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Desert_Sailor_18 last won the day on February 24 2022

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  1. NUC LDO Results we’re released a few hours ago. It might take a day or two for your BOL Status to update since the NAVADMIN was released so late in the day. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Messages/NAVADMIN/NAV2022/NAV22069.txt?ver=MZIpgMwwqBkzhvHCvry5lQ%3d%3d
  2. Released on 23FEB2022. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Career/OCM/Active/LDOCWO/LDO_CWO_Recruiting_Brief-FEB22.pdf?ver=-f5r-_eHTV6XbV9OmWLBJw%3d%3d
  3. For those who were not selected, keep your heads up and keep trying. I know the feeling of being told No and it hurts. It made me question if I were even good enough. However, this was my 4th try for LDO/CWO and I was finally Selected. Don’t give up on your dreams if this is what you want. It took a lot of hard work, and mentorship from those in the community for which I applied for, and I recommend you continue along that path. I truly hope this message finds you all well and the small advice I have to give resonates with you.
  4. Maybe. This week is a 4 day weekend for many Commands and PERS might want to get the message out sooner rather than later
  5. If your board info in BOL clears out in the next couple of hours, then you will find out today. But if it doesn’t clear out today by 1300 EST, probably won’t come out until next week
  6. Below are the days that the LDO/CWO NAVADMINs were released. 2015: Weds 2016: Thurs 2017: Weds 2018: Thurs 2019: Fri 2020: Fri 2021: Fri Based on the stats that GSEM1 provided us, it’s safe to say that the NAVADMIN may drop this week or next week sometime between Weds-Fri.
  7. No need to apologize Shipmate! You did the right thing by putting the info out there. Especially since we’re all anxiously waiting. But like some of us have mentioned before, Trolls are REAL and we’re just trying to weed em out lol.
  8. Not today, but maybe tomorrow. The Selection Board did convene roughly 3 weeks later than usual though. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen tomorrow either. Although, we’ve never seen the Results released NLT the first week of March of each year (only checking as far back as 2015).
  9. The Command Triad is supposed to be notified via BOL first. However, it did not work out that way last year. The NAVADMIN hit the streets before the Command Triad found out, and it also took a day or two for an applicant’s Selection Board Status Code (via BOL) to be updated with a capitalized “N” or “S”.
  10. Below are the days that the LDO/CWO NAVADMINs were released. 2015: Weds 2016: Thurs 2017: Weds 2018: Thurs 2019: Fri 2020: Fri It’s safe to say that the NAVADMIN is going to drop sometime between Weds-Fri (With COVID approval of course).
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