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YN Merchant Mariner

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Everything posted by YN Merchant Mariner

  1. Another year, another N, but not a surprise. If I couldn't make it last year, I probably never will. I'll keep testing and submitting LTBs, but I'll be content to retire with dignity as an E6. If I got mobilized again as an E7, it'd still come with like a 50% pay cut from my maritime officer job anyway lol.
  2. Of course, what this shows me is that I ain't got a snowball's chance. If I didn't make it when they had quotas for 53, when this year they only have 17 and my latest eval is yet another "brand new to the unit with just enough time here that we can't give a NOB so 3.0 P"...
  3. SELRES and TAR quotas are out: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Boards/Reserve-Enlisted/CPO-Selection-Boards/
  4. Question for people familiar with the board - I've had some people say not to include things already in your record, others say to do so to call attention to specific items. Is there any sort of consensus here, on whether to submit duplicates, or to simply make comments on the letter in reference to items in my crowded OMPF?
  5. Well, that's disappointing. Seems like I must have everything I need except enough eval breakouts. Recent record has a lot of 1 of 1 EP detach evals (mob, then move, then PRD), and a disastrous near-empty-block-43 3.0 for 2021 from a new senior rater who didn't care, didn't consult, and deleted most of my inputs. "Certified copy provided" lol. Years as a documented successful Admin LPO at both previous units, two significant joint awards including one from a mobilization to JSOC, two warfare quals, PPME and JPME, two degrees, no uncorrected eval gaps, Sailor 360 and other training conducted, no adverse info... And with the new unit I'm at, they already have a good YN1 admin LPO and a line out the door waiting for unit LPO, so those billets aren't available. Senior rater's suggestion was to consider the IRR. I was furious at the time, but perhaps I really am beating my head against a wall now. It's always been about the Needs of the Navy of course, but it's getting harder to feel needed every year.
  6. Has anybody here been selected for this, or seen a successful candidacy? Getting to spend time on Old Ironsides in a professional capacity would be a life's dream come true.
  7. Thought I had a solid shot at YNC (Reserve) this cycle, but the competition must have been extremely fierce. Congrats to those who made it! It's definitely earned. This was my fourth time up and I really worked hard for it this time; I'd love some input from anybody who's made YNC about what I may be able to improve for next time(s). For me: 4 EPs and an MP in the last 5 years, with documented mentorship, training lead, Admin LPO, etc. Corrections to record made, with every day now accounted for. DMSM from JSOC (mob) and JSCM from STRATCOM (IDT unit), MOVSM for work at a navy yard museum. Two bachelors degrees (transcripts in OMPF) and a merchant marine deck officer license (mentioned in LTB). Two warfare qualifications (IW/EXW). PPME and JPME 1, documented on evals. No NJP or PFA fails. Against me: Only one AT in the last five years (mobilized one year, two ran out of funding, then COVID, explained in LTB. PIM from this year's AT submitted with LTB) A P eval from regular drill unit in 2018 after returning from mobilization (New CO, only present at unit for half the year, couldn't compete with IDC FCPOs performing mission month after month. Eval explained that it was a factor of unavailability, but who knows how that was interpreted). NAM EOT from a unit I was with for more than five years (award went through NOSC CO who didn't like the lack of recent ATs, even though it was because of their own budget restrictions). Confusing regular MP from commissioned UMUIC (Seabee) with concurrent EP from TRUIC (STRATCOM). UMUIC eval is good but not outstanding, and based exclusively on achievements reported at TRUIC - I never drilled with the Seabees so that eval, which talks about me as a Seabee, is kinda weird. Explained in LTB, maybe not well enough. Three of my four EPs are detach 1 of 1 evals. Only the one regular EP lists a breakout (#2 of 8). My best guess is that despite demonstrated superior performance, with that P and only one breakout, it's not as sustained superior as the YN1s who were chosen. I'd love to hear any other thoughts. My biggest concern is that, with my civilian job now keeping me offshore six months a year, I'll have a hard time performing in leadership roles versus people who can be there every drill weekend. I'll need to get creative to continue demonstrating the leadership qualities a board is looking for without being an absentee LPO.
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