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Everything posted by radioman

  1. That's awesome! I haven't heard anything so I'm assuming it's the silent "N" as usual. Well to be fair I didn't find out that I made board until my BOL updated lol. Good luck everyone!
  2. Well looks like the individual that told me this was incorrect lol. Here's to hoping for results on the 18th! Regardless of the outcome, I can definitively say I exceed all the requirements listed in my rating's career path - I've done all that I can control now! Good luck everyone, hope everyone sees the "S"!
  3. I have heard (verbally) that it is likely SELRES results will be released sooner than 18 July due to the board adjourning early. Anyone else hear the same? It's getting rather close to the 18th regardless, so not sure how much earlier it can get lol. Good luck to all!
  4. SELRES quotas were released yesterday and the board information disappeared from my Performance Evaluation Continuity Report 2 days ago... Looks like the board finished quite a bit earlier than expected. Good luck to all, hopefully the results come out soon!
  5. Well one week down for the SELRES board! Anyone have any information on when results will be released yet?
  6. Sorry to hear that. I guess the only thing you can do now is start working towards next year! Good luck to you!
  7. I still haven't seen a profile sheet for this test. Not a deal breaker for me as long as I really am SBE lol.
  8. Found out I was SBE... when I checked my BOL. Good luck to all.
  9. Nothing heard over here... has anyone else heard any updates?
  10. Nothing heard so far... anyone have any updates?
  11. I won't be making it this upcoming year myself (transitioning to Reserves after 13 yrs AD in April) - but wish the best for all you on here! Good luck and hopefully you get the "S" in FY-22.
  12. Guessing we will find out tomorrow. It's 2000 here...
  13. Anyone still waiting on results? My command has not put anything out yet.
  14. I need to earn a PhD and become a c-level executive at a Fortune 500 company in order to have a shot.
  15. Just waiting on the AD one to post and hoping the one you posted was revised (not likely, I know) lol
  16. Not on the list myself - but congrats to those who made it!
  17. I'll let it slide if my name is on the list . The board convenes soon - good luck everyone.
  18. Same here. My command separated them - still show no errors in BOL so I think it's ok.
  19. Just nervously waiting now. I show A1 in BUPERS! Good luck all.
  20. Just received the "A" on the 7th. Was starting to get nervous. Good luck to all that applied. Just out of curiosity - anyone still waiting on the "A" in BOL?
  21. It's funny that you mentioned concern about the order, as I am having a personal struggle myself. I have the checklist, my letter, then CO's statement followed by enclosures. I am nervous because the CO recommendation is first in the template - but my command advised me to place CO endorsement after my application. *I wanted to follow the template verbatim... but the CO is going to sign it and I won't have enough time to fix it by the deadline if I'm wrong. Any one else have any thoughts on this?
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