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B420 RET

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B420 RET last won the day on October 9 2021

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  1. Time waits for no one. The exam is around the corner, time to dust off the these books and do our part and get SBE.
  2. That is only 32 days away. Ready to get the good & bad news. Process and keep moving.
  3. No dice, this year! One more look and than......FR package! Life is good.
  4. I'm in...after reviewing my evals. I just need to change my entire process.
  5. Non-selected, 5th time up, but only two more looks until I can retire. Life is good!
  6. Congratulations , Thanks for all the good information. Enjoy the season.
  7. May the results, be in your favor. This is my fifth time up as well...two more looks until retirement (20)!
  8. Yes it is. I can plan the rest of my year. College classes, house repairs, and landlord duties!
  9. I heard from my dog groomer's Uncle,who used to be a DK in the early 80's, that the results will be out on Thursday, and that the puppy cut is back in style.
  10. Awesome, but I still stand firm on my vote for Aug 2nd!
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