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Never Give Up: Ensign Baus' Road to Commissioning
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Commanding Officer of USS Harry S. Truman Relieved
SOUDA BAY, Greece – Capt. Dave Snowden, commanding officer of USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), was relieved Feb. 20 due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command. Snowden was relieved by Rear Adm. Sean Bailey, commander of Carrier Strike Group 8, after serving as the aircraft carrier’s commanding officer since December 2023. Snowden will be temporarily assigned to Naval Air Forces Atlantic. The relief occurred after Truman was involved in a collision with the merchant vessel Besiktas-M on Feb. 12, while operating in the Mediterranean Sea in the vicinity of Port Said, Egypt. The U.S. Navy holds commanding officers to the highest standard and takes action to hold them accountable when those standards are not met. Naval leaders are entrusted with significant responsibilities to their Sailors and their ships. Capt. Christopher Hill, commanding officer of USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), will temporarily serve as Harry S. Truman’s interim commanding officer. Dwight D. Eisenhower is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance at Norfolk Naval Shipyard after completing a nine-month deployment to U.S. Central Command and U.S. European Command in July 2024. There is no impact to Harry S. Truman’s mission or schedule due to the relief. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is currently deployed to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations. -
CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 201609Z FEB 25 MID120001753242U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 034/25 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/2025 E-5/E-6 MERITORIOUS ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM SEASON ONE// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/281643ZAUG24// REF/B/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/192205ZDEC24// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/031326ZJUN24// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/161157ZJUL20// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 174/24, 2024 MERITORIOUS ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM SEASON TWO. REF B IS NAVADMIN 255/24, BILLET BASED ADVANCEMENTS 2025. REF C IS NAVADMIN 111/24, IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMAND ADVANCE TO POSITION. REF D IS NAVADMIN 201/20, PROFESSIONAL MILITARY KNOWLEDGE ELIGIBILITY EXAM REVISED BUSINESS RULES.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN extends reference (a) and announces the policy and guidance for Calendar Year (CY) 2025 Season One Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) for Active Component and Training and Administration of the Reserves (TAR) E5 and E6 Sailors. MAP Season One runs from 15 March through 15 April 2025. This season continues the added preseason window for commands to verify MAP user role access and Unit Identification Code (UIC) assignments in Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) ahead of the season. The timeline in paragraph 3 contains details. 2. MAP quotas are distributed over two seasons during CY25, with roughly half of the available MAP quotas allocated for each of the two MAP seasons. This aligns MAP with the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) to ensure any unused MAP quotas are included in the NWAE cycle and to emphasize the intent of MAP to select and reward top- performing Sailors. To meet required Time- in-Rate (TIR) for MAP advancement eligibility, Sailors must have a date of rank no later than the following: a. E5: 1 January 2024. b. E5 (Nuclear-trained Sailors): 1 January 2023. c. E4: No TIR requirement. 3. Timeline: a. MAP Pre-season: 1-14 March 2025. b. MAP Quotas Uploaded: 14 March 2025. c. CY25 MAP Season One: 15 March - 15 April 2025. 4. In line with reference (b), MAP advancement is not authorized for Sailors that participate in Billet Based Advancement (BBA). BBA ratings that are not authorized for MAP are ABE, ABF, ABH, AME, AO, CS, DC, EM, IC, GM, GSM, MM, QM, and RS. Sailors in these ratings have advancement opportunities via Command Advance to Position (CA2P). In line with references (b) and (c), CA2P will be available for all Sailors not under orders or with orders pending release. CA2P will eventually replace legacy MAP season execution for advancement to E5 or E6, with MAP quotas in future MAP seasons transitioning fully over to CA2P usage in the next calendar year (following the CY25 MAP seasons). Additional details are located on the MyNavy HRs DMAP website, [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Detailing/Enlisted/Detailing-Marketplace/]. 5. Commands are required to have two NSIPS MAP user roles (command reviewer and command reporting senior) in order to submit MAP advancements, Exceptions to Policy (ETP), and additional MAP quota requests through NSIPS. NSIPS Web Afloat users and commands without access to NSIPS should refer to paragraph 5a for instructions on submitting their MAP advancements. The system uses authoritative data to determine eligibility. However, commands are required to locally validate that MAP candidates have successfully completed the Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Examination (PMK-EE) requirement for E-5 and E-6 MAP advancements prior to the first day of the MAP season (15 March 2025) as outlined in reference (d). For training on user roles, log into NSIPS via [https://www.nsips.cloud.navy.mil/], click on training tab, then click MAP tutorial (JPA). a. NSIPS Web Afloat users and commands without access to NSIPS must submit a MAP nomination request via e-mail directly to their Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC), Type Commander (TYCOM) or Budget Submitting Office (BSO)/Echelon II command using the Meritorious Certification Letter (MCL). The letter must be signed by the commanding officer and should address any ETP or additional quotas requested. Sample MCLs and detailed information regarding the offline process can be found via the MAP page on the MyNavy HR website at [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-Management/Enlisted-Career-Admin/Advancement/MAP/]. b. Quota usage, modifications, and distribution will be managed within the NSIPS environment. BSO and command quotas will be uploaded into NSIPS on 14 March 2025 and can be found under the quota summary report tab. Quotas can also be found via the MyNavy HR MAP page. c. Additional quotas can be requested using the quota request option by the command reviewer user role. Commands must contact their BSO to determine the timeline for additional quota requests. Whether or not command quotas are authorized, all commands have the opportunity to request quotas from their BSO/Echelon II command, via their ISIC and TYCOM. d. NSIPS will automatically determine if an ETP is required using predetermined criteria. Sailors in ratings requiring security clearances and rates/pay grades requiring TIR waivers will be automatically routed for adjudication. The request will be routed through the ISIC, TYCOM, and BSO/Echelon II command using a hierarchical workflow. e. NSIPS will not automatically generate an ETP for Nuclear- trained Sailors. Commands desiring to advance a nuclear-trained Sailor not meeting the TIR requirement must send notification to the Nuclear Enlisted Community Manager (N133D) at bullnuke@navy.mil. 6. MAP Website. MAP quotas by UIC, forms, and frequently asked questions can be found on MyNavy HR at: [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-Management/Enlisted-Career-Admin/Advancement/MAP/]. 7. Contact MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) at (833) 330-6622 or by email at askmncc@navy.mil. 8. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever comes first. 9. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// -
CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 201540Z FEB 25 MID120001753225U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 032/25 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/FEB// SUBJ/MARCH 2025 (CYCLE 267) ACTIVE DUTY AND TRAINING AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE RESERVE (TAR) E5 AND E6 NAVY-WIDE ADVANCEMENT EXAMINATIONS AND RATING KNOWLEDGE EXAMS FOR ACTIVE DUTY BILLET-BASED ADVANCEMENT (BBA) (CORRECTED COPY)// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/192205ZDEC24// REF/B/DOC/BUPERS/07FEB22// REF/C/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/272057ZDEC18// REF/D/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/161157ZJUL20// REF/E/OPS ALERT/NPPSC/15MAR21// REF/F/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/031621ZOCT23// REF/G/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/221540ZDEC22// REF/H/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/201421ZNOV23// REF/I/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/201449ZDEC18// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 255/24, BILLET BASED ADVANCEMENTS 2025. REF B IS BUPERSINST 1430.16G, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE, CHANGE 1. REF C NAVADMIN 316/18, ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT WORKSHEET. REF D IS NAVADMIN 201/20, PROFESSIONAL MILITARY KNOWLEDGE ELIGIBILITY EXAM REVISED BUSINESS RULES. REF E IS OPS ALERT 011-21, PMK-EE REQUIREMENTS FOR E4 NEW ACCESSIONS. REF F IS NAVADMIN 237/23, UPDATES TO THE ENLISTED LEADER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. REF G IS NAVADMIN 288/22, HIGH YEAR TENURE PLUS PILOT. REF H IS NAVADMIN 277/23, HIGH YEAR TENURE PLUS PILOT INDEFINITE EXTENSION. REF I IS NAVADMIN 312/18, ADVANCEMENT POLICY UPDATE. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides guidance for the March 2025 (Cycle 267) Navy- Wide Advancement Exams (NWAEs) and Rating Knowledge Exams (RKEs) for Active Duty and Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) E5 and E6 Sailors. a. In line with reference (a), all Active Duty Sailors in the ABE, ABF, ABH, AME, AO, CS, DC, EM, IC, GM, GSM, MM, QM, and RS ratings will be administered the RKE, which is executed through the NWAE process. However, advancement will be conducted via Advance to Position (A2P) and Command Advance to Position (CA2P). Reference (a), Billet-Based Advancement (BBA) policy, should be read in its entirety for more information. b. In line with reference (b), all other Active Duty and TAR Sailors will take NWAEs to compete for advancement via NWAE cycle- based legacy advancements. 2. In line with references (b) and (c), the Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) is the authoritative source of data used to determine Cycle 267 E5 and E6 eligibility. a. Commands are to accurately validate, complete, and finalize all EAWs in the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). b. For some Sailors in BBA ratings, Educational Services Officers (ESOs) may be required to wait until the effective advancement date for the applicable paygrade to be updated before an EAW can be created manually. c. EAW discrepancies may be addressed via the Post-exam Administration Comment (PAC) process after worksheets are locked for the cycle. 3. Cycle 267 timeline: a. 31 January 2025: Professional Military Knowledge - Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE) completion. b. 28 February 2025: Enlisted Leader Development (ELD) course completion deadline. c. 6 March 2025: E6 exam administration. EAW will close one week after the exam date on the worksheet. d. 13 March 2025: E5 exam administration. EAW will close one week after the exam date on the worksheet. e. Deviation from administration dates. In line with reference (b), commands that require rescheduling of NWAE or RKE administration date(s) (with valid reason) may request this deviation from Navy Personnel Command (PERS-803). If authorized, administration will be completed by 31 March 2025. 4. Eligibility requirements are found in chapter 2 of reference (b). The following information is specific to Cycle 267: a. Terminal Eligibility Date (TED): 1 July 2025. b. In line with reference (a), there is no minimum Time-in-Rate (TIR) requirement for Sailors in the Active Duty BBA ratings. However, E4 and E5 Sailors are required to have an in-grade Commanding Officer (CO) or Officer in Charge (OIC) recommendation for advancement periodic evaluation to participate in an RKE. c. Minimum Time-In-Rate for all other Active Duty and TAR Sailors: (1) E6 - 1 July 2022 (2) E5 - 1 July 2024 (3) E6 candidate TIR requirements for early promote (EP) can be waived by one year with CO/OIC approval. EAW must be created manually for all who receive that waiver. EP candidates are still bound by the same PMK- EE deadline as regular TIR candidates. d. In line with reference (d), PMK-EE remains mandatory once per paygrade for all E5 and E6 candidates to be eligible for exam cycle participation. Refer to reference (e) regarding special exceptions for E4 new accessions, including EP candidates. Waivers are normally not approved without extraordinary circumstances. e. In line with reference (f), Intermediate Leader Development Course (ILDC) completion is mandatory for all E6 candidates to be eligible for exam cycle participation; however, ELD course completion is not mandatory for E-5 candidates. f. High-year tenure (HYT) date: In line with references (g) and (h), the HYT Plus Pilot program allows for Sailors to continue their Navy careers beyond the HYT limits. References (g) and (h) should be read in their entirety. In the EAW, the "HYT Exceeded" entry may reflect "Yes" - when applicable, select "Yes" for "HYT Waived". g. Security/Interim clearance (if required): Ratings requiring a security clearance are AC, AE, AG, AO, AT, AWF, AWO, AWR, AWS, AWV, AZ, CTI, CTM, CWT, CTR, CTT, EOD, ET, FC, FCA, GM, HT, IC, IS, IT, LN, MA, MC, MN, ND, OS, QM, RW, SB, SO, STG and YN, as well as all nuclear and submarine ratings. All E-5 and E-6 exam cycle candidates must have applicable adjudication (Top Secret or Secret) or CO/OIC Interim clearance dated prior to 1 March 2025. If clearance is revoked, an exam is not authorized until the discrepancy is corrected. An eligibility determination of "No Determination Made" constitutes an unfavorable adjudication. h. Performance Mark Average (PMA). Compute PMA for E5 candidates and Reporting Senior's Cumulative Average (RSCA) PMA for E-6 candidates in line with references (b) and (i). Use all applicable evaluations in current paygrade with an ending date that falls within the following periods: E6 - 1 March 2022 to 28 February 2025 E5 - 1 December 2023 to 28 February 2025 i. In line with reference (b), for E4 new accession Sailors who have graduated from "A" School and are eligible for the upcoming E5 NWAE, a one- time PMA of 3.60 will be assigned on their EAW and transposed to their answer sheet. This does not apply for participation in the RKE. j. Use of EAW is mandatory, in line with reference (c). 5. Exam Ordering: a. In line with reference (b), ordering dates and TIR listings for all NWAE and RKE exams are on the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) website: [https://neas.ncdc.navy.mil]. Select the Exam and Ordering Date Chart. b. Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) exam orders not included on the initial TIR list must be ordered from sfly_cryptologic.products@navy.mil. Order exams in line with reference (b). c. Non-SCI exam orders not included on initial TIR list must be ordered on the NEAS website using Department of Defense Identification Number. d. ESOs should verify placing exam orders within 7-10 days of ordering at *View Previous Exam Orders* link via the NEAS website and should contact Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center (NETPDC N321) as needed for exam order inquiries and issues. e. Deploying commands and candidates departing to Congressionally- Designated Combat Zones and Approved Contingency Operation Areas (CDCZ/ACOA) can order exams up to six months prior to the scheduled exam date. For additional guidance, refer to chapter 4 and paragraph 614 of reference (b). f. Substitute Exams: (1) The deadline for ordering both SCI and non-SCI substitute exams is 31 March 2025. (2) NETPDC N321 is the approval authority for all substitute exams. (3) Naval nuclear propulsion program training graduates who are enroute to their first at-sea assignment during the E5 examination date will have substitute examinations ordered for them by their ultimate duty station, if dates permit exam ordering before the published deadline. (4) Substitute examinations may be administered with regular exam administration or in line with paragraph 606 of reference (b). g. Submit Exception to Policy requests for candidates per paragraph 104 of reference (b). h. Below candidates are separated into competitive groups: (1) CTI: Middle East/North Africa (Group 1), East/Far East (Group 2), Latin/South America (Group 3), Eastern Europe (Group 4) (2) EMN, ETN, and MMN: Submarine (Group 1), Surface (Group 2), Training (Group 3) 6. Exam Administration and Answer Sheet Returns. Administer exams and return answer sheets in line with chapter 6 of reference (b). An exam tote board on the NEAS website displays current status of receiving answer sheets. 7. Forwarding Answer Sheets. Reference (b), para 611.a. has been changed to the following Official Mail Manager (OMM) Consolidated Mail Facility (CMF) address: OMM CMF PENSACOLA ATTN: NETPDC N321 210 WEST AVE SUITE A NAS PENSACOLA FL 32508 8. Discrepancy Correction: a. A detailed discrepancy list can be found on the NEAS website. b. Post-exam administration discrepancy correction correspondence with NETPDC (N321) is to be submitted using the EAW PAC function, in line with reference (c). All corrections must have a CO/OIC letter and include all required supporting documentation as attachments. Education point corrections require a submission of the Joint Service Transcript (JST) indicating the degree type and date of completion. 9. NWAE and RKE results will be available via NEAS profile sheets. Profile sheets for Sailors in BBA ratings will only reflect Passed Not Advanced, Fail, Inval, or discrepancy status, since advancement is conducted via A2P and CA2P. 10. All additional information for this cycle is posted on the MyNavy HR advancements site, located at [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Community-Management/Enlisted-Career-Admin/Advancement/] and the NEAS website. 11. Points of contact: a. For general or PMK-EE mobile questions: MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) is available 24/7 by phone at (833) 330-MNCC or (833)330-6622 or via email at askmncc@navy.mil. b. PMK-EE completion score questions: ntmps.support@navy.mil. c. SCI orders and inquiries: (850) 473-5867/DSN 753, netpdc_cryptologic.products@us.navy.mil. d. Non-SCI orders and inquiries: (850) 473-6150/DSN 753, usn.pensacola.netpdc.mbx.netpdc-n321-exam-orders@us.navy.mil. e. NWAE/RKE records or discrepancies: EAW PAC submissions. Pre/post exam administration inquiries: (850) 473-6148/DSN 753 or usn.pensacola.netpdc.mbx.netpdc-n321-discrepancies@us.navy.mil. 12. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or canceled, whichever occurs first. 13. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//
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