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Shrek OSCS

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Shrek OSCS last won the day on August 27 2022

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  1. This is important. Self care is paramount when getting that N. I made Chief first time up and during our INDOC the late CMDCM Snaza asked “who here made Chief their first time up?”. A bunch of us proudly raised our hands and were met with “so you have no idea what it feels like to not make Chief”. It really resonated with me and helped me get through getting the N for Senior the first 2 times. It hurt especially having great evals, ranked at the ISIC level, and 25% advancement to E8. There isn’t any right answer to this but for me I found solace in congratulating those who made it. Being proud for and with my shipmates knowing, while the extra pay would be amazing, I didn’t need a star to lead, train and develop Chiefs, Sailors and Officers.
  2. Schrodingers’s Chief. At this moment the board has adjourned and everyone eligible is both selected and non selected lol. Best of luck to everyone eligible. To the MN in the crowd keep your heads up. Navy advancement is ebb and flow. I just wanted to leave a few helpful tips here I learned as a Chief Select and in the 7 years since. 1. Your Season will last from 9/06-10/21. If you have any appointments at all during this time that aren’t critical try and reschedule. 2. Most commands have done their PFA but there is always the risk of someone’s PHA expiring in Sep/Oct. If your PHA expires you will not be allowed to participate in the PT portion until it gets fixed. 3. When your season starts, don’t leave anything on the table. Give it 100%. You will regret it if you don’t. 4. Formation runs are one of the most powerful events for building Esprit de Corps in a unit. With roughly 36 days left, try and learn a unique cadence now. 5. HAVE FUN! This may not make any sense to you during the hard times but this is YOUR season! 6. Good Luck!! -Senior
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