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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Guest CM1_SKI

Don't you guys usually have pretty small quotas? I wonder if the board has a way of knowing how many times you have been up or what your SIPG is? At's seem to make a lot of chiefs around the 14 year mark at least from the ones that have been making it at my command. Well I guess they see it in you PSR how long you have been a first, but would they know how many times you have been eligible?


We do have pretty small quoatas usually.  We have good numbers this year though, 22.  I haven't seen numbers like this in years.  I'm sure they see something about SIPG since they review your member data summary sheet.  I have been a first for over ten years and up for CMC since 2007. I hope that it plays a part this year but you never know.

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Guest CM1_SKI

Dunno brother. Seems like you got it all and then some. Kinda makes me think if your ssp doesnt get you selected, what chance in hell do i have? :)


You never know!  It's killing me though.  Seems like everyone around me gets selected.  So since you are on here with me it sounds like your chances just got better!  LOL!

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You never know! It's killing me though. Seems like everyone around me gets selected. So since you are on here with me it sounds like your chances just got better! LOL!

Sweet... ill take any little good luck charm i can get...

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Man with word spreading that results won't be out till next week this place has died down. It's nuts today is one if the best days of my life since I found out I got selected for OCS and I can't get away from here.

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So with one announcement, the Navy crushed the hopes of us finding out results this week and plunged thousands of FCPO into a state of productivity.

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So with one announcement, the Navy crushed the hopes of us finding out results this week and plunged thousands of FCPO into a state of productivity.

**Definition of the word Productivity may vary wildly as the end of the week approaches.

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So from what I am seeing is that it not true.  Hopefully it is my rate then, because I have had #1 ranked EP's well above the CO's average (even my MP's are above the average), SOY, multiple SOQ's, JPME's, PME's, proper Sea shore rotation, all quals I can get and then some, 8 nams, MOVSM etc.etc.etc.  It is frustrating because I have had multiple master chiefs that have sat the board in years past tell me that they have no idea why I have not been selected yet.  "This should be your year Seabee"!! they tell me!!  Don't know!

Impressive. You look good. And i'm pretty sure you wouldn't be ranked #1 and have SOY without proper documentation on how you are developing your sailors. If you look at the precept it states:Demonstrated skill in enhancing teamwork and individual performance should be considered along with subordinate achievements and accomplishments. Dedication to Sailors and the command should be viewed through mission success and the success of the Sailors led by each eligible. How are you sailors advancement numbers, retention, college enrollments, volunteer service, BJOQ's, JSOQ's, SSOQ's, CAP's, qualifications etc. You stated you have all the quals you can get and a MOVSM. Are the sailors you're leading on that same path? The board wants to see how we are applying our leadership and expertise to develop our future leaders and not soo much ourselves. We are training our replacements. That is one reason I think we are overlooked by the board with those impressive resumes that speak alot about ourselves and not our sailors we are developing.

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Guest CBdive


I am not sure, but I believe selection has a very big thing to do with your year group. They select based off of the needed year group on your community managers page. If you miss the year thy select your group, it usually swings back around very late in your career, when a shortfall in that year group or vacancy is noticed. This is just a hypothesis and by no means is the truth, but how else can you justify people making rank 10-12 year groups and 18-20 majority Seabees. BTW your record sounds amazing bro.

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This is just a hypothesis and by no means is the truth, but how else can you justify people making rank 10-12 year groups and 18-20 majority.

One reason (and by no means the only, or in any way confirmed), might be that those who make it in 10-12 yrs are the true hard chargers, and those who make it at 18-19 are the proverbial "last looks".

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Guest CBdive

One reason (and by no means the only, or in any way confirmed), might be that those who make it in 10-12 yrs are the true hard chargers, and those who make it at 18-19 are the proverbial "last looks".

My point yes, but if you don't have what they are looking for early then you maybe waiting a while...

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Guest GASMAN96

MY sel said the results are coming out Tuesday

You should read the past post from earlier today before posting but its nice to know that results are coming out on Tuesday.


From: Beldo, April D FLTCM OPNAV N1 MPT&E

Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 6:50 AM




Leadership Mess,

Below is the story that will be in the Weekly Wire/AHC tomorrow that our

sailors will see.  As always, try to give you the first look.  Vr/  April




New Chiefs Names to be Release Next Week

Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs Office


WASHINGTON - The names of active duty Sailors selected to advance to Chief

Petty Officer by the Fiscal Year 2015 E-7 Selection Board are scheduled to

be posted to commands' BUPERS Online (BOL) accounts Tuesday, Aug. 5, at 9

a.m. EDT, with public release via NAVADMIN 24 hours later on Wednesday, Aug.



Approximately 3,900 quotas were announced in June, with overall advancement

opportunity of 24.09 percent for this cycle. This was a 2.59 percentage

point drop from last cycle though still above 10-year average of 22.7%.


The selection board is not required to fill all quotas; only the best and

most fully qualified candidates will be selected for advancement.


Because the Navy advances to vacancies, opportunities vary by rating.

Advancement planners work to smooth overall opportunity across cycles.

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Guest Intel Weenie

One reason (and by no means the only, or in any way confirmed), might be that those who make it in 10-12 yrs are the true hard chargers, and those who make it at 18-19 are the proverbial "last looks".

I can't really argue with that...Hey, I'll be honest, I made 1st pretty quick (relatively speaking since nowadays you can make 1st in 3-4 years in some rates), I put it on at my 6.5 year mark. I was 24 years old, still a punk kid. Spent more time worrying about what my first wife wanted than what I should have been doing with my career. Didn't really start paying attention until my 9-10 year mark, and I've spent the last 7 trying to unscrew myself. If I don't make it in my last 3 years in, it was my own fault. I listened to some bad advice, and had a bad attitude. Will I be a little upset if I have to retire as a 1st, yes. Do I understand why? At this point yes, I do. But at least I can say in my last 7 years, I've been a good leader, and a good mentor to my guys. And I'd like to think that my crap career or at least my crap beginnings help me guide the Sailors of the future to being a better Sailor than I was back then. Cheers to last looks ;)

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Guest theET


I am not sure, but I believe selection has a very big thing to do with your year group. They select based off of the needed year group on your community managers page. If you miss the year thy select your group, it usually swings back around very late in your career, when a shortfall in that year group or vacancy is noticed. This is just a hypothesis and by no means is the truth, but how else can you justify people making rank 10-12 year groups and 18-20 majority Seabees. BTW your record sounds amazing bro.

You may actually be on to something here. I know I spoke with my ECM on why my NC package got disapproved by him. His response was that my YG is one of the smallest he has so NO ONE is crossrating, followed by "Dont see why you want to cross rate your entire YG will probably make MC and CPO faster than those before and after you"  Was he blowing smoke?????? Dont know but I PRAY he was not

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Guest MM1(SS)Nuke

Man with word spreading that results won't be out till next week this place has died down. It's nuts today is one if the best days of my life since I found out I got selected for OCS and I can't get away from here.

My board eligibility was invalidated when I was selected for LDO in February, but I have accomplished nothing the last week because I have been hooked to this forum.  I have pretty much turned everything over at work to give others a chance to excel, but I am in the last class of my Master's and have a 40 page paper due that I have not been able to focus on at all. I care just as much for the guys that I do still have eligible as I would for my self, I can't wait to see results to see how they do.  I was leading SBE firsts before I was eligible, and got hooked on this forum then.  I am sure that I will continue to be stuck here long after commissioning just to look out for my guys.  At least now it is looking as though this forum will not have results until after the command does, so that should make it a little easier, but I am sure I will still hang around for the ride and to help in any way that I can.

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Guest theET

My board eligibility was invalidated when I was selected for LDO in February, but I have accomplished nothing the last week because I have been hooked to this forum.  I have pretty much turned everything over at work to give others a chance to excel, but I am in the last class of my Master's and have a 40 page paper due that I have not been able to focus on at all. I care just as much for the guys that I do still have eligible as I would for my self, I can't wait to see results to see how they do.  I was leading SBE firsts before I was eligible, and got hooked on this forum then.  I am sure that I will continue to be stuck here long after commissioning just to look out for my guys.  At least now it is looking as though this forum will not have results until after the command does, so that should make it a little easier, but I am sure I will still hang around for the ride and to help in any way that I can.

Well put Sir...

When is you Commission month?

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I can't really argue with that...Hey, I'll be honest, I made 1st pretty quick (relatively speaking since nowadays you can make 1st in 3-4 years in some rates), I put it on at my 6.5 year mark. I was 24 years old, still a punk kid. Spent more time worrying about what my first wife wanted than what I should have been doing with my career. Didn't really start paying attention until my 9-10 year mark, and I've spent the last 7 trying to unscrew myself. If I don't make it in my last 3 years in, it was my own fault. I listened to some bad advice, and had a bad attitude. Will I be a little upset if I have to retire as a 1st, yes. Do I understand why? At this point yes, I do. But at least I can say in my last 7 years, I've been a good leader, and a good mentor to my guys. And I'd like to think that my crap career or at least my crap beginnings help me guide the Sailors of the future to being a better Sailor than I was back then. Cheers to last looks ;)

Good on you bro. Its always good to see when people can quantify their limitations by identifying and understanding their failures, then devoping a plan to correct it and turn it in to a positive. With a mentality like that, I really hope make Chief. Seems to me like you could influence more if you do.


I do recall reading some data a while back showing advancement statistics broken down by year group. I cannot say that it is taken into consideration for advancement criteria, only that it is looked at to some degree and tracked by someone probably a good bit smarter than I am.

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I can't really argue with that...Hey, I'll be honest, I made 1st pretty quick (relatively speaking since nowadays you can make 1st in 3-4 years in some rates), I put it on at my 6.5 year mark. I was 24 years old, still a punk kid. Spent more time worrying about what my first wife wanted than what I should have been doing with my career. Didn't really start paying attention until my 9-10 year mark, and I've spent the last 7 trying to unscrew myself. If I don't make it in my last 3 years in, it was my own fault. I listened to some bad advice, and had a bad attitude. Will I be a little upset if I have to retire as a 1st, yes. Do I understand why? At this point yes, I do. But at least I can say in my last 7 years, I've been a good leader, and a good mentor to my guys. And I'd like to think that my crap career or at least my crap beginnings help me guide the Sailors of the future to being a better Sailor than I was back then. Cheers to last looks ;)

Well said .... Well said .... I haven't picked up up yet because I didn't take the hard billets until later in life it wasn't until I was about 8 years in that I finally started really trying.  I am at 14 now and still ticking.  But ever year I get better

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My board eligibility was invalidated when I was selected for LDO in February, but I have accomplished nothing the last week because I have been hooked to this forum.  I have pretty much turned everything over at work to give others a chance to excel, but I am in the last class of my Master's and have a 40 page paper due that I have not been able to focus on at all. I care just as much for the guys that I do still have eligible as I would for my self, I can't wait to see results to see how they do.  I was leading SBE firsts before I was eligible, and got hooked on this forum then.  I am sure that I will continue to be stuck here long after commissioning just to look out for my guys.  At least now it is looking as though this forum will not have results until after the command does, so that should make it a little easier, but I am sure I will still hang around for the ride and to help in any way that I can.

I remember when you made it ... i got the N ... but AOCS finally picked it up!!!  Tony, where is that mustang at he's usually trolling around this time.  AND you are an asset to the LDO CWO forum now so you can NEVER LEAVE HAHAHA HAHAHA

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Guest DWeeB
I cleared my psych exam. I was thrown in the eligible bucket. I was rank #1 so this should be a cake walk, thank you everyone. You can email me for advice
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So from what I am seeing is that it not true.  Hopefully it is my rate then, because I have had #1 ranked EP's well above the CO's average (even my MP's are above the average), SOY, multiple SOQ's, JPME's, PME's, proper Sea shore rotation, all quals I can get and then some, 8 nams, MOVSM etc.etc.etc.  It is frustrating because I have had multiple master chiefs that have sat the board in years past tell me that they have no idea why I have not been selected yet.  "This should be your year Seabee"!! they tell me!!  Don't know!

Your record mirrors mine. Hopefully your panel selected you! Best of luck next Tuesday.

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I can't really argue with that...Hey, I'll be honest, I made 1st pretty quick (relatively speaking since nowadays you can make 1st in 3-4 years in some rates), I put it on at my 6.5 year mark. I was 24 years old, still a punk kid. Spent more time worrying about what my first wife wanted than what I should have been doing with my career. Didn't really start paying attention until my 9-10 year mark, and I've spent the last 7 trying to unscrew myself. If I don't make it in my last 3 years in, it was my own fault. I listened to some bad advice, and had a bad attitude. Will I be a little upset if I have to retire as a 1st, yes. Do I understand why? At this point yes, I do. But at least I can say in my last 7 years, I've been a good leader, and a good mentor to my guys. And I'd like to think that my crap career or at least my crap beginnings help me guide the Sailors of the future to being a better Sailor than I was back then. Cheers to last looks ;)

Are you describing my first enlistment?!

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