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FY 15 Chief Selection Board

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Guest Blondie

Won't be able sleep here on Guam we get everything in the middle of the night.

I've got the opposite problem... in the Middle East we're up 9-10 hours before the east coast... long wait every day.



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Guest Intel Weenie

Personal BOL accounts won't have anything new until the day after the results are given to your command anyways. With TRIAD release, BOL isn't a good indicator anymore.

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Guest Petebgdaddy

Rest easy brothers and sisters. Solid intel suggest Wednesday, 06Aug14. The show must go on. Our junior Sailors are still in need of our leadership regardless of any silly games our a Chiefs want to play. Stay focused. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

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I've got the opposite problem... in the Middle East we're up 9-10 hours before the east coast... long wait every day.



I hated that while in Bahrain lucky for me I started taking the chiefs exam after I left.

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Guest shooter mcgavin

im at work in Va (Little Creek). If i hear anything i will be sure to pass it along. Off to PT!

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Guest Cryptorec1974

Just got a call from my Chief telling me that if I get an "S" to expect a call tmw and to be ready...

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Rest easy brothers and sisters. Solid intel suggest Wednesday, 06Aug14.

 Interesting yesterday before I went to sleep a few said firm date of the 5th.  I know it'll happen when it happens, but always interesting when the solid intel changes, at least I think they said it was solid intel when talking about the firm date of the 5th.

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4 am on the west coast and already 209 users.  Looks like a lot of people are expecting today to be the day.  Hope everyone has a productive day today.  Couple hours left on shift here, then it's off to PT.

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Guest NC1(SW)

Personally, I think that it is a given that it will be no later than the 5th. Wouldn't want to make something new, like triad release, look bad or cut into the 6 weeks. As far as all the Intel suggesting next week goes; there are a few reasons to say that. First, it may be true. Second, if I saw how much you were stressing I would want to ease that a bit. Third, if I saw how much you were refreshing this forum I would want some darn work out of you.

My guess is today. Past 2 years it came out on the 31st. Prove triad release is not a delay. Gets the public release out on a Friday where productivity is down anyway. Just my 2 cents.

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Guest Blondie

Personally, I think that it is a given that it will be no later than the 5th. Wouldn't want to make something new, like triad release, look bad or cut into the 6 weeks. As far as all the Intel suggesting next week goes; there are a few reasons to say that. First, it may be true. Second, if I saw how much you were stressing I would want to ease that a bit. Third, if I saw how much you were refreshing this forum I would want some darn work out of you.

My guess is today. Past 2 years it came out on the 31st. Prove triad release is not a delay. Gets the public release out on a Friday where productivity is down anyway. Just my 2 cents.

Is it possible they did away with the triad release after seeing how many reservists got burned by it?

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Guest Petebgdaddy

Think about the no Friday, no weekend release. It's no longer Thursday on the other side of the world. My weekend is here. Next week is the only logical choice. The Navy is all over the world, not just in Millington. Wednesday of next week works for everyone.

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Guest coutchOS1

Thank you for the add Tony!!


Good morning to every one!!  I have been lurking in here for a few weeks.  Third time eligible, just waiting like everyone else!!


Here's what I have been up to the past five years via my Career Summary page, attached to NOSC Toledo for HUMS duty currently:



OI Division LPO, Operations Department, USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG 58), Mayport, FL (Apr12 – Mar 13)

- Senior Sailor of the Year (FY 13)

- First Class Petty Officer’s Association, President

- Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist Coordinator

- Suicide Prevention Specialist

- Command Fitness Leader

- Anti-Terrorism Training Team Member


Recruiter and LPO, Navy Recruiting Station Toledo, OH, Navy Recruiting District Ohio. (Oct 09 – Mar 12)

- LPO of the “Large Station of the Year” in NRD Ohio (FYs 10 and 11)

- Departmental Senior Sailor of the Year (FY 11)

- Senior Sailor of the Quarter (3rd Qtr FY 11)

- FCPOA President (FY 11 and 12)

- Admiral’s Accelerator Award for LPO of the Quarter 1st and 3rd Quarter FY 11



- Surface Warfare Coordinator (SUWC), USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG 73)               Oct 13

- Anti-Terrorism Tactical Watch Officer, USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG 58)               May 13

- Combat Information Center Watch Officer, USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG 58)          Apr 13

- Senior Anti-Submarine Tactical Air Controller, USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG 58)      Nov 12

- Officer of the Deck Underway, USS JARRETT (FFG-33)                                    Oct 08


Education and Correspondence Courses                       

Primary Professional Military Education (Enlisted) Blocks 1-7      May 13

Command Fitness Leader Certification                                       Dec 10

Student Success, Chancellor University                                      May 10       


Awards and Special Recognition      

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (6TH)       IMPACT         Sep 13

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (5TH)       IMPACT         Apr 13

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (4RD)            EOT          Apr 12

Military Outstanding Voluntary Service Medal (1st)                            Apr 12

COMNAVCRUITCOM Flag Letter of Commendation (1st)                                          Jun 11

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (3rd)              IMPACT                           Nov 10

COMNAVCRUITCOM Flag Letter of Commendation (2nd)                                          Jun 10

COMNAVCRUITCOM Flag Letter of Commendation (1st)                                          Mar 10

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2nd)              EOT                                 Feb 09

Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (1st)               IMPACT                          Jan 07

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Guest we do it with freqs

Ok so I just walked in to work (0730 EST, FL) and had a chief tell me it will probably be today...possibly this morning. Our Master Chief (joint command so no real CMC) is leaving on an early flight today and he's the only one that has access. The "CO" and "XO" haven't done the necessary paperwork to get the results at the command level. I then had my AF E8 NCOIC say I should hear something today because he just got done talking with a few of the chiefs. Just something I'm passing along. Take it as you will.

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Guest coutchOS1

Think about the no Friday, no weekend release. It's no longer Thursday on the other side of the world. My weekend is here. Next week is the only logical choice. The Navy is all over the world, not just in Millington. Wednesday of next week works for everyone.

Not saying you are wrong, but don't forget that last year the results were out on Thursday August 1st at 1300EST.  So, we will se if today is the day.....

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Guest NC1(SW)

@Petebgdaddy I disagree with the no Friday No weekend statement. In the last 14 years it has been released on a Friday more than any other day. Triad release today would make for a Friday public release. While it is true the Navy is all over the world; Millington is in Millington. It is almost like you folks in Japan are off on your own island or something....

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Not saying you are wrong, but don't forget that last year the results were out on Thursday August 1st at 1300EST.  So, we will se if today is the day.....


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Good to see you back. I'm friends with your husband. I was with him when he got his "S". I can only hope to experience that someday!

I've been following that CSCSU discussion wondering I would know any of you!  Ha!  Hopefully, this is your year!

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