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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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For those who haven't seen it yet and only heard:


WASHINGTON - The names of active duty Sailors selected to advance to Chief Petty Officer by the Fiscal Year 2015 E-7 Selection Board are scheduled to be posted to commands' BUPERS Online (BOL) accounts Tuesday, Aug. 5, at 9 a.m. EDT, with public release via NAVADMIN 24 hours later on Wednesday, Aug. 6.

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Guest Intel Weenie

While you are waiting to hear, here is a question/survey. How would you feel if somehow you don't make it, and another person you know makes chief (taking that one quota), and during that first year, they either: a. retire, b. don't stay in the navy, ie. their contract expires, or c. go Warrant, or OCS? I personally would be upset. I have known several people, both Active and Reserves, that make Chief, go through the Phase II, and then decide to basically give it up. I was just wondering.

Unfortunately I've seen this a few times, and as crappy as it is for us non-selects, I can't blame anyone for wanting to better themselves professionally. Does it stink when someone makes Chief AND gets picked up for OCS and eats up a quota, yes. But for them it's awesome, so who am I to judge. I'm more concerned with seeing people advance, after having been fired from multiple positions, but somehow (black magic and chicken sacrifices I think) pick up Chief. It is what it is...maybe they had a critical NEC or something, maybe they did more community service or something (cuz you know, all that free time after being fired...) or maybe got a degree. I try not to think about it too much, and just hope that maybe this will be the year that the board sees something in my record they need...*sigh*


Ok, enough of that stuff...Who's taking time this weekend to see Guardians of the Galaxy, since results aren't out yet? I can't, but PM me any movies reviews ;)

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I've known Sailors that separate right after a promotion and they've done it for all kinds of reasons..  Other than quitting. One close friend got out to take care of his mother after his father died unexpectedly. I respected his decision. I also knew a guy that separated to save his marriage.


I'm not one to judge quickly regarding their decisions. It is their career. There is nothing worse than someone in a position of authority that doesn't want to be there.

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While you are waiting to hear, here is a question/survey. How would you feel if somehow you don't make it, and another person you know makes chief (taking that one quota), and during that first year, they either: a. retire, b. don't stay in the navy, ie. their contract expires, or c. go Warrant, or OCS? I personally would be upset. I have known several people, both Active and Reserves, that make Chief, go through the Phase II, and then decide to basically give it up. I was just wondering.

I'd be slightly annoyed at first feeling that it's not fair, but I'd then get over it and realize they made it.  It was their choice to do what they want.  

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Guest Mentalbender78

I get mad at what I find as wasteful, but it's not my place to decide either. My time will come because of my hard work and dedication to my Sailors both up and down the chain. There are faults with the process but in the bigger picture it works. Anchors will aid in the latitude I have in my leadership but they will not define it. Only My actions and the success of my Sailors can do that.

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Oh yeah and if I don't make it ... 1. I didn't want it enough  2. The Selects wanted it more than me  3.  It just isn't my time yet  4.  There is always next year  5.  I always have my family no matter what...

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Guest SOY13

Getting Selected and accepting a commission or separating from the Navy HONORABLY more power to them!! I totally agree about a Newly selected Chief or even a gueniune losing thier Anchors for displinary reason is unexceptable to point were they should be forced retired or discharge with a possible servance pay on the spot!!!

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Guest charlesb

While you are waiting to hear, here is a question/survey. How would you feel if somehow you don't make it, and another person you know makes chief (taking that one quota), and during that first year, they either: a. retire, b. don't stay in the navy, ie. their contract expires, or c. go Warrant, or OCS? I personally would be upset. I have known several people, both Active and Reserves, that make Chief, go through the Phase II, and then decide to basically give it up. I was just wondering.


I'd be beyond angry.  Quotas in my rate are rare enough without people wasting them (I'm sure it's the same for many others, too).  And with this being my last time up, and having a quota of one, well, you get the idea.


a. IIRC, you need a minimum of two years SIPG to retire as a Chief.  And your High-3 is going to calculated from 2 years of E6 pay and one year of E7 pay.  *ding, ding* PO1 Idiot, US Navy retired, departing.


b. I cannot imagine someone going through all the work required to make Chief, go through Phase II, and who would have any understanding of what being a Chief means just EAOS'ing, unless they won the lottery or something.  But if you know you're getting out, why go up?  Speaking for myself, even if I were undecided on staying in and I was keeping the door open, if I did make it I would feel obligated to stay in at least one more hitch.


c. It would be frustrating, but I would understand, because I couldn't blame someone for keeping all options open.  In this case, they're still committed to bettering themselves and serving the Navy.


If (and this is a huge if, because my quota would have to improve before it could suck) I am selected, I'm going all the way to E7 HYT.


ETA:  Scenarios a. and b. presume that there is no unusual extenuating circumstance involved.  It would still be bad for me and other non-selects, but I would be sympathetic.



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Guest Mentalbender78

Results will be released to Command Access Tuesday, 5 August at 0900 EDT.

They Will be posted here 24 hours later.

This is what is posted on the Goat Locker !!!

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I agree with the sentiments of most. If it was a career enhancing decision then I support it, but if they just waste it, that is a different story. None of us are really 100% sure if being a chief is right for us. We all want it of course, that is the natural progression in our career paths. And througout our Navy careers it has been dangled in front of us, enticing us and encouraging/inspiring us. But anyone of us could join the mess and the brotherhood and find that it is not exactly what we expected and we find we have different aspirations in life. I could not hold it against anyone for trying to live thier lives to the fullest, and achieve their dreams.

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While you are waiting to hear, here is a question/survey. How would you feel if somehow you don't make it, and another person you know makes chief (taking that one quota), and during that first year, they either: a. retire, b. don't stay in the navy, ie. their contract expires, or c. go Warrant, or OCS? I personally would be upset. I have known several people, both Active and Reserves, that make Chief, go through the Phase II, and then decide to basically give it up. I was just wondering.


I've seen it as well...I don’t get upset with the Sailor, I think it is a flaw in the system.  Some of those Sailors who make it on their 2nd to last or last look are usually already planning their transition and setting the wheels in motion to get out.  They may not even be focusing on the potential promotion anymore, and even if they are, I don’t feel too upset that they got selected.  I’ve also known Sailors who got picked up, were planning on getting out, and then served for another duty station or two. 


There isn’t an option for them to decline it and give the quota to someone else, right?  I think there should be a mandatory extension.  If you get selected for promotion to Chief and you are that close to retirement, then you have to agree to serve at least 1 more full duty station and lead Sailors in that capacity.  If the Sailor declines, then they should give the quota to the next FCPO on the list.

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I've seen it as well...I don’t get upset with the Sailor, I think it is a flaw in the system.  Some of those Sailors who make it on their 2nd to last or last look are usually already planning their transition and setting the wheels in motion to get out.  They may not even be focusing on the potential promotion anymore, and even if they are, I don’t feel too upset that they got selected.  I’ve also known Sailors who got picked up, were planning on getting out, and then served for another duty station or two. 


There isn’t an option for them to decline it and give the quota to someone else, right?  I think there should be a mandatory extension.  If you get selected for promotion to Chief and you are that close to retirement, then you have to agree to serve at least 1 more full duty station and lead Sailors in that capacity.  If the Sailor declines, then they should give the quota to the next FCPO on the list.

Agreed. Lets make it happen.

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So, quick off-topic but CPO selection related story...


For those that look for little writtings on the wall to finda a pattern or anything to give advanced notice if they made it or not. Last year, the command PT before the results were released I sent a chief to the hosptial while playing dodgeball. I did not get selected. This year, I have not sent anyone to the hospital... so maybe there is a chance.. :)

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Guest charlesb

I've seen it as well...I don’t get upset with the Sailor, I think it is a flaw in the system.  Some of those Sailors who make it on their 2nd to last or last look are usually already planning their transition and setting the wheels in motion to get out.  They may not even be focusing on the potential promotion anymore, and even if they are, I don’t feel too upset that they got selected.  I’ve also known Sailors who got picked up, were planning on getting out, and then served for another duty station or two. 


There isn’t an option for them to decline it and give the quota to someone else, right?  I think there should be a mandatory extension.  If you get selected for promotion to Chief and you are that close to retirement, then you have to agree to serve at least 1 more full duty station and lead Sailors in that capacity.  If the Sailor declines, then they should give the quota to the next FCPO on the list.


Agreed.  Why don't they pick alternates? 

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From: Beldo, April D FLTCM OPNAV N1 MPT&E

Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 6:50 AM




Leadership Mess,

Below is the story that will be in the Weekly Wire/AHC tomorrow that our

sailors will see.  As always, try to give you the first look.  Vr/  April




New Chiefs Names to be Release Next Week

Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs Office


WASHINGTON - The names of active duty Sailors selected to advance to Chief

Petty Officer by the Fiscal Year 2015 E-7 Selection Board are scheduled to

be posted to commands' BUPERS Online (BOL) accounts Tuesday, Aug. 5, at 9

a.m. EDT, with public release via NAVADMIN 24 hours later on Wednesday, Aug.



Approximately 3,900 quotas were announced in June, with overall advancement

opportunity of 24.09 percent for this cycle. This was a 2.59 percentage

point drop from last cycle though still above 10-year average of 22.7%.


The selection board is not required to fill all quotas; only the best and

most fully qualified candidates will be selected for advancement.


Because the Navy advances to vacancies, opportunities vary by rating.

Advancement planners work to smooth overall opportunity across cycles.

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I'd be beyond angry.  Quotas in my rate are rare enough without people wasting them (I'm sure it's the same for many others, too).  And with this being my last time up, and having a quota of one, well, you get the idea.


a. IIRC, you need a minimum of two years SIPG to retire as a Chief.  And your High-3 is going to calculated from 2 years of E6 pay and one year of E7 pay.  *ding, ding* PO1 Idiot, US Navy retired, departing.


b. I cannot imagine someone going through all the work required to make Chief, go through Phase II, and who would have any understanding of what being a Chief means just EAOS'ing, unless they won the lottery or something.  But if you know you're getting out, why go up?  Speaking for myself, even if I were undecided on staying in and I was keeping the door open, if I did make it I would feel obligated to stay in at least one more hitch.


c. It would be frustrating, but I would understand, because I couldn't blame someone for keeping all options open.  In this case, they're still committed to bettering themselves and serving the Navy.


If (and this is a huge if, because my quota would have to improve before it could suck) I am selected, I'm going all the way to E7 HYT.


ETA:  Scenarios a. and b. presume that there is no unusual extenuating circumstance involved.  It would still be bad for me and other non-selects, but I would be sympathetic.



If you don't get selected, you'll never know how you ranked out so even if that person did "waste" a billet, you still didn't have what it takes to make Chief, so there's no point in getting upset about.  What people should be upset with is what they were missing and why they didn't make Chief and what they could do better the next time rather than needlessly being upset with other people.  If you get the N, you didn't rank out.  That is all there is to it.  So next year, get in the tank and make yourself marketable... 

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Guest IS1(SW/AW)

While you are waiting to hear, here is a question/survey. How would you feel if somehow you don't make it, and another person you know makes chief (taking that one quota), and during that first year, they either: a. retire, b. don't stay in the navy, ie. their contract expires, or c. go Warrant, or OCS? I personally would be upset. I have known several people, both Active and Reserves, that make Chief, go through the Phase II, and then decide to basically give it up. I was just wondering.

It all works out in the end doesn't it?  That person was selected at that time over you for a specific reason, which to me means it wasn't your time.  But that person who was selected leaving etc... opens that quota again the next time around giving you a second shot at that one quota.

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Guest AE1forlife

While it appears as if the chief results won't be coming out today, I just found out that I got selected for OCS!


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While you are waiting to hear, here is a question/survey. How would you feel if somehow you don't make it, and another person you know makes chief (taking that one quota), and during that first year, they either: a. retire, b. don't stay in the navy, ie. their contract expires, or c. go Warrant, or OCS? I personally would be upset. I have known several people, both Active and Reserves, that make Chief, go through the Phase II, and then decide to basically give it up. I was just wondering.

I'm sbe and just found out that I got selected for OCS. While I do not feel that I'm going to be selected for chief I wasn't going to wait to see if/what. If I do get selected for chief it is true that someone else could have used that quota, but on the same hand they weren't best/fully qualified.
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Interesting note on OCS. My board was yesterday and results are in Bol today. It is definitely possible to get results pushed out quickly. It would be nice if cpo results went to something similar in the future.

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While it appears as if the chief results won't be coming out today, I just found out that I got selected for OCS!

Good for you!  And right on Topic lol.  Well good luck to you in the Ward Room and don't trust those dirty enlisted!!! lol 

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