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SK2006 last won the day on February 3 2020

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  1. Try to rest everyone and take it easy. I still remember resting that night I got selected. I still was woken up by my CO with the good news. What helped me get at-ease was my mentor who provided some good words that said (not exactly verbatim, but I hope you get the point), "You are an amazing Sailor and will be surprised if you ain't selected. But remember, there are a lot of amazing Sailors in the fleet. Be proud of those who were selected and if you don't get selected, it's ok cuz the Navy just got a bunch of OUTSTANDING Chiefs and that's an amazing addition to the mess! Be proud of the bigger picture and stay the course".
  2. Good Luck Guys and Gals! I hope to see you all have made it tmmr!
  3. Well that's interesting. The only advice I can give you is be ok with what you put in your LTB. Don't feel like you will have regrets whether you address or not. Make your best decision and stick with it. Because there is no worst feeling then getting the N and telling yourself, "If I did it differently, maybe I would've gotten an S". Make your best decision and be ok with that. There is no right or wrong here. We all have to make decisions in regards to our career all the time, what makes us strive to do better is being good with the outcome.
  4. PERS-8 discussed this directly back in 2018. All adverse information FC-38 will be addressed in the tank as it is required. Though adverse information past 5 years will have a lesser impact to your SSP, it will still be addressed. There is nothing wrong with letting the board know in you LTB how you overcame it. It's good to let them know you own it and improved, especially if it's within the last 5 years. The other option is to leave it alone and let your record speak for itself to how you overcame it. At the end of the day it's your package and whether you choose to address it or not is up to you.
  5. Thanks! As for the Officer PPME, I think it was just a little bit longer then the others. I can't fully remember. But I'm not sure if it's still available on e-learning. If so it definitely a great course to do. I've been a lurker until 2018 as well. Lots of great info. And I agree, showing stats really does allow us to see where we all are to this point. But not only that, posting stats helps the future applicants see the trend as well for their future endeavors. So let's all start posting stats and give future applicants a good understanding of the FY21 LDO/CWO ISPB applicants!
  6. I hear ya. So I'll jump in on this: - Awards: SOQ x2, JSOQ, NAM x6, FLOC x3, MOVSM -Quals: ATTWO, Chief of the Guard, Gun Liason Officer, CFL, Hazmat Certifier, IDPC, and in-rate quals - Primary duties: Acting DLCPO ship (as a PO1) x2 evals, Acting DIV LCPO shore (as a PO1), current DIV LCPO on shore. Education: 58 college credits, Officer PPME, Enlisted PPME, JPME Collaterals: FCPOA President x2 (ship and shore), Diversity Committee President, CCC, ACFL, SAPR, VITA rep, ATTT, Command Indoc Coordinator Evals trend: above RSCA past 5 years with break-outs. First time applying as well. Thought it would be my last until I found out they accept waivers up to 6 months and not a day more. Hoping to get it this time around. The process from start to finish is brutal lol
  7. I kinda wrote about it in my previous post. Nuclear board just started. All members (including nukes) are listed on one enclosure same for the quotas. Releasing the membership and quotas now will allow all nuclear applicants to know that information prior to the board wrapping up. As for why they are holding the information beyond that, not sure.
  8. The precepts that is currently posted on NPC covers for all active duty and reserve to include nuclear applicants. The full precepts (with memberships) and quotas used to be be provided after the ldo board convened or adjourned. This has been changing the last few years for many reasons. But the nuclear board has just convened (Jan 28) so they haven't provided the membership/quotas to avoid having the nuclear applicants know who and what the quota is before the board finished. As to why they are gonna wait to publish that information until the results are out are beyond my paygrade. But one thing is for sure, the information will be provided between when the nuclear board is adjourned and when the results come out.
  9. I had two LORs submitted. One from my prior CO and the other was my prior DH both at different commands. It never hurts to say more, especially if your record is already good. To me it's all about that little extra edge because there is alot of awesome Sailors around the world doing great things in our navy. Tough competition is out there. And also, didn't want any doubts in my mind I presented the best full picture of me to the board I can cuz blk 43 is limited only to 18 lines. Just saying
  10. Last year they came out after the board finished up. Recently, I've been hearing rumors it won't come out until or right before the results come out. Unknowns are the worst. So for now I'm just focusing on that "S" in BOL and my name on the navadmin. I'm more sure about that then guessing dates.
  11. I hear yeah. Same here no changes from the previous year. On another note, 651x has a phrase that I still can't get an answer on. In the discrete requirements it says "applicant's entire record (evals/awards) should highlight superior communication, technical expertise..." Usually the board goes back 5 years, but under designator 651x, members go all the way back. I have yet to find anyone who is willing to confirm whether this is the case or not. I'll hear things like board members will go back past 5 years if the competition is tough but nothing 651x related.
  12. FY21 Discrete Requirements and Precepts are out on NPC. https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/boards/administrative/ldo_cwo/Pages/PreviousLDOCWOBoard.aspx No quotas. Most likely going be released with the membership list after the board has adjourned.
  13. Quotas are normally released after the board convening date. Not too hopeful that they will be released this Thursday or Friday.
  14. I just checked my eval continuity report in BOL and it's showing the board number for the LDO/CWO ISPB. Anyone else showing this?
  15. For stats on FY20 LDO/CWO ISPB: https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/officer/communitymanagers/active/ldo_cwo/Documents/LDO and CWO Recruiting Brief.pptx On slides 21 & 22 you will find some data that you were inquiring about.
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