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Everything posted by SH1(SW/AW/IW)

  1. Any other RS’s out there felt how painful this years exam was?
  2. For those that still emailed there LTB did everyone get this email after it was sent?
  3. Back to the drawing board for me no S this year.
  4. On recruiting duty in San Francisco and haven’t heard anything I guess I didn’t make it
  5. Second shot at it been in 15 years now, last year I counted myself out before the results even posted, this year I am in a different mind state and I am counting myself in. I’m not trying be cocky at all. But even if it’s not my year I will still continue to push hard until I earn my anchors.
  6. I think my transfer eval is pretty strong as well it clearly states if I was to stay I would be easily ranked in top 5 of 100 plus first classes.
  7. The main reason I think I wouldn’t get selected, #1 we only advanced 16% , secondly my E6 evals are P,P,EPranked, and EP transfer eval. The second P should have been a MP but the LCPO at that time was new and told me straight up he didn’t want see me as a chief this was after a port visit and he was kind drunk he actually took leave during the E-6 ranks day. But I bounced back well and got the EP the next eval with a new LCPO.
  8. I definitely hear that a lot it’s rewarding but boy is it demanding. I’m in Cali we are a large station and the market sucks. It’s one of the most challenging things I’ve done in my 15 years in the navy.
  9. Good evening, everyone I’ve been trying to stay busy to keep my mind off results coming out soon hope all are doing well. Question off topic: Are recruiting and RDC the hardest jobs in navy? Just asking been on recruiting duty about 8 months now and it’s been a struggle it’s harder than being a LPO on a ship I think from my experience.
  10. Now the real finger nail biting begins lol
  11. Thinking maybe by the grace of the master chief gods my record gets selected. But anyway hello all good luck!
  12. Thank you but I was trying to see what goes in the subject line when sending the encrypted email.
  13. Where can you find what goes in the subject line on your LTB?
  14. Hello all first time posting this cycle. I have a question, I have been told that being that I recently transferred from sea to shore pretty close to the end of the eval cycle maybe 2 months before nov. It would be looked at in a negative light due to I left before the total ranking so it’s only a soft breakout. What’s your input on that.
  15. Congratulations again too all selected I didn’t make it head still high.. Asking you guys to be my sounding board for a min. I’m PCSing in oct after being at my current command over 5 years going to recruiting duty but I’m getting info from my cpo and IT master chief to stay until nov to get another solid ranked transfer EP instead of a 1 of 1 transfer EP, last year I got a EP as well and ranked pretty high, and this year a good possibility to go up for SSOY year. Any advice should I reach to detailer to give me another month and risk possibly losing my good station or move on with my career.
  16. Is it to early, my face when I find out I didn’t make it
  17. Got the Big N this time up now it’s time to sharpen up for the next one.
  18. It sucks to have duty today, I can’t stop thinking about what could I be missing, why not me this time, Then the little devil on my shoulder says “you don’t have a chance they only selected 13”. My main goal tomorrow is to congratulate the selected. Then head home to take a few drinks to ease the disappointment if not selected. And set up my next plan of attack to be even a better first class (sorry guys just a PO1 venting) and I think I’m in the right place. Good luck brother and sisters.
  19. Division 363 we were a White Sox division all where from Chicago.
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