an Officer fine, but if you want to take a Chief billet you owe us at least 3 more years. Just my thoughts. Good luck to everyone, and have an enjoyable weekend.

I just found out today that I got selected for OCS. Are you saying that if I get selected for cpo that I should do three years as a chief before commissioning? If so the only problem with that theory is that some programs have age requirements. If I don't commission by June I'm out.
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Guest MM1(SS)Nuke

I just found out today that I got selected for OCS. Are you saying that if I get selected for cpo that I should do three years as a chief before commissioning? If so the only problem with that theory is that some programs have age requirements. If I don't commission by June I'm out.

No.  What I am saying is that if you promote or convert to the officer side, that is good for you.  If you want to get out however there should possibly be something stopping you from that.  I don't know all of the specifics of the other officer programs (OCS for example), but I know with mine (LDO) if I promote than I owe the Navy a certain number of years to pay back my promotion.  I believe it is the same throughout, but I am not sure.  That was pretty much my point.  If we promote as officers we have to pay it back.  I think that there should be a similar requirement for CPOs, that way they do not totally waste a quota by getting out as soon as they pick up.  This would also require an alternate list though, so that people could deny their promotion if they wanted to get out anyway.  

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Guest CM1_SKI

Impressive. You look good. And i'm pretty sure you wouldn't be ranked #1 and have SOY without proper documentation on how you are developing your sailors. If you look at the precept it states:Demonstrated skill in enhancing teamwork and individual performance should be considered along with subordinate achievements and accomplishments. Dedication to Sailors and the command should be viewed through mission success and the success of the Sailors led by each eligible. How are you sailors advancement numbers, retention, college enrollments, volunteer service, BJOQ's, JSOQ's, SSOQ's, CAP's, qualifications etc. You stated you have all the quals you can get and a MOVSM. Are the sailors you're leading on that same path? The board wants to see how we are applying our leadership and expertise to develop our future leaders and not soo much ourselves. We are training our replacements. That is one reason I think we are overlooked by the board with those impressive resumes that speak alot about ourselves and not our sailors we are developing.

To answer your question, Yes, all of my evals state about BJOQ'S, JSOQ'S, JSOY's, my Sailors awards received advancements to include CAP's and MOVSM's college enrollments, CDB's, CFS counselings, warfare qualifications and even what I have instructed to the command and junior Sailors, etc.  I have had a really good mentor for a long time who taught me all of this.  He always told me Sailorization and mission/command impact.  If i had my evals with me I would post them and show you.  My evals only have one small bullet about myself compared to everything that my Sailors have done under my leadership.  Thank you for the input.

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Guest CM1_SKI


I am not sure, but I believe selection has a very big thing to do with your year group. They select based off of the needed year group on your community managers page. If you miss the year thy select your group, it usually swings back around very late in your career, when a shortfall in that year group or vacancy is noticed. This is just a hypothesis and by no means is the truth, but how else can you justify people making rank 10-12 year groups and 18-20 majority Seabees. BTW your record sounds amazing bro.


Thanks for the comment about the record!  I hope you are right about the year group coming back around because I'm at 19 years as of the 24th of July and I made 1st in 2004.  I made 1st real quick for a CM at 8 1/2 years but have been stuck ever since.  At this rate I feel like the senior CM1 in the Navy.  They say you stagnate at one rank but when you pick up the next rank its smooth sailing again.  Hopefully this is the year because I don't want to retire.  I love being a Seabee in the Navy too much!

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Guest LastChanceNC1

So not where I thought this topic was going, lol. But I can't wait to read to see the responses I've been away from the board all day bc my friend flew in for the day.

Don't talk about it at all. My wife could care less if I make it or not. Not in a bad way. She just doesn't let it concern her unless I want it to. She knows how bad I want it but she also knows we have things lined up if I don't make it. Don't get me wrong she cried last year for me because I "knew" I was making it with such a high quota. But honestly she'd probably rather I just retired so we can start the second chapter. She's got a good job, daughter starting school, etc. Haha I rambled sorry. I guess my point is I'm glad she handles it this way because I answer the same questions over and over from other people, it's nice to come home and talk about anything and everything but that. So if he vents or is thinking about it, listen. But I wouldn't bring it up. Tonight we went out for dinner and walked around walmart (my least favorite thing to do) but it was a good time waster I guess. We camp and boat on the weekend so that helps too. Then of course there's alcohol and of course that makes everything better!
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Guest CM1_SKI

One reason (and by no means the only, or in any way confirmed), might be that those who make it in 10-12 yrs are the true hard chargers, and those who make it at 18-19 are the proverbial "last looks".


I can't argue with this either, for the majority.  I have made some mistakes in the past that I have had to rebound from but they were not major and did not show in my record either.  I have busted my hump not only ensuring that my troops were taken care of but my superiors as well.  I do feel that when I was a younger 1st class I did not have what they were looking for at that time. I had to grow up and realize that just because I thought I was ready to be a chief did not mean I was ready. At first is was about me but that changed after one of my mentors broke it down barney style for me.  I will never forget that day because of that man I became the leader I am today!  Because of that I still have troops calling me for help with all kinds of things, from personal to professional. Am I ready now?  That is for the board to decide my fate.  If they don't feel like it then I retire next July knowing that I did everything I could.

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No. What I am saying is that if you promote or convert to the officer side, that is good for you. If you want to get out however there should possibly be something stopping you from that. I don't know all of the specifics of the other officer programs (OCS for example), but I know with mine (LDO) if I promote than I owe the Navy a certain number of years to pay back my promotion. I believe it is the same throughout, but I am not sure. That was pretty much my point. If we promote as officers we have to pay it back. I think that there should be a similar requirement for CPOs, that way they do not totally waste a quota by getting out as soon as they pick up. This would also require an alternate list though, so that people could deny their promotion if they wanted to get out anyway.

ok. That makes a lot more sense. Before I was seriously confused as to what you were saying. I agree. And for OCS I believe I'll have to do at least four years. Not 100% though.
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Guest MM1(SS)Nuke

I was selected for SOY and also got the "S" this year for HMC(First time up) at 8.5 years.

That is pretty amazing Doc.  Congrats on your S.  I just had my brother retire in October after 20 as an HM1.  He did multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and was all about his people.  Unfortunately, he also got himself in a little trouble at one point, but I know how hard it is to advance as an HM, and to make it at 8.5 years is doing something.  You must have some really impressive stuff in your record.  Share that info with your people, because you must know the secret.

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FINALLY!!! There is another believer out there. I have longed believed that your YG has a lot to do with advancement especially if you are over manned. For my rate and YG (LS/99) we are way over manned and even with Saliorization, 1 COM, 10 NAM's, MOVSM, SOY etc. etc. I have still not been able to get the mystical "S". I have brought up at CDBs about the YG and have been looked at like I am looney tunes.


So I completely agree that it has a lot to do with YG.

I am also LS/99 YG 1 COM, 6 NAMS, SW/EXW/SCW, MTS.... Last 5 Years Evals: EP Ranked #6 of 54/ MP not Ranked/ EP Transfer 1 OF 1, #1 MP of 33, Non-Ranked MP, Non Ranked P

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Guest NukeET1FCFL

Have people started receiving there notifications yet. We just pulled back in today and I have been away for 3 weeks.


I believe that results will be out either by tomorrow or Monday. That puts things right at the "magical" 6 week window to pinning as far as I know. That having been said I saw a couple people talking about "s" here, and was just curious what I was missing.


Good to see everyone again.

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Thanks for the comment about the record!  I hope you are right about the year group coming back around because I'm at 19 years as of the 24th of July and I made 1st in 2004.  I made 1st real quick for a CM at 8 1/2 years but have been stuck ever since.  At this rate I feel like the senior CM1 in the Navy.  They say you stagnate at one rank but when you pick up the next rank its smooth sailing again.  Hopefully this is the year because I don't want to retire.  I love being a Seabee in the Navy too much!

Know how you feel picked up CM1 in 06 at 6 years and this is my sixth time making board.

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Guest NukeET1FCFL

according to this message:


"WASHINGTON - The names of active duty Sailors selected to advance to Chief Petty Officer by the Fiscal Year 2015 E-7 Selection Board are scheduled

to be posted to commands' BUPERS Online (BOL) accounts Tuesday, Aug. 5, at 9 a.m. EDT, with public release via NAVADMIN 24 hours later on Wednesday, Aug. 6." 


...it's next week Tuesday/Wednesday

thanks Radio. I did see this message as well on the forum here. I apologize for not knowing who this FLTCM is. Obviously the message seems genuine, a little disappointing because I made a bet with my EDMC yesterday that the results would be out by Friday or the latest Monday next week. Which means if this is accurate I owe him a FRO from the bowling alley on Tuesday morning, the same time the results come out...

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