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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Guest shooter mcgavin

Works out for me.  My sons Birthday is tomorrow so I get to go out this weekend and have fun with him.  Oh Yeah!!!


me too. my daughter turns 6 sunday so i really have no complaints about not knowing until next week.

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My command hasn't forwarded any email like that as of yet. CO and SEL have been at a SOQ/SOY luncheon thingy all morning though. Oh well, like I've been thinking all along... we get the results when we get them. Back to work for this guy! LCPO had to leave for a medical appointment and won't be back today, but just because the cat's away doesn't mean this mouse gets to play. :angry:

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No problem glad I could help.  Well I think it's time to pack it in for the day.  I'm sure I'll still lurk here, and see what people are posting the rest of this week and start of next.  Will be interesting to hear how some of you get notified of the S.  I'm anticipating another N so not sure how I'll react if I am one of the 11, if they fill all 11 quotas that is.  If I'm not back before next week you all have a good weekend, and remember to relax and enjoy it.

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Guest CTNuke

Nothing stopping me from watching Guardians of the Galaxy tomorrow, nice.  Everything I own is going into boxes right now.

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Three day weekend scheduled for my command this weekend.  While I was dying for results, at least I get an extra day off to PULL MY HAIR OUT waiting.  Open house at my daughters school tomorrow so I guess the results being held isn't such a bad thing since the CPO Mess had all sorts of activities planned for me tomorrow.

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Guest ISCmarriedtoITC

Works out for me.  My sons Birthday is tomorrow so I get to go out this weekend and have fun with him.  Oh Yeah!!!

Yay. Happy birthday to your son. That's what it is all about. Building memories

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Well if the 5th is true im staying one more day in Jacksonville. I was supposed to leave On the 4th in route to Camp Pendleton Ca to school. They called me today and ask if I was board eligible and if I got selected I would no longer be going to that school. So ill hang out until the 5th. I dont have to be there until the 10th. If I get the N on the road I go. If I get the S detailers standby.

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Now I'm going completely nuts.  Word on the street is that an OCS board has convened and results were pushed to BOL.  Only thing that is confusing is that I can't see anything and my XO can't see anything.  I called fleet processing about it and they said that they are in the process of pushing results out.  It would be epic if I found out about OCS and CPO on the same day but from what I'm reading, most seem to think it's going to be Tuesday. 

You could find out about OCS and Chief results would be a moot point :)

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You know ... now that we know the date, I'm not sure whether I like it or not.  It's kind of fun not knowing when they come out.

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Guest GASMAN96

Now I'm wondering how the triad at my command will inform us since we now have solid intel as to when they will be released. The question was asked to our CMC during CPO 365 and he just grinned.

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You know ... now that we know the date, I'm not sure whether I like it or not.  It's kind of fun not knowing when they come out.

I don't like it at all.  I feel like an old person who isn't happy with "new fangled ways".  I can totally see telling the triad first to give them a chance to tell their people, but why does the date for that have to be released?  I think it again takes away from the "unexpected call" from the CO.

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Just look at how much the forum slowed down, but hey I bet Tony doesn't care too much about that.  Less work he has to do...

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You could find out about OCS and Chief results would be a moot point :)

It wouldn't be a moot point.  I always wanted to become a chief before getting commissioned.  It is possible to get both this year.

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Guest DocGomer8404

We had a meeting with the FLTCM in Naples today, she said she still had no word when the results would be, however, that was hours ago. She did say some interesting things regarding release dates though. She said when the Fleets and MCPON spoke about when to release messages taking in to account overseas and time differences the question was posed, if results are ready on a Friday at 1300, knowing Commands in Guam and Japan are in the middle of the night, would you rather they be released Friday and not seen in those places until Saturday morning, or wait until Monday. Fleet said all voted to get them out as soon as they were ready. So I know they don't want to release them on Fridays, but it was discussed between the big 5 and they all agreed that early as possible is best. 


I hope you all enjoy your weekend and tie up all your loose ends! The Mess is just as excited about results as the SBE Sailors are! Enjoy your weekend, and hope to see a ton of you guys selected next week!



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Guest MM1(SS)Nuke

It wouldn't be a moot point.  I always wanted to become a chief before getting commissioned.  It is possible to get both this year.

I hear you.  I will commission through the LDO program this year, which I would not trade for anything, but I am disappointed that I never got to through the Phase II process and become a part of the CPO mess.  Good luck to you.  Hope you get the results you are looking for.

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Guest charlesb

I feel like a kid that found out on Christmas, he wont get his presents until December 28th this year..........


I know.  This sucks.

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I liked it better not knowing. The anticipation had me on my toes more. I felt like i had to get more done at work so that i could focus on Phase II if i was selected. Now it just seems like its going to be a regular shore duty weekend. Dont misunderstand me, there is some relief knowing what day its going to happen but i really liked not having a clue when those guys were going to pop through the door and drag me out of the shop.

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While you are waiting to hear, here is a question/survey. How would you feel if somehow you don't make it, and another person you know makes chief (taking that one quota), and during that first year, they either: a. retire, b. don't stay in the navy, ie. their contract expires, or c. go Warrant, or OCS? I personally would be upset. I have known several people, both Active and Reserves, that make Chief, go through the Phase II, and then decide to basically give it up. I was just wondering.

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While you are waiting to hear, here is a question/survey. How would you feel if somehow you don't make it, and another person you know makes chief (taking that one quota), and during that first year, they either: a. retire, b. don't stay in the navy, ie. their contract expires, or c. go Warrant, or OCS? I personally would be upset. I have known several people, both Active and Reserves, that make Chief, go through the Phase II, and then decide to basically give it up. I was just wondering.

I can't get hung up on other people and their decisions.  People are people and they make their decisions for their own reasons.  If they pick up LDO/CWO I am happy for them.  If they need to get out, they are getting out for their own reasons, I probably won't know why they are sooo, why worry about it.  The one that really pisses me off is to see a First make Chief then just throw it all away with a DUI.  Maybe I was right on the edge of the cut off list... That ticks me off.  But career decisions or enhancements, I can't judge.

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Guest FCC_Thawk

While you are waiting to hear, here is a question/survey. How would you feel if somehow you don't make it, and another person you know makes chief (taking that one quota), and during that first year, they either: a. retire, b. don't stay in the navy, ie. their contract expires, or c. go Warrant, or OCS? I personally would be upset. I have known several people, both Active and Reserves, that make Chief, go through the Phase II, and then decide to basically give it up. I was just wondering.

I'd be pretty upset...  It takes away a spot from someone that would stick around a lot longer... 

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