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Military Veteran & Retirees Discussion Forum

Discussion forum for Navy veterans and retirees. This area can include veterans home loans, medical benefits, Montgomery G.I. Bill, and state and Government VA benefits.

For additional information, enlisted Sailors can also go to the following NavyAdvancement.com web pages: Navy Enlisted Veterans & Retirees

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    • Sailor to Sailor - Feb, 2025
    • The Department of the Navy announced policy changes for Sailors with a current diagnosis or history of gender dysphoria, March 13
    • FALLS CHURCH, Va.   –  If you’re looking for a provider, it’s important to understand the different types of TRICARE providers you can see. The type of provider you see can determine how much you pay for care and the process for filing claims. “Before getting care, always find out if your provider is TRICARE-authorized and in your TRICARE contractor’s network,” said Paul Wuerdeman, lead, provider networks, TRICARE Health Plan, at the Defense Health Agency. “Knowing your provider options will help you lower your costs and find the right care for your needs.” Keep reading to learn about provider types and how to find a provider.
    • CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 141659Z MAR 25 MID120001792020U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS   NAVADMIN 056/25   PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N95// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N95// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON OPNAV N9// SUBJ/SOLICITATION FOR THE 2025 EXPEDITIONARY WARFARE EXCELLENCE AWARDS  (EWEA)// REF/A/MSGID: DOC/DECISION PAPER/YMD: 20200610// REF/B/CMC WASHINGTON CD&I R 161446Z JAN 25// AMPN/REF A IS THE DECISION PAPER FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE EWEA. REF B IS MARADMIN 015/25.//   PRI POC/LCDR SAM LIEBER/OPNAV N95/COM (703) 697-9801/ EMAIL: SAMUEL.J.LIEBER.MIL@US.NAVY.MIL// SEC POC/CAPT SEVERN STEVENS/OPNAV  N95/COM (703) 614-7083/EMAIL: SEVERN.B.STEVENS.MIL@US.NAVY.MIL//   GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Purpose.  The Deputy Commandant for Combat Development  and Integration (DC, CD&I), and the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for  Warfighting Requirements and Capabilities (DCNO, N9) are pleased to solicit  nominations for the annual Expeditionary Warfare Excellence Awards (EWEA).   The EWEA recognizes those Marines and Sailors who have distinguished  themselves through exceptional performance while serving in an expeditionary  warfare assignment and have significantly influenced the future of naval  expeditionary warfare and amphibious capabilities, doctrine and training  through innovative concepts, leadership, and teamwork. The EWEA ceremony will take place at the 2025 Marine Corps Association Combat  Development Dinner on or around 21 August 2025. 1.a.  Inclusive dates for the awards are 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024. 1.b.  The EWEA features four awards: Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare  Officer of the Year (CWO3-CWO4, O3-O4), Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare  Staff Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year (E6-E7), Navy Expeditionary  Warfare Officer of the Year (CWO3-CWO4, O3-O4), and Navy Expeditionary  Warfare Enlisted Sailor of the Year (E6-E7).  This awards program is  applicable to the Active and Reserve components of the United States Marine  Corps and the United States Navy. 1.c.  An awards board convened by CD&I and OPNAV N9 will recommend eminently  qualified packages for DC, CD&I approval.  The award winners will be  announced via NAVADMIN. 2. Action 2.a.  Commands with personnel meeting the criteria are highly encouraged to  submit nominations via the first O-6 in the chain of command to the POC  listed in this message. 2.b.  Nomination packages must be received no later than 11 April 2025. 2.c.  Nomination packages shall be sent electronically via email and will  include one file in Microsoft Word format and one file in Portable Document  Format (PDF) per nominee.  The subject line should read: "Calendar Year 2024  EWEA ICO Rank/Name", nomination packages will include the following: 2.c.1.  A nomination letter from the first O-6, at a minimum, in the chain of  command. 2.c.2.  Unit point of contact to include phone number and email address. 2.c.3.  Phone number and email address for each nominee. 2.c.4.  A summary of performance that provides a concise resume of  qualifications, including the billet description and significant  contributions, not to exceed two pages using 12-pitch courier new font. 2.c.5.  A biography of the nominee. 2.c.6.  A proposed citation not to exceed 10 typewritten lines using 12-pitch  courier new font. 3.  CD&I will fund travel for the individual awardee while the Marine Corps  Association will fund travel for one guest per award winner to attend the  Combat Development Dinner for the presentation of the award.  Every effort  shall be made by local commanders to ensure the presence of the awardee at  the ceremony.  Individuals other than the awardee and their guest who desire  to attend must do so at their own expense. 4.  Ensure widest dissemination of the contents of this message. 5.  Release authorized by Vice Admiral James E. Pitts, Deputy Chief of Naval  Operations for Warfighting Requirements and Capabilities.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//  
    • CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 141454Z MAR 25 MID120001791492U FM SECNAV WASHINGTON DC TO ALNAV INFO SECNAV WASHINGTON DC CNO WASHINGTON DC CMC WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS   ALNAV 024/25 MSGID/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/-/MAR// SUBJ/SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDANCE FOR UNIFORMED SERVICE MEMBERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF  NAVY// REF/A/DOC/DOD MEMORANDUM/19FEB25// REF/B/DOC/DOD INSTRUCTION 5400.17 CH-2/24JAN23// REF/C/DOC/ DOD INSTRUCTION 8170.01 CH-1/24AUG21// REF/D/DOC/SECNAV INSTRUCTION 5720.44C CH-2/10APR19// REF/E/DOC/10 U.S.C. SECTION 801 ET SEQ.// REF/F/DOC/U.S. MARINE CORPS 2021 SOCIAL MEDIA HANDBOOK// REF/G/DOC/NAVY SOCIAL MEDIA HANDBOOK// REF/H/MSG/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/171606ZJUL24// REF/I/DOC/DOD DIRECTIVE 1344.10/19FEB08// NARR/REF A IS THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DoD) MEMORANDUM REMINDER ON SERVICE  MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES ASSOCIATED WITH PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS. REF B IS THE DOD INSTRUCTION ON OFFICIAL USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR PUBLIC  AFFAIRS PURPOSES. REF C IS THE DOD INSTRUCTION ON ONLINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND ELECTRONIC  MESSAGING. REF D IS THE SECNAV INSTRUCTION ON DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY PUBLIC AFFAIRS  POLICY AND REGULATIONS. REF E IS THE UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE. REF F IS THE USMC SOCIAL MEDIA HANDBOOK. REF G IS THE NAVY SOCIAL MEDIA HANDBOOK. REF H IS THE ALNAV PROVIDING GUIDANCE ON THE POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF  DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY PERSONNEL. REF I IS THE DOD DIRECTIVE ON POLITICAL ACTIVITIES BY MEMBERS OF THE ARMED  FORCES.// RMKS/1.  The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense released reference (a)  requesting the Secretaries of the Military Departments provide guidance  reminding all Service Members of the relevant Departmental policies governing  the expression of their own political opinions and the traditions and norms  of military service. 2.  Service Members may establish social media accounts for personal, non- official use.  Personal social media accounts must be clearly identifiable as  personal accounts and may not be used to conduct official Department of the  Navy (DON) or DoD communications, unless by exception identified in paragraph  3.26.a of reference (c).  Use of military titles or appearance in uniform  alone is not prohibited on personal social media accounts.  However, Service  Members must ensure that personal social media accounts avoid use of DON or  DoD titles, insignia, uniforms, or symbols in a way that could imply DON or  DoD sanction or endorsement of personal content. Where confusion or doubt is likely to arise regarding the personal nature of  social media activities, Service Members are encouraged to include a  disclaimer clarifying that their social media communications reflect only  their personal views and do not necessarily represent the views of the DON,  DoD, or the United States.  As the position and grade of individual Service  Members increase, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between  personal opinions and official positions of the DON or DoD.  Senior personnel  are highly encouraged to include a disclaimer on personal social media  communications.     a.  A sample disclaimer reads:  "The opinions and views expressed here  belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the  Department of Defense (DoD) or its components.  Any mention of commercial  products or services does not imply DoD endorsement. Additionally, the  presence of external hyperlinks does not signify DoD approval of the linked  websites or their content, products, or services." 3.  Service Members are permitted to use personal social media accounts to  forward, like, or link to official information, provided it is done in a  manner that does not express or imply DON or DoD sanction or endorsement of  any personal content, and does not result in the unauthorized disclosure or  dissemination of non-public information (or unclassified information that  reveals classified information when aggregated).  While Service Members may  generally express their personal views on public issues, uniformed service  brings certain limitations to expression, including on social media.     a.  Service Members are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice  (UCMJ) (reference (e)), and Navy or Marine Corps regulations while on and off  duty.  Certain provisions of reference (e) restrict the expression of Service  Members, including but not limited to: Article 88, Contempt Towards  Officials; Article 92, Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation; Article 133,  Conduct Unbecoming an Officer; and Article 134, Disorders and Neglects to the  Prejudice of Good Order and Discipline or Conduct of a Nature to Bring  Discredit Upon the Armed Forces.  In accordance with references (b) and (c),  language that may tend to diminish the confidence in or respect due to his or  her superior officer(s) is prohibited to be published by Service Members, per  the UCMJ.     b.  Service Members are encouraged to refrain from media engagement in  matters of U.S. Government, DoD, and DON policy. 4.  References (h) and (i) provide non-exhaustive lists of permissible and  prohibited political activities by Service Members.  Service Members may not  engage in partisan political activity while on duty and should avoid  inferences that their personal political activities imply, or appear to  imply, official sponsorship, approval, or endorsement by the DON or DoD. 5.  This ALNAV is not all-encompassing or an authoritative source for all  regulations pertaining to the use of social media by Service Members.  For  further guidance, Service Members should review the references.     a.  Reference (f) can be found at  [https://www.marines.mil/portals/1/docs/2021usmcsocialmediahanbook.pdf     b.  Reference (g) can be found at https://www.navy.mil/Social-Media/     c.  Reference (h) can be found at  [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Messages/ALNAV/ALN2024/ALN24061.txt? ver=GsHur1JAR0_ynNu6T3Qwsg%3d%3d 6.  Released by Mr. Terence G. Emmert, Acting Secretary of the Navy.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//  
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