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Everything posted by CEC42CBs

  1. Miracles do happen, it seems. I got the nod. I was surprised to be one of the 14 selected in my rating. Congrats to those selected, and don't stop charging those who are delayed but not denied.
  2. SBE = Selection Board Eligible; usually displays the current FY board that the member is eligible for on the continuity report before/during boards yet drops off after PERS confirms board results and release is incoming ... CCA = Performance Evaluation Continuity Report (I believe)
  3. BOL has been up and down with changes being made for eNAVFIT and other database migrations, including FLTMPS to ADE .. expect something to be a bit wonky.
  4. dive deep and get that back pay. if it's due, it's due. Congrats.
  5. Pinning is slated for 27SEP-29SEP for most areas from what I’ve been hearing .. Eval’s will undoubtedly be backdated to 15SEP per standards. releases have not been on schedule since Covid. The new normal is no normal until it’s normal again Quota release has been consistent: week after boards adjourn
  6. AD: 19AUG Triad's/ 20-21AUG NAVADMIN is the word being passed around
  7. AD Quotas are out: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Boards/Active Duty Enlisted/Documents/FY-25 AD/FY-25_Active_CPO_Quotas.pdf?ver=aL6BpCEeX80_Xs0g95JLuQ%3d%3d FY-25_Active_CPO_Quotas.pdf
  8. Reserve boards ended 8JUN and Quotas dropped 11JUN to GEN POP. Board members are usually only ones privy to quotas until after they adjourn. At that rate, we are looking at the week of 22nd.
  9. Per the guide: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Boards/Selection/ESSBD USER GUIDE (v5).pdf?ver=k35dhjXSjsirN3SVaSmktQ%3D%3D "The Reference Line can be edited. Click into the reference and change the pre-populated reference. Only one reference will be allowed." However, I am certain there will be a healthy mix of edits and non-edits. A number of folks are still extremely confused by the two-step submission process via the ESSBD and likely will not even think about updating the reference as long as they ensure their full name and DODID are on each enclosure, as stated in the NAVADMIN. Per the NAVADMIN, the only ESSBD guidance is: " 5. Record review and communication with selection board: refer to reference (f). a. LTBs should be submitted via the Electronic Submission of Selection Board Documents (ESSBD). If unable to use ESSBD and for more information on LTBs, visit the following link: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career- Management/Boards/Active-Duty-Enlisted/General-Information/. b. All LTBs and each enclosure must contain the candidates full name and 10-digit Department of Defense (DOD) identification number. Candidates must verify that the correct board number is on their signed cover letter. Board numbers are: (1) Board #335 for SELRES. (2) Board #336 for TAR. (3) Board #360 for AC. " So, if you have the full name, DOD ID, and correct board number ... you should be fine. IN THEORY....
  10. You will get differing opinions depending on the CPO or above you consult. The consensus has been to include items not captured in OMPF field codes 30-38 and call-out items that may be visible on OMPF (SOY NAM, FLOC, JOint/Other Awards, etc.). Just know everything you add must be reviewed and briefed by the person who gets your file. These two vids give a rough breakdown of the briefing scenario: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DxMTzkPshhNw&ved=2ahUKEwik-ZyJgI6GAxVeNlkFHZ2lCfwQtwJ6BAgQEAI&usg=AOvVaw0aN8VEEePIYP3zjlHLJl8F https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DPlHtztMpnJQ&ved=2ahUKEwik-ZyJgI6GAxVeNlkFHZ2lCfwQtwJ6BAgSEAI&usg=AOvVaw2WX_A7OF-BJjYwhRUaLl9j In my opinion, if you think it speaks to meeting or exceeding the eligibility framework on your enlisted career path (ECP/LADR) and you want it to stand out, add it to your package/LTB. Keep your enclosures to the lowest number possible while reaching your goal. You are your greatest advocate!!
  11. It's very late compared to the last 3-4 years. Nothing official yet, but word is boards should adjourn OOA July 19th with results OOA August 19th. Last year, the LTB due date was Monday, June 12th. If we are in the same ballpark or date range guesstimate LTB to be due for AC boards OOA Monday, June 10th this time.
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